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Number 2, Rafael!
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Piper's awesome like that, doesn't give a shit. Pretty bad segment though, waste of 15 minutes

I enjoyed Raw this week though, most things were good. The Heyman/Triple H promo was very well done.
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RAW was better than the PPV in my opinion... the opening tag match was better than just about everything that was on the PPV card. The only saving grace of the Lauper segment was her smashing the record over Slater's head... that dude is freaking annoying.


Number 2, Rafael!
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Raw thoughts this week.

Triple threat between Bryan/Punk/Kane was pretty good and got the show off to a hot start.

Skip the rest until Jericho arrived, it was terrible.

Good promo between Jericho/Cena. Cena's obviously winning MITB.

SID looked about 87 and didn't move at all well, but it was good to see him. I like these Heath Slater parts, bring back a lot of memories.

Ziggler vs Del Rio was okay but I've never been a fan of "on a pole" matches as a rule. Plus the fact that it didn't have a finish didn't help.

Divas battle Royal was throwaway.

Cena vs Jericho was a good match. The Show interference worked well enough.

Overall a good show with plenty happening.


Number 2, Rafael!
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If you have 10 hours free, watch this. My favourite part is 4 hours and 45 minutes in.



Number 2, Rafael!
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Money In The Bank thoughts.....

Smackdown MITB was fun, Dolph was the right winner.

Sheamus/Del Rio was pretty good, got the right amount of time. The Ziggler cash in tease was okay but he shouldn't do it a lot, makes him look weak if he fails all the time to even get the match started.

The tag match wasn't very good, the crowd wasn't really into it.

Punk/Bryan was predictably excellent, the finish was good. Really enjoyed this match.

Ryback's monthly squash was....well, Ryback's monthly squash. He did sell a lot more which may or may not be a good thing, probably not. Crowd wasn't really behind Ryback here.

Divas tag was fine as a filler, nothing wrong with it.

RAW MITB was pretty good, botched finish apparently but the rest was fine. Cena won which pleases me no end because the ROH smarks will be angry.


Overall, pretty good show.


Number 2, Rafael!
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RAW Was good this week, good follow up from the PPV.

Punk/Big Show interaction was good, Show plays the heel so well at times.

Tag title match was fine.

Zack Ryder vs Del Rio was a good lead into Rey returning.

Rikishi returning to beat up Heath and do a dance with the Uso's (his sons) was fun nostalgia.

I'm not sure where the AJ/Daniel Bryan marriage angle is going, but I do know that wrestling weddings as a rule don't go well.

Jericho/Ziggler feud makes me very happy. Really good interaction between the two.

Brodus Clay should be a heel, or at least a more serious character, he did show this is possible when he was involved in the Big Show/Cena feud. Though I'm still amazed JTG is still employed.

Punk/Big Show was a good main event, good giant/smaller man psychology here. At first (for like a couple of seconds) I thought Cena was cashing in. But surely that wouldn't make sense as it's face cashing in on face, indeed that was how WWE saw it too. But I thought it might be on for Summerslam, but it makes sense to have it at Raw 1000.

Good show overall, Raw 1000 should be great.


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I prefer serious Brodus to dancing Brodus. Serious Brodus could be a good character.
I like seeing him be both. What's interesting to me is how he dances, gets really serious in matches (sometimes) then dances afterward. Its like awakening a sleeping giant... Except he dances!

And the Raw this week had its moments but Raw does not need to be 3 hours if this is how they're going to handle it. Did you know HHH and Brock are going to fight? WWE sure wants you to, and theyll advertise it 8 million times to prove it.


Number 2, Rafael!
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I was more tired of flashbacks from last week's Raw. I don't really have a problem with them promoting Triple H/Brock.

Raw was alright, it didn't really drag but some parts were easily forgettable. I'm interested to see where the whole AJ as GM thing goes. At the moment I think she should be a tweener GM to confuse people. In the long run I think the problem with 3 hour Raw's is going to be that they will drag. But this week's was a good start in that regard, and show quality regard.


Number 2, Rafael!
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I keep forgetting to post in here. Anyway WWE Night Of Champions thoughts from last night.

Miz vs Rey vs Sin Cara vs Cody Rhodes (Intercontinental Title match)- This was fine for what it was. The finish came when Sin Cara put an additional mask on Miz, leading to Miz wrestling blind for a few moments. He caught Cody in the SKF and pinned him, creative. Good opener.

Kane and Daniel Bryan vs Kofi and R Truth (Tag Title match)- Again not a bad match. The dissension between Bryan and Kane made the match entertaining. It was obvious they were going over. Fun enough.

Antonio Cesaro vs Zack Ryder (US Title match) - Cesaro won this. Pretty average match, nothing special with it really.

Randy Orton vs Dolph Ziggler - This was an excellent match where both men got over with the crowd well. Really enjoyable match. Easily the best so far.

Layla vs Eve (Divas Title match) - Eve was here because Kaitlyn got "injured". It was a decent match for the divas but the crowd didn't care at all.

Sheamus vs Alberto Del Rio (World Heavyweight Championship match) - Before the match Booker T came out and announced the brogue kick is now legal. It's a shame because the match would have been interesting had Sheamus not got to use that move. Anyway it was a good enough match, probably the best of the series between these two. Sheamus won with a Brogue kick pretty inevitably and retains the World Heavyweight Title.

CM Punk vs John Cena (WWE Title match) - This was an excellent way to end the PPV, really awesome match and the finish worked. They did the usual kicking out of the other's finisher which was fine. The finish was Cena doing a german suplex off the top rope and pinning Punk, he won the tirle and was celebrating. Cena's shoulders however were down too, referee saw this and called the match as a draw. Punk retains. Punk was getting cheered a lot at the end of the match.

JBL made a welcome return to announcing (despite the circumstances regarding Lawler's heart attack), he had an excellent night where he put people over well.

Overall really good show. The WWE Title match and Orton/Dolph were the highlights. There was nothing bad on this show really.

Peter Parka

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Oh wow, this thread! Been getting a few mates into TNA since WWE has gone all PG. So who do you think the leader of Aces and 8s is gonna be? I think it's not Jarret but is going to be something to do with Matt Morgan, Bully Ray and Abyss/ Joseph Parks.


Number 2, Rafael!
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Actually this PPV was pretty good.I mean the crowd didn't care for most of it, because I think they had all just turned up to watch Punk/Ryback and that negated the quality of it during the other matches. But yeah, good overall, Big Show vs Sheamus was much better than it had any right to be. Putting the belt on Show isn't actually a bad thing, in the short term. It needed someone and something believable to beat Sheamus and this worked.

The other matches were good. Orton/Del Rio was very fun, the Tag Title match was okay but I don't think the finish really worked. I'm not really a fan of champions getting DQ'd though, especially if they are faces. Miz vs Kofi was fine I guess. Antonio Cesaro vs Justin Gabriel really belongs on TV. Sin Cara/Rey vs PTP was okay. The Divas match wasn't bad as far as they go, but the crowd really didn't care.

Punk vs Ryback wasn't the best match, but I think that was more to do with the overall choreography of the match, and it was believable because Ryback is much stronger than Punk hence Punk spending much of the match on the back foot. I actually didn't mind the finish as finishes go. Sure Ryback didn't win the Title, but he still ended up looking strong. He lost his unbeaten streak, but he wasn't buried a la Goldberg when he lost his to Kevin Nash. I didn't pick up on Brad Maddox being the referee until someone pointed it out to me, and I figured that something may happen.