Divine Hiddenness

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uh huh....and thats when our third eye/pituitary gland literally "shut off/closed"...this is waaaaay before the Old Testemant too. We are all slowly "waking up" though, some faster than others

I believe they will....and in our lifetime too....we're reaching critical level now

Ya can call me crazy now:willy_nilly:
you might find a book called 'initiation' and other works by elisabeth haich to be of interest.

the works of mary summer rain as well.
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you might find a book called 'initiation' and other works by elisabeth haich to be of interest.

the works of mary summer rain as well.

I'll keep an eye out...a couple I found interesting were:
"nothing in this book is true, but its exactly the way things are"...and "The Keys of Enoch"

I cant remember the authors


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I myself am an Athiest and so do not believe in God or any form of Religious concept.
I believe Religion is Humanity trying to give form and sustanece to our conscience and also a way of creating rules with a "guranteed" reward/punishment.

Look upon many of the "sins" found in many Religions and they set out "good" or "pure" ways of living by avoiding excess eg Averice or Glutony. Harmful emotions or thought patterns eg Envy, Anger or Pride

In my opinion (I mean no offence to anyone or thier Religion) it is an excelent form of control.

Minor Axis

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I agree. Do you think it is important for God to make contact? It seems to me that we're struggling down here and could really use some divine assistance. Can you think of any good reason for God to remain hidden? I've been over it many times in my mind and so far have not come up with anything.

This is just one way of imagining it...

If you believe in some kind of divine intelligent force that has some power over us or our spirits, then by default you believe in a spiritual existence, an existence that most likely will exceed a mortal life by a great length of time. Based on this premise, our lives on Earth are a stage, possible a stage of learning. Human beings make their existences on Earth what it is. We make our own heaven/hell. In the end if we go to a better place, then the Earth experience is nothing more than living in a simulator which has a profound effect upon us, but in the end, maybe we are wiser for it. Our struggles are good things that we must resolve. We don't gain benefit by someone/thing else solving our problems for us. So if there is a God/Celestial Committee, it would be better if they kept their boundaries least the experiences on this Earth be diminished.

I also admit this is pure fantastical thinking. The universe is made up of energy and matter. We are part of the "Universe", our physical bodies return to the source. It is pure conjecture to imagine that our consciousness or lessons learned continue on for some collective or individual good in a parallel dimension, but it makes me feel warm and fuzzy imagining this possibility.

Happy New Year! I'm signing off to celebrate. :)
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If a personal god exists then that god could make his (no offense to women but I need a pronoun here) existence known to everyone if he wanted to. So why is God hiding from us or at least many of us?

Because He doesn't exist?

Or at least, not in any way that organised religion says.

The reason many of us cannot find Him, is because the more we understand the world around us, the less room there is for a personal God.

We know he didn't create the Earth, we know he cannot have any control over anything in the natural world. We know life comes from non-life, not from Him.

The only place where a God could possibly exist is prior to the big bang somehow...

So yeah, any notions of God as pushed by religion has been proved to be utter nonsense.

What do you think, is divine hiddenness justified? Or is it good evidence, as atheists claim, that a personal god does not exist?

Science has left no room for a personal God now. There still could be a creator, but our understanding of the universe shows that an omnipotent God, as worshipped in organised religion, is just insanity.

Minor Axis

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Because He doesn't exist?
Or at least, not in any way that organised religion says.

This is my feeling.

I myself am an Athiest and so do not believe in God or any form of Religious concept.
I believe Religion is Humanity trying to give form and sustanece to our conscience and also a way of creating rules with a "guranteed" reward/punishment.

What is the basis for belief or disbelief? (My favorite question directed at Atheists. ;)) I think there is a good chance there is something, spirituality is a possibility, but human religions don't have a good basis to decided God's characteristics or even if God exists. Mostly it is in our heads what we imagine.

In my opinion (I mean no offence to anyone or thier Religion) it is an excelent form of control.
I agree!
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God created us with one obvious fault, free will...lol. I don't really believe that but I'm sooo tired of these threads about His non-existence. Ya know what, I adore you but for a person who claims to be a non believer, you spend an awful lot of your time thinking about God.


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It isn't a proof that a personal God doesn't exist. But I consider it a strong argument until someone can explain divine hiddenness in a way that makes sense to me.

Well when somebody comes along who can explain it to me then I'll be more than happy to share it with you doll, but unfortunately, for now, I run on faith alone. Some things just can't be explained.......just yet.


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Well it can be explained, just not in way you like. :)

Or....lol...perhaps it's just one of those things that can not be explained....that is, until He is good and ready to explain it. Not the way you like it I know....but life sometimes works that way.


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Or....lol...perhaps it's just one of those things that can not be explained....that is, until He is good and ready to explain it. Not the way you like it I know....but life sometimes works that way.

Actually I would like very much for there to be a loving personal God who in the end rights all wrongs, gives us immortality and creates a utopia to live in. I just don't run on faith. I need evidence. But I see no real harm in faith as long as you enjoy this life and don't let others think for you, which as far as I can tell is the case with you.


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Actually I would like very much for there to be a loving personal God who in the end rights all wrongs, gives us immortality and creates a utopia to live in. I just don't run on faith. I need evidence. But I see no real harm in faith as long as you enjoy this life and don't let others think for you, which as far as I can tell is the case with you.

You hit the nail right on the head doll....'in the end' I guess one day all will be revealed.

Was that a compliment?


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I don't honestly know why God chooses to hide Himself. People argue all the time that it has to do with free will, and I can understand that, to an extent. I mean, on the one hand God is an...entity I guess, who wants His people to come to Him based on faith. On the other hand, theists argue that God is a fully just and good being, and if that's the case, then one would assume that He would want to do anything in His power (i.e.: anything.) to bring everyone to His...word I guess.

I have incredibly conflicting feelings on the being of God. I believe that there is some higher power, I've seen the miracles that can be done, but I have an impossible time believing that God is as most theists believe He is. I want to believe. I really do. I go to church every week, looking for some sort of answer. And I know I'm never going to find it. Real life experience has shown me that there *is* something out there. I just can't determine what, exactly, that something is. It's hard to listen to closed-minded theists who talk about the "stupidity" of believing in evolution. I can believe in creation *and* evolution, and I do. And I don't think *MY* God would punish me for having an open mind, as these people would have me believe.


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I don't honestly know why God chooses to hide Himself. People argue all the time that it has to do with free will, and I can understand that, to an extent. I mean, on the one hand God is an...entity I guess, who wants His people to come to Him based on faith. On the other hand, theists argue that God is a fully just and good being, and if that's the case, then one would assume that He would want to do anything in His power (i.e.: anything.) to bring everyone to His...word I guess.

I have incredibly conflicting feelings on the being of God. I believe that there is some higher power, I've seen the miracles that can be done, but I have an impossible time believing that God is as most theists believe He is. I want to believe. I really do. I go to church every week, looking for some sort of answer. And I know I'm never going to find it. Real life experience has shown me that there *is* something out there. I just can't determine what, exactly, that something is. It's hard to listen to closed-minded theists who talk about the "stupidity" of believing in evolution. I can believe in creation *and* evolution, and I do. And I don't think *MY* God would punish me for having an open mind, as these people would have me believe.

IMO, if I may, I think He encourages an open mind, that's why He created us with such an inqusitive one. We're not little dolls that he created in order for Him to play house with on a rainy saturday afternoon....we're much more than that. He's given us so much, and He expects us to question it...just like He expects us to experience life and death and anything else that may come our way, good or bad, we learn from it all.