Should Same Sex Couples Be Allowed To Adopt?

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0.00z a single parent Hans....and i would like to see where you get your figures from!!!
I also was raised with only a mother until i was like 14 or so when my mom me and married a retired Navy Chief (E7, ftw. I'm and E5 and my half-bro was E6). I never really saw him as a father cuz he came into our family late, but he still had an impact as i joined the navy
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At this time, there is in no way that this should be allowed. There have been multiple historical, psychological, and all sorts of other tests that show potential trouble with 1 parent or 2 of the same sex parents. One of the more obvious reasons is that you expose your child to unnatural, or at the very least, an anti-social norm at a very young age. On top of that, at a young age they will be laughed at, talked about, and parents will talk down on their parents about your adopted child.

Historically, a lot of things have been changed. I suggest this is one of those things that can also be changed. Also, homosexuality is not unnatural, but it's unlikely that those who believe it is, will change their minds.

As for my original statement, you can read a ton of Roman-eqsue history stories where a father dies early, or isnt around to help raise their son. A good portion of terrible times in Rome(as well as other places, but Rome is the easiest to cite) are accounted to this. Nero, whos adpoted uncle was Claudis (Tiberius Drusus) was never around/probably crazy, and failed to raise him. Nero almost destroyed the Roman empire single handedly. Claudius himself had the exact same similar situation, as did numerous others. There are also many psych tests that also draw hypothesis that show 80% of children raised by single/same sexed parents will develop social issues later on.

So, your argument appears to be that there should always be a father figure for boys. That should make two gay men very well adapted to raising boys.

Frankly, I don't see the value in comparing us to Romans for this purpose.

Obviously some children will be fine, but adoption is not for everyone. The only way I can see it even being NEAR the best interest of the CHILD (not the couple, adoption should NEVER for ANY reason be about the couple) is it if WANTS to be with a homosexual couple, and understands the social strain he will probably endure. No teen can probably make ths until 16 years old, but then its hardly a child anyways.

You're right, adoption is not for everyone, But, every couple absolutely must consider themselves first, and how they are willing to adapt and change both as individuals and as a couple, in order to adopt and raise one or more children.

The social strain a child will "endure" from being raised by a homosexual couple, says a lot about the society you support and how badly it behaves by not only allowing a child to be tormented by something beyond his or her control, but also *supporting* that abuse.

The bottom line is that yes: there are people who are going to be mean to the child because they cannot separate their hatred or distaste of the parents' lifestyle, from the child. And they'll be abusive to the child.

Question is: why is that not only okay, but supported as a valid excuse to disallow a child who needs a family, from one?


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Historically, a lot of things have been changed. I suggest this is one of those things that can also be changed. Also, homosexuality is not unnatural, but it's unlikely that those who believe it is, will change their minds.

So, your argument appears to be that there should always be a father figure for boys. That should make two gay men very well adapted to raising boys.

Frankly, I don't see the value in comparing us to Romans for this purpose.

You're right, adoption is not for everyone, But, every couple absolutely must consider themselves first, and how they are willing to adapt and change both as individuals and as a couple, in order to adopt and raise one or more children.

The social strain a child will "endure" from being raised by a homosexual couple, says a lot about the society you support and how badly it behaves by not only allowing a child to be tormented by something beyond his or her control, but also *supporting* that abuse.

The bottom line is that yes: there are people who are going to be mean to the child because they cannot separate their hatred or distaste of the parents' lifestyle, from the child. And they'll be abusive to the child.

Question is: why is that not only okay, but supported as a valid excuse to disallow a child who needs a family, from one?
1)Two gay men is not a father figure. A father figure is the run of the mill "lets go play a game of catch and talk about girls". I am not saying that two gay are any less of a father, but it is not the norm.
2)I picked roman as an example, I could pick at on of historical sources to show flaws in children of single parents. this is to show its nothing new, evne if times change.
3)I never said society was pretty. Infact I said life is hard. However, in most every single society (I cant think of an Angellical society where this wouldnt take place) you will rub elbows with someone who will not approve of your parents, and you will feel the impact in one way or another.
4)Im not saying adoption isnt for everyone, i feel as though homosexual couples, despite how "ready" they are will NEVER be the best choice for the CHILD. The couple obviously must be positive they are ready, but I assume thats given most of the time.

To answer your question, Id say the question should be Adoption vs Orphanages. Even then, I do not know enough about the latter to make a fair claim. Sorry for the dis-oranged numbering of responses, I am exhausted :(


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Yeah I think if a child is adopted by a same sex couple they're gonna have a more liberal view on homosexuality....but that's not really a bad thing.

That would be a great thing. Homosexuality (and bis) needs to be cherished just like heterosexuals.

The only thing that would possibly worry me is that the child may get bullied etc at school.

Yeah, I'm just really sick of how homo-negative (or phobic, but what constitutes fear is up to debate) people seem to be. And I'm sick of bullshit gender roles.

Some people are defined by society, as well. Just because something is viewed by society as bad doesn't make it bad. Some people don't seem to get that. It's like when people are all for the law but some of the laws were bullshit to begin with.

Anyway, I just want to say that the problems that gays have thrown at them make me want to put a shotgun in my face.


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That would be a great thing. Homosexuality (and bis) needs to be cherished just like heterosexuals.

Yeah, I'm just really sick of how homo-negative (or phobic, but what constitutes fear is up to debate) people seem to be. And I'm sick of bullshit gender roles.

Some people are defined by society, as well. Just because something is viewed by society as bad doesn't make it bad. Some people don't seem to get that. It's like when people are all for the law but some of the laws were bullshit to begin with.

Anyway, I just want to say that the problems that gays have thrown at them make me want to put a shotgun in my face.
I firmly believe that homosexuality, bisexuality, sex outside of marriage, and everything in between is a sin.

So that is why I am "homophobic" or whatever you want to call it. And I'm sure I will continue to be the rest of my life, along with many others, regardless of what anyone says. The battle over this subject is never going to end, that's for sure.


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I firmly believe that homosexuality, bisexuality, sex outside of marriage, and everything in between is a sin.

So that is why I am "homophobic" or whatever you want to call it. And I'm sure I will continue to be the rest of my life, along with many others, regardless of what anyone says. The battle over this subject is never going to end, that's for sure.

i don't know about never....but not anytime soon, that's for sure
and you are entitled to your beleifs.....i would hope no one here is advocating that you shouldn't be allowed freedom of thought....

the arguement is about social policy, and whether your beliefs should dictate what's good for everyone else.


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i don't know about never....but not anytime soon, that's for sure
and you are entitled to your beleifs.....i would hope no one here is advocating that you shouldn't be allowed freedom of thought....

the arguement is about social policy, and whether your beliefs should dictate what's good for everyone else.
True. My hope is that most people will continue to side with me on this subject, and that should help dictate social policy.


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And it's why we'll never unite, because we have hatred for no reason.

So why are you all those things you mentioned above, SgtSpike? I'm sincerely asking. I mean, I know it has to do with religion but how do you justify it?


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True. My hope is that most people will continue to side with me on this subject, and that should help dictate social policy.
Wow...i didnt think people like you still existed...your like in a whole other era!!!Fair play for speaking your mind...shame the majority of society have moved on from homophobia / racism and sexism. Guess you got left behind??



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Its his faith in religion. The interpretation of the Bible is mostly based on the lack of comment on man+man/woman+woman. Most Christians are inspired to better people, and preventing homosexuality in their case (in their eyes) helping them become a pure, better person. I dont agree with that at all, however, saying most of society has moved on is also ignorant. There is a LARGEEEE population of people who are NOT in anyway for gay marriage, much less adoption of a child.

I do think it is a shame though that people are so zealous that they will not allow people to practice their own beliefs in private. I do believe for the time being, even if I also personally disagree with it, a population such as homosexual couples should attempt to not flaunt it, and at the same time, homophobes should not hate them. I do feel it is a shame to say that, but I think if homosexuals want rights, theyll need to be accepted by people. The best way to do that is by baby-step reforms, and not by having a gay-marriage parade to enrage the homophobic populations.


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Yes they should be allowed to..

1) I know tons of single parents... with a gay couple there would be two parents that loves the child.
2) There are tons of kids out there without families and not all gay couples want an infant adoption!
3) They would make awesome parents because they wanted the child. Do you know how many people out there have kids they don't even want!?!?!?!

I agree to both your posts. Oh and congrates on havin a kid. :)


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Its his faith in religion. The interpretation of the Bible is mostly based on the lack of comment on man+man/woman+woman. Most Christians are inspired to better people, and preventing homosexuality in their case (in their eyes) helping them become a pure, better person. I dont agree with that at all, however, saying most of society has moved on is also ignorant. There is a LARGEEEE population of people who are NOT in anyway for gay marriage, much less adoption of a child.

I do think it is a shame though that people are so zealous that they will not allow people to practice their own beliefs in private. I do believe for the time being, even if I also personally disagree with it, a population such as homosexual couples should attempt to not flaunt it, and at the same time, homophobes should not hate them. I do feel it is a shame to say that, but I think if homosexuals want rights, theyll need to be accepted by people. The best way to do that is by baby-step reforms, and not by having a gay-marriage parade to enrage the homophobic populations.
Below is why I believe what I believe... though perhaps you all are right and I should be more open. After all, many people lie all the time, and in God's eyes, all sin is the same... I wouldn't say a liar shouldn't adopt. I'll have to think about that.

Lev. 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."

Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them"

1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."

Rom. 1:26-28, "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."

Fox Mulder

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I firmly believe that homosexuality, bisexuality, sex outside of marriage, and everything in between is a sin.

And I'm sure I will continue to be the rest of my life, .

You are like 15 or something right? Come back and talk to us when you are 18 or 19!!! ;)


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Below is why I believe what I believe... though perhaps you all are right and I should be more open. After all, many people lie all the time, and in God's eyes, all sin is the same... I wouldn't say a liar shouldn't adopt. I'll have to think about that.

I am right there with you. Sorry, but these are the beliefs I was also instilled with. And Mulder, I am sure he is above teen age. I myself am 35, just in case you wanted to bash me as well. I'm sorry, my opinion is that homosexuality has been brought to the fore front now thanks in all parts to the media, preaching: it's accpeptable, celebrities are gay, it's ok. People act like it's a condition to be gay, yes upbringing has ALOT probably to do with it, but it's A CHOICE!!!! You don't inherit it for fuck sake, It's not in your DNA to be gay. Sorry to offend any gays here, but my 2 cents on the matter is, being gay is a to satisfy perverse sexual urges(last I checked men still can't get pregnant, and another woman can't knock another woman up) and to scream "LOOK AT ME, I'M GAY, I'M DIFFERENT, I'M SPECIAL!!!


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Below is why I believe what I believe... though perhaps you all are right and I should be more open. After all, many people lie all the time, and in God's eyes, all sin is the same... I wouldn't say a liar shouldn't adopt. I'll have to think about that.
I believe in what I feel is right, I believe in God with my whole heart. At the same time, I feel like if I live my life in good nature, and I live to what I feel is the best way to live, I will not be judged poorly

Also, Leviticus is from the Hebrew Scripts, its old and afaik its only part of the King James bible.
Corinthians is pretty much lumping together anything outside of marriage, which I can understand as being poor.

I am sure (positive) that there are even more quotes to condemn homosexuality. However, I could quote things to justify leaving them to their own buisness. I feel like I can sum up an infalliable arguement by a simple quote of the Bible...
Luke 6:37 of most modern Bibles...

Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

No mortal man is good enough to place judgement over those. You may attempt to help them, but you should avoid judging them. That is how I feel anyways. I dont think it is right (to be honest), however, its not my call to make. Let them live the way they want to live, if they want help, give them your hand and guide them to a better path. If they wish to not take your hand, do not look down on them, but continue down a virtuous path.


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Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

amen, brother.....if those who have faith in god would just take one thing from their book, let it be this... leave the rest of it to their seems to be important to him

and he probably has a lot better understanding what he means, anyway.

all of us are just a bunch of feelings about things.....some things feel good....some things feel bad
it all comes out of our experience, and most of it is learned from others, either because they set out to tell us what THEY feel is good or bad, or because of our experiences with them....

personally, the idea of gay sex leaves me is a zero on a scale of one to ten.....i don't find it repulsive or doesn't make me want to vomit.....i don't feel its a perversion....but there is nothing remotely interesting to me about it, either.

but then, i feel the same way about fake tits.

go figure....

on the other hand, i know gays AND women with fake tits would i'd let adopt my daughter, if the situation became necessary.....they love kids, and would either make, or already are, supportive parents.

i've also known members of both sexes and both orientations that i don't feel should be around kids at all....their lives exist in a cloud of destructive behavior...they are acquaintances, and we have mutual friends....but they aren't friends of mine, because i don't feel good being around them.

the difference between these two groups is simple:
the first ones know who they are (which means they know they're not perfect, they don't pretend, they're comfortable -accepting life as a joyous struggle to achieve the things that make them happy)
the second one doesn't know who they are....which means they tend to make they're failings someone else's problem, and so tend to live in a world of suspicion, doubt, and fear.​
which, ironically, is the same kind of thing i hear when someone starts telling me about what's best for everyone, i.e., morality.

and so it goes :ninja

whatever you have faith in...and we all have faith in something, imo.....honor's yours, and no one else's.
keep it that way, and the world will be a better place.