Hey Atheists! Why?

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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge. I find it sickening to see religious people claiming absolute omniscience over those who are not religious, and citing religious material as fact. Religion is defined as a set of stories, symbols, and practices that one believes in to give meaning to their life. How can you claim superiority over somebody because you believe some stories and they don't? At least in one way they are living naturally; without any ideas being pushed upon them or forced as true. The ultimate hypocrisy is that you live your life according to doctrines and stories written and reinforced by man, but claim that it is God's will. Religion is a crutch. People with crutches shouldn't think they walk better than those without. I'm sorry you rely on some make-believe and I don't.

I like that. I just might steal it.


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Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge. I find it sickening to see religious people claiming absolute omniscience over those who are not religious, and citing religious material as fact. Religion is defined as a set of stories, symbols, and practices that one believes in to give meaning to their life. How can you claim superiority over somebody because you believe some stories and they don't? At least in one way they are living naturally; without any ideas being pushed upon them or forced as true. The ultimate hypocrisy is that you live your life according to doctrines and stories written and reinforced by man, but claim that it is God's will. Religion is a crutch. People with crutches shouldn't think they walk better than those without. I'm sorry you rely on some make-believe and I don't.
Unless the religion is true... in which case, I have crutches, and you're still laying on the ground with a broken leg. ;)


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Religion is the oldest form of control.
Be good and you get to go to heaven. Be bad and you to hell. This is what I was taught as a child. I would not say I am either religious or atheist. But I would say my mind is the only limitation I have. I realized a long time ago I did not need to believe in god to keep my actions in check. I also did not need that particular sense of comfort. I get more comfort from thinking this might all be one huge happy accident.


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Religion is the oldest form of control.
Be good and you get to go to heaven. Be bad and you to hell. This is what I was taught as a child.
See, and that is the whole problem with what all religions (except Christianity) have. They are all based on DOING things. Christianity is the only faith where it doesn't matter how good or sinful you are, God will still forgive you. And you don't have to do anything afterward if you don't want to. You are right though - all other religions attempt to control people. I'd go so far as to say some branches of what people call Christianity (Mormonism, Catholicism) are not actually Christian, just because they are based on doing good works to be saved and not by faith.

That is why I hate calling Christianity a religion - it is so different from every other "religion" out there, that it shouldn't even be in the same category.


Miss Piggy
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Because religion is a plague that should be irradicated by the rational in our society. It is no more intelligible than believing in fairies and dragons, and should be mocked accordingly.

Well thank you for your opinion... but please don't confuse it with a statement of fact.

Just a reminder... we are all not you... we do not all think or feel how you do. I would advise a little restraint against making such declarations. We're here to debate... not condemn or harass... mkay?


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Not only is that a misrepresentation of Christianity, it also gets right to the root of the problem: Christians justify sin today by consequences in the hereafter.

You are cancer in society.
I'd like to see one Christian (who is a true Christian, and not someone just claiming to be one) who justifies sin by the [lack of?] consequences. Romans 6:1-2 addresses this issue, and anyone going against this isn't a true Christian in my book.

What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? {Rom 6:1-2 NIV}

The verse clearly states that we should not go on sinning (or try to justify it) just because we can "get away with it".

Too many people in the world look at Christians to find out what Christianity is about. The problem is, Christians aren't perfect, and will never give a perfect representation of what Christianity is all about. To compound the problem, there are many people who I believe are not Christians, but they claim to be, and their actions further degrade the name of Christians.

To find out what Christianity is truely about, you have to look at the Bible. That is the only source of [almost] perfect information on the subject. If you have a problem with Christianity, take it up against the Bible, but not against the actions of imperfect Christians (or people who claim to be such).


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You do realize the only thing more inconsistent than Christians is the Bible itself? The best thing you can do for yourself is refute the influence of the Bible as much as possible, otherwise you sound like like an insane idiot as opposed to just insane.

I just love silly otters :thumbup

Aren't there missing parts of the bible?

Peter Parka

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Hmm. I've always found drinking beer and watching football on a Sunday a lot more fun that sitting in a cold church listening to some balding vicar with a dandruff filled comeover telling me what I shouldn't be doing. Whatever you think makes someone grumpy though, dude. :D


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If you believe this universe build up without a POWER, it ll be your problem.

Do you now how the universe built up, where are the scientific laws coming from, what ll happen after death, where were you before you were borned ?

What are your answers ? But religion can give answers all of this type questions ...

First off, science can give answers to these answers to these questions just like religion can. Religion's answers are no more, if not less, justified than science's. And do you just use religion as a way to answer everything that you can't explain?