At no time did I call you a liar nor did I imply it. Pull your head out of your ass if that's where it is.
I haven't contradicted myself. I stated my opinion on the matter and asked the OP to do the same. I didn't ask him or anyone else to explain why they feel the way they do about the subject so get off your high fucking horse about the matter and accept my question for what it was. Also, let him speak for himself. After all he is an adult isn't he? That said, it seems he hasn't the guts to do it.
As far as the link is concerned it was to open your eyes but even that didn't seem to work so I just quit responding to your bullshit ways of defending the troll. Don't give me " it's their culture bullshit ". Use some common sense for once.
Let me start from the beginning...the bold/underlined parts are extra important parts...
He hasn't offered any personal perspective. All he did was post an article that someone else wrote.
That said I think it's time to get to the bottom of his intentions so to that end I ask...
mazHur.... what is your stand on Sharia?
It's okay to ask people for their views, but if he doesn't give it, then stop worrying, it doesn't actually matter. Give me ten good reasons why it is sooooo important that maz has to state his view? You are not authority, he doesn't have to follow your command. If someone asks me a question, I don't have to answer it either. Regardless of the title of this section, there is still no rule saying we have to post views. So, let it slide.
religion is a very controversial subject and one shouldn't start a thread unless he's prepared to speak his piece.
By mazHur avoiding the issue he has spoken his piece as well. It takes a hell of a lot of guts to post positive outlooks on such a controversial subject.
Contradiction here. You switch between two meanings of 'giving his piece'. You say 'speak his piece' like to give his view. And maz hadn't given his view. But then you say that maz actually did give his piece by avoiding the issue. I don't know, you tell me, did maz say his view or not?
If you look hard enough you'll find people getting all their hands and feet cut off, burning at the stake, cutting off penis etc.
Here's the lnik............
Secondly, what's the point in a discussion forum if one isn't prepared to discuss a subject they post about. What a boring place this would be if all people did was post an article and moved on.
I provided the link and that's all I'm going to do because I refuse to watch any of those videos again..
Contradiction here, just in three separate posts. You post a link. But you don't explain it or want to talk about it which contradicts with what you said earlier about 'What's the point not discussing your own stuff you post about'. It's hypocritical. It's way too clear for me.
Not to mention you also dismissed this:
And these videos relate to Sharia Law, how? I'm seeing a lot of porn ads and links to videos but not any mention of these being punishments from Sharia Law. What do you suggest?
You haven't actually read my statements properly. Did I actually say I support it? No. Did I say I was against it? No. What I'm talking about is why people from our culture hate on Sharia Law, reasons why people misperceive things about it. That is what this thread is actually about.
I gave you the opportunity to provide an explanation or give some connection between the link and Sharia Law, yet all you can do is just sit there and stand by your website (which doesn't even prove anything).
I offered to search for it myself:
Haha, yes I will look for it. But that wasn't my point. My point was you self-contradicted yourself.
But then you
Bullshit. A tree still makes noise when it falls and nobody sees it. Open your eyes and look for them if you want to view that shit so bad. I have nothing to prove to you. You're the one obsessed with them being able to practice their barbaric thousand(s) year old cultural right, not me.
It won't solve my problem as far as Sharia is concerned because I really don't give a shit.
I said I will look for it, and you said 'Bullshit' which implies that you think I won't do it, therefore implying that I am a bullshitter. Then annoyingly enough, you then ask me to go look for it (again), which I just said I would do

A bit circular don't you think?
ALSO, the fact that you posted the snuffx link, and then you say "I have nothing to prove" is contradictory. If you post a link then you have something to prove. By you saying you have nothing to prove you contradicted yourself. Not to mention you say you don't even give a shit. If you don't give a shit in this matter then why are you here? People who don't give a shit about something don't hang around it normally!
And for your information, this is a view that maz has:
That would be foolish of any Muslim to demand enforcing of Sharia in a non-Muslim country.
I am against it.
You wanted a view, you got one, you just didn't notice it. One might think you can't read and interpret English properly

You even thought university education doesn't promote higher-order thinking. When's the last time you went to uni? If at all? Would you like to see my course outline?
Because 'Logical Thinking' is a subject I do, and it's right there
If you want to keep rebutting me and saying you didn't contradict yourself blah blah blah, do it, but I'm going to ignore you

With that being said, and whether you admit there were flaws in your writing, I would like to get back on topic. I will look at the website for Sharia Law evidence but if I don't find it then I will dismiss the evidence, particularly because you haven't given any real link between the website and Sharia Law.
And if you want to be clear on my stance (you mentioned before that I was obsessed with letting them practice their law). Well it was incorrect of you to say obsessed, I am not obsessed. It's a matter of being culturally sensitive. I'm doing a degree of psychology, and one thing you NEVER do as a psychologist is challenge the beliefs of others. You cannot say to someone that their belief is wrong, so I'm not going to say Sharia Law is wrong. I understand that if I had grown up in an Islamic culture under Sharia Law, I would have assimilated to that culture and be used to it and I would not think it is wrong.
Of course you do get some of the Muslims who do not like Sharia Law so they leave (like porterjack mentioned about his friend who did that).
What I have actually said is that:
- if that's their religion and culture, so be it. If they think it's right, they can live under it.
- I do think the punishments are a bit over-the-top and painful to hear about, but that is only because I have not grown up in a culture that uses those punishments, and that is only my opinion, not fact.
- judging whether it is right or wrong really depends on which culture you grew up in.
From this, it might be hard to determine which 'side' I am on. Frankly, I might not even have a side, I just might like discussing the pros and cons of Sharia Law and its implications on whatever. I do not have to have a side. Just because you say someone has to state their side, doesn't mean they have to. Anyone can ignore authority, it's not a physical barrier