You said it yet again. Here, read this if you want to know how it started:
You are so full of right wing shit. You are no fucking centrist, lol. It is not the unions that are bankrupting states. States and cities without unions are going bankrupt and some states and cities with unions are not. Why do you think that is Einstein?
Really? You mean like the Corporate Socialism type of government we have now that you seem so intent on defending?
How old are you Stone? You sound like a Cold War Mccarthyism throwback they way you go on and on about Communism and Socialism.
You keep repeating this asshat line too. Our Capitalist system is corrupt to the core if you have not noticed. Corporations have suckled up to the government tit for subsidies and legislation in their favor. I and OWS are for changing that. If you would extract your head from your ass you could easily see that.
No, you're no centrist - you're just another right wing conservobot that is embarrassed to claim the conservative title, so you call yourself centrist - just like the current batch of alleged libertarians today - you're all still right wing FOX bots no matter how much you deny it.