Hi, siasl....
I have an opinion on your question.... not necessarily an answer...
To me... lust is strictly wanting (wanton) something to fulfill an immediate or not long lasting self need. I consider it sexual only.... I don't think one can lust for chocolate or money or fame..... IMO.
You can have desires for many things... like chocolate, money, fame.... whatever. But lust is sexual and short lived.
Passion..... Gawd do I love passion.... Passion can encompass just about everything a person wants.... needs.... desires.... wishes for....
To have passion is to feel alive and sensual.
I've had a kiss (and given that kiss back) that was so passionate it took my breath away literally.... nothing more was needed... that moment was like an earthquake of the soul... bringing on a weakness so strong that all else was blocked....
.... and I'm talking just a kiss.....
I've had sex just as passionate that was all consuming.... sorry no details....
Passion for your kids, your SO, your job, your talents, your life period..... is something everyone should experience.... If not....
Anyway.... that's my opinion .....
BTW.... regarding porn.... I can take it or leave it.... my mind has a vivid imagination.... and well.... that's all I have to say about that.....