What Is Sharia??

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By the way, if anyone would like to point out flaws in my writing, you may do so, I'll accept it...by flaws I mean fallacies and sources of confusion and if I have used any non-rational forms of persuasion etc etc :)
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The Man

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Jumping in rather late here,I have skimmed across the thread somewhat to see where it is going.
I am seeing those for sharia and those against,but the actual discussion of sharia not being at the forefront.

I see supporters of let them do as they wish
Its barbaric.

Here is my take...Its is some barbaric shit...that we can agree on..sure one can argue its not barbaric as it is the norm in those areas that practice it...It is still barbaric whether it is norm or not.
Spider catches fly in web..goes to fly injects with venom fly dies...while normal,its still barbaric
Ok now that has been established...lets go to man and culture,cultures vary now as they have for hundreds of years.We evolve and for the better...as an example we no longer shoot a guy for looking at ones wife for instance,slavery in the states has been stopped,minorities actually have more benefits and rights that the common white boy.
Why did all this happen?...One word "protection"...protection from greed,hate,poverty ..you get the idea any way.

As people it is our obligation to protect the innocent...muslim girls getting their clitoris cut off for example while they are about eight years old.

Women to be treated like shit,because they are a woman and are second rate rather than equal..stoning to death over stupid crap...death is final ..Pardon me but how do you teach someone a lesson if you kill them?.

It is some fucked up shit..1 person can swear four times and be the only witness..it states four witnesses but one person can swear 4 times......excuse me but something is fucked up there.

A woman can get raped but you have to have male witnesess for this....wow,but yet for a bigger wow is it is her fault for being enticing ..yes it is her fault....say no to sharia.
Since it is her fault her family kills her as an honor killing..........Now pardon me people but there is now way I can see if ever proper to kill your sister because she got raped......now that is just fucked up
Say no to sharia

You can marry a child...thats right you can marry a child.
Now pardon me..it is my belief as a society to protect the children.
Selling your child the highest bidding pervert is far from protecting a child.......Its just sick
Say no to sharia

Say no to sharia.....the rest of the world IMO has an obligation to stick up for people that are trapped ..there is no free choice ..you speak out you die..you get caught with the wrong literature ..very bad news...these people are trapped

How can we sit back and say "its their business" and have no further thoughts?

If your neighbor had some midwife cut off the clitoris of an eight year old girl with out any type of pain suppressant ...you would make it your business...simple

Fact some good ole American will toast someones ass,because we have moral values that go deep.Do that bullshit here without being secretive and one will find some "american justice" before ever going to a court room.

They know that crap is not American and will get you in deep doo ...so why the hell come here with that shit?

They want to escape that bullshit of Islam life then escape it.....If one insists on practicing then act like they have some balls and tell it like it is rather than hide the customs of their religion.

"I buy my wives" She is young"...etc.

"I sold my daughter"

Sick shits

I remember seeing a video a few months ago,they were doing interviews with Muslims and talking about the war.

One guys main complaint was.."they[Americans} wrecked the economy I cant get very much for my daughters"

Ages from about 3 to 10.....sick ass shit

Sorry....say no to that bullshit.

The war has nothing to do with oil.

"We arent at war with Islam"...........bullshit...we are at war with Islam.

We went into Iraq because of saddam...a brutal son of a bitch ...we needed to go in whether there were nukes or not..period.

Afghanistan...the Taliban.....An army of pure Islam..by pure I mean strict..they were running Afghanistan.

We cant fuck with Saudi Arabia..they are to big..but we can make a difference with these smaller countries..hopefully in the meantime Saudi Arabia will modernize..doubtful...but at least will have reduced their allies......the big picture

I remember the story of an elderly Saudi woman she was lashed, imprisoned, then kicked out of the country.
Her crime?
Her nephew went to the store for her !!!!!!.
Thats right her nephew and friend went to the store for her.

You see you cant mingle outside of immediate family regarding males..nephews doesn't count as family.
Since she was old, weren't any brothers that could escort her to the store...she had none that qualified.

How fucked up is that?......Imagine this..a woman really cant just move...they will have to have a brother or husband for a escort........Say no to the Saudi Arabia way of life.

Why dont some come on here and tell us whats is really like?.....Why not?......why only tell what they want the Americans to here...the promotion of Islam no more no less..If are going to tell of Islam then tell of it...simple

Rant over


Say no to sharia...I am glad to be an American and have christian values where I can speak the truth rather than be forced to speak in a manner to protect a religion that is designed with nothing more than self protection of the religion itself...Islam

I am an american..we protect our children.
We protect our woman
We protect the innocent...or at least try to.
And you can be any damned thing you want.......breaking out or speaking non believer is not a crime.

Screw Sharia......Ok now rant over


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Lol what a rant :p

I don't believe in female circumcision, even just the thought of that makes me want to cup my crotch like a guy does when a ball hits his nuts :24:

In seriousness though, I think us Westerners think it's wrong because we compare it to our own values and laws. We've had our laws and values conditioned into us, so we define morality to do with those values and laws etc.
Same situation for them. They've grown up, had those values installed into them, so they think it is right.

My guess for the reason of harsh punishments is because Islam is a sort of 'strict' religion in a sense. You pray 5 times a day, follow so many rules to do with the most little things, the hajj, etc. And I think they also have harsh punishments because it says it in the Qur'an. Sharia Law is religion in the form of a law. Sharia Law is the way of enforcing the religion and a way of making the followers adhere fully to the religion.

I know what you mean though about killing people, I don't think killing them will teach them a lesson. But Muslims believe in three tiers - heaven, hell and the present world. If you don't follow the will of Allah, then you go to hell and suffer (they call hell jahannam apparently), so my guess is they probably think that when you die you will have learnt your lesson because you will suffer from all your sin. Muslims believe that everyone is responsible for their own actions, so if someone misbehaves, they see this as being negligent, so they get punished.

Just found my religion textbook, this is awesome!! XD


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yes, and so was Richard the Lion Heart!!

Saladin fought against the whole of Christian world alone
and regained Jerusalem for Muslims!
If this could happen that could happen too!
It just may be a matter of time, they say.

You mean stole Jerusalem, right? Because it was the Jewish holy city long before Islam came into being.


Well-Known Member
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You mean stole Jerusalem, right? Because it was the Jewish holy city long before Islam came into being.

And yes, I know that the Jewish people conquered Jerusalem when it was under Jebusite rule. Though technically, it was founded by the ancestors of Abraham, so they had a claim to it at that time.

Minor Axis

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He doesn't HAVE to post his personal perspective.

As I have said in another thread, he posts these things because they are interesting, not to turn everything into a friggen debate like so many people do on this forum. Then when maz doesn't debate back, people call him stupid and wussy and that he "can't debate properly".

If he wants to add his opinion, he will when he decides to and does so.

As a rule when you take the time to post a link or reference a document, it is not required, but it is helpful if the OP takes the time to express their opinion so other forum members know the intent of the posting and don't make assumptions. Otherwise responders go out on a limb to express their opinions, but the OP has risked nothing. :)

Oh I see lol. Umm, well immigration could be one. I'm not sure why it has spread. It might date back to the original period when Islam began.

Religion spreads based on the gullibility of those exposed to it. :p
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Well-Known Member
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I have posted more than enough for even the dumbest people to understand if they would!

OP is under NO obligation to DO what YOU want!

The Man

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
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I have posted more than enough for even the dumbest people to understand if they would!

OP is under NO obligation to DO what YOU want!

Everything in the post below is true isnt it
We want to understand sharia and Islam,,,help us out here

Jumping in rather late here,I have skimmed across the thread somewhat to see where it is going.
I am seeing those for sharia and those against,but the actual discussion of sharia not being at the forefront.

I see supporters of let them do as they wish
Its barbaric.

Here is my take...Its is some barbaric shit...that we can agree on..sure one can argue its not barbaric as it is the norm in those areas that practice it...It is still barbaric whether it is norm or not.
Spider catches fly in web..goes to fly injects with venom fly dies...while normal,its still barbaric
Ok now that has been established...lets go to man and culture,cultures vary now as they have for hundreds of years.We evolve and for the better...as an example we no longer shoot a guy for looking at ones wife for instance,slavery in the states has been stopped,minorities actually have more benefits and rights that the common white boy.
Why did all this happen?...One word "protection"...protection from greed,hate,poverty ..you get the idea any way.

As people it is our obligation to protect the innocent...muslim girls getting their clitoris cut off for example while they are about eight years old.

Women to be treated like shit,because they are a woman and are second rate rather than equal..stoning to death over stupid crap...death is final ..Pardon me but how do you teach someone a lesson if you kill them?.

It is some fucked up shit..1 person can swear four times and be the only witness..it states four witnesses but one person can swear 4 times......excuse me but something is fucked up there.

A woman can get raped but you have to have male witnesess for this....wow,but yet for a bigger wow is it is her fault for being enticing ..yes it is her fault....say no to sharia.
Since it is her fault her family kills her as an honor killing..........Now pardon me people but there is now way I can see if ever proper to kill your sister because she got raped......now that is just fucked up
Say no to sharia

You can marry a child...thats right you can marry a child.
Now pardon me..it is my belief as a society to protect the children.
Selling your child the highest bidding pervert is far from protecting a child.......Its just sick
Say no to sharia

Say no to sharia.....the rest of the world IMO has an obligation to stick up for people that are trapped ..there is no free choice ..you speak out you die..you get caught with the wrong literature ..very bad news...these people are trapped

How can we sit back and say "its their business" and have no further thoughts?

If your neighbor had some midwife cut off the clitoris of an eight year old girl with out any type of pain suppressant ...you would make it your business...simple

Fact some good ole American will toast someones ass,because we have moral values that go deep.Do that bullshit here without being secretive and one will find some "american justice" before ever going to a court room.

They know that crap is not American and will get you in deep doo ...so why the hell come here with that shit?

They want to escape that bullshit of Islam life then escape it.....If one insists on practicing then act like they have some balls and tell it like it is rather than hide the customs of their religion.

"I buy my wives" She is young"...etc.

"I sold my daughter"

Sick shits

I remember seeing a video a few months ago,they were doing interviews with Muslims and talking about the war.

One guys main complaint was.."they[Americans} wrecked the economy I cant get very much for my daughters"

Ages from about 3 to 10.....sick ass shit

Sorry....say no to that bullshit.

The war has nothing to do with oil.

"We arent at war with Islam"...........bullshit...we are at war with Islam.

We went into Iraq because of saddam...a brutal son of a bitch ...we needed to go in whether there were nukes or not..period.

Afghanistan...the Taliban.....An army of pure Islam..by pure I mean strict..they were running Afghanistan.

We cant fuck with Saudi Arabia..they are to big..but we can make a difference with these smaller countries..hopefully in the meantime Saudi Arabia will modernize..doubtful...but at least will have reduced their allies......the big picture

I remember the story of an elderly Saudi woman she was lashed, imprisoned, then kicked out of the country.
Her crime?
Her nephew went to the store for her !!!!!!.
Thats right her nephew and friend went to the store for her.

You see you cant mingle outside of immediate family regarding males..nephews doesn't count as family.
Since she was old, weren't any brothers that could escort her to the store...she had none that qualified.

How fucked up is that?......Imagine this..a woman really cant just move...they will have to have a brother or husband for a escort........Say no to the Saudi Arabia way of life.

Why dont some come on here and tell us whats is really like?.....Why not?......why only tell what they want the Americans to here...the promotion of Islam no more no less..If are going to tell of Islam then tell of it...simple

Rant over


Say no to sharia...I am glad to be an American and have christian values where I can speak the truth rather than be forced to speak in a manner to protect a religion that is designed with nothing more than self protection of the religion itself...Islam

I am an american..we protect our children.
We protect our woman
We protect the innocent...or at least try to.
And you can be any damned thing you want.......breaking out or speaking non believer is not a crime.

Screw Sharia......Ok now rant over


Well-Known Member
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I have posted more than enough for even the dumbest people to understand if they would!

OP is under NO obligation to DO what YOU want!

Thank you for further proving yourself to be nothing more than a troll.


Well-Known Member
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You mean stole Jerusalem, right? Because it was the Jewish holy city long before Islam came into being.

You call Saladin mean only because he was a Muslim and a victor.....you do need
to see a shrink!


Well-Known Member
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And yes, I know that the Jewish people conquered Jerusalem when it was under Jebusite rule. Though technically, it was founded by the ancestors of Abraham, so they had a claim to it at that time.

Jerusalem has always been a pain in the ass, but those who claim to be secular and
democrats are far away from religious prejudices! What a shame!


Well-Known Member
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You mean stole Jerusalem, right? Because it was the Jewish holy city long before Islam came into being.

and what about other places?? America, Australia, Canada, South Africa, etc etc
for example.??

Don't talk bullshit...take some history lesson!

The British are an exception, I love the British!


Well-Known Member
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You call Saladin mean only because he was a Muslim and a victor.....you do need
to see a shrink!

Did I say mean anywhere? No. Please pay attention and learn some reading comprehension before you attempt to have a discorse with me.


Well-Known Member
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Jumping in rather late here,I have skimmed across the thread somewhat to see where it is going.
I am seeing those for sharia and those against,but the actual discussion of sharia not being at the forefront.

I see supporters of let them do as they wish
Its barbaric.

Here is my take...Its is some barbaric shit...that we can agree on..sure one can argue its not barbaric as it is the norm in those areas that practice it...It is still barbaric whether it is norm or not.
Spider catches fly in web..goes to fly injects with venom fly dies...while normal,its still barbaric
Ok now that has been established...lets go to man and culture,cultures vary now as they have for hundreds of years.We evolve and for the better...as an example we no longer shoot a guy for looking at ones wife for instance,slavery in the states has been stopped,minorities actually have more benefits and rights that the common white boy.
Why did all this happen?...One word "protection"...protection from greed,hate,poverty ..you get the idea any way.

As people it is our obligation to protect the innocent...muslim girls getting their clitoris cut off for example while they are about eight years old.

Women to be treated like shit,because they are a woman and are second rate rather than equal..stoning to death over stupid crap...death is final ..Pardon me but how do you teach someone a lesson if you kill them?.

It is some fucked up shit..1 person can swear four times and be the only witness..it states four witnesses but one person can swear 4 times......excuse me but something is fucked up there.

A woman can get raped but you have to have male witnesess for this....wow,but yet for a bigger wow is it is her fault for being enticing ..yes it is her fault....say no to sharia.
Since it is her fault her family kills her as an honor killing..........Now pardon me people but there is now way I can see if ever proper to kill your sister because she got raped......now that is just fucked up
Say no to sharia

You can marry a child...thats right you can marry a child.
Now pardon me..it is my belief as a society to protect the children.
Selling your child the highest bidding pervert is far from protecting a child.......Its just sick
Say no to sharia

Say no to sharia.....the rest of the world IMO has an obligation to stick up for people that are trapped ..there is no free choice ..you speak out you die..you get caught with the wrong literature ..very bad news...these people are trapped

How can we sit back and say "its their business" and have no further thoughts?

If your neighbor had some midwife cut off the clitoris of an eight year old girl with out any type of pain suppressant ...you would make it your business...simple

Fact some good ole American will toast someones ass,because we have moral values that go deep.Do that bullshit here without being secretive and one will find some "american justice" before ever going to a court room.

They know that crap is not American and will get you in deep doo ...so why the hell come here with that shit?

They want to escape that bullshit of Islam life then escape it.....If one insists on practicing then act like they have some balls and tell it like it is rather than hide the customs of their religion.

"I buy my wives" She is young"...etc.

"I sold my daughter"

Sick shits

I remember seeing a video a few months ago,they were doing interviews with Muslims and talking about the war.

One guys main complaint was.."they[Americans} wrecked the economy I cant get very much for my daughters"

Ages from about 3 to 10.....sick ass shit

Sorry....say no to that bullshit.

The war has nothing to do with oil.

"We arent at war with Islam"...........bullshit...we are at war with Islam.

We went into Iraq because of saddam...a brutal son of a bitch ...we needed to go in whether there were nukes or not..period.

Afghanistan...the Taliban.....An army of pure Islam..by pure I mean strict..they were running Afghanistan.

We cant fuck with Saudi Arabia..they are to big..but we can make a difference with these smaller countries..hopefully in the meantime Saudi Arabia will modernize..doubtful...but at least will have reduced their allies......the big picture

I remember the story of an elderly Saudi woman she was lashed, imprisoned, then kicked out of the country.
Her crime?
Her nephew went to the store for her !!!!!!.
Thats right her nephew and friend went to the store for her.

You see you cant mingle outside of immediate family regarding males..nephews doesn't count as family.
Since she was old, weren't any brothers that could escort her to the store...she had none that qualified.

How fucked up is that?......Imagine this..a woman really cant just move...they will have to have a brother or husband for a escort........Say no to the Saudi Arabia way of life.

Why dont some come on here and tell us whats is really like?.....Why not?......why only tell what they want the Americans to here...the promotion of Islam no more no less..If are going to tell of Islam then tell of it...simple

Rant over


Say no to sharia...I am glad to be an American and have christian values where I can speak the truth rather than be forced to speak in a manner to protect a religion that is designed with nothing more than self protection of the religion itself...Islam

I am an american..we protect our children.
We protect our woman
We protect the innocent...or at least try to.
And you can be any damned thing you want.......breaking out or speaking non believer is not a crime.

Screw Sharia......Ok now rant over

Is it YOUR version of Sharia??? Follow it a Muslim won't.


Well-Known Member
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Jerusalem has always been a pain in the ass, but those who claim to be secular and
democrats are far away from religious prejudices! What a shame!

Yay for a straw man. Who said anything about religious prejudices? Oh that's right, nobody.
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