Were 9/11 detainee's children tortured by insects?

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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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The media was no friend of Ron Paul either.

If they had fawned over him the way they tripped over their drool when it came to Obama he might have had a chance.

Once again style over substance rules the day. People vote on what appeals to their senses instead of instead common sense.
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I keep hearing the oil argument, but I still can't figure out exactly how us attacking Iraq helped gain us any oil... I mean, to me, if Iraq is an oil-producing country, and we invade, accidently destroying some oil-related machinery and disrupting operations, wouldn't that actually hamper our ability to acquire oil?

There is a lot of good solid information out there showing that securing the oil in Iraq was our top priority. If we lost access to the oil in Iraq it would be disastrous. Like it or not we are the worlds oil hog and to remove any of our major supply lines it would cripple our economy.
If you want to see the proof for yourself, just Google China buying Iraq's oil. You will see that Saddam was making deals with the Chinese to sell them their oil and cut the US out. They were also making deals to change currency to the Euro instead of the dollar. Either one of these actions would have a devastating effect on our economy. We didn't go into Iraq to "get" their oil, we went in to make sure that we would still have access to the oil we were already getting... And we royally fucked China in the process.

First I just want to put my 2 cents in on our reason for invading Iraq. To start with, we warned all nations that if they do not actively pursue terrorists within their borders the US would consider them to be a terrorist nation and therefore an enemy. This is Iraq's first mistake. Al Qaeda was known to exist within Iraqi borders. Secondly Iraq was believed to have WMD's as well. Though WMD's were never actually found, one can not say they were not moved out of the country as well. (Say Iran?)

This is yet another example of believing the talking points without ever looking at the real facts. Al-Qaeda was NOT affiliated with Iraq nor were they in Iraq. You need to understand the difference between Sunni and Shia... and the hatred they have for each other. Saddam Hussein was a die hard Sunni as well as the other members of the Baath party. He/they ruled Iraq with an iron fist keeping the Shia population in Iraq under control. Al-Qaeda members are Shia and were never welcome in Iraq. There is no way that Saddam would open his country to Shia terrorists...

I'm not arguing with the idea that there are better ways to get information. If they are, then use them. If they don't work, and the US feels there needs to be alternative methods then use them. IMO when it comes to my countries saftey (the USA) the ends will always justify the means. Therefore if that means torture, then by all means have at it. Now how's that patrism for ya?

Now that I'm sure I've just come across as extermist and dug a giant hole for myself, I'll stop here. :D

The ends will always justify the means? Either you are one morally deprived individual or you din't think about what you said... That is the most Un American thing I have heard anyone say.. Are you not aware what values this country was built upon? If not, go look at some of the writings of our founding fathers. We are a country with high standards and morals, a nation of laws, we are nothing if we do not follow our own laws. And if you say that the ends always justify the means, that means you would have no problem cutting the fingers off children to get their parents to talk, or even bringing back the tortures used back in the dark ages where untold pain and suffering was rendered.

Politicians count on that fact. We distract ourselves w/Left vs Right, Right vs Wrong et al while all the while the sold out mess (BOTH sides of the Aisle) that is our government continues to gain more & more power.

It will continue until WePeeps realize this fact and work together. Which I doubt will happen. Heck, Republicans couldn't even get it together to vote for the smartest man in the room (Ron Paul). The one candidate who would have tried to put the needs of WePeeps first, second & third above all other nations or multi-national corporations. Instead he was labled a kook & a coward by the GOP establishment. That should have been everyone's clue to vote for him. But no...... ssdd.....



In Memoriam - RIP
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The media was no friend of Ron Paul either.

If they had fawned over him the way they tripped over their drool when it came to Obama he might have had a chance.

Once again style over substance rules the day. People vote on what appeals to their senses instead of instead common sense.

Of course the CorporateMedia was no fan of Ron Paul. I expected that. He wasn't a fan of the 5+ corps that make up 'the news'. Too bad Pills Limbaugh, the 'darling' of the Right, didn't get behind him either. But I knew he wouldn't. He knows which masters sign his paycheck. Yet he claims to be ProAmerican


You're right. Until WePeeps wake the frack up and see we're being sold out by both sides of the aisle I expect nothing to change. I'm still amazed anyone voted for Dubya twice.:eek It was obvious then to most thinking people who weren't letting fear rule over their common sense that his administration would be a disaster for this nation. Oh well.... Fools and their money are soon parted while the big fish run laughing into the night..

hehehehehehehe.... politics. :horse:horse

p.s. I should add I wasn't a huge fan of John Kerry either. Tho, I did like that he 'promised' WePeeps would be afforded the ability to obtain the great health coverage our politicians enjoy. Since we pay for it and all.. I know now that was bs too;) Shoulda known then but I still held out a small bit of hope for integrity somewhere. My mistake. I'm wiser now in this age of vote fraud. If President Obama does indeed recind the tax-breaks for corps that take their work overseas I think I'll fall over. One real promise realized. See? I'm like that dead horse above. Ever the optimist I hold out hope of accountablity somewhere. Foolish woman that I am. I still can't decide if our Founding Fathers are crying for or laughing at WePeeps and our ignorance, apathy & gulibility. Damn assimilation process......;)


In Memoriam - RIP
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Thank you. I really do need to stay out of here tho. After almost 10 years of political shill slaying I need to stay retired. All it does is piss me off and give me heartburn. Both at the corrupt system and at those that can't see what's really happening when it's right in front of them.:willy_nilly: **both sides of the aisle.

hehehehehehe..... but I do enjoy getting to use this really great smiley

cuz it is so appropriate for politics.


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In Memoriam - RIP
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hehehehehehehehehe..... can't breathe in the VMaskAvi really well nor see to fly safely so instead, I'll just wrap myself in our Flag. Cuz she's a fine flag...:D Artwork by Lyn Howard.


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I do use the argument that money wasted or given to other foreign countries could be better spent here. I think that there are many things that need to be fixed inside our house before we go redecorating other's houses.

Yes, an Iraq that is stable and not run by extremists is in everyone's benefit.

But what about our children's averages on math scores? What about OUR economy, which doesn't seem to be doing so well, last I checked? What about our health care system, or our social secuirity system, or any one of a million different things?
You bring up some good points, but no one, and I mean NO ONE, predicted that the war in Iraq would be this costly or take this long. If we had known that in the first place, I imagine there would not have been enough support to even get it started.

I don't remember what the exact original timeline was, but I know they were just predicting a couple years of war to get Iraq set straight. Obviously, that didn't happen...

I completely agree about all the screwed up stuff here at home. I mostly blame it on the Dems though, though I'm sure there's liberal people in the Republican party I can blame it on as well.
- Public school is an abomination to education these days. Children hardly learn anything because of all the political correctness imposed by, you guessed it, liberals.
- The economy crashed because Bill Clinton and his administration forced Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac into taking subprime loans so that the poor (literally) people who couldn't afford houses could buy them.
- The health care system is so screwed up because it's so expensive to get medical work done... because of the threat of lawsuits. If doctors and hospitals didn't have to be afraid of multimillion dollar lawsuits coming their way every day, surgeries might actually be affordable to the average joe without health insurance. Again, political correctness is at fault here... you have lawsuits in the medical world equivalent to the lady who spills hot coffee on her lap and sues McDonalds for it.
- Social security was implemented by FDR (a democrat) and has been protected from being shut down by other democrats since then. It's a terrible, unsustainable system. Republicans have pushed for privatized retirement funds for a while now in place of SS, but it hasn't happened yet.

This is why I don't like liberals or democrats. They have all these ideas that sound great at the time, but when you look at them down the road, they're terrible. They play on emotions to make you think that the ideas will work. Kind of like Obama's spending. It's great for today, sure, but there's gonna be some hell to pay down the road.
Hello Sofia76,

Politicians count on that fact. We distract ourselves w/Left vs Right, Right vs Wrong et al while all the while the sold out mess (BOTH sides of the Aisle) that is our government continues to gain more & more power.

It will continue until WePeeps realize this fact and work together. Which I doubt will happen. Heck, Republicans couldn't even get it together to vote for the smartest man in the room (Ron Paul). The one candidate who would have tried to put the needs of WePeeps first, second & third above all other nations or multi-national corporations. Instead he was labled a kook & a coward by the GOP establishment. That should have been everyone's clue to vote for him. But no...... ssdd.....


Part of the problem with getting Ron Paul into office is that he is fiscally conservative but morally liberal. Many Republicans do not want to vote for him or his party because of the liberal views on things like abortion, which happen to be very important to conservatives. But I completely agree, he would have been much better for our nation than this Obama fool.
There is a lot of good solid information out there showing that securing the oil in Iraq was our top priority. If we lost access to the oil in Iraq it would be disastrous. Like it or not we are the worlds oil hog and to remove any of our major supply lines it would cripple our economy.
If you want to see the proof for yourself, just Google China buying Iraq's oil. You will see that Saddam was making deals with the Chinese to sell them their oil and cut the US out. They were also making deals to change currency to the Euro instead of the dollar. Either one of these actions would have a devastating effect on our economy. We didn't go into Iraq to "get" their oil, we went in to make sure that we would still have access to the oil we were already getting... And we royally fucked China in the process.
Interesting, thanks for the clarification. I hadn't heard about that before.

To me, it seems there was never one single reason to start the war in Iraq, but it was a mix of several good reasons instead. Perhaps oil was part of it, but eliminating terrorist organizations and people who harbor them (Saddam Hussein for one) was a big goal as well. Also, there was intelligence that suggested WMDs there, which was another good reason. We know now that that was either bad intel, or the WMDs were moved out of the country, but at the time it was a viable reason.

I don't think I would have been for the Iraq war if I would have known that it would take this long and cost this much.


In Memoriam - RIP
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Part of the problem with getting Ron Paul into office is that he is fiscally conservative but morally liberal. Many Republicans do not want to vote for him or his party because of the liberal views on things like abortion, which happen to be very important to conservatives. But I completely agree, he would have been much better for our nation than this Obama fool.

Ron was "Liberal" on abortion? I didn't realize wanting to overturn Roe v Wade and going back to State's Rights was a "Liberal" viewpoint. I learned something today.

I am adamantly ProChoice. Yet, I still supported Ron because he takes it back to the Constitution. Where the minority doesn't try to bully the majority by legislating their brand of morality upon everyone.


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Ron was "Liberal" on abortion? I didn't realize wanting to overturn Roe v Wade and going back to State's Rights was a "Liberal" viewpoint. I learned something today.

I am adamantly ProChoice. Yet, I still supported Ron because he takes it back to the Constitution. Where the minority doesn't try to bully the majority by legislating their brand of morality upon everyone.
Oh, I must be mistaken then. I had it in my mind that RP was pro-choice for some reason...

I think that killing innocent babies shouldn't be a "brand of" morality. It's disgusting and selfish, and that is one place where I won't stand for people saying that I'm pushing morals on them. Sorry, I will do everything in my power to keep that sort of genocide from continuing. If you want to live a "sinful" life, that's your choice, and I'm not going to try to tell you otherwise. But the moment you bring someone else into the situation, especially if that someone has no means of defending themselves, then I can't see those sorts of actions justifiable.

Anyway, this has gotten off topic. If you want to respond to my views on abortion, that's fine, but I'll save any further responses for a different thread. ;)


In Memoriam - RIP
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Oh, I must be mistaken then. I had it in my mind that RP was pro-choice for some reason...

I think that killing innocent babies shouldn't be a "brand of" morality. It's disgusting and selfish, and that is one place where I won't stand for people saying that I'm pushing morals on them. Sorry, I will do everything in my power to keep that sort of genocide from continuing. If you want to live a "sinful" life, that's your choice, and I'm not going to try to tell you otherwise. But the moment you bring someone else into the situation, especially if that someone has no means of defending themselves, then I can't see those sorts of actions justifiable.

Anyway, this has gotten off topic. If you want to respond to my views on abortion, that's fine, but I'll save any further responses for a different thread. ;)

We're killing innocent babies in Iraq & Afghanistan. But since it's 'war' that's justifiable?

We're torturing innocent children - as this topic states - and that's justifiable?

Once again we :horse:horse:horse


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We're killing innocent babies in Iraq & Afghanistan. But since it's 'war' that's justifiable?

We're torturing innocent children - as this topic states - and that's justifiable?
Obviously we're not TRYING to kill babies in Iraq, and I do not agree with torturing of children.

Millions of babies in the US and other countries are being killed, ON PURPOSE, every year. I think that's far more of an abomination than the few we kill on accident while waging war.

Minor Axis

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Al Qaeda was known to exist within Iraqi borders. Secondly Iraq was believed to have WMD's as well. Though WMD's were never actually found, one can not say they were not moved out of the country as well. (Say Iran?)

Pick one or more of the following:

1. He was duped. Al Qaeda was never in Iraq during Saddam's time.
2. He is touting the Republican/Bush Administration line because he really believes the bs they were shoveling. Any WMD's they might of had, that were never found, even if they existed were not a threat to the U.S., not the treat that the Bush Admin was trying to use to alarm us and justify invasion. (And if we are so worried about real WMDs, we should have started a war with N.Korea.)
3. He is trying to paint a pretty picture of Iraq for historical partisan reasons.
4. Fill in the Blank...



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The biggest joke I heard so far in this forum was Iraq moving WMDs to Iran. Then Bush should have attacked both Iraq and Iran to erase all doubts cuz his guessing game with Iraq went wrong.

Minor Axis

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Look at a map. I think it's clear that Bush's original & ultimate target was Iran.

Why does it look clear to you? There is ample suspicion that Bush was planning to invade Iraq on day 1 of his presidency. (no I'm not going to dig it up for you- google it). ;)