Lemon - I don't think we have any right to decide whether we are bad or not equal ... Religion is a delicate topic and has extra importance then may be a real world or virtual world... and why drag man made issues into Philosophy ..Philosophy is much higher than Religion and I don't think Religion counts in Philosophy.. if yes then elaborate plsss... so that I can prepare myself with your elaboration.
well, prepare yourself.
answer me this question - who says we are all good inside, and that we are all equal?
or is that 'who' a collective entity, comprised of those agreeing to set rules and regulations that define how the masses should act in certain situations, given certain sets of stimuli?
enter philosophy into the equation. philosophy allows a group of people to sit around, and discuss things. it allows them to come to a common ground. it allows them to define an environment to which others must follow, given some reward later on. ( a certain type of philosophy comes to mind - religion ). this group now has the 'power' to rule the masses that chose to follow them.
now, given that, consider this
if such a group existed, what would be the groups first target? death. how to answer the question of what happens after death would lead to multiple groups, -- as you can see, evidenced by the myrid numbers of religious groups and organizations -- so some ground work must be laid out first before the separation of peoples into those myrid number of groups occurs.
enter in the bible -- or whatever 'holy book' you want to allow to enter here, does not matter -- in which the group attempts, and succeeds, to establish superiority of an unknown, undetectable being. to give that entity some supernatural essence, they make it seem we are of this entity -- whether a group or a single personality -- and that we inherit some qualities of this entity. thus, if we are obedient to such entity, we would be rewarded for our actions here in this current plane of existence.
enter in different interpretations of said holy book. different sects argue over small technicalities, unforeseen by the overall group that contrived the holy book in the first place, whether such separations occur immediately, or thousands of years later. now we have a number of holy books, to which even more disagreements occur, generating more different sects of religious ideals.
and you ask why i should not drag man-made complexities into philosophy. we invented it. and religious is not a delicate topic. it is a part of our every day lives. and if i cannot be part of a community to which i am not allowed to discuss the complexities of religious ideals in a philosophical manner, i will not hesitate to leave, for that indicates to me that the others of the community are closed minded, and do not wish to explore further into their own beliefs.
now, i am not saying to stop believing in what you do believe in, because who knows, when you delve into the history of your beliefs, you may become even more convinced of such beliefs, and i would have been beneficial to such persons.