If you believe this universe build up without a POWER, it ll be your problem.
Do you now how the universe built up, where are the scientific laws coming from, what ll happen after death, where were you before you were borned ?
What are your answers ? But religion can give answers all of this type questions ...
Just because you don't believe in gravity doesn't mean it doesn't exist for you, or that you are beyond it's rules.
God cannot look on sin. The only way he can be in personal communion with us (in heaven) is if we are cleansed of sin by Jesus. When people choose to not believe in Him, and do not accept the gift of Jesus, He sends them to hell because they are still sinful, and he cannot be with them, because he cannot be with sin. All it takes is one sin and you are just as much of a sinner as a serial killer in God's eyes (though a serial killer would have more earthly consequences and less heavenly treasures than someone who was not, obviously).
That is the major difference between Christianity and any other religion - salvation is not based on works. In every other religion, you must chant or bow down or be a good person or do this or that to be saved, but in Christianity, all you must do to be saved is believe. Good works store up treasures in heaven for yourself, but they are not the key to salvation.![]()
Well if that is case, what happens to people of other religions? For the most part, people stick with whatever they are raised to believe. If someone is born in another country, chances are their culture will be different than ours, and they will be raised to believe in the religion of that culture.
Should that person now be sent to hell because they didn't have the same oppurtunity as a someone born in our culture to believe in the christian god? Shouldn't it be that if someone lives their life right, they should be rewarded equally in the "afterlife"?