True. Anyone who is respectful of others deserves respect in return regardless of what they believe. Imo Christians are more guilty of disrespecting someone because of his belief (or lack thereof) than atheists are (although I could be biased). This is not because Christians are bad people, they're not. I think most people are basically decent people. But for some reason Christians seem to have difficulty separating a person from their beliefs. While I think all people deserve respect, I do not think all beliefs deserve respect. Even cherished beliefs are fair game. In the end I can make a case that a particular belief is unreasonable or even silly. But I would never wish to tell someone what they are allowed to believe. I believe in free thought.
I will not apologize for starting religious threads. I like to encourage people to think about their beliefs. I like to encourage critical thinking in general. It's good for the mind. It's good for society. It's why many people such as myself come to forums in the first place.
I agree, that's what I was trying to say in an earlier post, I think it's healthy and a good thing to discuss this topic but the disrespect I'm talking about is just this doll. You don't believe, ok, that's your choice, but I DO.....isn't that MY I to be labelled pyscho or insane because of it? Examples...
So yeah, any notions of God as pushed by religion has been proved to be utter nonsense.
God, as worshipped in organised religion, is just insanity.
As far as speaking with God the conversation is one way. As far as God speaking to you, anything that happens in you head is suspect.
Now you tell me how I would get the idea that I'm being disrespected?
I'd have to get Jesus himself to stand in front of you all and part the atlantic ocean before I'd get any one of you to budge. You want miracles as an argument....and since I personally am unable to perform miracles .........I'm left with my faith alone and the knowledge that He does exist, and not only in my mind like most of you seem to want to use as an excuse to commit sad part here is that you know this and thats where your conviction begins and ends. But that's also where faith comes into play and the ability to admit and to open your mind to the idea that there are some things out there that just can't be explained away.
Don't you earlier point about me not starting threads like this says it all....think about it. YOU started this thread....why? If God is total nonsense they why not just ignore those who believe in Him? You could, but you don' you want to know what that says to me?
Ohhhhhhhh you don't wanna know mista!!