We can allow our bitches to sleep with others..without fear of death.
Or the bitch can go sleep with another man without consent...grounds for divorce but not death
You can mix and match all you want here as long as all are of legal age and willing.
So I could fuck your wife my wife and her sister at the same time while you watch.
You could learn something by watching a good american fucking.
[[[[[only a mothafucker would do that!!]]]]
Here we please our women.
Your culture not so much...fact is cutting the clit off women when they become of age to remember the agony is still practiced in your culture.
To view some good american pussy that has not been mutilated ...do some internet searches.
Additionally watch some videos of our bitches in action.
The sounds will be new...you will hear moans of pleasure...verses child screaming which is found in your culture.