Hey Atheists! Why?

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Because we failed to tell them about God, and they didn't believe in him through His creation.

Wow what is wrong with you? You are one of those extremeist that makes religion look bad in the first place. YOU failed to tell them about God, so now they should suffer?

And people who haven't heard about him through people trying to spread THEIR religion are just supposed to look at the world around them and say, "Hey this is a really nice place. I bet some God with a son named Jesus created it and I should worship him and ask him for repentance from my sins which is impossible not to do"?
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All Else Failed

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Lol, I think it's hilarious when people bring up the fairness factor. Face it people - life isn't fair! ;)

God gives everyone a chance to believe in him, whether it be through the testimony of others, or through the sheer awesomeness of nature.

If you think about it, there is a reason why God doesn't give a free pass into heaven to everyone who hasn't heard about Jesus. If that were the case, who would have reason to spread the word about Him? We would actually want to PREVENT people from hearing about Jesus, because then they'd for sure go to heaven! And that certainly is not how God intended us to be. He created us to worship Him, plain and simple, and if we aren't doing that, then we've failed at His objective.

And the biggest difference between Christianity and every single other religion in the world? All the other ones are based on works to get into heaven. With Christianity, you are forgiven as soon as you believe - you don't have to give money to the church or be a "good person" or anything else to get into heaven. Any other religion you look at will have some sort of ritual or something that you have to do in order to stay in good standing with their god and get into heaven.

Absolutely. Now find me someone who has led a perfect life. ;)
This speak great volumes about your god.

"With Christianity, you are forgiven as soon as you believe - you don't have to give money to the church or be a "good person" or anything else to get into heaven. Any other religion you look at will have some sort of ritual or something that you have to do in order to stay in good standing with their god and get into heaven."

Oh, so Hitler is in heaven then? He was a staunch believer in Christ. That also means Gandhi is in hell.

Because we failed to tell them about God, and they didn't believe in him through His creation.
So god created people ahead of time to which he knew they would never hear about him, and they go to hell because of that? Your god is a murderer. There's no arguing that.

I don't believe in fiction or fables either. ;)

To me, there can be no clearer proof that just studying the nature around us. It is incredible how intricately balanced our ecosystem is, and it just amazes me that people still think such a thing could come out of random chance.

But, that's just a difference of opinion between me and you, and I certainly respect your beliefs.
lol oh man, the creation argument. How cute. Too bad its baseless. Nature is not proof of anything besides it existing. You see a complicated system, can't figure it out, so you scream "MAGIC MAN DONE IT!" and leave it at that. You sir, are intellectually vacant.

Oh and chance has nothing to do with astrological evolution. its ok though, I know you've never really studied evolution in any form before.

God was always here. ;)
Gee, I thought you creationists were pretty big on "things having to come from soeplace, theings can't possibly come from nothing" idea. It must be hard to live with such contradictions.


The cake is a metaphor
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Because we failed to tell them about God, and they didn't believe in him through His creation.

I thought it was unfair enough that Virgil couldn't enter Paradiso just because he was born before the contemporary idea of Catholicism.

To be born "lukewarm" through no fault of your own...


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Wow what is wrong with you? You are one of those extremeist that makes religion look bad in the first place. YOU failed to tell them about God, so now they should suffer?

And people who haven't heard about him through people trying to spread THEIR religion are just supposed to look at the world around them and say, "Hey this is a really nice place. I bet some God with a son named Jesus created it and I should worship him and ask him for repentance from my sins which is impossible not to do"?
All the more reason to spread God's word! The Bible does say that nature shouts out the name of God, so that no man may have an excuse to not believe in Him. Everyone is given a chance to believe in God, and I personally believe that anyone who believes in God as a creator, but has not yet heard the story of Jesus, would be allowed into heaven. Only God knows the answer to that question though.

This speak great volumes about your god.

"With Christianity, you are forgiven as soon as you believe - you don't have to give money to the church or be a "good person" or anything else to get into heaven. Any other religion you look at will have some sort of ritual or something that you have to do in order to stay in good standing with their god and get into heaven."

Oh, so Hitler is in heaven then? He was a staunch believer in Christ. That also means Gandhi is in hell.

So god created people ahead of time to which he knew they would never hear about him, and they go to hell because of that? Your god is a murderer. There's no arguing that.

lol oh man, the creation argument. How cute. Too bad its baseless. Nature is not proof of anything besides it existing. You see a complicated system, can't figure it out, so you scream "MAGIC MAN DONE IT!" and leave it at that. You sir, are intellectually vacant.

Oh and chance has nothing to do with astrological evolution. its ok though, I know you've never really studied evolution in any form before.

Gee, I thought you creationists were pretty big on "things having to come from soeplace, theings can't possibly come from nothing" idea. It must be hard to live with such contradictions.
If Hitler was a true believer in Christ (which I doubt he was - it was probably just a facade), then he would be in heaven, yes.

People created those people by having sex, and God gave people free will. It's not God who is doing the murdering here - it's us.

I've seen and studied the complex systems in nature, and the many MANY cases of irreversible complexity, and I just can't see how that could be brought about in stages and by random chance. It's the complete opposite of intellectual vacancy. The more I study nature and understand it, the more I come to realize that it couldn't have come from evolution - it's just impossible. Even though it sometimes seems ridiculous to believe in God, it's sure a lot more believeable than evolution to me.

God isn't bound by laws of physics or time. Simple as that. It's not at all a contradiction.


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All the more reason to spread God's word! The Bible does say that nature shouts out the name of God, so that no man may have an excuse to not believe in Him. Everyone is given a chance to believe in God, and I personally believe that anyone who believes in God as a creator, but has not yet heard the story of Jesus, would be allowed into heaven. Only God knows the answer to that question though.

If Hitler was a true believer in Christ (which I doubt he was - it was probably just a facade), then he would be in heaven, yes.

People created those people by having sex, and God gave people free will. It's not God who is doing the murdering here - it's us.

I've seen and studied the complex systems in nature, and the many MANY cases of irreversible complexity, and I just can't see how that could be brought about in stages and by random chance. It's the complete opposite of intellectual vacancy. The more I study nature and understand it, the more I come to realize that it couldn't have come from evolution - it's just impossible. Even though it sometimes seems ridiculous to believe in God, it's sure a lot more believeable than evolution to me.

God isn't bound by laws of physics or time. Simple as that. It's not at all a contradiction.

LMAO. You suck terribly at defending your religion. And I feel bad because not all religious people are like you. Like I said, you are the kind of person that makes religion look bad. Hitler in Heaven hahahahaha

Peter Parka

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LMAO. You suck terribly at defending your religion. And I feel bad because not all religious people are like you. Like I said, you are the kind of person that makes religion look bad. Hitler in Heaven hahahahaha

I dunno, seems reasonable to me, him and god would probably get on well, they both think genocide is the answer.

All Else Failed

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All the more reason to spread God's word! The Bible does say that nature shouts out the name of God, so that no man may have an excuse to not believe in Him. Everyone is given a chance to believe in God, and I personally believe that anyone who believes in God as a creator, but has not yet heard the story of Jesus, would be allowed into heaven. Only God knows the answer to that question though.

If Hitler was a true believer in Christ (which I doubt he was - it was probably just a facade), then he would be in heaven, yes.

People created those people by having sex, and God gave people free will. It's not God who is doing the murdering here - it's us.

I've seen and studied the complex systems in nature, and the many MANY cases of irreversible complexity, and I just can't see how that could be brought about in stages and by random chance. It's the complete opposite of intellectual vacancy. The more I study nature and understand it, the more I come to realize that it couldn't have come from evolution - it's just impossible. Even though it sometimes seems ridiculous to believe in God, it's sure a lot more believeable than evolution to me.

God isn't bound by laws of physics or time. Simple as that. It's not at all a contradiction.
hahahahahahaha....so Hitler's Parents are at fault for willingly having him? Thats rich. Oh, and in the end it IS God's fault for Hitler even existing. Christians believe the spirit is given to a life at conception, god would have seen ahead of time what Hitler would have done, and he could have stopped it from happening if he wanted to. Thats basuically like me giving a gun to a sociopath and turning him loose of a crowd of people. There is no difference.

Oh please, what have you "studied"? You probably looked at a damn flower and thought it was super cool. Go tell every single botonist or plant expert what you have "studied" because they'll completely dismantle all of your silly creationist arguments within 2 minutes. EVERY SINGLE FIELD OF PROFESSIONAL SCIENCE CONFIRMS EVOLUTION TO BE TRUE. Really, I challenege you to talk to a evolutionary biologist and ask them these questions you are posting here, and they will set you straight with 100% real science. Not this Kent Hovind BS you found on the internet. In order for you to be right at all and for evolution to be a lie, there HAS TO BE a global conspiracy comprised of every single scientist, because the scientific community has confirmed that it is indeed fact.

Again, random chance has NOTHING TO DO WITH EVOLUTION. Evolution is marked by very slow, measured changes that have to do with the organism and nature interacting with each other over time. If Evolution was random you'd see flowers with pig's feet. You don't see that do you? You do not understand what you are criticizing at all. Please read a Book.

The sheer ignorance you are posting is indeed frustrating, because evolution is so easily provable and easy to understand. The information is out there; scholarly articles, scientific journals, scientists themselves, AGES of scientific research....you're just being selectively blind to it all because god gives you a comfy feeling.

Here, watch these play lists, they're done by a person that is very credible in the area of biology. They pretty much prove evolution:

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.


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hahahahahahaha....so Hitler's Parents are at fault for willingly having him? Thats rich. Oh, and in the end it IS God's fault for Hitler even existing. Christians believe the spirit is given to a life at conception, god would have seen ahead of time what Hitler would have done, and he could have stopped it from happening if he wanted to. Thats basuically like me giving a gun to a sociopath and turning him loose of a crowd of people. There is no difference.

Oh please, what have you "studied"? You probably looked at a damn flower and thought it was super cool. Go tell every single botonist or plant expert what you have "studied" because they'll completely dismantle all of your silly creationist arguments within 2 minutes. EVERY SINGLE FIELD OF PROFESSIONAL SCIENCE CONFIRMS EVOLUTION TO BE TRUE. Really, I challenege you to talk to a evolutionary biologist and ask them these questions you are posting here, and they will set you straight with 100% real science. Not this Kent Hovind BS you found on the internet. In order for you to be right at all and for evolution to be a lie, there HAS TO BE a global conspiracy comprised of every single scientist, because the scientific community has confirmed that it is indeed fact.

Again, random chance has NOTHING TO DO WITH EVOLUTION. Evolution is marked by very slow, measured changes that have to do with the organism and nature interacting with each other over time. If Evolution was random you'd see flowers with pig's feet. You don't see that do you? You do not understand what you are criticizing at all. Please read a Book.

The sheer ignorance you are posting is indeed frustrating, because evolution is so easily provable and easy to understand. The information is out there; scholarly articles, scientific journals, scientists themselves, AGES of scientific research....you're just being selectively blind to it all because god gives you a comfy feeling.

Here, watch these play lists, they're done by a person that is very credible in the area of biology. They pretty much prove evolution:

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
God gave everyone free will, and He's not going to take it away. Sure, He knew what Hitler was going to do. And I'm sure it greatly saddened Him. But He is not going to deny someone free will just because they're going to go on a killing rampage. It's just not the way He works. Disagree with it if you want, but that's what I believe. No other way makes any sense.

One example of irreversible complexity is the flagella for Escherichia coli. It's like a mini-motor, and without any single piece of it, the whole thing would not work. How could have that come about in a single mutation? Or if it was done in multiple mutations, how did those first mutations survive with the pieces of the motor intact? Wouldn't have they been naturally-selected out of the gene pool, with a useless mutation like that?

All Else Failed

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God gave everyone free will, and He's not going to take it away. Sure, He knew what Hitler was going to do. And I'm sure it greatly saddened Him. But He is not going to deny someone free will just because they're going to go on a killing rampage. It's just not the way He works. Disagree with it if you want, but that's what I believe. No other way makes any sense.

One example of irreversible complexity is the flagella for Escherichia coli. It's like a mini-motor, and without any single piece of it, the whole thing would not work. How could have that come about in a single mutation? Or if it was done in multiple mutations, how did those first mutations survive with the pieces of the motor intact? Wouldn't have they been naturally-selected out of the gene pool, with a useless mutation like that?
Um actually that makes your god a non-caring murderer. If god is responsible for all life and he knew what he was creating ahead of time he is ultimately responsible for all violence, even if he gave us "free will". He even knew that Satan would rebel and create chaos for mankind as well. What kind of "loving" god do you believe in here? He doesn't seem all loving to me, since he creates psychopaths that he knows will butcher millions of people.

Here is how your logic goes:

God: "Hmmm, well I know if I allow Hitler to be born, I am creating a mass murderer who will put millions to death and cause even more millions to die through war....but what the hell, people have free will and I can't deny them that!LOL"

*Hitler gasses millions of people*

Your god is not a loving god.

"One example of irreversible complexity is the flagella for Escherichia coli. It's like a mini-motor, and without any single piece of it, the whole thing would not work. How could have that come about in a single mutation? Or if it was done in multiple mutations, how did those first mutations survive with the pieces of the motor intact? Wouldn't have they been naturally-selected out of the gene pool, with a useless mutation like that?"

Thou hast been owned:

YouTube - The Evolution of the Flagellum

Evolution of the Bacterial Flagella

Have you watched those videos yet? odds are you never will.


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Minor Axis

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Not picking a fight, just countering your heart felt faith...

All the more reason to spread God's word! The Bible does say that nature shouts out the name of God, so that no man may have an excuse to not believe in Him. Everyone is given a chance to believe in God, and I personally believe that anyone who believes in God as a creator, but has not yet heard the story of Jesus, would be allowed into heaven. Only God knows the answer to that question though.

Why does the story of Jesus have credence as far as establishing him as the son of God? It's a great story but beyond that it's a matter of faith. And if it's faith, how can God be critical if the more logical of us question belief in him based on him/her/it providing no evidence what so ever? Keeping people out of Heaven based on this makes no logical sense if we are talking about a fair God.

If Hitler was a true believer in Christ (which I doubt he was - it was probably just a facade), then he would be in heaven, yes.

According to Christian teachings, I would agree. No matter how bad you are, if you repent, you are forgiven.

I've seen and studied the complex systems in nature, and the many MANY cases of irreversible complexity, and I just can't see how that could be brought about in stages and by random chance. It's the complete opposite of intellectual vacancy. The more I study nature and understand it, the more I come to realize that it couldn't have come from evolution - it's just impossible. Even though it sometimes seems ridiculous to believe in God, it's sure a lot more believeable than evolution to me.

Your making assumptions based on lack of evidence. The complicated nature of nature could be the result of a millions of different factors and not a single all powerful entity who considers us his children.

God isn't bound by laws of physics or time. Simple as that. It's not at all a contradiction.

Based on what, a feeling?


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I can prove that God exists but being an Atheist, it's not up to me, it's up to you religious people.

I would like to see this"proof."

Look folks instead of giving a long winded answer to this thread, I will sum it all up as simply as I can.
People believe in whatever they need to to "get by" on this little rock we call Earth. Whether that be that there is a God or there isn't. Everyone one struggles with the answer to why and how we are here until they come up with an answer that sets their mind at ease. Thank you.