What about the muslims in Turkey who love their secular society, what about all the muslims all over the world, east and west - who are chuffed to bits that they don't have to live by Sharia law.
I know them, I've met them.
Turkey is a semi-Asian country...infact a European country. There are other secular countries
held by Muslims such as Bangla Desh, etc...but still there is strong element of Sharia desire
in people. In Turkey this element may be less but still quite strong. Turks are liberal maybe because
they inter-married with blondes from the West and got lax on religious issues, thanks to Kamal Ataturk,
who aloofed himself from the Arab world and returned the non-Turkish territories. Cyprus wouldn't have
been divided into Muslim and Christian block had there been weaker religious sentiment in Turkey!
Yes, a handful of westernized Muslim minds do vie for freedom of the West because they know
Sharia will set them right!
The Golden Age of Muslim Progress in all fields was mainly
due to Sharia until their fall and decline until 12th Century.
You can find relics of their 'barbarism' still in Spain and
everywhere they once ruled and cannot deny their scientific achievements
at one time. Maybe this is not there time now because all the 52 or so Muslim states
of the world are always at loggerheads-poor nations with the begging bowl, the richer
Iraq and Afghanistan have democracy as a result of recent invasions. So they're bad examples.
I disagree. there is NO democracy in Afghanistan or Iraq...only the occupying forces
have planted a ''puppet government''. Right now the news channel is showing another
28 oil tankers set on fire by unknown people in Pakistan.... these tankers were carrying fuel for the
NATO forces in Afghanistan. Just a couple of days ago about 50 oil tankers were exploded
there and this tactic of the extremist to cut down supply line to Nato forces in Afghanistan
is moving on fast. As 75% of all supplies to the landlocked Afghanistan has to pass through
Pakistan there is high risk of rations and oil supplies being cut to Nato forces.
Pakistan too has a sham democracy, planted by Uncle Sam. People there want Sharia...and the
war there and Afghanistan is all about that. What's there that makes people there to vie for
Sharia IF it were that bad???