Protest Against Taxes!!!!!

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Thank you.

My point in that was, preferential treatment to donaters = beholding to donaters/ benefactors/ financiers = corruption.

Thanks for agreeing. :)

How does that mean corruption? You defend those who pay you more when you're stressed for troops. That isn't corrupt, that just trading.
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All Else Failed

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I am not a Randroid. I'm still religious! Although that's only out of fear...

Business is economic power. Politics is military power. Neither should be mixed, and they are not one and the same. A is A.
tsk tsk Ayn would laugh at you.

I'm going to pretend I didn't read "Politics is military power" like its exclusively linked to armed force. If you can't see that business, the market and politics are all linked, you're blind.


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tsk tsk Ayn would laugh at you.

I'm really more concerned about God's judgement then Rand's.

I'm going to pretend I didn't read "Politics is military power" like its exclusively linked to armed force. If you can't see that business, the market and politics are all linked, you're blind.
They are. But they do not have to be. Some day, in a laissez faire society, business and the market will be removed from politics.
What is your definition of politics/government?

All Else Failed

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I'm really more concerned about God's judgement then Rand's.

They are. But they do not have to be. Some day, in a laissez faire society, business and the market will be removed from politics.
What is your definition of politics/government?
Politics is all about who gets what, when, where, and how.

there will never be a laissez faire society

All Else Failed

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Government is about the application of force to enforce certain rules of conduct in a certain area. Read "The Nature of Government" by Ayn Rand. Politics is about who is best suited to apply that force, and why.

Why not?
ok that didn't prove my definition of politics wrong at all.

There will never be one because there needs to be some sort of control in the market, and the powers at be like it that way.


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ok that didn't prove my definition of politics wrong at all.

No, it just modified it. Now, instead of it being just whoever geting anything for why when, etc., it's who gets the ability to distribute force when where why how etc.

There will never be one because there needs to be some sort of control in the market, and the powers at be like it that way.

When we change the will of the people, we change the powers that be. When we change the powers that be, the market is free. When the market is free, happy we'll be. We need no controls enforced upon us - We must choose to do what is just.

All Else Failed

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No, it just modified it. Now, instead of it being just whoever geting anything for why when, etc., it's who gets the ability to distribute force when where why how etc.

When we change the will of the people, we change the powers that be. When we change the powers that be, the market is free. When the market is free, happy we'll be. We need no controls enforced upon us - We must choose to do what is just.

was that an intentional little song or


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Government is about the application of force to enforce certain rules of conduct in a certain area. Read "The Nature of Government" by Ayn Rand. Politics is about who is best suited to apply that force, and why.

I'm back. Just when you thought it was safe. :D

Read "Jack and Jill went up the hill"


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Everyone should have their own happiness as their first goal. The corporations should care about what's good for them in the long run. That's morality.

Stop treating Corporations like people, although they are definied as a 'legal person' that doesn't mean that they are actually people. Whats good for a corporation in the long run?... Its profit and nothing else, which is to be a achivied at any cost even if that is Expolitation of the public, war profiteering, damaging the enviroment, child labor etc.

You give corporations this kind of free-reign and you can say goodbye to the right unionize, occuptional health and safety, minimun wage laws, the right to strike, compensation in the workplace and collective bargining. The destruction of all that, will be what is best for the corporation in the long run. Since you gave them all the economic power and forbidden the government from poking its nose in how corporations do business.... well there isn't much the public can really do is there?

The Public Good is not the first thing that should be on anyone's agenda; it is only secondary. It is the ultimate good of the individual, and his ultimate freedom, that should be first on any agenda.

How do you expect for someone to be free, when their lives are dominated by corporations, an entity which controls the entire economy and there being no laws to regulate how they do business. This individual will become a drone, a commidity in the eyes of the corporations. His individuality will have been destroyed, he will just be 'another mindless worker' with no rights in the workplace or individual freedom.

That isn't freedom, thats totalitarianism. At least you get elect your leaders with the government and have a say in how it is run, same can't be said for corporation. Since you have foribdden the governement passing legislation that has anything to do with economics the individual and indeed society, has lost alot of political freedom.

And besides, if we are going to put any group's good as first on an agenda, it should be the corporations. They are the ones who keep the world afloat, who create, who produce. Without them, society would die within months.

I would love to see how your system fairs in an economic recession.


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Stop treating Corporations like people, although they are definied as a 'legal person' that doesn't mean that they are actually people. Whats good for a corporation in the long run?... Its profit and nothing else, which is to be a achivied at any cost even if that is Expolitation of the public, war profiteering, damaging the enviroment, child labor etc.

You give corporations this kind of free-reign and you can say goodbye to the right unionize, occuptional health and safety, minimun wage laws, the right to strike, compensation in the workplace and collective bargining. The destruction of all that, will be what is best for the corporation in the long run. Since you gave them all the economic power and forbidden the government from poking its nose in how corporations do business.... well there isn't much the public can really do is there?

Maybe I should have been a little bit more specific; a corporations highest goal should be it's rational selfishness. War profiteering, eliminating compensation, eliminating occupational health and safety, are all against a rational corporations self intrest. It would make them look bad, lose workers and customers, and lead to it's collapse. The minimum wage laws, child labor laws, can both be eliminated. They're terrible ideas.
How do you expect for someone to be free, when their lives are dominated by corporations, an entity which controls the entire economy and there being no laws to regulate how they do business. This individual will become a drone, a commidity in the eyes of the corporations. His individuality will have been destroyed, he will just be 'another mindless worker' with no rights in the workplace or individual freedom.

Ther will not just be one corporation; there will be tons of them. They will each give a consumer a different commodity and the individual will choose according to their individual judgment. They will have choices, be free to accept them all, just one, or to shun them all. They need not subscribe to the corporate economy. He will have more individuality then ever, being free to express himself and speak his mind, to make what he wants to make, buy what he wants to buy. It is under any other system, where laws control what he can and cannot by, where they restrict his judgment and force him to accept the socialist lifestyle that he loses individuality. Not in the laissez faire one.

That isn't freedom, thats totalitarianism. At least you get elect your leaders with the government and have a say in how it is run, same can't be said for corporation. Since you have foribdden the governement passing legislation that has anything to do with economics the individual and indeed society, has lost alot of political freedom.

The corporation is the product of an individual's mind. The public should have no say in how it's run. If they don't like it, they don't have to be a part of it. They can go to another corporation, or make their own. And how does repelling laws lose political freedom? Giving the economy freedom does not mean we have to take away political freedom; if anything, it means the ability to give more of it. Letting the buisnesses spread whatever political message they want and letting the consumer buy whatever political message he wants is more political freedom.

I would love to see how your system fairs in an economic recession.

Economic recessions won't be a problem in a place where the gov't has no hand in the economy. Even if there is a slight one, the people who had the intelligence to build businesses will have the intelligence to help stop it.


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This thread still going?


I have such a great cause! Look at how much support I've gotten for my protest. And it's funny to think I started it out with : Please don't turn this into a debate thread. We don't come t your hippie marches, please don't come to ours.