Where can you build an Islamic center?

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we dont need muslims here

Muslims are welcome in the US as long as they obey US law. This is called freedom. It is what the US is all about. I'm not a Muslim. I'm not even religious. But Muslims have as much right to be here as anyone else.
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The Man

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Terrorism is bad but counter-terrorism is worse!! The war on terror seems to have entered that stage. You kill one terrorist for the lives of 20 innocent civilians and thus contribute to making more enemies, more terrorists. Even those Muslims who are with the US begin to lose their 'sympathies' for it as they don't like its policies. Nobody is against the Americans or Europeans if there is any he is against the US policies.

No WMD were recovered from Iraq ...and Saddam was killed on other charges related to his killing of some insurgent kurds...this is historical fact and the future historian will write all t his.

Support of NATO doesn't mean the US is right...what about those many who are not allies of the US??? Read about League of Nations...Ironically UN is said to be the US itself!!
I think we need a review of the war on terror and restrict it to terrorists only....just going on attacking other countries where terrorists are hidden is not fair...the US is devastating country after country...and spending hell of a lot of tax money for no good gain..(terrorism has not slowed down ) and BTW where aren't terrorist hiding???

Putting an end to war on terror could mean no buyer for weaponry produced by rich nations...hence no money! No access to the Warm waters, to the resources of Central Asia etc!!
Mind it, man, politics has always been a dirty business!:)

You kill one terrorist for the lives of 20 innocent civilians and thus contribute to making more enemies, more terrorists.
back this 20 to 1 kill ratio please with documentation.

thus contribute to making more enemies, more terrorists
No a terrorist is a terrorist because he want to be....you have stated that is was certain sects in the past correct?
So how do we make one muslim practice one sect and switch to another?....rubbish.
Even those Muslims who are with the US begin to lose their 'sympathies' for it as they don't like its policies
You have just stared the the American Muslim is nit in support of the war against terrorism
Keep em coming:thumbup

No WMD were recovered from Iraq
Saddam played cat and mouse for years with the inspectors...additionally he was a barbarian to his own people ans also slaughtered many of his own citizens via genocide.
If the muslims support that they they can stay home.....here in the west we dont like barbarianism.....keep em coming:thumbup

Support of NATO doesn't mean the US is right...what about those many who are not allies of the US??? Read about League of Nations...Ironically UN is said to be the US itself!!
I think we need a review of the war on terror and restrict it to terrorists only....just going on attacking other countries where terrorists are hidden is not fair...the US is devastating country after country...and spending hell of a lot of tax money for no good gain..(terrorism has not slowed down ) and BTW where aren't terrorist hiding???

Going in was done by many nations....we got sick of the shit it really is that simple..we been kicking ass since...if you guys cant handle your terrorists we will do it for you.
Wait....hmmm the taliban was in control of Afghanistan...thats right they were in full control.
The taliban are well known terrorists,,,fuck em fuck em real good o yeah...sick bastards.

Putting an end to war on terror could mean no buyer for weaponry produced by rich nations...hence no money! No access to the Warm waters, to the resources of Central Asia etc!!
Mind it, man, politics has always been a dirty business!

All I can say is Wow

Oh and keep em coming:thumbup


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The Man;1740498[QUOTE said:
]One person swear four times....whew what a mountain of evidence

One man swears only once....
swearing more than once is used in another context..

But wait...Why isnt the word of the woman and the man the same?

It's the same in all cases except business contracts...
All people are not educated as in the US or developed countries...nor women independent everywhere..so if one woman forgets, which she is naturally prone to (no offense meant to women!!:) the other is always therre to remind her!!
As said Uncool thats what it means...double punishment doesnt prevent a lie...people lie its a fact of life..as said its uncool to cut off the hand.

I am for cutting off hands of Habitual thieves....so??
You now talk about appeals...in another thread you praised the speedy justice system where 2 people got thier heads cut off the other day and the inability for the accused to take more time....a few days is nothing to present a case..not even enough time for proper lab work:thumbdown

It doesn't ake months or years to decide a case in Saudia or UAE....appeal is either Yes or No by the highest competent authority and it's done!! :thumbup:
You have done well here you have proven my point 100 percent about muslims and culture clash..we dont need muslims here..next thing you know they vote or even get elected into office after running...they do not support our foundation for our way of life..simple.

By saying that you are sadly enough insulting your own Constitution...which guarantees freedom of religion and religious practice. Naturally if Muslim or Mormon population overtakes yours they will have the democratic right to make and enforce laws...what's wrong with that??
This is also shown by KimmyC ..although I do not know her religion she is in support of sharia law I do know she has exposure by Muslims friends and studies arabic language.
We are now hitting 2 for 2 to support what I have been saying say no to sharia say no to muslims in america.

A fair talk is not acceptable to you...I see.
I leave it for Kimmy to respond to your unfortunate narrow mindedness...and tell you what religion she believes in!
Now dont get me wrong If i go to your country I will respect your laws...In due respect you should respect mine and not try to change them...if one doesnt like the western ways then stay in the Middle east..if one supports sharia laws and does not like my laws they why come here.

Who the hell is not respecting your laws???? All Muslims do. If any Muslim doesn't do throw him to dogs, simple!!
Saudia doesn't accept other Muslims as citizens...they can only visit, work and then get lost!!

Further....why all the interest in the west?...I find it odd.....How many people from the west trying to push the west on the east...very few...do we on the forums try to change the east...no its always the east hammering islam at us,,,its obvious
How many from the east pushing Islam on the west?..many...you will find it in several forums..Why..its odd IMO just the very interest itself.
Does anybody give a shit who are in high places in lets say Saudi Arabia...not here we dont.
But yet we have the east constantly pushing how right islam is on us...when it is shown of its barbarianism it is denied....why?
Why couldnt the response merely be you guys from the west are fucked up and are some major sinners......why is it the ways of the east are always downplayed regarding islam?

It's just your imagination. Muslims are found in every nick and corner of the world and they aren't fools. It is your inquisitiveness and poor knowledge of Islam that you think it bad and Muslims are forced to clarify wrong perceptions of the West (not the entire West as UK and many other EU countries as well as the US think tanks and rulers know and realize the significance of Islam in the world!)..Fortunately or unfortunately, the US is stuck up with its own Constitutional stipulates and unless you changed it....to the exclusion of democracy and secularism, to theocracy or autocracy the things will remain as they are....same goes with other secular democratic countries of the world which allow religious freedom and respect for minorities.

It always starts out the same....this and that is denied..when proven true...then there are"but you dont understand"...whats not to understand?..a dead body is dead a cut off hand is cut off..an unfair trial is unfair.

Well, if you do not understand or misperceive or misconstrue somebody has to correct you, doesn't he/she??
This means you need more research before commenting or citing any quotation in isolation!
I told you I haven't met any Muslim whose hands were cut off because of stealing....

Jihad is Jihad.....

Same as Crusade is Crusade:)

Not being able to take a cross or bible into a country is what it is....religious dictatorship.

You are now talking against your own ;edict', viz when in Rome do as the Romans do'....Saudia and UAE are sultanates, kingdoms....and you can't dare defy a King unless you were fed up of your life!!
BTW you can travel to the ME with your Bible...and I think that shouldn;t be any problem. Aslo you can wear your cross there except the holy Cities of Muslims!

But anyway thankyou again for proving my point as to my first few posts

you have no case!!


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Muslims are welcome in the US as long as they obey US law. This is called freedom. It is what the US is all about. I'm not a Muslim. I'm not even religious. But Muslims have as much right to be here as anyone else.



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Muslims are welcome in the US as long as they obey US law. This is called freedom. It is what the US is all about. I'm not a Muslim. I'm not even religious. But Muslims have as much right to be here as anyone else.

yeah this is pretty much my stance on it too. Oh and they can't build one next to my housing tract, I'd hate the traffic


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back this 20 to 1 kill ratio please with documentation.

I have already posted a document on some forum here and I can't go and retrieve it for you if you had been reading my posts...
you may now google for the stats...sorry!

No a terrorist is a terrorist because he want to be....you have stated that is was certain sects in the past correct?
So how do we make one muslim practice one sect and switch to another?....rubbish.

You have just stared the the American Muslim is nit in support of the war against terrorism
Keep em coming:thumbup

I didn't say that...you are only misconstruing things.
Terrorism is a mafia present everywhere, to less or more extent. Frankly speaking terrorists are linked more to the Israel/Palestine cause than anything else...

Saddam played cat and mouse for years with the inspectors...additionally he was a barbarian to his own people ans also slaughtered many of his own citizens via genocide.
If the muslims support that they they can stay home.....here in the west we dont like barbarianism.....keep em coming:thumbup

Were your inspectors small kids??? What were they waiting for?? Why did they fail to report correctly??

not bullshit....you will one day say the same about Iran etc

Going in was done by many nations....we got sick of the shit it really is that simple..we been kicking ass since...if you guys cant handle your terrorists we will do it for you.
Wait....hmmm the taliban was in control of Afghanistan...thats right they were in full control.
The taliban are well known terrorists,,,fuck em fuck em real good o yeah...sick bastards.

Terrorist are mostly Arabs....from Saudia etc but the US had good relations with Saudia and dictators?? Amazing!
It's pushing 10 years and the war on terror doesn't seem to stop...why?? Are those handful of terrorist more strong than the super powers combined??? Is it going to take 100 years to end the war??

All I can say is Wow


Oh and keep em coming:thumbup

a century wouldn't suffice to convince you or to change your outlook based on biased and sketchy info!!
You will only realize if you came to Afghanistan or Iraq...hhow about a visit??:)


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I don't follow any religion, I am agnostic.

I support Shariah law do I now? :rolleyes: Put words in my mouth, please, I like it...not...

No offense (The Man) but all you are doing is rebutting everyone, and interpreting the things everyone says to fit everything you want to prove. If you want to debate properly, why don't you just accept that not all evidence is going to support whatever you believe? I don't think you're understanding a lot of what people have said. People have contradicted you, yet you take this as supporting you, and you are interpreting things the wrong way.
I'm sorry, but you really need to see that, you're coming across as....well, stuck up =/
Remember that you're not infallible.

And doubting something is not debating properly either. If you want some data, here you go:

Are you going to tell me now some thing that makes it support whatever you are trying to prove?
In the link I provided, it shows that there are more attacks by other groups more than Islamic extremists. Clearly Islamic terrorism is exaggerated. You're all fearing for your lives over nothing when you have other groups attacking you and you don't care.

If you want to uphold the values of your country and live by its Constitution well it's time to start acting like it.
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The Man

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One man swears only once....
swearing more than once is used in another context..

It's the same in all cases except business contracts...
All people are not educated as in the US or developed countries...nor women independent everywhere..so if one woman forgets, which she is naturally prone to (no offense meant to women!!:) the other is always therre to remind her!!

I am for cutting off hands of Habitual thieves....so??

It doesn't ake months or years to decide a case in Saudia or UAE....appeal is either Yes or No by the highest competent authority and it's done!! :thumbup:

By saying that you are sadly enough insulting your own Constitution...which guarantees freedom of religion and religious practice. Naturally if Muslim or Mormon population overtakes yours they will have the democratic right to make and enforce laws...what's wrong with that??

A fair talk is not acceptable to you...I see.
I leave it for Kimmy to respond to your unfortunate narrow mindedness...and tell you what religion she believes in!

Who the hell is not respecting your laws???? All Muslims do. If any Muslim doesn't do throw him to dogs, simple!!
Saudia doesn't accept other Muslims as citizens...they can only visit, work and then get lost!!

It's just your imagination. Muslims are found in every nick and corner of the world and they aren't fools. It is your inquisitiveness and poor knowledge of Islam that you think it bad and Muslims are forced to clarify wrong perceptions of the West (not the entire West as UK and many other EU countries as well as the US think tanks and rulers know and realize the significance of Islam in the world!)..Fortunately or unfortunately, the US is stuck up with its own Constitutional stipulates and unless you changed it....to the exclusion of democracy and secularism, to theocracy or autocracy the things will remain as they are....same goes with other secular democratic countries of the world which allow religious freedom and respect for minorities.

Well, if you do not understand or misperceive or misconstrue somebody has to correct you, doesn't he/she??
This means you need more research before commenting or citing any quotation in isolation!
I told you I haven't met any Muslim whose hands were cut off because of stealing....

Same as Crusade is Crusade:)

You are now talking against your own ;edict', viz when in Rome do as the Romans do'....Saudia and UAE are sultanates, kingdoms....and you can't dare defy a King unless you were fed up of your life!!
BTW you can travel to the ME with your Bible...and I think that shouldn;t be any problem. Aslo you can wear your cross there except the holy Cities of Muslims!


you have no case!!
One man swears only once....
swearing more than once is used in another context..
We havent defined the context but thanks for showing other unfair practices of Islam also extend into civil matters:thumbup

It's the same in all cases except business contracts...
All people are not educated as in the US or developed countries...nor women independent everywhere..so if one woman forgets, which she is naturally prone to (no offense meant to women!!:) the other is always therre to remind her!!

You forgot to mention cases of bias testimony of spouse cheating etc...you know the stuff that gets you killed...or sex before marriage...you know the stuff that gets you killed...homosexuality
Its not the same...it also may not be the same for business contract as well anyway thanks.
I am for cutting off hands of Habitual thieves....so??
Who said habitual?..habitual is not a requirement...isnt it a foot that comes off for the second offense;)...but none the less I am not for amputation because someone says hey thats my lighter.:thumbdown

It doesn't ake months or years to decide a case in Saudia or UAE....appeal is either Yes or No by the highest competent authority and it's done!! :thumbup:
Days correct?....You have already shown your support of cutting off the 2 heads of the 2 guys in another thread..within a few days....wow it can take that long to find a lawyer.
You guys heard of lab work,finger prints,depositions,lawyers,judges,District attorneys.jurrors

Its a fucked up society when someone can say you did something and thats it...fuck sharia.its not good its like old testament shit:thumbdown

By saying that you are sadly enough insulting your own Constitution...which guarantees freedom of religion and religious practice. Naturally if Muslim or Mormon population overtakes yours they will have the democratic right to make and enforce laws...what's wrong with that??
No I defended with freedom from religion.;)
Why interested in my constitution when you are fully supportive of sharia?...... AHHHH yes the teaching of the loop holes we have.

A fair talk is not acceptable to you...I see.
I leave it for Kimmy to respond to your unfortunate narrow mindedness...and tell you what religion she believes in!
I said i did not know her religion...but she is in support of sharia

Who the hell is not respecting your laws???? All Muslims do. If any Muslim doesn't do throw him to dogs, simple!!
Saudia doesn't accept other Muslims as citizens...they can only visit, work and then get lost!!
My statement was I respect the laws of the nation I go to so people should do the same here rather than be in support of sharia.

It's just your imagination
Nope its a fact.
Muslims are found in every nick and corner of the world and they aren't fools
Agreed and agreed.
It is your inquisitiveness and poor knowledge of Islam that you think it bad and Muslims are forced to clarify wrong perceptions of the West
I know enough to fuck the game up...sucks to know someone with knowledge of islam doesnt it........its always the same a large group that knows nothing of Islam and pow undisputed posts by muslims.:eek

(not the entire West as UK and many other EU countries as well as the US think tanks and rulers know and realize the significance of Islam in the world!)..Fortunately or unfortunately, the US is stuck up with its own Constitutional stipulates and unless you changed it....to the exclusion of democracy and secularism, to theocracy or autocracy the things will remain as they are....same goes with other secular democratic countries of the world which allow religious freedom and respect for minorities.
Pretty impressive considering the jibberish you have been posting the last few weeks...you now appear with /this entire post as a matter of a fact\ been forced to actually attempt to post a defense.

So are there 2 different people using the member ID or have you been using jibberish in the past to avoid the toms of questions people ask you?

Well, if you do not understand or misperceive or misconstrue somebody has to correct you, doesn't he/she??
This means you need more research before commenting or citing any quotation in isolation!
I told you I haven't met any Muslim whose hands were cut off because of stealing....
People dont have trials,thats a fact ..whether you met anyone that has had a hand cut off or not is a personal statement.

Same as Crusade is Crusade
Crusade for peace is far from jihad

You are now talking against your own ;edict', viz when in Rome do as the Romans do'....Saudia and UAE are sultanates, kingdoms....and you can't dare defy a King unless you were fed up of your life!!
BTW you can travel to the ME with your Bible...and I think that shouldn;t be any problem. Aslo you can wear your cross there except the holy Cities of Muslims!
Did I mention rome?,,no

I used saudi as an example..no crosses no bible etc...no Christianity.....so much for religious tolerance....it is fair to say they reject it totally.....so if so taboo why come to be surrounded by Christians?

you have no case!!
You were flogged :D


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civilian casualties are inevitable when the enemy doesnt follow the fucking Geneva conventions

What do innocent civilians have to do with Geneva convention?? A marriage party or a funeral procession is not as enemy to be attacked from air....and neighbors too!
Yeah, the bombing on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki was also a good excuse for killing enemies...deplorable excuse!!


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The Man;1740590[QUOTE said:
]We havent defined the context but thanks for showing other unfair practices of Islam also extend into civil matters:thumbup

What other unfair practices?? Twisting things to suit your notions wouldn't help you..

3 or 4 times swearing is NOT in civil matters but only when a husband accuses of his wife for adultery..those swearings are for deciding and punishing who ever is wrong if evidence is not there or cannot be shown to exist by the husband!!

You forgot to mention cases of bias testimony of spouse cheating etc...you know the stuff that gets you killed...or sex before marriage...you know the stuff that gets you killed...homosexuality
Its not the same...it also may not be the same for business contract as well anyway thanks.

there is difference between moral and business conduct....yes, pre-marital sex is forbidden and you are liable to be flogged if caught; adultery is punishable by death if proven; homosexuality warrants death penalty if proven.
To curtail these major sins Islam allows upto 4 wives...fuck them if you can (or get fucked by them:))

Who said habitual?..habitual is not a requirement...isnt it a foot that comes off for the second offense;)...but none the less I am not for amputation because someone says hey thats my lighter.:thumbdown

Why not? I have seen habitual thieves ...and criminals. You need to spend some time to observe criminals in prisons...
for or against amputation is your headache..same as death penalty or not is everybody's personal opinion. But i would want rapists and pedo's killed after a brief trial (similar to court martial) ---BTW Sharia procedure is quick but not applied without evidence and witnesses and admission of crime by the accused. Lawyers have little to do in Sharia courts....they are allowed but required to follow the simple procedure and any hanky panky by him would also cost him his nose!!:)

Days correct?....You have already shown your support of cutting off the 2 heads of the 2 guys in another thread..within a few days....wow it can take that long to find a lawyer.
You guys heard of lab work,finger prints,depositions,lawyers,judges,District attorneys.jurrors

British and French systems are different and rather opposite...Sharia goes by the Quran , witnesses and evidence.....accused is allowed full opportunity to be heard but there is no excuse for perjury...do it and face the music...that stands good for the lawyers too!!
Its a fucked up society when someone can say you did something and thats it...fuck sharia.its not good its like old testament shit:thumbdown

No, it is not like that. Nobody can lay a bogus blame on you....he will suffer the brunt of Sharia, not you!!

No I defended with freedom from religion.;)
world is again reverting to religion and spirituality....most people are sick and tired of this mundane western life!

Why interested in my constitution when you are fully supportive of sharia?...... AHHHH yes the teaching of the loop holes we have.

because i want you to respect your own Constitution before trying to mud slinging on others...
Frankly, it is your constitution which tends to give other religions room for establishment ....
Nobody can dare ask for his 'rights' other than allowed in Saudia because it is a Kingdom and dictators make rules you don't. You do what they want you to do--Sharia or no sharia---that's the hallmark of dictatorships, all of them!!

I said i did not know her religion...but she is in support of sharia

Kimmy has an open-mind and very sensible gal quite conversant with facts and happenings all around...
What's wrong if she said she likes Sharia?? Sharia is a code of life...it is strict and straight forward...and excellent for good girls...as nobody can cast a dirty look at them in Sharia..he will lose his balls!!:)

My statement was I respect the laws of the nation I go to so people should do the same here rather than be in support of sharia.

they are respecting the laws and that's why they are allowed to stay and live there!!
They are NOT trying to enforce Sharia over therre....they just say they have to go by Sharia...and your Constitution again allows them to practice their religion...or Sharia you are 'phobic' about! Don't worry Sharia will not reach you nor do you any harm....I stand surety, 'K?;)

Nope its a fact.

Agreed and agreed.

I know enough to fuck the game up...sucks to know someone with knowledge of islam doesnt it........its always the same a large group that knows nothing of Islam and pow undisputed posts by muslims.:eek

Pretty impressive considering the jibberish you have been posting the last few weeks...you now appear with /this entire post as a matter of a fact\ been forced to actually attempt to post a defense.

I am NOT defending I am clarifying...
So are there 2 different people using the member ID or have you been using jibberish in the past to avoid the toms of questions people ask you?

WTF....I am what I am...One and the only one!!
Can't you do away with your doubtful habit??

People dont have trials,thats a fact ..whether you met anyone that has had a hand cut off or not is a personal statement.

Wrong....Islam is very strict about fair trial...nobody is punished unheard or without evidence and witnesses.

Crusade for peace is far from jihad

If you kill that's fine if a Muslim kills that's bad, what a logic about bringing peace to the world!!
So, you believe in Crusades?? Hmm...you refute your own constitutional tenets...and talk like a theocrat.

Did I mention rome?,,no

Rome was used in the same sense as you wanted people to comply with the law of the land when there...
I used saudi as an example..no crosses no bible etc...no Christianity.....so much for religious tolerance....it is fair to say they reject it totally.....so if so taboo why come to be surrounded by Christians?

Who says Bible is not allowed in Saudia??? you can take it and enjoy reading it there...but you cannot preach!!

You were flogged

I am lucky-I escaped the guillotine!!:thumbup:

The Man

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I don't follow any religion, I am agnostic.

I support Shariah law do I now? :rolleyes: Put words in my mouth, please, I like it...not...

No offense (The Man) but all you are doing is rebutting everyone, and interpreting the things everyone says to fit everything you want to prove. If you want to debate properly, why don't you just accept that not all evidence is going to support whatever you believe? I don't think you're understanding a lot of what people have said. People have contradicted you, yet you take this as supporting you, and you are interpreting things the wrong way.
I'm sorry, but you really need to see that, you're coming across as....well, stuck up =/
Remember that you're not infallible.

And doubting something is not debating properly either. If you want some data, here you go:

Are you going to tell me now some thing that makes it support whatever you are trying to prove?
In the link I provided, it shows that there are more attacks by other groups more than Islamic extremists. Clearly Islamic terrorism is exaggerated. You're all fearing for your lives over nothing when you have other groups attacking you and you don't care.

If you want to uphold the values of your country and live by its Constitution well it's time to start acting like it.

I support Shariah law do I now? :rolleyes: Put words in my mouth, please, I like it...not..
By you;)...clearly in support of sharia law below from several posts back

If they wanna chop off hands, I don't care, it's a good deterrent. I know I will never steal, regardless of whether I live here or lived there, so what am I to worry about?
No offense (The Man) but all you are doing is rebutting everyone,
Do you propose I let false statements go uncontested?
If you want to debate properly, why don't you just accept that not all evidence is going to support whatever you believe?
are you doubting facts of documentation?...I have not seen any of my links rebutted with documentation,but rather only persona opinion

I don't think you're understanding a lot of what people have said. People have contradicted you, yet you take this as supporting you, and you are interpreting things the wrong way.
Incorrect posts were made to strengthen my position regarding culture clash and sharia law

I'm sorry, but you really need to see that, you're coming across as....well, stuck up =/
Remember that you're not infallible.
Not at all no offense taken...its called attack of the messenger rather that a rebuttal

Are you going to tell me now some thing that makes it support whatever you are trying to prove?
In the link I provided, it shows that there are more attacks by other groups more than Islamic extremists. Clearly Islamic terrorism is exaggerated. You're all fearing for your lives over nothing when you have other groups attacking you and you don't care.
Your link contains an unfriendly script and I wont be clicking it again I have purposely omitted it

The Man

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12 July 2010 at 11:46 GMT
Afghanistan: civilian casualties 'on the rise'


Civilian Casualties in Afghanistan: Beyond the Body Count

Wednesday 11 August 2010


From your first link

Violence has soared across Afghanistan in recent months, with 212 civilians killed during June alone, Afghanistan Rights Monitor says.
Most of the deaths documented by the report were caused by insurgents, the report notes, with the widespread use of roadside bombs particularly deadly, killing almost 300 civilians.
Suicide bombs were also a major cause of death, the organisation said.

So it appears as if the majority of deaths come from their own people...they must not give a shit about killing some innocent civilians as long as they get some troops along the way.
Thanks again

From your second link
Taliban and insurgent groups were responsible for 76 percent of the civilians killed this year, most of them victims of roadside and suicide bombs known as improvised explosive device (IED) attacks. The WikiLeaks War Dairy of thousands of classified military documents reveal that IED attacks against coalition forces and civilians increased from 308 in 2004 in to 7,155 in 2009. These crude attacks intimidate an already scarred populace.

Thanks again..keep em coming:thumbup


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Yeah, but the article also says this:

In all 210 civilians had died in the past six months as a result of Nato-led strikes, shootings and raids, the report said.
"Dozens of people, including women and children, were shot dead during violent and barbaric intrusions, raids into houses and other counter-insurgency operations by US-Nato forces," the report's authors say.
And the second one again...

...allegations that coalition governments have attempted to cover up recent civilian massacres.

....Mohamed Ahmadzai lives in a remote area of the Sangin district in Afghanistan's Helmand province. He recently told independent reporters how he was forced to bury two daughters, his sister and wife among extended family members after a rocket fired by coalition forces hit a soft target: a house full of woman and children who had fled to a nearby village to avoid a firefight between the Taliban and coalition troops.

....Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai initially condemned the attacks and reported that Afghan officials confirmed that the rocket attack killed 52 civilians. Coalition sources originally denied that any civilians had been killed in the attack and promised an investigation.

...The UN reports that, in 2010, a majority of the civilian casualties caused by coalition forces were the result of air strikes, with 69 deaths and 45 injuries caused by bombings before July. Up to 32 civilians died in a single coalition air strike last week.
I can't believe you just dismissed all of that. You can't just look for evidence that confirms everything you're trying to prove. Clearly there was much more there that contradicts with what you say more than what supports you.
Try again :D

Also, nice try for your country trying to cover it up...not.

The Man

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From your first link

Australian soldiers made a payment of US$10,200 to compensate for the lives of six civilians five of them children accidentally killed in a night raid just north of the base in Tarin Kowt on February 12 last year.

As you see its not just "My country"...the united states...its a world effort against terrorism.
Why is Australia in the war are they after the resources to as you claim the reason for the united states engaging

From your second link

Some of the leaked documents show that coalition forces handed over terror suspects to Iraqi security services even after abuse was suspected, or continued with interrogations despite visible injuries to suspects. There has been no clear mention of MI6 involvement in the logs, however.

So they hand them over whats the issue here...people wanted gitmo closed..so let them suffer from some iraqi justice;)

From your third link

WikiLeaks argues the release of the documents has shed light on the wars, including alleged widespread torture by Iraqi forces and reports that suggested 15,000 additional civilian deaths in the Iraq conflict.

Some leak....this show that Iraq was much like the taliban and treated it own people like mice.

Its good to see Australia and their ally the united states not partaking in these actions