DT3's Twinkie
seems like the world would be a lot nice place if there was no religion. maybe that is gods way of thinning the heard with all the wars that involved religious issues.
Well what interests me the most is this:
I am a man of science, I have been in the field of science for many years now.....I know gravity exists....Not because I have physically seen it, but because I have seen evidence of it's definition.
Personally....I find no need to argue its existence, nor do I really care what you might call it......It's a force that does something...Bottom line.
But try calling God anything other than Jesus or God...and we find it a need to drop a bomb on somebody to prove a point.
The Bible I read....Spoke of Tolerance, Temperence and humility....
In the Koran, Quoran Lacucaracha whatever it's called, it has a section that surprised me it says:
"Kill one brother, and you kill all your brothers"
"Save one man and you save mankind"
Now to me that sounds a lot different than what Hamas preaches.....
They and Christians are willing to kill another person for calling gravity by another name....
I find the best prayer for me is with my mouth shut and my mind wide open