I dont believe in God as a person or something that watches over something to be worshipped. But I'm not an atheist. I believe that there is something out there, some substance, force, or whatever that started everything. Something in the background that we cannot understand or ever measure scientifically, yet is the basis of continuing the reaction that brought us the universe, the solar system, a suitable planet for life, and the progression of life though time all the way up to beings that are self aware. To trace back the reaction to the root of it all and find out its cause I believe is almost impossible, yet something still had to tip the balance between existance and nothing towards existance, and there had to be enough substance/matter to start the chain reaction. Just thinking about if none of this happened, if nothingness prevailed instead of existance is waay too depressing. Trying to imagine that state, it makes me think that true athiesm seem just an endless waste of time, and therefore is not an acceptable answer.