Everyone, regardless of weather or not they even earn money. Objective Law.
So no bail?.. for any crime?... seems abit.... well, weird
No, the government is there to enforce laws and certain rules of social conduct. And the corporations would be in full power to pay a worker 1.50 an hour, if his work is worth that much. If it isn't, then the worker will just leave the job and get one that pays him what he deserves.
Uhm no, the government is there to represent the
people and ensure their best interests are looked after. If issues such as the minimun wage can't even be brought up, then it isn't even a free society. Have you ever thought how much damage 'your system' would do to democratic system?
Corporations need to be regulated and controlled. You give them this much power they will certainly abuse it. Give corporations the power to set wages to whatever the hell they like, and soon all workers will be earning $1.50 an hour and the only people to profit from this gross expolitaion of workers will bt the higher-up's in the company. Is that the kind of system you want, where there people are expolited for their labor by greedy corporations whose only objective is profit, no matter what the cost to the public. There will be no need for sweatshops in Asia or South America, they could simply set up shop at home.
No, the corporations/buisnesses should have exclusive economic power. The government is to have a monopoly on the use of Force.
How can you maintain a monopoly on the use of force when another entity has controls the economy? Can't really enforce anything if you don't have any money.
I grew up with the poor and disadvantaged, and I have little sympathy, true. There need be no government welfare in place - that is forcing those who produce to pay for those who don't. Would you like me to come up to you, stick a gun to your head, and force you to put money in the Salvation Army bucket? If you support taxes for welfare programs, it's the same thing.
I think there needs to be one. People need to be looked after if they are unable to do it themselves. It is kinda difficult for these 'poor and lazy people' as you would call it to get a job if they are struggling to find shelter and feed themselves. The poor and disadvantaged need all the support possible in order to get employment and eventually contribute back to society.
I disagree with your comparision too. But I think your system would benefit from these kinds of people. People who are poor and disadvantaged are expolited more easily

Charities will have the ability to provide for all those suffering, because when there is no ore social welfare, so many people that THOUGHT they couldn't work will discover they can, and charities will have an enormous surplus of money.
Alright, I'll give you an example here. 1 in 4 US veterans are currently homeless (source:
Study: Vets a quarter of the homeless - Military - MSNBC.com) using your logic, these people are lazy and deserve NO government support, they would have to rely on charities which don't always have the funds to do so. (at least government welfare programs will always be able to support its citizens). When talking about people, you cannot stereotype an entire group as 'lazy etc.' as there are always expections. If people have the eventual ability to lead happy and comfortable lives whilst currently in poverty, they should get all the help they need. Does it make you feel superior to others more disadvantaged than you when you pass them in the street?
No, it won't. The corporations will have no need, and no want. They have all the money they could use, and their buisnesses are free. And I sincerely doubt that government officials in a laissez faire system would fall to that kind of pressure from buisnesses. When they could be earning millions for profit, why would they run for office unless they really wished to be responsible politicians? And Those corporations and politicians who try and violate the division between economics and politics will be punished severely for putting they integrity of our noble system at risk.
You think that corporations will be happy with just having all the economic power? They would have the ability to control an entire country if they so wished and with that they could crush all dissent towards them and futher impose their will on the populace. Which might increase profits, who knows?