Should Same Sex Couples Be Allowed To Adopt?

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The OTz Gold-Digguh!!
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hell yes they shoulddd!
who cares, as long as they love the adopted / or whatever childd..
than LET them.
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I am right there with you. Sorry, but these are the beliefs I was also instilled with. And Mulder, I am sure he is above teen age. I myself am 35, just in case you wanted to bash me as well. I'm sorry, my opinion is that homosexuality has been brought to the fore front now thanks in all parts to the media, preaching: it's accpeptable, celebrities are gay, it's ok. People act like it's a condition to be gay, yes upbringing has ALOT probably to do with it, but it's A CHOICE!!!! You don't inherit it for fuck sake, It's not in your DNA to be gay. Sorry to offend any gays here, but my 2 cents on the matter is, being gay is a to satisfy perverse sexual urges(last I checked men still can't get pregnant, and another woman can't knock another woman up) and to scream "LOOK AT ME, I'M GAY, I'M DIFFERENT, I'M SPECIAL!!!

When did you choose to be heterosexual?


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1)Two gay men is not a father figure. A father figure is the run of the mill "lets go play a game of catch and talk about girls". I am not saying that two gay are any less of a father, but it is not the norm.
2)I picked roman as an example, I could pick at on of historical sources to show flaws in children of single parents. this is to show its nothing new, evne if times change.
3)I never said society was pretty. Infact I said life is hard. However, in most every single society (I cant think of an Angellical society where this wouldnt take place) you will rub elbows with someone who will not approve of your parents, and you will feel the impact in one way or another.
4)Im not saying adoption isnt for everyone, i feel as though homosexual couples, despite how "ready" they are will NEVER be the best choice for the CHILD. The couple obviously must be positive they are ready, but I assume thats given most of the time.

To answer your question, Id say the question should be Adoption vs Orphanages. Even then, I do not know enough about the latter to make a fair claim. Sorry for the dis-oranged numbering of responses, I am exhausted :(

1) But there are gay men who play sports, will play a game of catch, have dated women and can talk about them with a son. I recognize that it's simply an example, but the reality is that not all gay men are flamers as portrayed on tv; and frankly, that description would leave out a few straight male friends who really suck at sports and would have dubious comments about women. Being gay is not the majority, right.

2) The Roman comparison is just too distant. I get what you're shooting for, but the simple truth is that there can be evidence found to support just about any stance.

3) Right. Society isn't pretty. It's even uglier to use that bad behavior as support for continuing in the same fashion.

4) You're making a pre-judgment call against all homosexuals, which implies that all heterosexual couples are ultimately better suited to be parents, but we can all pick up the newspaper and read abuse cases that clearly show not all heterosexuals are good parents. So your blanket judgment call just doesn't make sense in my view. I understand that it's what works for you.


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I am right there with you. Sorry, but these are the beliefs I was also instilled with. And Mulder, I am sure he is above teen age. I myself am 35, just in case you wanted to bash me as well. I'm sorry, my opinion is that homosexuality has been brought to the fore front now thanks in all parts to the media, preaching: it's accpeptable, celebrities are gay, it's ok. People act like it's a condition to be gay, yes upbringing has ALOT probably to do with it, but it's A CHOICE!!!! You don't inherit it for fuck sake, It's not in your DNA to be gay. Sorry to offend any gays here, but my 2 cents on the matter is, being gay is a to satisfy perverse sexual urges(last I checked men still can't get pregnant, and another woman can't knock another woman up) and to scream "LOOK AT ME, I'M GAY, I'M DIFFERENT, I'M SPECIAL!!!

I recognize that a dislike/distaste toward homosexuals is still very present in our society, and that's your right. But I think you're misinformed (not that I believe your ultimate opinion will change regardless of information presented).

For example, one man may be attracted to tall slender women, while another man is attracted to well-rounded women with lots of curves. This is very basic and for many people may be based upon learned behavior, and for others, regardless of what the societal standard of beauty is, will have other opinions. (It works well that way, or we'd all be vying for the same type of person ;) )

If someone is readily swayed by Popular Opinion, then perhaps it's simply because her or she was already 'wired' that way. But the bottom line is that what appeals, appeals. When we choose to act upon it, then we make a choice.

So a homosexual may opt to never act upon his or her homosexuality in favor of fitting into a heterosexual society. That is the choice. Not whether or not he or she is attracted to members of the same gender.

Some of us aren't geared toward Making Babies so who we sleep with doesn't have the slightest bearing upon the Baby-Making potential. If that's what drives you, so it does.

Homosexuals are actually just trying to say, I'm here, I'm not that much different from you, and I want the same basic things you do. For example, the ability to get married carries with it a number of legal ramifications that give same-gender mates some rights they otherwise have little or no recourse for.


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Below is why I believe what I believe... though perhaps you all are right and I should be more open. After all, many people lie all the time, and in God's eyes, all sin is the same... I wouldn't say a liar shouldn't adopt. I'll have to think about that.

Since I'm not a Christian, the basis of your beliefs don't transfer to me, but it's interesting to see your reasoning.

Not that I'm trying to dissuade you from potentially being more lenient in your beliefs toward homosexuals , but as a mere human, I'd think it'd be difficult to find all sins equal. For example, a child who lies and said she did not eat the last cookie, is hardly (in my view) on the same level as the person who robbed, then killed the local convenience store clerk. Or am I misinterpreting the "all sin is the same" comment?

Peter Parka

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Basis for adoption should be dependant on how well the adoptee can and will care for the child, sexuallity has nothing to do with that.


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Basis for adoption should be dependant on how well the adoptee can and will care for the child, sexuallity has nothing to do with that.
*gives you a skittle*
JSamm73 said:
it's A CHOICE!!!!
Gays say it's not a choice. Logic would suggest they'd know better than you since they are, in fact, gay. So I'll take their word over yours.

Each adoption case should be examined on an individual basis and discrimination against gays should not be part of the criteria.

So far no one in this thread has convinced me that gay couples could not raise children as well as straight couples.

I think the lamest excuse to discriminate against gay adoption would be that other kids would make fun of kids adopted by gay couples. Kids make fun of the kids of straight couples too. They make fun of a lot of things. So now we should discriminate against an entire segment of the population because of bullies? lol Sorry, that doesn't convince me.


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I am right there with you. Sorry, but these are the beliefs I was also instilled with. And Mulder, I am sure he is above teen age. I myself am 35, just in case you wanted to bash me as well. I'm sorry, my opinion is that homosexuality has been brought to the fore front now thanks in all parts to the media, preaching: it's accpeptable, celebrities are gay, it's ok. People act like it's a condition to be gay, yes upbringing has ALOT probably to do with it, but it's A CHOICE!!!! You don't inherit it for fuck sake, It's not in your DNA to be gay. Sorry to offend any gays here, but my 2 cents on the matter is, being gay is a to satisfy perverse sexual urges(last I checked men still can't get pregnant, and another woman can't knock another woman up) and to scream "LOOK AT ME, I'M GAY, I'M DIFFERENT, I'M SPECIAL!!!

How sad is our society when people who have been discriminated against for no good reason -- meaning they aren't hurting anybody -- can't actually stand up for themselves. Think about what you're saying here. I can't change your mind about homosexuals but let's look at it this way for a minute:

There are gay parades and gay pride whatevers because they've been oppressed for so long that they need to do something to tell people that it's okay. Without a form of "rebellion" or whatever you call it, what will change? If I discriminated against you for some bullshit reason, you would sit there and take it? I'm sure you wouldn't.

And about this perverse sexual urges thing. Even if what you said is true (which it isn't... it comes down to gays just being attracted to the same sex), I don't understand where perverse sexual urges is a bad thing by default. That's why fetishes exist.

And I am religious, just so people know. I understand the religious view on this shit but I don't stand by it. I stand by people of the world, I stand by doing what I feel is right. Oppressing people isn't what I deem as right.

Each adoption case should be examined on an individual basis and discrimination against gays should not be part of the criteria.
I say this time and time again, about every single thing in existence but not enough people live by that.


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*gives you a skittle*

Gays say it's not a choice. Logic would suggest they'd know better than you since they are, in fact, gay. So I'll take their word over yours.

Each adoption case should be examined on an individual basis and discrimination against gays should not be part of the criteria.

So far no one in this thread has convinced me that gay couples could not raise children as well as straight couples.

I think the lamest excuse to discriminate against gay adoption would be that other kids would make fun of kids adopted by gay couples. Kids make fun of the kids of straight couples too. They make fun of a lot of things. So now we should discriminate against an entire segment of the population because of bullies? lol Sorry, that doesn't convince me.

but are way too rational for a topic like this one :24:


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Like I said, it's my opinion, not fact. And seriously, I meant no disrespect to gays, it's just something I don't agree with. Once again, my opinion.


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I believe in what I feel is right, I believe in God with my whole heart. At the same time, I feel like if I live my life in good nature, and I live to what I feel is the best way to live, I will not be judged poorly

Also, Leviticus is from the Hebrew Scripts, its old and afaik its only part of the King James bible.
Corinthians is pretty much lumping together anything outside of marriage, which I can understand as being poor.

I am sure (positive) that there are even more quotes to condemn homosexuality. However, I could quote things to justify leaving them to their own buisness. I feel like I can sum up an infalliable arguement by a simple quote of the Bible...
Luke 6:37 of most modern Bibles...

Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

No mortal man is good enough to place judgement over those. You may attempt to help them, but you should avoid judging them. That is how I feel anyways. I dont think it is right (to be honest), however, its not my call to make. Let them live the way they want to live, if they want help, give them your hand and guide them to a better path. If they wish to not take your hand, do not look down on them, but continue down a virtuous path.
You make a good point, but... is there a degree to which a sin should be unacceptable? I mean, we punish people who murder or rape children (for obvious reasons), so why do we pass judgement on those people? Only because it hurts other people in the society?

So then, would you say that we should not pass judgement on anything that does not affect other people, but we should pass judgement on things that can affect other people?

I'm not sure of the right answer here... just brainstorming and picking yours.


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Homophobia is infact a recent thing.. the greeks and the roman, they were all at it like rabbits.. had anything that moved let me tell u.. homosexuality wasnt considered wrong at all.. i think after this stint of homophobia.. ppl are becoming more open minded from generation to generation.. eg.. my grandfather... "u bunch of nancy boys that disgusting"
.. my father.. "its not for me.. do what u must do but i dont nee dot know about it"... me "ok so ur gay.. and?"

i think same sex couples SHOULD be allowed to adopt.. at the end of the day it is 2 people prepared to look after a child in a stable enviroment.


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Homophobia is infact a recent thing.. the greeks and the roman, they were all at it like rabbits.. had anything that moved let me tell u.. homosexuality wasnt considered wrong at all.. i think after this stint of homophobia.. ppl are becoming more open minded from generation to generation.. eg.. my grandfather... "u bunch of nancy boys that disgusting"
.. my father.. "its not for me.. do what u must do but i dont nee dot know about it"... me "ok so ur gay.. and?"

i think same sex couples SHOULD be allowed to adopt.. at the end of the day it is 2 people prepared to look after a child in a stable enviroment.
At the same time, pornography is becoming more and more acceptable in today's society, but does that make it right? I think you are right in what you are saying, that people are desensitizing themselves to homosexuality, but I'm not so sure it's a good thing.


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Whats wrong with pornography??....jebus someone needs to wake up to 2008;)

Now in all seriousness...i understand your point of view..though it in all honesty sickens me...i can at least try to see your view point.

Can i just quickly point out that homosexuality has been around since the dawn of has only recently been accepted...why you ask??...because there is nothing wrong in who you choose to love. And any follower and lover of god who denies and rejects these people, in my eyes are sinners themselves.

You preach of what is right and what is say God denies this inferior place in his heart....Yet you contradict the fact that God is in us all...he loves us matter what skin, religion, sexuality....

My god is THE GOD ...your God is a cult who judges.


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Whats wrong with pornography??....jebus someone needs to wake up to 2008;)

Now in all seriousness...i understand your point of view..though it in all honesty sickens me...i can at least try to see your view point.

Can i just quickly point out that homosexuality has been around since the dawn of has only recently been accepted...why you ask??...because there is nothing wrong in who you choose to love. And any follower and lover of god who denies and rejects these people, in my eyes are sinners themselves.

You preach of what is right and what is say God denies this inferior place in his heart....Yet you contradict the fact that God is in us all...he loves us matter what skin, religion, sexuality....

My god is THE GOD ...your God is a cult who judges.
I never said God didn't love homosexuals the same way he loves everyone else - He does. And I'm purely expressing my own viewpoint based on my interpretation of the Bible. I could be wrong, so don't blame God for that, blame me. :)

And God's Holy Spirit is not in us all... it is only in those who have trusted Him as their saviour.