[[[[[[Muslims do not need to Westernize. What they need is Unity.
Rest of your post is bullshit, all of it being emphasizing sex and sexual freedom. Freedom of sex is embedded in the sacred institution of marriage.
To talk otherwise of it is lechery....and animal behavior. why should humans be turned into sexual maniacs in the name of so called 'freedom''??
I think both you and him are living on dole,,,,,imagine where in hell would you be if govt stopped supporting your whims??
Pakistan is NOT Saudia ... amazing you don't even know that both are distinctly different nations.
Stop itching and \
Have a nice day]]]
[[[[[[Muslims do not need to Westernize. What they need is Unity.
Unity from what?
Unity is what is causing the problems with your culture....Separation of unity is what is causing advancements...slowly however.
Pressure from the west..the UN and such cause awareness...many people did not realize how shitty they have it had in not been for the west.
These people are demanding rights in line with western culture.
To talk otherwise of it is lechery....and animal behavior. why should humans be turned into sexual maniacs in the name of so called 'freedom''??
Do you see the double standard?
Men can be sexual machines ...but not women.
Freedom and rights would be allowing women to do the same as men,...but the further..meaningless sex is a freedom...but freedom is not defined by meaningless sex.
Your culture has serious sexual hangups...sex is part of nature essentially no more.
Marriage is a commitment to each other but does not exist here for the purpose of allowing sex.
I think both you and him are living on dole,,,,,imagine where in hell would you be if govt stopped supporting your whims??
No govt support here other than providing public roads and the sort..I dont suck a govt tit.
While some do yes..its not like the numbers you think..those working have to support them via tax.
Were you not just saying that Islam needs unity?
Saudi Arabia is about as Islamic as it gets....but you just stated you preferred to be separate and are showing an easiness about SA
amazing you don't even know that both are distinctly different nations.
They are separate..but do share alot in common...haven for terrorists being one.
We could compile a rather long list...but that would only allow to lose focus of the new issue you mention of unity.
How do you claim that Islam needs unity...but at the same time want to seperate yourself from strong root Islam.
To further if you want to proclaim your women have rights..thats a western value..and nothing you will find in Islam that strong unity of Islamic culture brings.
If you want to be like the west...you guys just as well have a revolution over there...Islam wont do it..you are wanting to demand freedom..a demand for freedom is to be in the name of freedom..Forced religion is not freedom.