Occupy Oakland Raids

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Damn right. Misleading stats and all.

I can't say if they are or are not but does it really matter if the stats are misleading? It's the message that should strike fear into every American. Slowly but surely your individual rights, freedom and liberty is being eroded and that's something even you can't dismiss as much as I'm sure you would like to.


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If the stats are misleading, then how about clarifying with verifiable corrections?
I'm not saying they are incorrect. The ad author clearly presented them to mislead an unthinking reader to believe that being attacked by a policeman is a common occurrence - an everpresent danger one must constantly be aware of lest a careless misstep give a cop an excuse to kill you.


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I'm not saying they are incorrect. The ad author clearly presented them to mislead an unthinking reader to believe that being attacked by a policeman is a common occurrence - an everpresent danger one must constantly be aware of lest a careless misstep give a cop an excuse to kill you.

I think that's just your interpretation. The comparison was made to the intentionally invoked fear of terrorism by American government to frighten the American populace into supporting legislation like the Patriot Act and our ever increasing "war on terror" and justifying foriegn wars. In reality, the statistic claims we are 8 times more likely to be killed by a cop than to be killed by a terrorist. That's probably true.

So it is not so much an anti-cop statement as it is to bring awareness to the fact that We the People have been intentionally duped by our own government into having an irrational fear of terrorism to the point we willing give up our freedoms and constitutional rights in order for the government to "protect" us from those poor brown peasants in middleeastern countries that are plotting to kill every single one of us.


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I think that's just your interpretation. The comparison was made to the intentionally invoked fear of terrorism by American government to frighten the American populace into supporting legislation like the Patriot Act and our ever increasing "war on terror" and justifying foriegn wars. In reality, the statistic claims we are 8 times more likely to be killed by a cop than to be killed by a terrorist. That's probably true.
I agree. The fear-mongering propaganda used to promote the "Patriot" Act *spits* was disgusting, but it hardly justifies the same actions from the other side.

So it is not so much an anti-cop statement as it is to bring awareness to the fact that We the People have been intentionally duped by our own government into having an irrational fear of terrorism to the point we willing give up our freedoms and constitutional rights in order for the government to "protect" us from those poor brown peasants in middleeastern countries that are plotting to kill every single one of us.
I love your take, but can't see how you got that from that silhouette. My interpretation & opinion of the ad comes mainly from the picture of the attacking cop. Something like this with the same message would probably have sent the message that the fear of terrorism is unfounded, rather than we should be afraid of both:


Well-Known Member
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I can't say if they are or are not but does it really matter if the stats are misleading? It's the message that should strike fear into every American. Slowly but surely your individual rights, freedom and liberty is being eroded and that's something even you can't dismiss as much as I'm sure you would like to.
Yes, and instead of making flippant remarks I'm speaking out against those who are trying to erode our liberty.


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I agree. The fear-mongering propaganda used to promote the "Patriot" Act *spits* was disgusting, but it hardly justifies the same actions from the other side.

I love your take, but can't see how you got that from that silhouette. My interpretation & opinion of the ad comes mainly from the picture of the attacking cop. Something like this with the same message would probably have sent the message that the fear of terrorism is unfounded, rather than we should be afraid of both:

The police are being used as a strong-arm of the establishment against the Occupy Movement. Many LEO's are appalled at what occurred in Oakland, while others are not. The point is that there is currently excessive force being used against peaceful protesters. There is no call for such force.

Seriously, is all the gun pointing and club swinging really necessary? The Occupy Movement respects LEO's and sees them as part of the 99% even though the LEO's are being used as pawns against the Occupy Movement.



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Yes, and instead of making flippant remarks I'm speaking out against those who are trying to erode our liberty.

But you will accomplish nothing by voicing your opinion on a forum such as this. Why not join a real movement where something you ( anyone ) do might actually account for something?


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I think that's just your interpretation. The comparison was made to the intentionally invoked fear of terrorism by American government to frighten the American populace into supporting legislation like the Patriot Act and our ever increasing "war on terror" and justifying foriegn wars. In reality, the statistic claims we are 8 times more likely to be killed by a cop than to be killed by a terrorist. That's probably true.

So it is not so much an anti-cop statement as it is to bring awareness to the fact that We the People have been intentionally duped by our own government into having an irrational fear of terrorism to the point we willing give up our freedoms and constitutional rights in order for the government to "protect" us from those poor brown peasants in middleeastern countries that are plotting to kill every single one of us.

The police are being used as a strong-arm of the establishment against the Occupy Movement. Many LEO's are appalled at what occurred in Oakland, while others are not. The point is that there is currently excessive force being used against peaceful protesters. There is no call for such force.

Seriously, is all the gun pointing and club swinging really necessary? The Occupy Movement respects LEO's and sees them as part of the 99% even though the LEO's are being used as pawns against the Occupy Movement.

We don't disagree on the issues, but you can't have it both ways: that the poster isn't anti-cop and that it is anti-cop.
The more important thing is that we agree on the two important points.


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The cops aren't doing themselves any public relations favors engaging in this type of behavior:


There are a lot of very mad and confrontational faces in that crowd. Even the guy wearing the tie looks like he's looking for some action. The gal being " hit " with the baton... is she really being hit or is she being shoved away because she has her fist wrapped around the bloody thing which imo would make her look like she's hoping for a piece of the action as well. The guy behind her with the bike doesn't look like he's there to offer the cops a cookie either. If they are looking for a scrap the cops will grant them their wish.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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There are a lot of very mad and confrontational faces in that crowd. Even the guy wearing the tie looks like he's looking for some action. The gal being " hit " with the baton... is she really being hit or is she being shoved away because she has her fist wrapped around the bloody thing which imo would make her look like she's hoping for a piece of the action as well. The guy behind her with the bike doesn't look like he's there to offer the cops a cookie either. If they are looking for a scrap the cops will grant them their wish.
lots of protesters and not many police in that picture. Without video a picture can be very misleading


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Wow...that was quite an analysis of intent based on facial expressions Guyzer.

There are a lot of very mad and confrontational faces in that crowd.

People tend not to be real happy and smiling when LEO's push into crowds and start shoving folks with batons. But I'll email all the "Occupy" groups and tell them to put on their happy face as the armored riot squads shove them to the ground.

Even the guy wearing the tie looks like he's looking for some action.

Really? That's quite perceptive - I'm impressed. What's Wednesday's Powerball numbers gonna be?

The gal being " hit " with the baton... is she really being hit or is she being shoved away because she has her fist wrapped around the bloody thing which imo would make her look like she's hoping for a piece of the action as well.

Or is she simple defending herself from getting the baton shoved into her face and hanging on to soften the blow as she is shoved to the ground?

The guy behind her with the bike doesn't look like he's there to offer the cops a cookie either.

Yeah, that guy with the bike looks like he is just about to mount up and pedal right over those cops. A premptive ass kicking by the cops is clearly in order.

If they are looking for a scrap the cops will grant them their wish.

Ah hell, you're right. People with "confrontational" faces deserve to have their asses beat down. Fuck standing up for what they believe in. Silly me...what was I thinking.

You should put in a call to the mounties and and see if they'd like to come down and beat some American Socialist, Communist, Anarchist, hippie ass for good measure.

Hell, with your perceptive facial expression interpretive abilities, you could go to work for the Department of Homeland Security and be a one-man terrorism prevention expert. :ninja


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Hell, with your perceptive facial expression interpretive abilities, you could go to work for the Department of Homeland Security and be a one-man terrorism prevention expert. :ninja

Facial expressions tell a lot about a person especially for the moment and if you haven't figured that out by this point in life I feel sorry for you.

That said my crystal ball also told me that if anyone would mount an attack against my post it would be you. Damn I hate it when it's correct as often as it has been. Anywhoo... like AA said without a video a picture can be misleading. Hell even with a video it can be misleading. Just ask Rodney King.

Our Mounties aren't no saints btw...............

This one is pretty disgusting. The only reason I posted it is because it tells the whole story not just one side.


Maybe you want to do yourself a favor and find a video on that picture. Then again maybe you don't want to know what really happened. ( there's always 3 sides to a story.. the right side, the wrong side and the truth )


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Facial expressions tell a lot about a person especially for the moment and if you haven't figured that out by this point in life I feel sorry for you.

You're a forensic photography genius guyzer - that or quite a story spinner - AKA a good bullshitter. I do lend credit where credit is due. Mere mortals can only hope to acquire such wisdom in one short lifetime. :bowdown:

That said my crystal ball also told me that if anyone would mount an attack against my post it would be you.

Hmmmm....must have been my facial expressions as I typed my response that you telepathically decoded. :p

Making observations about a post is not an attack so stop with that nonsense already.

Damn I hate it when it's correct as often as it has been.

Yeah, that was quite perceptive of you to predict I'd reply to your reply to my post. How'd ya manage that? :rolleyes:

Anywhoo... like AA said without a video a picture can be misleading. Hell even with a video it can be misleading. Just ask Rodney King.

Rodney King was repeatedly beaten by the LAPD even AFTER he was handcuffed - all caught on video. And that was misleading?

Maybe you want to do yourself a favor and find a video on that picture. Then again maybe you don't want to know what really happened. ( there's always 3 sides to a story.. the right side, the wrong side and the truth )

And maybe you should do yourself a favor and follow the line of posts Accountable and I were discussing starting with the terrorism statistics. The point of that line of posts was simply to point out the increasing police violence in the United States and the statistic that Americans are 8 times more likely to be killed by a LEO than to be killed by a terrorist.

But thanks for the crystal ball analysis all the same. ;)