As for your idea of the couple, for mos same sex couples it IS about the couple. You may want to butter it up and spin it in a number of ways, but when you cut away the bullshit (no offenes obviously), you have a couple that wants a child.
and this is different for heterosexual couple that want to adopt?
what are do you imagine that they're after?....rhubarb pie?
this portion of your arguement makes no sense whatsoever, unless you're coming from the place of some noble (and pious) selflessness, which is a spin all its own
Why would you even consider the risk of damaging a child by giving it to a couple, who even if near perfect, will be scared by the public? The truth is differences of any kind, are often feared and looked down upon. Homosexuality is different, for better or worse is up to the person, but it is different. If people dont get it, if they believe their religion doesnt accept if, if they are homophobic, this child will feel the backlash.
if it's all about protecting the child from backlash, then it's the same junk that some kids put up with every day....because they have a hairlip, because they stutter, because, because, because....difference is difference....if children are taught to fear gay couples because someone's religion doesn't accept it, or any other reason you can come up with, and their own child's teasing of adopted children of gay couples is condoned on the basis of moral difference, fear, or whatever else signifies difference to you, then america is neither the land of the free nor the home of the brave now, is it?
people nowadays make such a big deal about parental responsibility and teaching that to their children....time for we the people to stand up and start owning what the words mean.
sure, some kids will be scarred because of their difference...others are scarred because of their sameness....there are simply too many variables to manage a hundred percent protected use that arguement in this discussion is a pathetic excuse for "truth", imo :thumbdown
If you give it to a normal couple, this risk is not there.
this pretty much sums it up....a "normal" couple....not a loving, nurturing, supportive couple.....
normal is good enough, thank you very much.
oh yeah, and btw.....i get to define normal.....
So, why give the child to a homosexual couple over a normal couple who wants a child?
i don't think anybody is advocating going out and looking for gay couples, in favor of straight couples, and then passing out kids to them......
i also don't think it's too cool to put a sign on the door of an adoption agency that says "only normal couples need apply".....and that's what your advocating.....