How Can God Prove Himself?

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Minor Axis

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"Each time we sleep with a Houri we find her virgin. Besides, the penis of the Elected never softens. The erection is eternal; the sensation that you feel each time you make love is utterly delicious and out of this world and were you to experience it in this world you would faint. Each chosen one [i.e. Muslim] will marry seventy [sic] houris, besides the women he married on earth, and all will have appetizing vagina's."

Did you make this up? :humm:
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He's God, and whether you believe in him or not, he's the one who created you, and the one to see you in the Judgment Day.

In essence, it is humanity that created God because we conceived of Him/Her and interpret Him/Her in our own way. It's why every culture has some sort of worshipped diety and set of rules that said diety handed down to rule us and because we are flawed human beings we like to think our conception and set of rules is the right one and better than everyone else's.

There is no possibility of this Being being able to be perfect because each of our definitions of perfection differs.

While I do believe there is something out there greater than ourselves (whether that's a diety, energy, or a set of scientific rules, I don't know) that our minds cannot conceptualize at this point. Perhaps when we die that's when we find the answers...who knows!

But I cannot subscribe to or believe in anything that denegrates or excludes others just on a whim. That is something that is man made...just like God is in my opinion.

So I guess my answer is no, God cannot prove Himself/Herself because we create Him/Her.


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The thing with Islam is different, Quran was sent down by Allah=God to Muhammad(peace Be Upon Him) by Gabriel(PBUH)

How do you know the Quran was sent down by Allah? Maybe Muhammad lied. I'm not saying he did but how do you know he didn't?


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How do you know the Quran was sent down by Allah? Maybe Muhammad lied. I'm not saying he did but how do you know he didn't?
Well, you(not you you but I mean anyone in general) can come up with lies from now till ever on, if Muhammed(PBUH) is proven of not so doing, you can come up with someone else. However, Muhammed is called the illiterate prophet, which is one of God's miracles to prove that Muhammed did not come up with it(Subhan Allah, look now we know why he is illiterate, kinda ironic ha?) so he can't come up with such written Arabic, with good vocabulary and no grammar mistakes, that was divine buddy...


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Well, you(not you you but I mean anyone in general) can come up with lies from now till ever on, if Muhammed(PBUH) is proven of not so doing, you can come up with someone else. However, Muhammed is called the illiterate prophet, which is one of God's miracles to prove that Muhammed did not come up with it(Subhan Allah, look now we know why he is illiterate, kinda ironic ha?) so he can't come up with such written Arabic, with good vocabulary and no grammar mistakes, that was divine buddy...

:wtf::unsure: :shrug:


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While I do believe there is something out there greater than ourselves (whether that's a diety, energy, or a set of scientific rules, I don't know) that our minds cannot conceptualize at this point. Perhaps when we die that's when we find the answers...who knows!
That is kind of a step further to what can be called self-enlightenment, you know that something is there, but you don't know what he is(btw Gods is a he as far as the Quran is concerned) sure we'd all still be thinking what that entity is(remember Ibrahim - the story in the Quran- when he kept wondering what rules it all, he thought of things from nature the Sun and the Moon and he just couldn't figure out how such thing can rule it, they just come and go, even when you are religious or pray to a method of a kind you still think of God as entity, just that you know he exists, then you pray to worship him, you got it all...

But I cannot subscribe to or believe in anything that denegrates or excludes others just on a whim. That is something that is man made...just like God is in my opinion.

So I guess my answer is no, God cannot prove Himself/Herself because we create Him/Her.
So you still think that man created God!!!! how come? You think you are able to create something that can know everything, and last after you die, and that existed before you were born, we are human, and man is not immortal, God is.

Peter Parka

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How do you know god knows everything? In fact by subscribing to that view, you are actually saying god is a complete bastard because if he knows everything, then why did he allow so much suffering as a direct result of his actions?


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There is absolutely no need to spread out your answers in replies. Keep it tight. Lets talk about suicide bombers. Is targeting innocent people in public places condoned?
We did talk then the argument was drifted to accusing Islam of making people do such thing, so I prove you that Islam has nothing to do with individual cases, come on, are the numbers of bombing's victims to be compared to the numbers of children in Palestine that die everyday??
You should know that what is happening in Palestine(the bombing stopped about years ago, and Israel still kills innocent people, they just want an excuse and here they no more have it, they'll come up with something else to make Islam look evil)is all about revenge, they avenge the death of the ones they love, even if they are not justifying it.
That's the whole issue, if you want to treat it individually, religiously, It's a backlash.

Its just a book, but you are quoting it to try to prove your points. If it does not lay down the basics of your faith what does?
Tell me something I don't know, why do you think I quote for?

I did not quote all of your quotes, but let me summarize, no proof of God, his feelings for us, his rules, sorry.
Don't quite get that.

What does Allah do with those who don't commit? Is it not Hell what awaits those who do not abide? Come join the party! We really want you to think like we think because we don't want to see you burn in Hell. That is the threat overt or implied.
It's ironic ha?
If you(you in general) believe in God you will think of heaven, if you don't why does it concern you, I mean if you are afraid of it, then you believe that he exists, and you don't want to believe him at the same time, no questions about sheep in-line.

After all, what's wrong when you deter people no tot do something. US does it, and so does Korea with their nukes, they don't even mention any god rewards for abiding them, just scare you off.
To me, if it works, then it's ok.

Nope, no proof.
Yup, proof:D

You may have me there, but the Bible is based on ancient writings. And whether it was originally in the form of a script or written as a book is besides the point when it comes to proving anything about God.
You did say the argument would be about Islam. The Bible is that it's different from today's Bible, cuz some Jewish genius distorted it.

Nor can the truth of the words from the Quran be proven at all. I should forget the rest and just focus on this. You are intoxicated by the beauty of the Quran. Fine by me, until you claim you are working with facts. This is a fancy mystical argument which has influenced a great number of people but really means nothing if you rely on any kind of empirical evidence. Lots of wishful thinking going on in most mainstream religions.
I don't want to tell you to suit yourself, but you have empirical evidence when it comes to proving that God does not exist.

When you can prove these words are the word of God I might reconsider my views. Until then, this is your faith, nothing more. And it must be faith, because it can't be proven. IMO, you do a disservice to the intelligence of human beings promoting these ideas as facts. It illustrates a closed mindedness I would want no part of in my spiritual search.
Prove them not.

No more of a joke than any religion that claims to know the answers regarding mans relationship to God.
No religion knows, this relationship is kind of personal and between you and God. In Islam you don't have to go to somebody to satisfy the divine entity, you just pray from you to up.
(Who said that there is a religion that knows these answers, and what questions???)


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No religion knows, this relationship is kind of personal and between you and God. In Islam you don't have to go to somebody to satisfy the divine entity, you just pray from you to up.
(Who said that there is a religion that knows these answers, and what questions???)

so you are saying that there are multiple religions with multiple Cods and none of them know for certain if they are correct in the belief of that Cod...they are taking a chance in the hope that if there is an afterlife they have hitched there wagon to the right mule?


Minor Axis

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Yup, proof:D

I'm sorry, not trying to fight with you, but I can't disprove God exists, and you can't prove he does exist. All you can do is prove you have faith. Which may be enough for the followers of the Supreme Being, but it is not enough for those who question and make determinations based on some kind of empirical evidence. If such evidence existed, we would not be debating this. Blessings upon you. :)


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I'm sorry, not trying to fight with you, but I can't disprove God exists, and you can't prove he does exist. All you can do is prove you have faith. Which may be enough for the followers of the Supreme Being, but it is not enough for those who question and make determinations based on some kind of empirical evidence. If such evidence existed, we would not be debating this. Blessings upon you. :)
Neither do I, then who gave you the idea of fighting, Minor?
So true what you are saying, man can't prove it to others but can prove it to himself. However, the answer to the topic question is yes, God can(he has to us, and maybe we are not as willing to prove it as he does it, cuz after all there are people who believe he is, then he could prove)


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Scenario 2 likes u :D:D

that is of course assuming there is a god, I don't know if there is and quite honestly I don't care, even if he is I don't want anything from him and I certainly don't need him to tell me how to live my life.


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that is of course assuming there is a god, I don't know if there is and quite honestly I don't care, even if he is I don't want anything from him and I certainly don't need him to tell me how to live my life.
Umm, thinking you're not having quite good time right now. Look! God never tells us what to do, I don't know whether you believe he exists or not should know that God is capable of controlling our lives(come on he created the whole thing in six days, and it was to teach us to be patient, he could have done it a bit faster, again the whole thing) and God never tells people what to do with their lives, someone wants to be an engineer for example ad they work hard for it and they get it, another prefers something else and so on. You do know that man is let to choose, and not made choose, I think you can understand it better if you think it up, you'd be on the right track. God lets bad things happen,btw he lets them happen and gives it time but never ignores it, means God gets things back to normal, cuz people are not the same, some are bad, some are good so punishment is good, if it bad, it i only bad to those who mostly don't believe in him, and they won't even care or refer the punishment he gets to what he did, he dznt care.


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1. "I am the LORD your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before Me..."

2. "Do not make an image or any likeness of what is in the heavens above..."

3. "Do not swear falsely by the name of the LORD..."

4. "Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy"

5. "Honor your father and your mother..."

6. "Do not murder"

7. "Do not commit adultery."

8. "Do not steal."

9. "Do not bear false witness against your neighbor"

10. "Do not covet your neighbor's wife"

these are the ten commandments inscribed on two stone tablets given to Moses by god himself, is this not telling us how we are to live our lives? Sure we've got free will and we CAN do what we want, but we will burn in hell for all eternity if we choose not to live by God's word. again I neither believe nor disbelieve in god's existence, and I don't care one way or another. you say God lets bad things happen, and then puts them back to normal, but life will NEVER go back to normal for the thousands and thousands of people who have been effected by the horrible things that our "merciful" god lets happen. If there is no god that is fine. if there is a god, then STAY OUT OF MY WAY.


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No religion knows, this relationship is kind of personal and between you and God. In Islam you don't have to go to somebody to satisfy the divine entity, you just pray from you to up.
(Who said that there is a religion that knows these answers, and what questions???)

so you are saying that there are multiple religions with multiple Cods and none of them know for certain if they are correct in the belief of that Cod...they are taking a chance in the hope that if there is an afterlife they have hitched there wagon to the right mule?


answer my question please :D


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these are the ten commandments inscribed on two stone tablets given to Moses by god himself, is this not telling us how we are to live our lives? Sure we've got free will and we CAN do what we want, but we will burn in hell for all eternity if we choose not to live by God's word. again I neither believe nor disbelieve in god's existence, and I don't care one way or another. you say God lets bad things happen, and then puts them back to normal, but life will NEVER go back to normal for the thousands and thousands of people who have been effected by the horrible things that our "merciful" god lets happen. If there is no god that is fine. if there is a god, then STAY OUT OF MY WAY.

I am afraid God won't listen to you, not if you don't listen to him.


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I am afraid God won't listen to you, not if you don't listen to him.

I am done talking to you bro, there is no logic behind anything you're saying, again I am not trying to argue god's existence here, I am simply pointing out that he does in fact tell us how we are to live our lives, and will be punished if we choose not to, if you don't have any actual argument then I am out of here, good day to you sir.


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If you don't want to argue his existence, so?
I can't really help you with that I am not his secretary to know why he doesn't want to let go the people who don't want to be punished. And he doesn't tell you how to live your life by saying that you shouldn't steal, cuz it would get you to other problems that eventually end up with man committing the self-destruction of his own.You steal(it's not the matter of that is against his rules) then someone wants to take revenge, you go a bit further, they avenge, a sequence that ends up with world war, trust me God is not very happy seeing 2 people fighting over something that they both know, for sure, belongs to only one of them, let alone a world war. That's my point buddy, no need to leave really we are having a peaceful conversation here.