All Else Failed
Well-Known Member
What a load of bullshit. Again, should Martin Luther King Jr. and those who had the guts to stand up for their equal rights have "dispersed"? They were beaten, fire hosed and even murdered. Just because the "authorities" give an order does not make it a lawful (meaning constitutional) order.
Numerous occaisions of Anarchists starting shit at Occupy rallies? I have watched video after video and seen ZERO evidence of what you claim.
Show us the "Anarchist" footage you allege
The disinformation and outright lies people repeat about the Occupy Movement demonstrate the typical intellectual lazyness of much of the populace. They don't research and learn the facts for themselves - it's a lot easier to repeat some other groups propaganda instead.
No actually there are parameters that protests need to follow when police ask them to leave. if the crowd is defiant, then they are telling the cops they are willing to be met with force through their own consent and actions.
there have been reports of anarchists at the OWS rallies and people have seen them at the front of many violent actions.
Why do you think these people are the guardians of morality and are perfect little angels?
Actually, a lot of them are Marxist socialists. if it were me, I would treat them as treasonous individuals.
The anti Occupy people don't care about the truth. They see something framed a certain way on the Drudge Report that they think will somehow support their unresearched position and post it as if it is fact. More intellectual lazyness. Yawn.
Oh please the OWS "movement" can't even answer basic economic questions. They don't even know what the "truth" is to their problem!