Hey Atheists! Why?

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I dont believe in God as a person or something that watches over something to be worshipped. But I'm not an atheist. I believe that there is something out there, some substance, force, or whatever that started everything. Something in the background that we cannot understand or ever measure scientifically, yet is the basis of continuing the reaction that brought us the universe, the solar system, a suitable planet for life, and the progression of life though time all the way up to beings that are self aware. To trace back the reaction to the root of it all and find out its cause I believe is almost impossible, yet something still had to tip the balance between existance and nothing towards existance, and there had to be enough substance/matter to start the chain reaction. Just thinking about if none of this happened, if nothingness prevailed instead of existance is waay too depressing. Trying to imagine that state, it makes me think that true athiesm seem just an endless waste of time, and therefore is not an acceptable answer.
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Can you prove that there is no God? How would the world get started, space, matter, everything. Even this "Big Bang" you speak of, wouldn't someone have to start it off? Wouldn't someone have to make it, or wouldnt it have to start somehow? Wouldn't someone have to do it?

That someone is God.

for the life of me, i've never understood why the whole issue of god has anything to do with the creation of the universe

must be because god is personified as a material thing that you will meet one day when you leave the universe and go to heaven.

which makes no sense, since you won't be a material thing when you meet him.

the christain god has never been about the physical body....by extension, then, it isn't about the material world, either.....alll the admonitions about moral codes of behavior surrounding sex, the church, our fellow man......while these translate into actions in the physical world, they spring from needs/desires/dreams of a post material state

if god truely has a creation, it exists soley within our minds....which is why it's so easy for some to chide it as fantasy, and others to trust in their faith.

the desire to make the material world god's creation is, imo, both counter-intuitive to the teachings of the bible (never mind the setting, which, by default, has to exist in the material world), and weakens any arguement for his existance.

that book title was wrong
it's not "look homeward, angel"
it's "look inward, angel"
tho "outward" is probably more accurate :ninja

All Else Failed

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Can you prove that there is no God? How would the world get started, space, matter, everything. Even this "Big Bang" you speak of, wouldn't someone have to start it off? Wouldn't someone have to make it, or wouldnt it have to start somehow? Wouldn't someone have to do it?

That someone is God.
No. Have a nice day.


I think studying the world around us is proof enough that there is a God. I mean, nature is amazing, incredible, and so finely tuned that I have no idea how anyone can say with a straight face it was created by random forces. To each his own, but personally, studying the intricate ways the human body or a leaf are put together and work is proof that God exists.
Good thing evolution isn't random at all.

Plus intricate systems do not constitute proof for god at all. it just proves that there are complex organisms in nature, and nothing else.


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So maybe you guys are just jealous or something.

not hardly....
fact is, i find the need to "make your knowledge fit" into the conceptual systems of others to be THE tragedy of all organized religion.....

defeating it's entire essence, and sending the vast majority of believers off on some wild goose chase, distracting them from what it is within them that attracted them to religion in the first place.

it is my truth that the entire tragedy began with the clowns who saw fit to assemble a bunch of experiences into a "story".....the bible.
'twas, imo, a vain (as in arrogant) attempt, to make things "logical"....to bring rational understanding to what is supposed to defy rational understanding

personal acceptance is all that is necessary to trust the bible's logic...tho it's not sufficient to give it any meaning...
that's a different journey altogether

all the bible has done is offer up the cliff notes wrt the topic of "god"

worrying about the big bang, creation, etc just proves that, imo.


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I love how Christians and Atheists waste valuable time arguing about something neither of them have actual proof of, when they could just be living their everyday lives doing something much more meaningful.

I don't argue about whether god exists or not. I just shoot down logically absurd people that try to logic to prove god. I don't give a damn about his/her/its existance. I just like to tear apart absurd posts created at uneducated and sloppy thinking. For example what do you mean when neither have actual proof? Proof of what? I am pure Atheist and I have never said I have proof or anything nor do I need any proof to continue being an Atheist. Ask the christians, like Sgt. Biblethumper here, why they have such an obsessive need to prove god. Have you counted how many friggen threads there are in this forum on that theme?


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I don't argue about whether god exists or not. I just shoot down logically absurd people that try to logic to prove god. I don't give a damn about his/her/its existance. I just like to tear apart absurd posts created at uneducated and sloppy thinking. For example what do you mean when neither have actual proof? Proof of what? I am pure Atheist and I have never said I have proof or anything nor do I need any proof to continue being an Atheist. Ask the christians, like Sgt. Biblethumper here, why they have such an obsessive need to prove god. Have you counted how many friggen threads there are in this forum on that theme?

Just because you don't argue about whether or not god exists, doesn't mean no atheist in the world argues about that subject.

Minor Axis

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Just because you don't argue about whether or not god exists, doesn't mean no atheist in the world argues about that subject.

I might be wrong but I think the standard Atheist standard is "non believe" in God because there is proof of God. There is really nothing to argue there. The only issue I have with Atheism is that restricting your beliefs to what can be proven seems limiting because many Atheists come across as not only as "non belief" but also as "non-consideration" of what might be possible. I could be wrong about that. It's just an impression.

If there is arguing by Atheists about God it is to discount assertions for specific religious dogma such as the concept of the Christian God, his power, what he does, his relationship in our lives. Again, that argument is based on lack of evidence, nothing more.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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but the lack of evidence is the whole point. It flies in the face of logic to think otherwise. Show me something tangible then my mind would be changed.


DT3's Twinkie
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This has always been my opinion......Maybe a stretch for some

If we spent as much time, effort money and determination into curing cancer as we do fighting over a belief system.....What a world this would be.

If you believe there is one, and you believe non-believers are wrong....What's the matter with letting someone be wrong?

Sometimes I wonder who religious people are trying to convince, me or them.....

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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This has always been my opinion......Maybe a stretch for some

If we spent as much time, effort money and determination into curing cancer as we do fighting over a belief system.....What a world this would be.

If you believe there is one, and you believe non-believers are wrong....What's the matter with letting someone be wrong?

Sometimes I wonder who religious people are trying to convince, me or them.....

seems like the world would be a lot nice place if there was no religion. maybe that is gods way of thinning the heard with all the wars that involved religious issues.