Occupy Oakland Raids

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All Else Failed

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100% behind the police.

If I said it once I said it 100 times, if your going downtown to protest, make sure you tote your AR with you.

Oh, wait a minute, don't all those "big" cities have hard anti gun laws

Have 1,000 law abiding citizens gather together to to promote an open carry law while their open carrying, I can't help but wonder if the police would take the same kind of action.

no that is completely retarded

also they were told to leave and all the injuries were an accident
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All Else Failed

Well-Known Member
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This "innocent protester" image is ridiculous too. There have been numerous occasions at these things were anarchists start shit with the police. When you are told to disperse, and you are defiant, you will be met with force. That is how it works. The protesters brought this on themselves.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Occupy Pheonix protesters had a pamphlet titled

When You Should Shoot A Cop

Comparing this battle to the struggles in Russia and Germany under Stalin and Hitler

Sounds like some anarchy to me


Reaction score
100% behind the police.

no that is completely retarded

also they were told to leave and all the injuries were an accident

from what I have seen on you tube that is the safest place to be

This "innocent protester" image is ridiculous too. There have been numerous occasions at these things were anarchists start shit with the police. When you are told to disperse, and you are defiant, you will be met with force. That is how it works. The protesters brought this on themselves.

Occupy Pheonix protesters had a pamphlet titled

When You Should Shoot A Cop

Comparing this battle to the struggles in Russia and Germany under Stalin and Hitler

Sounds like some anarchy to me

Be very careful you guys. Johnfromokc is going to slay you with some of his wit and charm because you ain't siding with him. :24:


Well-Known Member
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Occupy Pheonix protesters had a pamphlet titled

When You Should Shoot A Cop

Comparing this battle to the struggles in Russia and Germany under Stalin and Hitler

Sounds like some anarchy to me

Did you see what was inside the pamphlet?

Did you see who distributed it?

Not everything is black and white. Just because it was AT an occupy protest does not mean it was placed there by occupiers. There are still batshit crazy people out there.



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Occupy Pheonix protesters had a pamphlet titled

When You Should Shoot A Cop

Comparing this battle to the struggles in Russia and Germany under Stalin and Hitler

Sounds like some anarchy to me

Contents of the pamphlet
When Should You Shoot A Cop
That question, even without an answer, makes most “law-abiding taxpayers” go into knee-jerk conniptions. The indoctrinated masses all race to see who can be first, and loudest, to proclaim that it is NEVER okay to forcibly resist “law enforcement.” In doing so, they also inadvertently demonstrate why so much of human history has been plagued by tyranny and oppression.

In an ideal world, cops would do nothing except protect people from thieves and attackers, in which case shooting a cop would never be justified. In the real world, however, far more injustice, violence, torture, theft, and outright murder has been committed IN THE NAME of “law enforcement,” than has been committed in spite of it. To get a little perspective, try watching a documentary or two about some of the atrocities committed by the regimes of Stalin, or Lenin, or Chairman Mao, or Hitler, or Pol Pot, or any number of other tyrants in history. Pause the film when the jackboots are about to herd innocent people into cattle cars, or gun them down as they stand on the edge of a ditch, and THEN ask yourself the question, “When should you shoot a cop?” Keep in mind, the evils of those regimes were committed in the name of “law enforcement.” And as much as the statement may make people cringe, the history of the human race would have been a lot LESS gruesome if there had been a lot MORE “cop-killers” around to deal with the state mercenaries of those regimes.

People don’t mind when you point out the tyranny that has happened in other countries, but most have a hard time viewing their OWN “country,” their OWN “government,” and their OWN “law enforcers,” in any sort of objective way. Having been trained to feel a blind loyalty to the ruling class of the particular piece of dirt they live on (a.k.a. “patriotism”), and having been trained to believe that obedience is a virtue, the idea of forcibly resisting “law enforcement” is simply unthinkable to many. Literally, they can’t even THINK about it. And humanity has suffered horribly because of it. It is a testament to the effectiveness of authoritarian indoctrination that literally billions of people throughout history have begged and screamed and cried in the face of authoritarian injustice and oppression, but only a tiny fraction have ever lifted a finger to actually try to STOP it.

Even when people can recognize tyranny and oppression, they still usually talk about “working within the system”–the same system that is responsible for the tyranny and oppression. People want to believe that ”the system” will, sooner or later, provide justice. The last thing they want to consider is that they should “illegally” resist–that if they want to achieve justice, they must become “criminals” and “terrorists,” which is what anyone who resists “legal” injustice is automatically labelled. But history shows all too well that those who fight for freedom and justice almost always do so “illegally”–i.e., without the permission of the ruling class.

If politicians think that they have the right to impose any “law” they want, and cops have the attitude that, as long as it’s called “law,” they will enforce it, what is there to prevent complete tyranny? Not the consciences of the “law-makers” or their hired thugs, obviously. And not any election or petition to the politicians. When tyrants define what counts as “law,” then by definition it is up to the “law-breakers” to combat tyranny.

Pick any example of abuse of power, whether it is the fascist “war on drugs,” the police thuggery that has become so common, the random stops and searches now routinely carried out in the name of “security” (e.g., at airports, “border checkpoints” that aren’t even at the border, “sobriety checkpoints,” and so on), or anything else. Now ask yourself the uncomfortable question: If it’s wrong for cops to do these things, doesn’t that imply that the people have a right to RESIST such actions? Of course, state mercenaries don’t take kindly to being resisted, even non-violently. If you question their right to detain you, interrogate you, search you, invade your home, and so on, you are very likely to be tasered, physically assaulted, kidnapped, put in a cage, or shot. If a cop decides to treat you like livestock, whether he does it “legally” or not, you will usually have only two options: submit, or kill the cop. You can’t resist a cop ”just a little” and get away with it. He will always call in more of his fellow gang members, until you are subdued or dead.

Basic logic dictates that you either have an obligation to LET “law enforcers” have their way with you, or you have the right to STOP them from doing so, which will almost always require killing them. (Politely asking fascists to not be fascists has a very poor track record.) Consider the recent Indiana Supreme Court ruling, which declared that if a cop tries to ILLEGALLY enter your home, it’s against the law for you to do anything to stop him. Aside from the patent absurdity of it, since it amounts to giving thugs with badges PERMISSION to “break the law,” and makes it a CRIME for you to defend yourself against a CRIMINAL (if he has a badge), consider the logical ramifications of that attitude.

There were once some words written on a piece of parchment (with those words now known as the Fourth Amendment), that said that you have the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures at the hands of ”government” agents. In Indiana today, what could that possibly mean? The message from the ruling class is quite clear, and utterly insane. It amounts to this: “We don’t have the right to invade your home without probable cause … but if we DO, you have no right to stop us, and we have the right to arrest you if you try.”

Why not apply that to the rest of the Bill of Rights, while we’re at it? ”You have the right to say what you want, but if we use violence to shut you up, you have to let us.” (I can personally attest to the fact that that is the attitude of the U.S. “Department of Justice.”) “You have the right to have guns, but if we try to forcibly and illegally disarm you, and you resist, we have the right to kill you.” (Ask Randy Weaver and the Branch Davidians about that one.) “You have the right to not testify against yourself, but when we coerce you into confessing (and call it a ’plea agreement’), you can’t do a thing about it.” What good is a ”right”–what does the term “right” even mean–if you have an obligation to allow jackboots to violate your so-called “rights”? It makes the term absolutely meaningless.

To be blunt, if you have the right to do “A,” it means that if someone tries to STOP you from doing “A”–even if he has a badge and a politician’s scribble (“law”) on his side–you have the right to use whatever amount of force is necessary to resist that person. That’s what it means to have an unalienable right. If you have the unalienable right to speak your mind (a la the First Amendment), then you have the right to KILL “government” agents who try to shut you up. If you have the unalienable right to be armed, then you have the right to KILL ”government” agents who try to disarm you. If you have the right to not be subjected to unreasonable searches and seizures, then you have the right to KILL “government” agents who try to inflict those on you.

Those who are proud to be “law-abiding” don’t like to hear this, and don’t like to think about this, but what’s the alternative? If you do NOT have the right to forcibly resist injustice–even if the injustice is called ”law”–that logically implies that you have an obligation to allow ”government” agents to do absolutely anything they want to you, your home, your family, and so on. Really, there are only two choices: you are a slave, the property of the politicians, without any rights at all, or you have the right to violently resist “government” attempts to oppress you. There can be no other option.

Of course, on a practical level, openly resisting the gang called ”government” is usually very hazardous to one’s health. But there is a big difference between obeying for the sake of self-preservation, which is often necessary and rational, and feeling a moral obligation to go along with whatever the ruling class wants to do to you, which is pathetic and insane. Most of the incomprehensible atrocities that have occurred throughout history were due in large part to the fact that most people answer “never” to the question of “When should you shoot a cop?” The correct answer is: When evil is “legal,” become a criminal. When oppression is enacted as “law,” become a “law-breaker.” When those violently victimizing the innocent have badges, become a cop-killer.

The next time you hear of a police officer being killed “in the line of duty,” take a moment to consider the very real possibility that maybe in that case, the “law enforcer” was the bad guy and the “cop killer” was the good guy. As it happens, that has been the case more often than not throughout human history. http://www.copblock.org/tag/larken-rose/

The pamphlet is not distributed by OWS and the writer states at his blog www.copblock.org that someone read the letter, liked it, made copies and distributed at OWS.
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Active Member
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This "innocent protester" image is ridiculous too. There have been numerous occasions at these things were anarchists start shit with the police. When you are told to disperse, and you are defiant, you will be met with force. That is how it works. The protesters brought this on themselves.

What a load of bullshit. Again, should Martin Luther King Jr. and those who had the guts to stand up for their equal rights have "dispersed"? They were beaten, fire hosed and even murdered. Just because the "authorities" give an order does not make it a lawful (meaning constitutional) order.

Numerous occaisions of Anarchists starting shit at Occupy rallies? I have watched video after video and seen ZERO evidence of what you claim.

Show us the "Anarchist" footage you allege

The disinformation and outright lies people repeat about the Occupy Movement demonstrate the typical intellectual lazyness of much of the populace. They don't research and learn the facts for themselves - it's a lot easier to repeat some other groups propaganda instead.
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When should you shoot a cop? Why, when you stop being a compassionate human being of course.

It's totally okay to take someone else's life if you really really believe in your cause.


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Did you see what was inside the pamphlet?

Did you see who distributed it?

Not everything is black and white. Just because it was AT an occupy protest does not mean it was placed there by occupiers. There are still batshit crazy people out there.


The anti Occupy people don't care about the truth. They see something framed a certain way on the Drudge Report that they think will somehow support their unresearched position and post it as if it is fact. More intellectual lazyness. Yawn.


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You know I was being sarcastic, right? I can't tell from your response whether you're agreeing with me or reacting as though I was actually for real.


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When should you shoot a cop? Why, when you stop being a compassionate human being of course.

It's totally okay to take someone else's life if you really really believe in your cause.

I am not sure anyone here is outright saying that killing a cop is a good thing. But don't you think there comes a point where you have to do more than sit back when your constitutional freedoms are being infringed upon? (I'm not saying this has happened, just a thought that perhaps there comes a point where peacefully bending over and taking it is no longer an acceptable way of life and you have to actually stand up for what you believe in, whatever that might entail.)

And if I completely missed the point of the post and you're being melodramatic and sarcastic, I'm sorry. I'm just responding to my interpretation of your post. Still <3 you, HK. :D


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Melodrama, I'm afraid ;) <3 you too Ana!

Although I will say, standing up for what you believe in is one thing. Taking lives is another.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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I never said that the poster was symptomatic of the movement. Sure did stir you guys up though :D

Hell it could be stuff planted by The Suits for all we know

There is a ton of misinformation going on.


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HK, I kinda thought you were being sarcastic but I wasn't sure. We need a tongue in cheek emoticon.:winking:


Well-Known Member
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I never said that the poster was symptomatic of the movement. Sure did stir you guys up though :D

Hell it could be stuff planted by The Suits for all we know

There is a ton of misinformation going on.

Who's stirred up? I asked a question based on what you said and how it came across. I'm not stirred up in the least. I've come to accept that you're not really on board with the movement, and that's fine with me. I am, however, allowed to ensure no one else interprets what was printed out and laid out for people here as a symbol that there's violence being taught in the protest when that is absolutely not the case. That's all. :)

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
Reaction score
Who's stirred up? I asked a question based on what you said and how it came across. I'm not stirred up in the least. I've come to accept that you're not really on board with the movement, and that's fine with me. I am, however, allowed to ensure no one else interprets what was printed out and laid out for people here as a symbol that there's violence being taught in the protest when that is absolutely not the case. That's all. :)

Sorry if you thought I was singling you out. I was not. Sorry if you thought that.

Let me try to get this straight. I am not against the concept nor the ideals of the movement.

I am however against those who are anarchists and those are the people that were the genesis of this movement.

There is a lot of evidence that this movement is not as it is portrayed as. The majority of those protesting are probably clueless about what is behind this. They have great intentions but are being led like sheep. IMO

I could say also that every negative about OWS was used about the Tea Party. And much of it justified.

I am just trying to present a different perspective. :)


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Sorry if you thought I was singling you out. I was not. Sorry if you thought that.

Let me try to get this straight. I am not against the concept nor the ideals of the movement.

I am however against those who are anarchists and those are the people that were the genesis of this movement.

There is a lot of evidence that this movement is not as it is portrayed as. The majority of those protesting are probably clueless about what is behind this. They have great intentions but are being led like sheep. IMO

I could say also that every negative about OWS was used about the Tea Party. And much of it justified.

I am just trying to present a different perspective. :)

Allen, I'm curious, having referred to this link at least 3x in these OWS threads, have you read http://ampedstatus.org/a-report-fro...allstreet-and-the-origins-of-the-99-movement/ A Report from the Frontlines: The Long Road to #OccupyWallStreet and the Origins of the 99% Movement: How Anonymous, AmpedStatus, the NYC General Assembly, US Day of Rage, Adbusters and Thousands of Individual Actions Led to the Occupation of Liberty Park and the Birth of a Movement? Regardless of whether you or anyone else is supportive, skeptical or opposed, it would, IMHO, behoove you to read it. The report details the events leading up to the birth of the movement, the roles of groups like Adbusters and Anonymous, dates and events preceding the Sept 17 occupation, etc. It is written by David DeGraw who has been working with the movement since it's inception. David reposted this chronicle when accusations of Soros involvment surfaced
David DeGraw said:
EXPOSED: David DeGraw Works For A Soros-CIA-Obama-Socialist Front Group That Is Secretly Controlling the #OWS 99% Movement
That is my Onion-esque satirical headline to make light of what has become a very frustrating and infuriating experience. There are all sorts of wild conspiracy theories being spun about the #OWS 99% Movement and I have come under personal attack. I have repeatedly been confronted by irate people that accuse me of working for or with people like George Soros, Lyndon LaRouche, the FBI, CIA, US State Department and/or the Democratic Party and the Obama Administration. Let me be 100% clear here, all of these accusations are F.A.L.S.E.
First of all, the #OWS 99% Movement is a genuine leaderless decentralized grassroots movement. In my opinion, it is built upon the hard work of hundreds of thousands of people who have taken it upon themselves to fight back against their own financial oppression and in defense of their family and country. As someone who has spent countless hours, days, weeks at Liberty Park, it is evident that people here come from all different walks of life and have all different political viewpoints. The uniting factor is that most of the people here realize that America has been taken over and is currently occupied by global financial interests. They have seized control of our government, economy and tax system, and have rigged our political process against hardworking Americans. People at Liberty Park, the 99%ers, are here to defend the United States against a global financial oligarchy. They are not here because they are the puppets of anyone. They are fighting back against economic tyranny PERIOD.
It is highly insulting when people make accusations that we are essentially puppets of other interests. Just come to Liberty Park and try telling someone who has been pepper-sprayed, beaten with police sticks and arrested that they are puppets of people like Soros and Obama. See how they respond to that. The people making these accusations and spinning these conspiracy theories haven’t even had enough respect to come to Liberty Park to talk directly with us.
To clear up any questions or misguided theories about my role and background within the movement, I have already written a long report, which I will repost below, that people making accusations against me have repeatedly ignored and have refused to reference. When people make unfounded accusations and blatantly ignore this history, I get the feeling that they are divide and conquer pawns.
In addition to the report below, in the spirit of full disclosure, here is a list of my reporting over the past 2.5 years.
Before making more accusations, I suggest you follow the links within this report to understand the full context:
then he links to the original article I linked above. I became familiar with David DeGraw back in Feb 2010 when I came across this article http://ampedstatus.org/full-report-the-economic-elite-vs-the-people-of-the-united-states-of-america/ and I have followed David and this movement ever since. Anyway, I hope you and others will read this and familiarize yourselves. One way or the other regardless of your position regarding this movement, it will make you better informed.