YOUR Trayvon Martin theory - what exactly happened?

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What stopped you?

You seem to be easily suspect you jerk off while giving red honest

The forum is well aware of your credibility..I dont have to say anything.

In certain situations..such as neighborhood guards etc.

Your question was poorly structured thus the given response.

Incorrect again...learn to use proper sentence structure.

You wish....I dont give a shit about you roughshod debate style with red reps as an effort to prevent a response from an opponent..,,I suspect you gain an odd sexual pleasure while giving red reps
Its obvious that you have issues and are not happy with your given character in public.

I highly suspect you have been humiliated several times in your life dating back to high school debate....the guy that got his books slapped out of his hands after school and cried home to mommy then went to his room and cried .

I also suspect you have also had trouble adapting to your geographical location as you cant pull off the big city boy image...and get rather upset when people mock you while standing inline as you seem out of place.

Man it sure does suck to be you doesnt it retro

Wrong on all counts, The "man". I seem to have gotten under your skin, so my mission was accomplished. I'll merely say that my credibility has never had a problem around here... I've never lied in a discussion or otherwise made facts up. So it would behoove you to stop calling me a liar, lest you impeach your character even further than you have already. As for my geographic location... you don't know where I live, nor whether or not I do or do not seem out of place. I also haven't ever been humiliated in my life that I can recall... I've never really given a shit what other people think about me, as long as I'm true to myself. That being said, I never had books slapped out of my hands after class, not even when I was a 16 year old in college. Chew on that one, would 'ya?

It actually doesn't suck to be me... I don't have any issues with who I am or what I've accomplished in my life. I've actually been pretty successful and done more in my 29 years on this planet than a lot of people twice my age. But, if it makes you feel better about yourself to create this other image of me in order to feel better about yourself, then go for it. I'm not going to tell you what to think or do, if you want to live in a make believe world that you've made up... by all means, I hope it works out for you. :D

Now how about you get your hardon for me under control and go back to the thread at hand. Or are you going to continue stalking me and making things awkward for yourself? The choice is wholly up to you... but I suggest that you choose wisely.

That all being said, I still can't quite understand how some people have come to the conclusion that Trayvon Martin stalked and assaulted Zimmerman... it just doesn't fit with the 911 calls. It could be true, but from the facts that we have in evidence as of right now, it seems highly unlikely to have happened like that.

The Man

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...... removed by myself as to prevent fantasies by retro while reading the post.........:D

That all being said, I still can't quite understand how some people have come to the conclusion that Trayvon Martin stalked and assaulted Zimmerman... it just doesn't fit with the 911 calls. It could be true, but from the facts that we have in evidence as of right now, it seems highly unlikely to have happened like that.

Depends on what you are calling in days or hours?...No.
I think he waited for Zimmerman or walked back to Zimmerman...Zimmerman was cocky and martin whipped his ass.
I dont think he chased down martin..hell he couldn't have caught him.
If he did chase him down and it was Martin screaming ...wouldn't it be rather foolish to shoot as people will be looking out the window after the screaming.
I think if he was out to cap the guy...he would have just went up and capped him


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Keep the thread on-topic guys, your mutual hardon for me has gone beyond creepy and straight on into full stalker mode.

The Man

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Keep the thread on-topic guys, your mutual hardon for me has gone beyond creepy and straight on into full stalker mode.

You appear to be doing the you always come to my posts...I could give less than a fuck what you post TBO

Joe the meek

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I'll merely say that my credibility has never had a problem around here...

If the majority of topics discussed on an internet forum are technical in nature, perhaps "credibility" can't be open to debate, but since the majority of threads here are based on social issues, "credibility" of members here is in the eye of the beholder for the most part.


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Re: YOUR Treyvon Martin theory - what exactly happened?

You were implying that the racial shitstorm this has created was somehow fabricated. Someone calling a black man a coon minutes before shooting him to death tends to stir up some people emotions about racial sensitivity. Do you really find that surprising?
I'm not implying anything. I'm saying straight up that people are taking rumor, guesses, and half-truths, applying their own bigoted views of people (assuming motive based on skin color) and declaring either that the shooter is a racist murderer, or that the dead kid is a nigger thug who got his just desserts.

Making judgments before knowing the details is known as prejudice. Prejudiced bigots are taking a hyped news story and having a grand time, seeing an opportunity to flaunt their bigotry among more of their own kind.

The Man

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Re: YOUR Treyvon Martin theory - what exactly happened?

I'm not implying anything. I'm saying straight up that people are taking rumor, guesses, and half-truths, applying their own bigoted views of people (assuming motive based on skin color) and declaring either that the shooter is a racist murderer, or that the dead kid is a nigger thug who got his just desserts.

Making judgments before knowing the details is known as prejudice. Prejudiced bigots are taking a hyped news story and having a grand time, seeing an opportunity to flaunt their bigotry among more of their own kind.
IMO that is what caused the big publicity in the beginning....throw a story out there that is shocking and let the public do the rest,based on our emotions.
When this first hit the news we were bombed with several lies ..had this not occurred people would have the stance of.."was there a fight"...which is essentially what it comes down to.

Jackson {pretty much scum IMO} used his position to create much of this mess....that pretty much shows what kind of guy he is.
Contrary to popular belief he is not a well respected person in the black community..sure he has followers..but many cant stand him...He is one hate filled man with major issues.Most blacks see him as damage in regard to public relations.
We have made alot of progress in the last several decades stomping out racism just burns Jackson's ass to see blacks and white get along..he is truly one fucked up guy

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Re: YOUR Treyvon Martin theory - what exactly happened?

You were implying that the racial shitstorm this has created was somehow fabricated. Someone calling a black man a coon minutes before shooting him to death tends to stir up some people emotions about racial sensitivity. Do you really find that surprising?

I could be wrong but I believe the claim he uttered the word coon is something that came out weeks after the incident. The race issue then was well entrenched in the discussion by this time.

I saw a clip on tv a week or so ago where they played the tape and were trying to determine what he said. I missed the beginning of the tv clip so did not know what word they were talking about. They played it several times and I had no clue what he was saying. Then they commented about it possibly being coon. I would not have picked that word up from the tape.

When I first heard about the story it sure did seem to be a case of a crazy white man attacking a young boy. That was how the press portrayed it. Only after it hit the fan did it come out this was not a boy but a man. Anybody over 6' in height is physically a man. Also the reports were Zimmerman was 250 lbs. Which turned out to be about 70 lbs over his actual weight. Then they use a 5 year old mug shot of Zimmerman.

I get the fact a young man died unnecessarily. But one would have to be blind to not see how this was originally played in the press.

The Man

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A touchy subject I know...but many people feel as if a conspiracy is going on.
Do they still believe one is going on after we have learned more..or to just proud to change their original position and look like a fool as they were victims of the news.
One thing for sure is Jesse has been laughing his ass off.

From 12 years old... to police coverup there was a large effort by these racists to create a massive stir.
To make things worse I dont see anyone actually defending Zimmerman...but rather are just wanting all the details.
We then become racists because we don't agree to lynch someone without the facts.

Joe the meek

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We then become racists because we don't agree to lynch someone without the facts.

Actually, I wonder if I'm a racist if I think that perhaps one reason why Zimmerman thought Martin looked suspicious is because he (Martin) was wearing a hoodie.

I actually listen to what Geraldo Rivera (sp?) had to say about the "hoodie" and happened to agree with him. Then he (Rivera) gets crucified for it, and then I hear a black guy in the news say it would be all right for a black minister to talk to his youth about the same subject but NOT Rivera on the news. Why?

When you're driving in your car and you see something brown laying on the side of the road up ahead, sometimes you think it could be a dead dog that got hit by a car, only to find out that it's a brown bag. Point being, once your mind gets accustomed to seeing things, at first glance it could be what your accustom to, only to find out upon closer inspection, you were wrong.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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The crap with Gerald is just another example of where people can not speak their minds. It is no different than if I suggested to my son there are places in Detroit you don't want to be caught in by yourself. Or telling my daughters that if you dress a certain way you will get unwanted attention.


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Of course one can speak their mind, there's just backlash. Especially when one is on television saying something people don't want to hear.

What did Darrell tell me? The world's not always rocking horse people eating marshmallow pies, Pan.

I suppose the freedom to say what you want comes with the freedom of others to tear it down.

The Man

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Actually, I wonder if I'm a racist if I think that perhaps one reason why Zimmerman thought Martin looked suspicious is because he (Martin) was wearing a hoodie.

I actually listen to what Geraldo Rivera (sp?) had to say about the "hoodie" and happened to agree with him. Then he (Rivera) gets crucified for it, and then I hear a black guy in the news say it would be all right for a black minister to talk to his youth about the same subject but NOT Rivera on the news. Why?

When you're driving in your car and you see something brown laying on the side of the road up ahead, sometimes you think it could be a dead dog that got hit by a car, only to find out that it's a brown bag. Point being, once your mind gets accustomed to seeing things, at first glance it could be what your accustom to, only to find out upon closer inspection, you were wrong.

I think Zimmerman associated hoodie with crime...while someone wearing a hoodie doesnt make them does help in hide the face if one is a criminal.

Alot of places had been broken into in the gated community..gated being the main doesnt look the slums either but a rather nice place...Perhaps Zimmerman thought this is the guy"I know it is" repeated to himself.

Does a guy walking in the rain look could...what probably raised his suspicions more is the fact that he ran when he saw the watchman...Zimmerman is probably thinking "wow this guy just ran...why..this is the guy"

Not that I am defending that position...I can very well see why he would think such though...."I am not letting this thief get away"....we must remember there were a rash of burglaries...He may have convicted the guy in his mind because he ran.

I would also like to mention {and hopefully without being persecuted by members}...Martin had recently been caught at school with women's jewelry and burglars tools..I am not attacking the victim but merely stating information that people like to suppress....Anyway the guy may have very well been scoping the place....and thus ran when he saw Zimmerman as maybe martin figured he was "wanted" or had been seen or similar doing a burglary.

What difference does all this make? It could very well make all the difference in what happened when the 2 met.
Martin was running from something and may very well wanted to ensure his freedom in the immediate future.

I dont know all the facts...but I find it very plausible that Zimmerman was attacked...given all the other details we have.

Perhaps if we fully knew the reason he ran we would know what Martin had at stake which would help determine if he was willing to elevate to a highly violent condition if need be.

But back to race...did Zimmerman racially profile him?..It probably had weight the fact that he was young and black.
But on that same coin..had it been an elderly black man or lady he would not have had suspicions IMO.
The hoodie... I would be more suspicious of someone in a hoodie that someone that didnt have on a hoodie...same for a ski mask


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Re: YOUR Treyvon Martin theory - what exactly happened?

only problem is there is no history of him being batman while on neighborhood watch before.

Oh really? Hate to taint your new love and gun rights hero Zimmerman, but it turns out he has been playing Batman for some time:

George Zimmerman Neighbors Complained About Aggressive Tactics Before Trayvon Martin Killing

A volunteer community watch captain who shot an unarmed Florida teenager to death last month had been the subject of complaints by neighbors in his gated community for aggressive tactics, a homeowner said.

George Zimmerman has not been charged in the Feb. 26 shooting of Trayvon Martin, 17, who was walking home from a convenience store in Sanford, Fla., near Orlando.

Zimmerman, who patrolled the Retreat at Twin Lakes development in his own car, had been called aggressive in earlier complaints to the local police and the homeowner's association, according to a homeowner who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

At an emergency homeowner’s association meeting on March 1, “one man was escorted out because he openly expressed his frustration because he had previously contacted the Sanford Police Department about Zimmerman approaching him and even coming to his home,” the resident wrote in an email to HuffPost. “It was also made known that there had been several complaints about George Zimmerman and his tactics" in his neighborhood watch captain role.

The meeting was attended by Sanford Police Chief Bill Lee, the detective assigned to the investigation and an unnamed member of the city council, according to the homeowner’s association newsletter. The chief couldn't immediately be reached for comment about the complaints.

Looks like the Sanford PD knew Zimmerman and his associated neighborhood watch issues prior to him killing Martin.

plus he was not on watch duty at the time

So what? Did the homeowners association actually have a watch schedule? And if they did, how does this alleviate Zimmerman of responsibliity for this homocide?

as I said

It was the perfect storm

Yup - a Batman cop wannabe fuckwit sees a black teenager walking around talking to his girlfriend on the phone. Perfect storm indeed.

You sure seem to be an angry white man John

Hardly. But it takes a special kind of asshattery to defend Zimmerman.

So I guess it is not allowed to question the motives of Sharpton and Jackson despite their track record of jumping in on this kind of stuff.

The problem is with the angry white conservative one-issue gun rights voters who would support a homocidal idiot like Zimmerman for fear the gubbment might take their guns or change the SYG law and actually hold them responsible for piss poor judgement in using a firearm.

Case solved. John, Sharpton, Jackson say the guy is guilty and no need for a trial.

Speaking of asshattery - Sharpton and Jackson have only called for an arrest and trial. NOBODY has suggested otherwise EXCEPT for you Zimmerbot types who keep saying idiotic shit like this.

Give it a rest - saying shit like that makes you look like a troll.

The Man

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Why would he whine about the guy watching the place...and why is the guy whining after Zimmerman is gone?