How Can God Prove Himself?

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God exists, and because of so, he does not need to prove it. He lets mankind choose what they want, God does not control anything that we can choose. Instead, he lets man choose for his own. Thus, be awarded or punished due to what the man has chosen. Eventually, if you choose well, you may go to heaven, if you do not believe in God, why would you bother yourself? You just don't have to worry, and you can let the worrying to other people who believe in him(actually this concern is not very tiring, it very comforting, even the fear you have towards God, it is the kind of good fear, like when you fear to meet the teacher on the exam day, while you believe that you are very special to him.
It's fine to talk like that about adults but what about all the harm that comes to innocent children? They can't protect themselves... they didn't make any bad choices and don't deserve to be sexually assaulted, murdered or get incurable illness.
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It's fine to talk like that about adults but what about all the harm that comes to innocent children? They can't protect themselves... they didn't make any bad choices and don't deserve to be sexually assaulted, murdered or get incurable illness.

first I have no idea why you think I am offending you.

Second, as we say in Islam, you expect the good to happen, and such bad deeds will be punished in the afterlife as well as the punishment in the earthly life which is only applied in countries in which the Islamic Share'aa is applied, and those innocent children are to be protected, but we really shouldn't think that children are to be raped, they are not, they are innocent, and it's not God's fault, it's ours, he created us, we can pray, and rape and do everything we can but why didn't you ask why God created honesty, forgiveness, or even angels?


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first I have no idea why you think I am offending you.

I have no idea what made you think I was offended by what you said. I wasn't.

those innocent children are to be protected, but we really shouldn't think that children are to be raped, they are not, they are innocent, and it's not God's fault, it's ours, he created us, we can pray, and rape and do everything we can but why didn't you ask why God created honesty, forgiveness, or even angels?
I had no idea what religion you stood behind when I read your post but you've now made that clear. In the end it really doesn't matter because the end result was the same and I expected to read what I did so it didn't come as any surprise.

If there truly is an all powerful God as you and others think why would he allow such suffering on innocent children? That's the question I want answered. I don't want to hear about adults making bad decisions and having to " pay " for it in the end. I don't give two two shits about them, it's the defenseless children I care about.


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well first off i would have stopped with animals.....or maybe not given Noah a heads up about the flood.

but i don't believe in god...i believe in Cod:D

To me, hearing that someone not believing in God is very shocking.
Oh my!
Look! Whatever you'd have done if you were God, won't even happen cuz you're not God.
I really want to know why the people who don't believe in God don't?

Just because Obama didn't do sth very wise(wise to you) does it mean he does not exist?
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To me, hearing that someone not believing in God is very shocking.
Oh my!
Look! Whatever you'd have done if you were God, won't even happen cuz you're not God.
I really want to know why the people who don't believe in God don't?

Just because Obama didn't do sth very wise(wise to you) does it mean he does not exist?

because if god did exist we wouldnt have so many different religions and we wouldnt have all the problems in the world...or would you like to try and convince me that god does exist ....he just has multiple personalities and is one sick twisted masochist?

i have no problem with people believing in an invisible man that lives in the sky and has the power to do anything and everything but chooses to sit idly by while everything goes to hell....others might think you need psychiatric help.

if god does exist, and the bible is right...then we were made in gods image...which would make us "godlike"....if were are "godlike" then we have some seriously fucked up deities running around...then that would go against the bible's whole false god thingy..............oh....i don't really believe in obama either:D


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I can tell you one thing. Not one other child on this planet would be harmed by an adult.

Now tell me why you haven't answered my question.

Cuz I got mixed up between you and Codrus, I thought I was answering you. He got me when he answered the question.

Punishments are made first of all to discourage people from doing a sin.
That's the way it is. Besides, if God preventing pedophilia would prove you that he exists.

God said, in the Holy Qur'aan, Al Ankaboot Surah, Verse 45, "45. Recite what is sent of the Book by inspiration to thee, and establish regular Prayer: for Prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds; and remembrance of Allah is the greatest (thing in life) without doubt. And Allah knows the (deeds) that ye do"

and in Surah 66. At-Tahrim (Banning, Prohibition) God says, "6. O ye who believe! save yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is Men and Stones, over which are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe, who flinch not (from executing) the Commands they receive from Allah, but do (precisely) what they are commanded"

I hope you now you know how such deeds are looked down upon by God, and punished.
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because if god did exist we wouldnt have so many different religions and we wouldnt have all the problems in the world...or would you like to try and convince me that god does exist ....he just has multiple personalities and is one sick twisted masochist?

i have no problem with people believing in an invisible man that lives in the sky and has the power to do anything and everything but chooses to sit idly by while everything goes to hell....others might think you need psychiatric help.

if god does exist, and the bible is right...then we were made in gods image...which would make us "godlike"....if were are "godlike" then we have some seriously fucked up deities running around...then that would go against the bible's whole false god thingy..............oh....i don't really believe in obama either:D

No no no no, the difference in religions proves that Gos exists and thinks " I think, therefore I am."
as René Descartes said.

The thing about any religions(they are not that many, only 3 were sent down by God,

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. However, other prophets were sent down by God like
Abraham but with no religions, that was only to tell people that God exists and to believe it, it was only the 3 religions that had methods on how to pray for God.
Of course the next thing on your mind is asking why they are not only one religion since it's the same god who sent them, the reason behind that isn't to make man think there is no God, and to start making up their own gods, no, the real reason behind this is to get us to the same end, which is Allah.

If you give it a thought, you will see that every prophet came at a different time than others did, and because every era has its own thought and beliefs, God sent messengers and prophets in order to guide people, and not let them rape the weak, whether children or women or even steal, or any other sin if you may.

It's not Gos who has other personalities, it the man nature.

God is not invisible, Gos is light, the same as you were created from clay, and the Devil from fire. Just that you don't see him doesn't mean he does not exist.
just that we are not the same, and we were created to pray, and to make Earth full of man kind.
And the Devil is trying to make people make others be misguided, it was his bet with God when the Devil was kicked out of Heaven.

And God wants us all to go to Heaven, not to hell. However, some people tend not to believe nor think wisely, and they abuse the brain they were given, and some of them deserve to go to Hell. However, it's God's matter, not mine to say who should go, and who should not.

I don't know anything about Bible except that it was distorted in order to suit politics and personal interests. Just like what happened to the Torah, and there came out the Talmud.

Just so you know, there is nothing that is good, and will be prohibited by God, nor that is bad, and will be accepted by God.

the thing about this argument is that you think you are right, and other people are wrong and they should go to a Psychiatrist. And I believe I am not right, (Nothing is perfect but Allah), but I am sure I am on the right track, and I hope that others may be on the same track.

After all, you tend not to believe that God exists, and he exists. The same as you tend not to believe that Obama exists, and he so does.


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I tried to simplify the words as much as I could. But, I never thought of simplifying them in one picture.

I really hope you dd understand the simple words. It took plenty of my time.

i understand perfectly....i am not a simpleton nor am i ignorant (i am not implying that you accused me of being either)

you have your beliefs ...and i have mine, and since neither can be proven or dis-proven, i can not and will not fault you for your faith/belief just as you can not and/or should not fault my for what you may perceive as a lack there of.


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i understand perfectly....i am not a simpleton nor am i ignorant (i am not implying that you accused me of being either)

you have your beliefs ...and i have mine, and since neither can be proven or dis-proven, i can not and will not fault you for your faith/belief just as you can not and/or should not fault my for what you may perceive as a lack there of.

I know that not of us have their own beliefs, but I have proven mine, and was waiting for you either to tell me you were convinced or not convinced, or convinced but you like your beliefs as they are.

I am sorry if you thought I offended you, but comparing such beliefs to a belief of drinking beer is not very appropriate.


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I know that not of us have their own beliefs, but I have proven mine, and was waiting for you either to tell me you were convinced or not convinced, or convinced but you like your beliefs as they are.

I am sorry if you thought I offended you, but comparing such beliefs to a belief of drinking beer is not very appropriate.

look...don't blow this out of proportion.....(maybe a poor choice of words:D) didn't offend me, you give yourself too much credit for having influence upon my existence.

you have not proven yours at all, you have merely stated your beliefs and quoted from your quran, that would be like me saying that i proved Christianity by quoting from the bible...or proved the existence of elves by quoting Tolkien...both of which are very good fiery stories....but it doesn't prove anything accept for the fact that i can read and type (sometimes not very well...hint hint)

and it was liquor,...but as far as alcohol..some would consider it a gift from god,...others a curse....i think of it as another invention by man to help him get laid...have sex....fornicate.

are you finished with me now...or shall i leave more bread crumbs?


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look...don't blow this out of proportion.....(maybe a poor choice of words:D) didn't offend me, you give yourself too much credit for having influence upon my existence.

you have not proven yours at all, you have merely stated your beliefs and quoted from your quran, that would be like me saying that i proved Christianity by quoting from the bible...or proved the existence of elves by quoting Tolkien...both of which are very good fiery stories....but it doesn't prove anything accept for the fact that i can read and type (sometimes not very well...hint hint)

and it was liquor,...but as far as alcohol..some would consider it a gift from god,...others a curse....i think of it as another invention by man to help him get laid...have sex....fornicate.

are you finished with me now...or shall i leave more bread crumbs?

It's not my Qur'aan, it's everybody's.

BTW, in the after life(the eternal one), you can have whatever you want, it's Heaven dude.

I just want to know where you get these false information, my Quran, and the fiery stories, and as I said religions are banning the harmful things, beer is harmful and is the reason why people do things unconsciously like rape, and child abuse and steal, not saying it's the only reason, but it will surely make you do sth bad, either to yourself or to others. so you will be punished in the after life, cuz if you did good deeds and stayed away of the bad ones, you would have been blessed by God and protected, and then, nothing will hurt u, nor do harm to other children, it's about them, it's about the one raping them.
Evil can always do harm to Good.

I am glad that you could understand me even though I have some language mistakes(or so you hint), we have something in common, you got me confused with this "but it doesn't prove anything accept for the"
till I got it was "Except"


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It's not my Qur'aan, it's everybody's.

BTW, in the after life(the eternal one), you can have whatever you want, it's Heaven dude.

I just want to know where you get these false information, my Quran, and the fiery stories, and as I said religions are banning the harmful things, beer is harmful and is the reason why people do things unconsciously like rape, and child abuse and steal, not saying it's the only reason, but it will surely make you do sth bad, either to yourself or to others. so you will be punished in the after life, cuz if you did good deeds and stayed away of the bad ones, you would have been blessed by God and protected, and then, nothing will hurt u, nor do harm to other children, it's about them, it's about the one raping them.
Evil can always do harm to Good.

I am glad that you could understand me even though I have some language mistakes(or so you hint), we have something in common, you got me confused with this "but it doesn't prove anything accept for the"
till I got it was "Except"

more bread crumbs....

i'm starting to feel like Johnny Appleseed...

funny thing is...was i hinting to you?...did i intentionally use accept?...hmm if you think about it the fact that we don't necessarily accept what the other believes kinda makes us both infidels in the others how should we resolve this?

name calling?, mud slinging?, my gods dick is bigger than your gods dick?,..i don't believe in god so i guess i would be on the side of a non existent eunuch.....spelling contest?...definitely not (I'd lose for sure)....drinking game?,....smoke out?,... I.Q. test?,.....pistol at 10,....aww poop.

lets just agree to disagree like two civilized adults....wait...not sure if we can do that more along the lines of an unshaven immature i guess you win...i guess i just have to humbly accept my defeat and suffer in the sad, pathetic misery of my dis-belief and wallow in the discomfort of my freedom to choose what is obviously the wrong thing for me, i should change my evil ways..

i know, i could take the lives of innocent people everywhere....dead baby's falling like rain...or maybe i should just stick with sacrificing virgins...yeah...i like that idea, why wait for 72 when i can have them now,

mmmmmm virgins:p


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so he's saying that after you get punished in this life by get to be punished in the afterlife by an invisible man?

im..thinking this should be moved to the underground where perverted stuff like this is ok