Hey Atheists! Why?

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If you believe this universe build up without a POWER, it ll be your problem.

Do you now how the universe built up, where are the scientific laws coming from, what ll happen after death, where were you before you were borned ?

What are your answers ? But religion can give answers all of this type questions ...

Just because you don't believe in gravity doesn't mean it doesn't exist for you, or that you are beyond it's rules.

God cannot look on sin. The only way he can be in personal communion with us (in heaven) is if we are cleansed of sin by Jesus. When people choose to not believe in Him, and do not accept the gift of Jesus, He sends them to hell because they are still sinful, and he cannot be with them, because he cannot be with sin. All it takes is one sin and you are just as much of a sinner as a serial killer in God's eyes (though a serial killer would have more earthly consequences and less heavenly treasures than someone who was not, obviously).

That is the major difference between Christianity and any other religion - salvation is not based on works. In every other religion, you must chant or bow down or be a good person or do this or that to be saved, but in Christianity, all you must do to be saved is believe. Good works store up treasures in heaven for yourself, but they are not the key to salvation. :)

Well if that is case, what happens to people of other religions? For the most part, people stick with whatever they are raised to believe. If someone is born in another country, chances are their culture will be different than ours, and they will be raised to believe in the religion of that culture.

Should that person now be sent to hell because they didn't have the same oppurtunity as a someone born in our culture to believe in the christian god? Shouldn't it be that if someone lives their life right, they should be rewarded equally in the "afterlife"?
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I dont believe in God as a person or something that watches over something to be worshipped. But I'm not an atheist. I believe that there is something out there, some substance, force, or whatever that started everything. Something in the background that we cannot understand or ever measure scientifically, yet is the basis of continuing the reaction that brought us the universe, the solar system, a suitable planet for life, and the progression of life though time all the way up to beings that are self aware. To trace back the reaction to the root of it all and find out its cause I believe is almost impossible, yet something still had to tip the balance between existance and nothing towards existance, and there had to be enough substance/matter to start the chain reaction. Just thinking about if none of this happened, if nothingness prevailed instead of existance is waay too depressing. Trying to imagine that state, it makes me think that true athiesm seem just an endless waste of time, and therefore is not an acceptable answer.

But if it were nothingness, when you died you wouldn't really know or be depressed would you? And while it may be depressing to think of how everything that we do is just a waste of time, that's no excuse to just believe because you are worried about nothingness. And also it's not a waste of time. The point is just trying to live, experience, and enjoy life.


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Well if that is case, what happens to people of other religions? For the most part, people stick with whatever they are raised to believe. If someone is born in another country, chances are their culture will be different than ours, and they will be raised to believe in the religion of that culture.

Should that person now be sent to hell because they didn't have the same oppurtunity as a someone born in our culture to believe in the christian god? Shouldn't it be that if someone lives their life right, they should be rewarded equally in the "afterlife"?


And who's to say that Christianity is the right religion? Don't you think every other religion sees themselves as being correct? Well, they all can't be right. So why do Christians here in the US believe they are on the right path when they would be fervently defending a different religion if they were only born some place else.


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See, and that is the whole problem with what all religions (except Christianity) have. They are all based on DOING things. Christianity is the only faith where it doesn't matter how good or sinful you are, God will still forgive you. And you don't have to do anything afterward if you don't want to. You are right though - all other religions attempt to control people. I'd go so far as to say some branches of what people call Christianity (Mormonism, Catholicism) are not actually Christian, just because they are based on doing good works to be saved and not by faith.

That is why I hate calling Christianity a religion - it is so different from every other "religion" out there, that it shouldn't even be in the same category.

Do you really think that Christianity is different than other religions when it comes to trying to control people. Maybe not so much in today's time, but if you look back, Christian leaders are always using religion as a form of control. And to gain money.


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Why would one need a God or a heaven to make them feel better about them selves? I'm not religious at all but I believe in an after life and a higher power. Believing in something doesn't make one feel better about themselves or make them better than anyone else. Beliefs are just that...

Now with the universe and that crap... I'm up in the air... nobody knows how that shit began and I know damn well it wasn't created in 7 days... I mean go look in a museum.

Actually a lot of time people use religion to make themselves feel better. I've seen many cases of this in this thread alone. People don't know what to believe in after they die, and they are scared. They don't want there to be nothingness and their life to be meaningless. Thus they use religion as a form of reassurance that they were really put here for a reason and their whole life wasn't meaningless. And so they don't feel scared about what will happen when they die.

Peter Parka

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And who's to say that Christianity is the right religion? Don't you think every other religion sees themselves as being correct? Well, they all can't be right. So why do Christians here in the US believe they are on the right path when they would be fervently defending a different religion if they were only born some place else.

Reminds me of that South Park scetch when a bunch of people go to hell.

Man 1: Why am I here, I'm a Catholic who goes to church every Sunday?

Satan: Sorry, you were wrong

Man 2: Well what about me? I was a practicing Jehovahs Witness.

Satan: Yeah, you were wrong too. The correct answer you were looking for, people, was Mormon.



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Well if that is case, what happens to people of other religions? For the most part, people stick with whatever they are raised to believe. If someone is born in another country, chances are their culture will be different than ours, and they will be raised to believe in the religion of that culture.

Should that person now be sent to hell because they didn't have the same oppurtunity as a someone born in our culture to believe in the christian god?
Lol, I think it's hilarious when people bring up the fairness factor. Face it people - life isn't fair! ;)

God gives everyone a chance to believe in him, whether it be through the testimony of others, or through the sheer awesomeness of nature.

If you think about it, there is a reason why God doesn't give a free pass into heaven to everyone who hasn't heard about Jesus. If that were the case, who would have reason to spread the word about Him? We would actually want to PREVENT people from hearing about Jesus, because then they'd for sure go to heaven! And that certainly is not how God intended us to be. He created us to worship Him, plain and simple, and if we aren't doing that, then we've failed at His objective.

And the biggest difference between Christianity and every single other religion in the world? All the other ones are based on works to get into heaven. With Christianity, you are forgiven as soon as you believe - you don't have to give money to the church or be a "good person" or anything else to get into heaven. Any other religion you look at will have some sort of ritual or something that you have to do in order to stay in good standing with their god and get into heaven.

Shouldn't it be that if someone lives their life right, they should be rewarded equally in the "afterlife"?
Absolutely. Now find me someone who has led a perfect life. ;)


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Do you really think that Christianity is different than other religions when it comes to trying to control people. Maybe not so much in today's time, but if you look back, Christian leaders are always using religion as a form of control. And to gain money.
Sure, there's corruption in every major organization. It would be impossible to prevent entirely. I think Christians in years past had some rather strange ideas about the best course of action in some situations, but there's nothing I can do about that.

If you want to know what a true Christian should be, don't look at any people. Look in the Bible. It gives a perfect picture of how we should live, what we should strive to be like, etc.


Leah's Scottish Prick
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I'm not sure what the question is here... why what? I believe in science, fact, and evidence. Not religion, fiction, and fables.


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I choose to believe that God doesn't exist and that "someone" didn't create everything. Believe whatever you want, but I will not believe there is a God until someone can give me solid proof. That proof doesn't exist. So I guess it goes both ways.


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I'm not sure what the question is here... why what? I believe in science, fact, and evidence. Not religion, fiction, and fables.
I don't believe in fiction or fables either. ;)

I choose to believe that God doesn't exist and that "someone" didn't create everything. Believe whatever you want, but I will not believe there is a God until someone can give me solid proof. That proof doesn't exist. So I guess it goes both ways.
To me, there can be no clearer proof that just studying the nature around us. It is incredible how intricately balanced our ecosystem is, and it just amazes me that people still think such a thing could come out of random chance.

But, that's just a difference of opinion between me and you, and I certainly respect your beliefs.

Peter Parka

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I don't believe in fiction or fables either. ;)

To me, there can be no clearer proof that just studying the nature around us. It is incredible how intricately balanced our ecosystem is, and it just amazes me that people still think such a thing could come out of random chance.

But, that's just a difference of opinion between me and you, and I certainly respect your beliefs.

Well if that's the case, who made god, seeing he couldn't have got here by chance? And who made whoever made god too and so on and so on. That argument simply does not stand up.


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Lol, I think it's hilarious when people bring up the fairness factor. Face it people - life isn't fair! ;)

God gives everyone a chance to believe in him, whether it be through the testimony of others, or through the sheer awesomeness of nature.

If you think about it, there is a reason why God doesn't give a free pass into heaven to everyone who hasn't heard about Jesus. If that were the case, who would have reason to spread the word about Him? We would actually want to PREVENT people from hearing about Jesus, because then they'd for sure go to heaven! And that certainly is not how God intended us to be. He created us to worship Him, plain and simple, and if we aren't doing that, then we've failed at His objective.

And the biggest difference between Christianity and every single other religion in the world? All the other ones are based on works to get into heaven. With Christianity, you are forgiven as soon as you believe - you don't have to give money to the church or be a "good person" or anything else to get into heaven. Any other religion you look at will have some sort of ritual or something that you have to do in order to stay in good standing with their god and get into heaven.

Absolutely. Now find me someone who has led a perfect life. ;)

Ok that has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You seriously think that God would send someone who lives in a third world country and has never even had an oppurtunity to worship him to hell? Either your views are way off, or the god you worship is not a very gracious one at all.

And by the way, I didn't say a perfect life. I said right. You can have flaws in your life and still be good. There are people who go through life helping others and are honest. They live good lives. But by what you are saying, I expect you think everyone of them should go to hell too.


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Ok that has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You seriously think that God would send someone who lives in a third world country and has never even had an oppurtunity to worship him to hell? Either your views are way off, or the god you worship is not a very gracious one at all.

And by the way, I didn't say a perfect life. I said right. You can have flaws in your life and still be good. There are people who go through life helping others and are honest. They live good lives. But by what you are saying, I expect you think everyone of them should go to hell too.
If people who had never heard about God went to heaven, then why the heck are we telling people about God?

Everyone has sinned. All it takes is one sin to make you unclean and unfit to be in the presence of God.


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If people who had never heard about God went to heaven, then why the heck are we telling people about God?

Everyone has sinned. All it takes is one sin to make you unclean and unfit to be in the presence of God.

So it's ok in your book for people to burn in hell for all of eternity because they didn't hear about God? That's absolutely crazy.......


Leah's Scottish Prick
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So it's ok in your book for people to burn in hell for all of eternity because they didn't hear about God? That's absolutely crazy.......

That's exactly what he is though, or that's how he is coming across anyway - "absolutely crazy". Also, I think he has a twitch, as he keeps winking in every post he makes...