So, if "unable to prove" is the standard, might I assume you also believe in the Greek/Roman Gods? My point is when it comes to spirituality proof/disproof is not really part of the emotional equation. Many of us believe in such things simply because we want to. It makes us feel good. In contrast those who require proof are using a reasonable standard to live their lives by, probably the best standard. Saying
I don't believe in something, really is saying there is
no basis to believe in that something. I'm sure most Atheists will agree with this. However, when it comes to spirituality, due to the something I sense, I prefer to say "I don't know."
The religions I'm familiar with try to put individuals on the spot to commit to a God the individual may not see. This is a human failing. I'm convinced that a high percentage of people attend church to hedge their bets.
"I can't see this God, but if I do all the "right" things, I'll be in good shape for judgment day." I don't think God would be impressed by someone "just going through the motions" to gain favor. Doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do is what counts, not to gain favor. However, I do believe good people do good things because it does make them feel good, not to make their God happy. I feel that
if we have spirits and our existence continues in some manner, living a good life, being a good person, gaining wisdom could have an outcome on our spiritual development. This is something that can't be told to you, you must feel it. Therefore it is a human standard, not God's standard. And feeling these things has nothing to do with if you believe in a particular God or not.
As I said before, the issue I have with people who say they believe in God is not that they believe in "God", a higher power of some kind, but when they claim to know all the details as fed to them by their Church. This is God's word, these are God's rules 1,2,3. In contrast I find the concept of "God" to be a large mysterious abstract. Yes there could be something there. But, I don't think our belief is that important to any deity who may desire a relationship with us, otherwise it would not be this much of a mystery. The sermon is over for now.