Occupy Oakland Raids

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And FOX bots have a history of making really fucking stupid comments.

Are you denying that protesters have a history of inciting violence? Because if you honestly believe that, you're as much a sheep or shit eater as you accuse other people of being. It goes both ways. Plus you've taken AA's comment out of context, it goes along with Dana saying that the Oakland police has a history of police brutality, so AA (correctly) stated that protesters have a history of doing the same thing.

I think it's fucking disgusting what happened in Oakland, so I'm in no way condoning the actions taken by the police, even if there was provocation on the other side.
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Are you denying that protesters have a history of inciting violence?

Show us the video proof. We have shit loads of evidence against the cops. Are you trying to justify the level of force used against these unarmed protesters?

And does there come a point when the protesters might just have a right to defend themselves from police abuse?

Because if you honestly believe that, you're as much a sheep or shit eater as you accuse other people of being. It goes both ways. Plus you've taken AA's comment out of context, it goes along with Dana saying that the Oakland police has a history of police brutality, so AA (correctly) stated that protesters have a history of doing the same thing.

I never called any one a shit eater that I can recall. Let's not make shit up. Take a look at that photo again and maybe you can figure it out.

AA's asshat comment was not taken out context. I'd have a lot more respect for him if he would just come out and admit his position that he is against the Occupy Movement instead of wasting time with his bullshit pretending to come from an objective position.

Protesters have a history of violence as compared to the Oakland police? Please. Millions of people have rightfully protested in California and all over the United States over the years with zero violence from the vast majority of overall protests. But there is video after video, and official report after official report of Oakland PD's history of abuse, right along with LAPD and others.

I think it's fucking disgusting what happened in Oakland, so I'm in no way condoning the actions taken by the police, even if there was provocation on the other side.

So we agree completely on this. Follow AA's bullshit bloviations on this topic a while and we'll agree on that too.


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Johnny up to his same old bull shit again?

If my "bullshit" means calling you out on your fucktardery, then yup, I'm still at it.:)

Others must be getting tired of his childishness

Actually, I've been getting reps for taking you to task on the stupid shit you say.;)

Thankfully I have him on ignore

BWAHAHAHAHA! That's a good one there Alien Asshat. :24: You can't ignore me. You still see my screen name on the post and you HAVE to click on it. You're just another little sheep in my bot herd.


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Here is another angle of Scott Olsen's injury.

How can anyone watch this and not want to see those abusive cops take the perp walk and imagine how delighted some of the inmates will be to find them as their new cell mates...


Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Is there a reason some of the people were inside the fence.

And they were warned chemical control was going to be used. Whether it was justified only people there know. You can show all these camera angles but it will not tell the entire picture.

Why would he just stand there when the shit hits the fan.

Unlike some I can condemn police actions but also find at times that protesters get what they are almost asking for. As I have said before you put yourself in the polices mind when confronted with a large group of people that are not doing as ordered.

I gotta ask what is the big deal about having to sleep overnight? Is that supposed to make it more legitimate?

I agree with the cause but the messengers are doing a poor job and acting like fools at times. But then why should that be a surprise when anarchy and socialism is the root of this uprising.

If you think not then google Adbusters, Soros and get yourself educated.

The real battle should be in DC because as much as I condemn what the bankers did there aint nothing gonna change until elected officials are held accountable

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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And if Johnny can't come up with a response other than to sling mud then would somebody report him on my behalf. I have tried to add comments and not made it personal and I am sure some are getting sick of his responses to attack me. I have him on ignore but you all do not.


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And if Johnny can't come up with a response other than to sling mud then would somebody report him on my behalf. I have tried to add comments and not made it personal and I am sure some are getting sick of his responses to attack me. I have him on ignore but you all do not.

I'll tell you what - you start addressing me by my screen name and I'll stop calling you Alien Asshat. You stick to the fucking topic and I will too - but I'm sick of your smart ass bullshit as are many others here.

So stop your crying like a little bitch and get back on topic. You began you little tantrums simply because I refuted your asinine assertations in other threads. I will continue to do so.

You want to discuss, then lets discuss. You wanna play fuck fuck, then we'll play fuck fuck. It's all in a days fun for me. :)


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AA - Do tell us all what have you done in the service of your country? I really want to know. You sure do bitch and complain about those who have the courage to get up off their ass and face down authority for a cause they believe in.

Did you serve in the military AA? Inquiring minds want to know?

Is there a reason some of the people were inside the fence.

If you had bothered to watch the plethra of videos out there, you would see the protesters are on the opposite side of the barricades from the cops.

And they were warned chemical control was going to be used. Whether it was justified only people there know. You can show all these camera angles but it will not tell the entire picture.

So this in your mind justifies head shots to people with 12 gauge shotguns loaded with "non-lethal" projectiles?

Why would he just stand there when the shit hits the fan.

It called "The Courage of Conviction" - someting you apparently fail to understand.

Unlike some I can condemn police actions but also find at times that protesters get what they are almost asking for. As I have said before you put yourself in the polices mind when confronted with a large group of people that are not doing as ordered.

I suppose the American colonists should have done what the British ordered as well according to your convoluted logic. There was no reason for the cops to do what they did. Yours is the same thought process of the "authorities" that ordered blacks off the bus and hosed them down with fire hoses for daring to stand up for their rights.

I gotta ask what is the big deal about having to sleep overnight? Is that supposed to make it more legitimate?

They do it just to confound pinheads. :rolleyes:

I agree with the cause but the messengers are doing a poor job and acting like fools at times. But then why should that be a surprise when anarchy and socialism is the root of this uprising.

You agree with the cause you say? Bull-fucking shit. If you believed in the cause, you would be out there amongst them and not here coming up with line after line of bullshit excuses as to why what they are doing is all fucked up and how they are going about it all wrong. I hear the same old tripe from Limbaugh and company.

"Socialism" "Socialism" "Socialism" "Socialism" "Socialism" "Socialism" "Socialism"

If you think not then google Adbusters, Soros and get yourself educated.

More Limbaugh-Beck-Hannity-Coulter propaganda.

The real battle should be in DC because as much as I condemn what the bankers did there aint nothing gonna change until elected officials are held accountable

Why aren't you in DC AA? I hear this DC whine over and over and over. Guaranteed every time I turn on right wing bot radio, some commentator is saying it - and surprise, here you are saying it for the umpteenth time.

You repeat the same talking points over and over and over again. We get it. You disagree with the movement. Come up with something new or go back to the Republican Judgement thread and argue that endless loop.


Having way too much fun
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Have 1,000 law abiding citizens gather together to to promote an open carry law while their open carrying, I can't help but wonder if the police would take the same kind of action.

Well, you asked for it... you got it



Having way too much fun
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I guess you can bet that Phoenix police won't be evicting occupy Phoenix anytime soon...


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AA - Do tell us all what have you done in the service of your country? I really want to know. You sure do bitch and complain about those who have the courage to get up off their ass and face down authority for a cause they believe in.

Did you serve in the military AA? Inquiring minds want to know?

I'm sorry, but that's a completely fucking bullshit argument or accusation... you're implying that someone's opinion means more or less based on whether or not they served in the military. I wanted to, but I was medically disqualified due to knee problems... does that mean that I'm somehow less of a person? Give me a fucking break, I may not get along with you, but I honestly thought better of you than to throwing bullshit like that out there.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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I love it when those who were in the military think they are so high and mighty that they believe others who did not are lesser people and should not have an opinion.

For the record I was not in the military. My number did not come up high enough in the last Nam draft and then the draft was cancelled.

Now that we have that out of the way what the fuck does that have to do with these Occupy movements anyway.

I suggest you put me on ignore John. Because I will continue to post comments that you do not agree with. Ignore works quite well.


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I love it when those who were in the military think they are so high and mighty that they believe others who did not are lesser people and should not have an opinion.

For the record I was not in the military. My number did not come up high enough in the last Nam draft and then the draft was cancelled.

Now that we have that out of the way what the fuck does that have to do with these Occupy movements anyway.

I suggest you put me on ignore John. Because I will continue to post comments that you do not agree with. Ignore works quite well.

Evidently, ignore doesn't work so well or you wouldn't be responding with this comment. I and many others would appreciate it if those of you who choose to participate in this section of the forum would present your facts as facts, your opinions as opinions and keep your disrepectful thoughts and comments to yourselves. The term debate seems to imply there must be a winner and some of you seem ready to fight to the death. I challenge you to disregard the term debate and consider these discussions, instead.:)

Having said that, I just read this in a history book.
[American Colonial]Loyalists are often represented today as being traitors to their own people who tried to sell them out to a tyrant king, when in fact, the Loyalists were simply loyal to their government and didn't feel one third of the population should be able to decide for the rest simply because they were more vocal or more angry.

I can't help but think of the events transpiring in our nation as the OWS movement grows and I read all the pro and con opinions on the movement and especially the vitriolic criticism. I think of the grossly unlawful act committed by early Americans when they boarded private ships and tossed more than 90,000lbs of tea overboard. I have a feeling that many colonists who understood and shared concerns about the underlying motive, surely must have condemned the action. Patriot is a term that was applied to these men years after the event. What they did at the time was illegal.

Before they were patriots, they were considered by some to be agitators, traitors, radicals and according to one British sympathizer, they were "not only the worst of subjects, but the most truly immoral Men" and despite popular belief today, they were not and never were representative of the colonial majority. We all benefit to this day from their acts of rebellion.

What I don't see with the OWS movement is the understanding and shared concerns of the motives behind OWS and their open rebellion. I'm willing to bet if the revolting colonials had assumed the mantra of "We are the 99%", the loyalists would have countered with "We are the 53%". The bottom line is that we have a corrupt government, a corrupt economical system, a corrupt banking system who are all in cahoots together and the flesh and blood people have no voice. Though this should be a unifying theme in this country it is being made into a Lt vs Rt divisive issue. Folks need to get over the peripheral issues and focus on the core issues. So, you don't support the OWS protestors. Fine. Have you written your congressmen and senators to tell them you want:

A.) an end to corporate personhood
B.) a full fledged, legitimate investigation into the fraud and crimes committed against the nation and the world that led to the financial implosion of 2008 and that you want to see these bankers, financial managers, etc imprisoned for their actions
C.) the government to take back from The Federal Reserve (a private corporation) their authorized responsibility under Article I, Section 8, Clause 5 and per HR 92163-introduced April 1936, "return to Congress, its constitutional power to issue money and regulate the value thereof; to provide monetary income to the people of the United States at a fixed and equitable purchasing power of the dollar, ample at all times to enable the people to buy wanted goods and services at full capacity of the industries and commercial facilities of the United States; to abolish the practice of creating bank deposits by private groups upon fractional reserves, and for other purposes."
D.) a restoration of appropriate financial regulations such as Glass-Stegall?
If you haven't, I urge you to please do so.

In regards to the original Boston Tea Party, my primary schooling of the event misled me into believing this was a small party of men, under the cover of dark who boarded these ships as stealthily as any navy seal operation. The truth is that though their identities were never known, their activities were not covert. The customs officers on board each of the 3 ships were escorted to shore. It is reported there was a throng of onlookers and that there was a British navy vessel in the harbor not a hundred yards from the tea laden ships and in spite of the military presence,"At no time during the evening did the governmental authorities move to interrupt the proceedings." . Admiral Montagu wrote in his report the following day, "I could easily have prevented the Execution of this Plan but must have endangered the Lives of many innocent People by firing upon the Town". Another observer was a merchant by the name of Henry Bromfield who observed "The undertaking had all the signs of a well-planned operation. The whole episode was conducted with such dispatch that there must have been 'People of sense and more discernment than the vulgar among the Actors.' I thought that was interesting and thought some of you might, too.



Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Evidently, ignore doesn't work so well or you wouldn't be responding with this comment. I and many others would appreciate it if those of you who choose to participate in this section of the forum would present your facts as facts, your opinions as opinions and keep your disrepectful thoughts and comments to yourselves. The term debate seems to imply there must be a winner and some of you seem ready to fight to the death. I challenge you to disregard the term debate and consider these discussions, instead.:)
I responded to what showed up in Retro's quote ;)

Having said that, I just read this in a history book.
[American Colonial]Loyalists are often represented today as being traitors to their own people who tried to sell them out to a tyrant king, when in fact, the Loyalists were simply loyal to their government and didn't feel one third of the population should be able to decide for the rest simply because they were more vocal or more angry.

I can't help but think of the events transpiring in our nation as the OWS movement grows and I read all the pro and con opinions on the movement and especially the vitriolic criticism. I think of the grossly unlawful act committed by early Americans when they boarded private ships and tossed more than 90,000lbs of tea overboard. I have a feeling that many colonists who understood and shared concerns about the underlying motive, surely must have condemned the action. Patriot is a term that was applied to these men years after the event. What they did at the time was illegal.

Before they were patriots, they were considered by some to be agitators, traitors, radicals and according to one British sympathizer, they were "not only the worst of subjects, but the most truly immoral Men" and despite popular belief today, they were not and never were representative of the colonial majority. We all benefit to this day from their acts of rebellion.
If you think the OWS movement is getting harsh criticism I think that is an opinion that could be a bit subjective. Like any movement there will be criticism. Did you make such an assertion or do you believe the Tea Party was treated any better or worse? If anything the media seems to be more on the side of OWS right now so other than the pundits where is this criticism and again the pundits on the other side have been skewering the Tea Party.

What I don't see with the OWS movement is the understanding and shared concerns of the motives behind OWS and their open rebellion. I'm willing to bet if the revolting colonials had assumed the mantra of "We are the 99%", the loyalists would have countered with "We are the 53%". The bottom line is that we have a corrupt government, a corrupt economical system, a corrupt banking system who are all in cahoots together and the flesh and blood people have no voice. Though this should be a unifying theme in this country it is being made into a Lt vs Rt divisive issue.
If you think the OWS is not all about the left gaining power then you must thing Adbusters is just a figment of imagination. The people behind this movement are all about far left socialism and that is their end game. They sucked in a lot of people into this movement.

Folks need to get over the peripheral issues and focus on the core issues. So, you don't support the OWS protestors. Fine. Have you written your congressmen and senators to tell them you want:

A.) an end to corporate personhood
B.) a full fledged, legitimate investigation into the fraud and crimes committed against the nation and the world that led to the financial implosion of 2008 and that you want to see these bankers, financial managers, etc imprisoned for their actions
C.) the government to take back from The Federal Reserve (a private corporation) their authorized responsibility under Article I, Section 8, Clause 5 and per HR 92163-introduced April 1936, "return to Congress, its constitutional power to issue money and regulate the value thereof; to provide monetary income to the people of the United States at a fixed and equitable purchasing power of the dollar, ample at all times to enable the people to buy wanted goods and services at full capacity of the industries and commercial facilities of the United States; to abolish the practice of creating bank deposits by private groups upon fractional reserves, and for other purposes."
D.) a restoration of appropriate financial regulations such as Glass-Stegall?
If you haven't, I urge you to please do so.
Has the movement done any of this? Nope.


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Evidently, ignore doesn't work so well or you wouldn't be responding with this comment. I and many others would appreciate it if those of you who choose to participate in this section of the forum would present your facts as facts, your opinions as opinions and keep your disrepectful thoughts and comments to yourselves. The term debate seems to imply there must be a winner and some of you seem ready to fight to the death. I challenge you to disregard the term debate and consider these discussions, instead.:)

Oh man, that's fucking rich. Nothing to do with you... just other people that resort to homophobic slurs and attacks when people upset them.