Where can you build an Islamic center?

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So by that token we should just not prosecute someone who does an arrned robbery and shoots the clerks as the cost of incarceration for the next 50 years will be to high?

Afganistan was under the taliban control ...you reflect the influence of heroin control upon this.
Your position on such throughout your paragraph shows support for the taliban.....you are aware they are muslims that live strictly by the faith and are considered terrorist by the majority of nations

As far as 911 being the only attack...false..it was the attack that broke the camels back.
The US did not start this war on terror alone it was global effort that had dozens of nations involved...troops from many nations went in.

No one is generalizing here ..but at the same time we can see that there is a problem with terrorists..I have shown that your country has kept many muslims out of your country.
The long list can hardly be described as a few..but rather large in fact.

No one went into any country and just started shooting people..the goal was to take out saddam and the taliban{which you seem to have some support for}.

The global effort is for everyone..especially the people in these nations..to stop them from living under the stupid rule of executions and hand chopping etc.

Not at all
People get killed by terrorists everyday...the world is sick of it and rightly so/
The problem is they were growing in size...they are not a fad..but a problem that began to grow in large numbers daily

No, the people don't die from terrorism. The people die from this whole war in general. Your country wants to take control of the Middle East's resources, put them into debt and make them pay it all back. Leaving civilians with what? When money goes to debt, the people get nothing.
Not to mention the armies who are in these countries. I'm pretty sure they're the ones doing the killing. 92% of the people killed from war are civilians. Go figure.

And, you don't have to keep mentioning hand chopping. I think it's obvious from previous discussions in here that hand chopping isn't stated in the Qur'an, no?
Plus, websites are pretty questionable. It's better to go by the book itself in this case.

I really think you are lacking insight to what I have to say. You haven't shown how my country has kept Muslims out. You gave me a list of groups that aren't allowed here, but who has actually tried to come here and get rejected? Maybe those groups haven't actually tried coming here. I don't know, I read one of the groups. To me one read something like it was about the 'oneness of God', wow that sounds so scary! Not.

Muslims aren't trying to bring any of their crap here, most of them are happy to assimilate to our Western cultures because it's better than their home countries which got screwed over by the Western country itself. Wow, isn't that a little harsh to create havoc in someone's country and then reject them from seeking refuge?
I don't think you know enough about Islam to be able to make judgments of its people. Having learnt about it myself, I respect their religion for what it is, because just looking at their principles and way of life, it is so much more level-headed than ours. As maz says, they are forbidden to talk badly about other religions. And now look at us, talking shit about them...shooting at them...
I don't know why you think Muslims want to bring their own law here. Yeah they support it, doesn't mean they want to take it everywhere.

And, I think you're ignoring base rate information. The fact that a Muslim himself has spoken out for the rest of the them says a lot more than some Westerner giving a mere list of websites where you haven't explained anything for yourself, and who seems to be under the impression that EVERY Muslim is a terrorist. A Western interpretation of something Islamic won't prove anything unless it came from the Qur'an itself. I think you're just trying to find ONLY evidence that supports the whole 'hand chopping' thing. You know, those websites could be wrong too. It's sad to think that such a misinterpretation happens on a large scale. Just like the whole of the West think that Muslims are terrorists, my-oh-my :rolleyes:
I think it's pretty valid to say that if you came from that culture, you probably know it best. Who are we to judge them? And why do we have to be so culturally insensitive? Who are we to label them as terrorists when we don't even come from that culture/religion in the first place?!
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Christians do not ask for death when one chooses not to be christian and choose another faith.

Normally you will have to dig in the garden to find any Muslim convert...
Apostasy is ofcourse not tolerable in Islam...if it is with Christians good for them!!

No sect of christian faith asks for such...When people of Islam faith choose to quit they fall under apostasy which many muslims suffer death for.

Yes, death if the Muslim convert doesn't repent. He, ofcourse, is given a fair hearing before punishment.

As we can see by the link below we in fact have many nations do indeed use sharia law

I have read enough to know the quran is along the lines of our old testament..and is far from being modeled after the new testament
according to this source below we can date the quran back as far as the first century

forget the link, I don't need to read it. If Muslims in a Muslim-majority country ask for Sharia law then what democratic reason do you have to deny them that right??? Sharia laws, infact punishments mainly, are enforced in a few countries, the ''REWARD' factor has been overlooked by all!!

Sharia law cannot be enforced in a secular state..that is not possible until Muslim majority takes over and promulgates law---and that is just a figment of imagination. Moreover, many Muslim countries follow the British Laws in official matters, Sharia has its voluntary role in personal and family matters only ....so what's the row about??

The earliest copy, which was exhibited in the British Museum during the 1976 World of Islam Festival, dated from the late second century. [Lings, M. and Y. H. Safadi: The Qur'an, London, 1976, No. 1A. See also plate 6] However, there are also a number of odd fragments of Qur'anic papyri available, which date from the first century.
Link for above

The Quran was revealed about 1400 years ago...rest is rubbish.
Never heard about those 2 authors mentioned above...they are not authorities!!

I was discussing the quran being law...the quran states to live by the quran /the bible states to live under the law of the land....this is major

Yes, Quran is the law in an Islamic Welfare State but there is NO such state in the world!!
Every Muslim is ordained to be loyal to the land where he lives and earns his bread and its rulers ....unless they command him to do something which is forbidden by the Quran, for example, to eat pork, drink wine and blood, prevent him from prayer or pilgrimage, or anything personal. Otherwise a Muslim gives total allegiance to his land or ruler, no matter what! The British understood this reasoning and Muslims gladly fought for them against Hitler in Europe during WW1 and WWII. Earlier to that Muslim commanders led Ghenjiz Khan's forces against Muslims of Baghdad!!

We dont live by the bible..our laws are modeled after the value system.
YOu are free to do whatever you like and you have no right to expect what you do or did from others,..simple!

Sharai law hands out punishment from the Quran.
No where in the states here will you here a judge say..according to king james chapter xx verse xx you will suffer the punishment of.

No, The Quran hands out punishments to criminals..what's wrong with that??? The Quran also gurarantees full security to human life and property ....some glimpses of it can be found in the UAE and SAudia although both of them do not follow the REWARDING section of the Quran...and have enforced punishments only for political reasons and they really seem to work..(check out for crime stats there))
Sharia punishments are handed out according to the quran.....thus the equivalent of us living before the new testament and suffering punishment form the old testament.

The Quran says hang the rapist, kill the robber, cut off thieves' hands, flog a fornicator, kill a traitor, etc etc .....I don't see anything wrong with that, do you?? Why??


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No, the people don't die from terrorism. The people die from this whole war in general. Your country wants to take control of the Middle East's resources, put them into debt and make them pay it all back. Leaving civilians with what? When money goes to debt, the people get nothing.
Not to mention the armies who are in these countries. I'm pretty sure they're the ones doing the killing. 92% of the people killed from war are civilians. Go figure.

I agree ...

And, you don't have to keep mentioning hand chopping. I think it's obvious from previous discussions in here that hand chopping isn't stated in the Qur'an, no?
Plus, websites are pretty questionable. It's better to go by the book itself in this case.

I am not sure but hand chopping of a habitual thief is there....repeat HABITUAL THIEF only. One hand, amybe left, goes first, if he doesnt stop stealing, right leg is chopped off, if he still continues his right hand is gone, and if he still doesnt stop his left foot is done!! This punishment is a drastic DETERRENT for others...I have never seen any Muslim anywhere whose hand has been chopped!!

I really think you are lacking insight to what I have to say. You haven't shown how my country has kept Muslims out. You gave me a list of groups that aren't allowed here, but who has actually tried to come here and get rejected? Maybe those groups haven't actually tried coming here. I don't know, I read one of the groups. To me one read something like it was about the 'oneness of God', wow that sounds so scary! Not.

There is some Muslim unrest in Australia...but no Muslim is against Australia as it is against the US. Why?? The reason is apparent...

Muslims aren't trying to bring any of their crap here, most of them are happy to assimilate to our Western cultures because it's better than their home countries which got screwed over by the Western country itself. Wow, isn't that a little harsh to create havoc in someone's country and then reject them from seeking refuge?
I don't think you know enough about Islam to be able to make judgments of its people. Having learnt about it myself, I respect their religion for what it is, because just looking at their principles and way of life, it is so much more level-headed than ours. As maz says, they are forbidden to talk badly about other religions. And now look at us, talking shit about them...shooting at them...
I don't know why you think Muslims want to bring their own law here. Yeah they support it, doesn't mean they want to take it everywhere.

As I had been stating the British mind knows how to tackle people of other religions including Muslims...
Please read my post to The Man under this post....for more on Muslim character. They are loyal and friendly unless you try to interfere with their personal religious matters.

And, I think you're ignoring base rate information. The fact that a Muslim himself has spoken out for the rest of the them says a lot more than some Westerner giving a mere list of websites where you haven't explained anything for yourself, and who seems to be under the impression that EVERY Muslim is a terrorist. A Western interpretation of something Islamic won't prove anything unless it came from the Qur'an itself. I think you're just trying to find ONLY evidence that supports the whole 'hand chopping' thing. You know, those websites could be wrong too. It's sad to think that such a misinterpretation happens on a large scale. Just like the whole of the West think that Muslims are terrorists, my-oh-my :rolleyes:

hahaha!! Why don't folk here believe what I say??? After all I am a Muslim and don't need to go to unauthentic links for ordinary matters....forming part of life, a Muslim life!!:)

I think it's pretty valid to say that if you came from that culture, you probably know it best. Who are we to judge them? And why do we have to be so culturally insensitive? Who are we to label them as terrorists when we don't even come from that culture/religion in the first place?!

Listen to Hillary Clinton who admitted that the the ''terrorists' of today were the ''Mujahideens'' of yesterday fostered and fed by Americans alone to drive out Russian from Afghanistan and Warm waters...After the war the US ditched them ....consequently they grouped and turned against America!! You reap as you sow!

Why is it that some Muslims against the US and its allies?? Why aren't they a pain in the neck to other countries like Japan, Singapore, Australia, Austria, Germany, Turkey, Italy, etc etc ...??It does take two to tango and unless something was wrong somewhere therre wouldn't be this seemingly endless bullshit going on...
All that the world needs after the fall of USSR is balance of power......which the US is monopolizing!!;)

Minor Axis

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Their attorney, Joe Brandon Jr., used an underhanded tactic. He sued on the grounds that the public had not been properly informed of the building plans before they were approved. Then once he got into court his true agenda came out. That is, Islam is not a recognized religion in the US and Sharia law equates to terrorism. The first statement is patently false and both are irrelevant. The Tennessee Muslims obey US law and all Americans are protected by the US constitution regardless of their religion or lack thereof.

Hopefully it will be tossed.

I would like to make some amends here...

it's true that the holy Quran contains a lot of things discussed in the holy Bible and Torah but is in no way the same or even equal to them to the extent you mentioned. The obvious difference between these is that the Quran states certain LAWS which go in the making of a Code of Life....it contains express commands regarding different matters of life such as inheritance, rights of men and women, orphans, widows, war, prayer, conduct towards others, mutual dealing, etc etc....

As for the construction of mosque at some place, I think there should not be any objection provided such construction fulfills the laws of that country. If any country which claims to be secular and democratic acts against its own laws and constitution then it leaves little reason to believe that that country is NOT what it claims to be!

Hopefully it will be what it claims to be.

While you and I are against the support of sharia law...the majority of muslims support it
65 percent of Muslims seek strict application of sharia law

Here are two data that blow out of the water the idea that most Muslims are "moderates," i.e., that most Muslims believe in Islam only as an individual religion, not as a political religion. Andrew Bostom writes:
Polling data just released (April 24, 2007) in a rigorously conducted face-to-face University of Maryland/ WorldPublicOpinion.org interview survey of 4384 Muslims conducted between December 9, 2006 and February 15, 2007--1000 Moroccans, 1000 Egyptians, 1243 Pakistanis, and 1141 Indonesians--reveal that 65.2% of those interviewed--almost 2/3, hardly a "fringe minority"--desired this outcome (i.e., "To unify all Islamic countries into a single Islamic state or Caliphate"), including 49% of "moderate" Indonesian Muslims. The internal validity of these data about the present longing for a Caliphate is strongly suggested by a concordant result: 65.5% of this Muslim sample approved the proposition "To require a strict [emphasis added] application of Shari'a law in every Islamic country."

65% in that poll from middle Eastern Countries (or close by)- representative for the entire Middle East? Not enough response. Representative of the entire world? Inadequate data.


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If they wanna chop off hands, I don't care, it's a good deterrent. I know I will never steal, regardless of whether I live here or lived there, so what am I to worry about? :)


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Noting the progressive view, looks like it depends on how fundamental you want to be. Cutting off hands is not appropriate for my standard.

There are 'conditions' for chopping off hands of a thief...and the failure to meet those conditions is held to be liability of the state! If a state fails to provide food to a person and fears dying from famish and he steals he is not liable to be punished because herre the state failed to execute its duty!!

You have to understand the 'philosophy' behind Islamic laws and just not judge them by your standards to which are you strongly conditioned and attached:)

The Man

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No, the people don't die from terrorism. The people die from this whole war in general. Your country wants to take control of the Middle East's resources, put them into debt and make them pay it all back. Leaving civilians with what? When money goes to debt, the people get nothing.
Not to mention the armies who are in these countries. I'm pretty sure they're the ones doing the killing. 92% of the people killed from war are civilians. Go figure.

And, you don't have to keep mentioning hand chopping. I think it's obvious from previous discussions in here that hand chopping isn't stated in the Qur'an, no?
Plus, websites are pretty questionable. It's better to go by the book itself in this case.

I really think you are lacking insight to what I have to say. You haven't shown how my country has kept Muslims out. You gave me a list of groups that aren't allowed here, but who has actually tried to come here and get rejected? Maybe those groups haven't actually tried coming here. I don't know, I read one of the groups. To me one read something like it was about the 'oneness of God', wow that sounds so scary! Not.

Muslims aren't trying to bring any of their crap here, most of them are happy to assimilate to our Western cultures because it's better than their home countries which got screwed over by the Western country itself. Wow, isn't that a little harsh to create havoc in someone's country and then reject them from seeking refuge?
I don't think you know enough about Islam to be able to make judgments of its people. Having learnt about it myself, I respect their religion for what it is, because just looking at their principles and way of life, it is so much more level-headed than ours. As maz says, they are forbidden to talk badly about other religions. And now look at us, talking shit about them...shooting at them...
I don't know why you think Muslims want to bring their own law here. Yeah they support it, doesn't mean they want to take it everywhere.

And, I think you're ignoring base rate information. The fact that a Muslim himself has spoken out for the rest of the them says a lot more than some Westerner giving a mere list of websites where you haven't explained anything for yourself, and who seems to be under the impression that EVERY Muslim is a terrorist. A Western interpretation of something Islamic won't prove anything unless it came from the Qur'an itself. I think you're just trying to find ONLY evidence that supports the whole 'hand chopping' thing. You know, those websites could be wrong too. It's sad to think that such a misinterpretation happens on a large scale. Just like the whole of the West think that Muslims are terrorists, my-oh-my :rolleyes:
I think it's pretty valid to say that if you came from that culture, you probably know it best. Who are we to judge them? And why do we have to be so culturally insensitive? Who are we to label them as terrorists when we don't even come from that culture/religion in the first place?!

No, the people don't die from terrorism. The people die from this whole war in general.
So you propose letting terrorism continue?
Your country wants to take control of the Middle East's resources, put them into debt and make them pay it all back
Are you saying Afganistan wasnt run by the Taliban?..or are you in support of the Taliban?
Same for saddam and Iraq...were you in support of Saddam and how he done his people..not to mention the cat and mouse with inspectors.

I'm pretty sure they're the ones doing the killing. 92% of the people killed from war are civilians. Go figure.
I doubt these figures

And, you don't have to keep mentioning hand chopping. I think it's obvious from previous discussions in here that hand chopping isn't stated in the Qur'an, no?
I shown sources where it is.....why would you want to disregard it

Plus, websites are pretty questionable. It's better to go by the book itself in this case
Its a fact hands are cut off for theft in some Muslim countries.
Are you saying now these counties arent going by the book?....that these muslim nations are not following the book?
You haven't shown how my country has kept Muslims out. You gave me a list of groups that aren't allowed here,
that is what keeps them out,by being denied entry.
Muslims aren't trying to bring any of their crap here
Are you trying to deny muslim terrorist attack happened in your country?
most of them are happy to assimilate to our Western cultures because it's better than their home countries which got screwed over by the Western country itself
You do realized you have just stated we have screw over the majority of muslim nations.
Care to explain how?
Wow, isn't that a little harsh to create havoc in someone's country and then reject them from seeking refuge?
Are you suggesting free for all entry...as above you have stated we screwed most of the nations

I don't think you know enough about Islam to be able to make judgments of its people
History is what it is I am just the messenger boy

Having learnt about it myself, I respect their religion for what it is, because just looking at their principles and way of life, it is so much more level-headed than ours.
From a politically correct textbook?...These textbooks have nothing bad to say about islam do they.....who do you suppose is doing the teaching?
And now look at us, talking shit about them...shooting at them..
You do know you appear pro terrorist in your statement

I don't know why you think Muslims want to bring their own law here. Yeah they support it, doesn't mean they want to take it everywhere.
Makes no sense...you state they support it ...but dont want to take it with them?
Are you aware of no police areas of modern nations where muslims insisted living under sharia law?

The fact that a Muslim himself has spoken out for the rest of the them says a lot more than some Westerner giving a mere list of websites where you haven't explained anything for yourself,
I explained..was challenged I provided source to back my statement...isnt it odd that I wasnt rebutted with source to challenge my documentation?

and who seems to be under the impression that EVERY Muslim is a terroris
Easy there /I have not stated such nor implied such

A Western interpretation of something Islamic won't prove anything unless it came from the Qur'an itself. I think you're just trying to find ONLY evidence that supports the whole 'hand chopping'
Are suggesting its written in code?
You know, those websites could be wrong too
No its very real...has anyone offered other interpretation?

I think it's pretty valid to say that if you came from that culture, you probably know it best. Who are we to judge them? And why do we have to be so culturally insensitive? Who are we to label them as terrorists when we don't even come from that culture/religion in the first place?!
I will cover this all at once/there are a few sects/not all sects are dangerous/ some muslims dont really care for other sects/
There is nothing culture insensitive about it/its dealing with reality/being in denial solves nothing.
Lets face it there are plenty of the bad boys out there its not a few by any means.
Are all muslims terrorist no?
Are there plenty of muslim terrorists yes.
Is it enough to be of concern?
Darn skippy it is...thus why the global war on terror that many nations participate in.
Its a never ending battle we also fighting them in Africa as well as the mideast.
These guys are not a few ignorant boys....terrorists are entire armies not 12 guys in an apt building......they are growing in leaps and bounds and are in need of being stopped

The Man

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If they wanna chop off hands, I don't care, it's a good deterrent. I know I will never steal, regardless of whether I live here or lived there, so what am I to worry about? :)
Nope very uncool.
You do realize that you could be innocent and get your hand cut off....its so final I disapprove you cant sew the hand back on.
In reality I could take a piece of jewelry and put it in your possession and ouch
Additionally it goes against our very foundation,of loss of life or limb.
Its barbaric is the reason the west doesnt do it ;)


Having way too much fun
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Nope very uncool.
You do realize that you could be innocent and get your hand cut off....its so final I disapprove you cant sew the hand back on.
In reality I could take a piece of jewelry and put it in your possession and ouch
Additionally it goes against our very foundation,of loss of life or limb.
Its barbaric is the reason the west doesnt do it ;)

That means you must disapprove of the death penalty, right? There is no way you could support such barbarism...right?


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Nope very uncool.
You do realize that you could be innocent and get your hand cut off....its so final I disapprove you cant sew the hand back on.
In reality I could take a piece of jewelry and put it in your possession and ouch
Additionally it goes against our very foundation,of loss of life or limb.
Its barbaric is the reason the west doesnt do it ;)

No, it is not uncool. There is double punishment for a Muslim for lying, misusing and abusing the process of law.
Islamic jurisprudence needs required solid proof, respectable witnesses and evidence to lay the charge..
If someone tries to implicate other in a crime he might get more severe punishment or perhaps death!
Then you also have the right to appeal but the entire legal process is very simple, speedy and strict.

BTW even if someone accuses a woman of immorality and fails to furnish evidence he would have had it!!:) You cannot even call a Muslim woman bitch in Sharia....as in Saudia or UAE ,,,you would be jailed for that!!
So, who says women are oppressed in Islam, NO. they are not...if they suffer at all that's only due to cultural and customary reasons and lack of Sharia laws!!

How do you say it is barbaric to hang a rapist or a pedo??? No...I would recommend doubly electrocution for them!


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So you approve of chopping off the hand?You just proved my point
Thankyou very much

Please read my posts with due attention....I said hand chopping is subject to certain conditions...

If hands of one thief are cut there would be end to theft!

Go to |Saudia or UAE where Sharia punishments are practiced, you will not find any hand-chopped person because no one steals there.........shops are not even locked, gold is hanging around by tons in Dubai gold market unguarded, homes are safe...women and children are safe...no drugs...no apostasy!! You can walk down the streets of these countries with a dollar load of currency in your end...without any fear of being robbed! This is what Sharia ensure...fiddle with it and get your throat slit...no procrastination in jails, no luxury in prisons, no fun no fantasising!!


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Terrorism is bad but counter-terrorism is worse!! The war on terror seems to have entered that stage. You kill one terrorist for the lives of 20 innocent civilians and thus contribute to making more enemies, more terrorists. Even those Muslims who are with the US begin to lose their 'sympathies' for it as they don't like its policies. Nobody is against the Americans or Europeans if there is any he is against the US policies.

No WMD were recovered from Iraq ...and Saddam was killed on other charges related to his killing of some insurgent kurds...this is historical fact and the future historian will write all t his.

Support of NATO doesn't mean the US is right...what about those many who are not allies of the US??? Read about League of Nations...Ironically UN is said to be the US itself!!
I think we need a review of the war on terror and restrict it to terrorists only....just going on attacking other countries where terrorists are hidden is not fair...the US is devastating country after country...and spending hell of a lot of tax money for no good gain..(terrorism has not slowed down ) and BTW where aren't terrorist hiding???

Putting an end to war on terror could mean no buyer for weaponry produced by rich nations...hence no money! No access to the Warm waters, to the resources of Central Asia etc!!
Mind it, man, politics has always been a dirty business!:)

The Man

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No, it is not uncool. There is double punishment for a Muslim for lying, misusing and abusing the process of law.
Islamic jurisprudence needs required solid proof, respectable witnesses and evidence to lay the charge..
If someone tries to implicate other in a crime he might get more severe punishment or perhaps death!
Then you also have the right to appeal but the entire legal process is very simple, speedy and strict.

BTW even if someone accuses a woman of immorality and fails to furnish evidence he would have had it!!:) You cannot even call a Muslim woman bitch in Sharia....as in Saudia or UAE ,,,you would be jailed for that!!
So, who says women are oppressed in Islam, NO. they are not...if they suffer at all that's only due to cultural and customary reasons and lack of Sharia laws!!

How do you say it is barbaric to hang a rapist or a pedo??? No...I would recommend doubly electrocution for them!

One person swear four times....whew what a mountain of evidence
But wait...Why isnt the word of the woman and the man the same?
As said Uncool thats what it means...double punishment doesnt prevent a lie...people lie its a fact of life..as said its uncool to cut off the hand.

You now talk about appeals...in another thread you praised the speedy justice system where 2 people got thier heads cut off the other day and the inability for the accused to take more time....a few days is nothing to present a case..not even enough time for proper lab work:thumbdown
You have done well here you have proven my point 100 percent about muslims and culture clash..we dont need muslims here..next thing you know they vote or even get elected into office after running...they do not support our foundation for our way of life..simple.
This is also shown by KimmyC ..although I do not know her religion she is in support of sharia law I do know she has exposure by Muslims friends and studies arabic language.
We are now hitting 2 for 2 to support what I have been saying say no to sharia say no to muslims in america.

Now dont get me wrong If i go to your country I will respect your laws...In due respect you should respect mine and not try to change them...if one doesnt like the western ways then stay in the Middle east..if one supports sharia laws and does not like my laws they why come here.
Further....why all the interest in the west?...I find it odd.....How many people from the west trying to push the west on the east...very few...do we on the forums try to change the east...no its always the east hammering islam at us,,,its obvious
How many from the east pushing Islam on the west?..many...you will find it in several forums..Why..its odd IMO just the very interest itself.
Does anybody give a shit who are in high places in lets say Saudi Arabia...not here we dont.
But yet we have the east constantly pushing how right islam is on us...when it is shown of its barbarianism it is denied....why?
Why couldnt the response merely be you guys from the west are fucked up and are some major sinners......why is it the ways of the east are always downplayed regarding islam?

It always starts out the same....this and that is denied..when proven true...then there are"but you dont understand"...whats not to understand?..a dead body is dead a cut off hand is cut off..an unfair trial is unfair.
Jihad is Jihad.....
Not being able to take a cross or bible into a country is what it is....religious dictatorship.

But anyway thankyou again for proving my point as to my first few posts:thumbup

The Man

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Please read my posts with due attention....I said hand chopping is subject to certain conditions...

If hands of one thief are cut there would be end to theft!

Go to |Saudia or UAE where Sharia punishments are practiced, you will not find any hand-chopped person because no one steals there.........shops are not even locked, gold is hanging around by tons in Dubai gold market unguarded, homes are safe...women and children are safe...no drugs...no apostasy!! You can walk down the streets of these countries with a dollar load of currency in your end...without any fear of being robbed! This is what Sharia ensure...fiddle with it and get your throat slit...no procrastination in jails, no luxury in prisons, no fun no fantasising!!
Then why did 2 men get their head chopped off via sword the other day?{which you approved of by the way}...barbaric justice:thumbdown

Thanks keep em coming...you are proving my point as you are showing you rebel against western culture and desire sharia law.
You have been to america by your own posts..that shows you can get in...I just thank goodness you never got voted into office anywhere:thumbup