What Is Sharia??

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Yeah, well I wouldn't call it draconian =/ But I can understand why someone from a Western culture would call it draconian. Western cultures are so used to 'freedoms' and our easy-going punishments, that when another culture is a little more restrictive or harsh in punishment, well I guess that's why they call it those things.
I think it's a matter of understanding the culture. Upon viewing more of the article on the website, it mentioned something about adultery - that in Western cultures, we are able to do it so much because we have so much sexual freedom and the emphasis is on finding sexual satisfaction. Whereas in Sharia Law it strongly prohibits adultery, because the emphasis is not on sex, but rather family :)
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i think the main bone of contention in the west is the suggestion that somehow Sharia Lawa has a place in the west, as you have suggested exposure to Sharia and it's "extreme" punishments might be totally OK to those raised somewhere like Saudi Arabia. The issue that to my mind seems to raise the hackles is when there is the suggestion of implementation of Sharia law in places like the UK. Of course in many cases i suspect such suggestion is word spin by the media, oft mis quoting clerics who simply state they would like to live by their own code.....Law is at the end of the day Law and changing Laws does not happen because any given religious leader says it should happen, least not in wester democracies anyhow, so my bottom line is that those that fear this really have little to fear

Yeah, there's very little chance Sharia Law would get implemented into a Western country. Laws are supposed to reflect the values and structure of society, and Sharia Law would not do that very well in somewhere like Australia :p
I visited a mosque a couple of years ago. One of the things I appreciated was that when they have prayer, normally in Islamic countries, they play the adhan which is the call to prayer. But in Australia, they don't play it here because they don't want to disturb the residents (because prayer can be called really early or late). I thought that was thoughtful :)


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I wonder, if Mazzy wasn't a Muslim, would him posting this thread even be an issue? Just a thought.


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I wonder, if Mazzy wasn't a Muslim, would him posting this thread even be an issue? Just a thought.

Lol depends how many people on here know that he's a Muslim :p

I thought Sharia Law would be good to talk about. I found Islam interesting when I studied it in high school, the memories came pouring back :)


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Lol depends how many people on here know that he's a Muslim :p

I thought Sharia Law would be good to talk about. I found Islam interesting when I studied it in high school, the memories came pouring back :)

Judging by some replies, most do.

I think it's fascinating Kimmy, and even if some of us don't approve, that's ok too because I'm certain that there are countries around the world who disapprove of our western customs, am I wrong? We always seem to put down that which we dont' understand, it's a human trait that kicks in sometimes, sort of a defence mechanism designed inside each and every one of us. What we need to do is let go of the anger and look at the topic as any other topic on this board. Debate IT and not the person who may have posted it.

I'm impressed that you studied this in high school, I dont' think they offer that course here.....


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Judging by some replies, most do.

I think it's fascinating Kimmy, and even if some of us don't approve, that's ok too because I'm certain that there are countries around the world who disapprove of our western customs, am I wrong? We always seem to put down that which we dont' understand, it's a human trait that kicks in sometimes, sort of a defence mechanism designed inside each and every one of us. What we need to do is let go of the anger and look at the topic as any other topic on this board. Debate IT and not the person who may have posted it.

I'm impressed that you studied this in high school, I dont' think they offer that course here.....

You are spot on there ;)

My school was Catholic so doing one of the religion subjects was compulsory, even in senior years. A little pushy of them if you ask me, but it was interesting and I did well at it at least :)


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You are spot on there ;)

My school was Catholic so doing one of the religion subjects was compulsory, even in senior years. A little pushy of them if you ask me, but it was interesting and I did well at it at least :)

In our high schools, I think it's a choice between french, spanish and mi'kmaq. My daughter too mi'kmaq last year and enjoyed it very much, and she passed with flying colors...lol..so I enjoyed it as well.:thumbup


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Yeah, there's very little chance Sharia Law would get implemented into a Western country.

Laws are supposed to reflect the values and structure of society, and Sharia Law would not do that very well in somewhere like Australia :p

this is a good topic for discussion:)
Islam was born in Arabia and rapidly spread over the whole world. Does this reflect that
places other than Arabia have ''the same values and structure of society'' as Arabia sounds amazing!
Sure, there MUST be some other reason for Islam's spread in different cultures...???

I visited a mosque a couple of years ago. One of the things I appreciated was that when they have prayer, normally in Islamic countries, they play the adhan which is the call to prayer. But in Australia, they don't play it here because they don't want to disturb the residents (because prayer can be called really early or late). I thought that was thoughtful :)

Adhan or Azan as it's often called is call for prayer to Muslims..5 times a day!!
In Muslim countries such as India, Pakistan, Bangla Desh and other places the Call is awfully disturbing and a pain in the ass when all the dozen mosques in a small locality intermingly begin to 'shout' at the same time!!

I think it's high time the Muslims switched over to modern technology and took to restructure
their system. Saudia and UAE for instance have already adopted a unified system for Adhan...
via electronic means, whereby adhan automatically sounds inside the mosque at the set times!


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this is a good topic for discussion:)
Islam was born in Arabia and rapidly spread over the whole world. Does this reflect that
places other than Arabia have ''the same values and structure of society'' as Arabia sounds amazing!
Sure, there MUST be some other reason for Islam's spread in different cultures...???

Adhan or Azan as it's often called is call for prayer to Muslims..5 times a day!!
In Muslim countries such as India, Pakistan, Bangla Desh and other places the Call is awfully disturbing and a pain in the ass when all the dozen mosques in a small locality intermingly begin to 'shout' at the same time!!

I think it's high time the Muslims switched over to modern technology and took to restructure
their system. Saudia and UAE for instance have already adopted a unified system for Adhan...
via electronic means, whereby adhan automatically sounds inside the mosque at the set times!

Haha, interesting :p

In high school in my religion subject, we studied the religious background and patterns of Australia from 1945 onward. I forget why there's been a rise in Islam here, but I'm going to put it to the fact that immigration laws changed over here. I mean, we took a big step by removing that stupid "White Australia" policy.
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Yeah, there's very little chance Sharia Law would get implemented into a Western country.

this is a good topic for discussion:)
Islam was born in Arabia and rapidly spread over the whole world. Does this reflect that
places other than Arabia have ''the same values and structure of society'' as Arabia sounds amazing!
Sure, there MUST be some other reason for Islam's spread in different cultures...???
immigration is the main reason for the spread, this does not mean that countries accepting migrants automatically share the same values as countries such as Arabia, perhaps those leaving countries where they were subject to sharia may have chosen this as a reason to do so. My good friend comes from Palestine, is a devout muslim and a very peaceful , well educated decent man. En route to Canada he lived in both Jordan and Saudi Arabia, he tells me that he could never subject his wife and daughters to the conditions imposed upon them in Saudi. I often quote him when in discussion about the evils of islam, he to me is the perfect example of the peaceful moderate muslim


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immigration is the main reason for the spread, this does not mean that countries accepting migrants automatically share the same values as countries such as Arabia, perhaps those leaving countries where they were subject to sharia may have chosen this as a reason to do so. My good friend comes from Palestine, is a devout muslim and a very peaceful , well educated decent man. En route to Canada he lived in both Jordan and Saudi Arabia, he tells me that he could never subject his wife and daughters to the conditions imposed upon them in Saudi. I often quote him when in discussion about the evils of islam, he to me is the perfect example of the peaceful moderate muslim

you haven't given any good explanation. No south Asian or eastern Muslim has culture
or habits similar to Arabs...not even Chinese and then there are no immigrants to Thailand,
Phillipines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangla desh, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, ex-Yugoslavia, Turkey,
Russia, etc etc...and most of the Muslims there are locals.

Immigrants could at the most demand to practice their own culture in a host country ...
after all this is what the West calls democracy and freedom, isn't it?? yet the West is afraid of
allowing them their due, why??

Palestinians are treated as second class citizens by the overly rich Arabs.....

Ask him what EVIL did he find in Islam??? That would be a news for me!!


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You are spot on there ;)

My school was Catholic so doing one of the religion subjects was compulsory, even in senior years. A little pushy of them if you ask me, but it was interesting and I did well at it at least :)

my school was Catholic too:) and I was required to learn Scripture..but only for a while!


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Immigrants could at the most demand to practice their own culture in a host country ...
after all this is what the West calls democracy and freedom, isn't it?? yet the West is afraid of
allowing them their due, why??

Palestinians are treated as second class citizens by the overly rich Arabs.....

Ask him what EVIL did he find in Islam??? That would be a news for me!!

firstly you confuse a demand to practice thir own culture and religion with a "perceived" demand to install Sharia law, no western county denies muslims the right to practice their religion or culture, they do however not take kindly to a suggestion that a set of laws be imposed on them

secondly - you are ight on the palestinain issue, does Saudi Arabia impose different extremes of Sharia on non saudis, i dont know - he simply prefers the freedoms for his family in Canada

thirdly - where did I say he found evil in islam? He has never referred to Islam as evil, he loves his faith is very devout. I get the impression, as i mentioned above he simply prefers not love under the saudi regime, he was lucky, was able to leave and now lives peacefully

on the issue of immigration, in the main i refer to migration to the west, i cannot speak to why the rise of islam has spread in the parts of the world you mention


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Logic is being open-minded and accepting both sides.

Getting back on track I suggest you take a look at this site if you dare. I came upon it about 7 or 8 years ago while a heated discussion on a related topic was was taking place on a different forum. I still can't get some of the images out of my head so be warned the same will happen to you. I wish I would have never seen them. The nice thing is if you take the unfortunate step in viewing some of the videos you'll come back and agree with me that Sharia Law is barbaric and uncivilized and you'll stop defending the practice.

If you look hard enough you'll find people getting all their hands and feet cut off, burning at the stake, cutting off penis etc. Here's the lnik............ www.snuffx.com

One more thing..... what kind of a " trial " do they get before the punishment is handed out and by what sort of uneducated backwards nutjob(s).
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the reason for the rapid spread of Islam ....notwithstanding that
Muslims living in different
countries have their own cultures and values not similar to those of Arabs!

Oh I see lol. Umm, well immigration could be one. I'm not sure why it has spread. It might date back to the original period when Islam began.


This article mentioned something about Christians switching to Islam over the centuries. And also mentioned it spread because of word of mouth.


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I wonder, if Mazzy wasn't a Muslim, would him posting this thread even be an issue? Just a thought.
To me it isn't the thread that's an issue. It's his refusal to answer my question and state his views and opinion on the matter. If it post's like a troll, refuses to discuss his views like a troll guess what... it's a troll.
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