Occupy Oakland Raids

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we need publicly funded elections

we need for people to be more active locally

by the time somebody gets to congress they are owned by the machine

3 out of 4 points we agree on.

You keep denying OWS is now an owned movement. Very similar to early denial by those about the Tea Party being owned

I deny it because they are not owned by any one faction or group of factions. I know that is hard for many to accept, but it is true.

Adbusters is anti-commercialism - not anti-capitalist or anarchist. Adbusters supports OWS as does many other organizations.

What you and others need to realize is that OWS is the broadest based citizens rights movement in the history of the United States.

Come stand with us - together we can make those changes we all agree upon.
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Having way too much fun
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we need publicly funded elections[/QUOTE]

OWS also believes in this and are fighting to change it

we need for people to be more active locally

OWS also believes in this and it's the reason they are protesting all over the US

by the time somebody gets to congress they are owned by the machine

OWS also believes this and wants it fixed

You keep denying OWS is now an owned movement. Very similar to early denial by those about the Tea Party being owned

How can OWS be owned by anyone when there isn't a central message and it's a leaderless movement? Again, if you followed it at all, you would see that every location has a general assembly each and every day where the protesters themselves decide the topics to discuss and they are all voted on. Then the results of their GA are shared with all of the other groups via social media. Where is this influence coming from and how is it corrupting the movement? This is EXACTLY why they keep saying that they will not be co-opted by any group or individual. This is why they will not associate themselves with the democrats or Obama. They are fed up with ALL of congress and bought and paid for politicians. I think you would be surprised at how many Libertarians, republicans and Tea Party people are at the protests adding their voice.


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You mean like this? What a brilliant right winger statement. People like you back in the 60's felt the same way about blacks standing up for their rights.

It's pretty fucking sad when Americans turn against other Americans like this. Hey badass - why don't you just call for lynchings of these "filthy ass bums"? I mean, you clearly have been endowed by your creator with the right to pass judgement on your fellow man.




Playing the race card along with wealth envy from the left, I see.


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What does race have to do with OWS? Why do liberals always have to reduce shit to race when criticism comes calling. Pretty lame John.

Keep on denying what started this movement and its backers. They are counting on it.

Hatred keeps their socialist movement alive.
Logic certainly doesn't work for them.


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Changing to a socialist society is IMO not the answer. It would do nothing to correct the current problems. Capitalism works but we have morphed into something that is not that anymore. Govt first allowed banks to become too big to fail and then as a result would not let them fail as would happen if we were truly capitalistic. BOTH parties are to blame.

Indeed, trading off one element of corruption for another is not a solution.
As long corruption persists no matter whether the capitalistic system, the labor movement or government......corruption persists because it's a human failing going unaddressed.


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Playing the race card along with wealth envy from the left, I see.

Stone - you add nothing to the conversation. I suppose calling the OWS people "filthy bums" and saying fire hoses should be taken to them constitutes legitimate debate to you?

Hatred keeps their socialist movement alive.
Logic certainly doesn't work for them.

More of the same - "Socialist", "Communist", "Anarchist", et al. You have no knowledge of the OWS movement other than what you read on anti-OWS sites and repaste that propaganda here.

Indeed, trading off one element of corruption for another is not a solution.
As long corruption persists no matter whether the capitalistic system, the labor movement or government......corruption persists because it's a human failing going unaddressed.

More propaganda and rhetoric. You have yet to add anything of value here. At least Allen makes an attempt at conversation.

So tell us stone - in all your wisdom - what is the answer? How would you suggest we begin solving America's problems?


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Really? You keep attempting to latch onto one supporter of OWS - Adbusters - and attempting to label Adbusters as Anarchist, anti-capitalist and the sole insitgator and creator - which is laughable on all counts.

CityGirl has already posted the detailed evolution of OWS from its beginnings until now. Had you bothered to read it, you would not make these blanket claims - that is if you actually desire to learn the truth about the movement and do not have some other ulterior motive in ignoring it and persisting with the misinformation.

Tell me Allen - what is your point in being so anti-OWS? What is your answer to the problem of the big banks and corporations controlling our federal and state governments?

Really? You keep attempting to latch onto one supporter of OWS - Adbusters - and attempting to label Adbusters as Anarchist, anti-capitalist and the sole insitgator and creator - which is laughable on all counts.
You've been given the links to justify those claims
Just more denial of reality on your part.
You've also been shown the Communist Party of the US' involvement.
And individuals presented as organizers.

CityGirl has already posted the detailed evolution of OWS from its beginnings until now.
And she also implied in another post Jefferson would support this anti capitalist/socialist movement if alive today...:rolleyes:
She even used to be a right winger ( :D ) so what does that say about credibility :D

that is if you actually desire to learn the truth about the movement and do not have some other ulterior motive in ignoring it and persisting with the misinformation.
It's a tool for furthering socialism and leftist political power.
It's obvious.
And your wealth envy doesn't add much in the way of persuasion, either.

As one organizer that I quoted, pointed out......( paraphrasing) the ows is about revolution, not reform.
And that's an argument for political change, not correction.


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You've been given the links to justify those claims
Just more denial of reality on your part.
You've also been shown the Communist Party of the US' involvement.
And individuals presented as organizers.

No stone, all you have posted is propaganda from anti-OWS sites. There has been zero proof of anything you post except for the fact that you are anti-OWS because the blogs you read are anti-OWS. You have no clue what OWS stands for.

And I have no clue what you stand for, other than being a parrot for the anti-OWS camp.

And she also implied in another post Jefferson would support this anti capitalist/socialist movement if alive today...:rolleyes:
She even used to be a right winger ( :D ) so what does that say about credibility :D

It says she takes the time to research and study and come up with reason, logic and fact that supports her suppositions.

I too used to be a right winger until I could no longer reconcile the rhetoric coming from the right wing propaganda machine with reality. You should try it.

Contrast that with the credibility of someone like you - devoid of original thought and completely reliant on right wing media to form your opinion for you.

It's a tool for furthering socialism and leftist political power.
It's obvious.
And your wealth envy doesn't add much in the way of persuasion, either.

More evidence you have not investigated the Occupy Movement for yourself and rely on other anti-OWS propaganda because you are either too lazy or intelectually dishonest to research for yourself.

Further - wealth envy? That always gives me a chuckle. My houshold income is in the top 5% and I've started, made profitable and sold for profit 3 small businesses so far. I've learned enough in my lifetime to know that the current political system in the United States is not conducive to the interests of small business or the working class.

I'd love to see your resume and financial statement.

As one organizer that I quoted, pointed out......( paraphrasing) the ows is about revolution, not reform.
And that's an argument for political change, not correction.

Other than the fact that you, like all the other anti-OWS parrots, pick one person out of thousands to quote in an anemic attempt to support your misinformed position - do you have any clue as to the intent of the statement that protester made?

And I'm still waiting to hear what exactly you would do to correct the political and social issues we face in the United States today. You are intent on attempting to tear down OWS with misinformation and propaganda rather than learning what the movement is all about and finding common ground.

Whether you agree with it or not, the Occupy Movement will continue to grow, even as the uninformed right wing propaganda bots like you continue their misinformation campaign. It's called persistence stone - persistence in a cause as opposed to the parroting of rhetoric you are engaged in.


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Stone - you add nothing to the conversation. I suppose calling the OWS people "filthy bums" and saying fire hoses should be taken to them constitutes legitimate debate to you?

More of the same - "Socialist", "Communist", "Anarchist", et al. You have no knowledge of the OWS movement other than what you read on anti-OWS sites and repaste that propaganda here.

More propaganda and rhetoric. You have yet to add anything of value here. At least Allen makes an attempt at conversation.

So tell us stone - in all your wisdom - what is the answer? How would you suggest we begin solving America's problems?

Stone - you add nothing to the conversation.
Sure I do...i've been showing you are often wrong in your arguments for support of the OWS.

I suppose calling the OWS people "filthy bums" and saying fire hoses should be taken to them constitutes legitimate debate to you?
I see issues of reading comprehension, again.
I'm not responsible for what The Man posts.

More of the same - "Socialist", "Communist", "Anarchist", et al. You have no knowledge of the OWS movement other than what you read on anti-OWS sites and repaste that propaganda here.
I've posted interviews with Lasn, interviews with street people, and even pointed to the Communist party web site to show what you continually deny.....exists.
Like I keep posting, you are in a state of denial.

More propaganda and rhetoric. You have yet to add anything of value here. At least Allen makes an attempt at conversation.
I sense you get frustrated easily.

So tell us stone - in all your wisdom - what is the answer? How would you suggest we begin solving America's problems?
That, john....is one difficult task and not one single issue.
Our society has backslid to the point that corruption has become acceptable.
And it's not just in our economic system.
The issue is rampant corruption and it's also in the left as public unions buy influence with legislators.

You argue for political change that merely enhances the already corrupt of the left.

Is there a movement that is addressing all the factors I imply?
There isn't and realistically there isn't going to be one until society, in general, demands all elements be reformed.

But you don't want to hear that.
You have a political agenda to promote......and it's socialism through the OWS movement.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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I don't think most of the protesters are that in tune to realize they are being duped.

Change for the sake of change does not usually work. Look at the 2008 election for president.

The OWS is being co opted in front of their very own eyes and do not even realize it.

As I said before the same thing happened to the Tea Party and still many are in denial that it happened. Many that argued the Tea Party was orchestrated are the same that deny the OWS movement was orchestrated.


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Sure I do...i've been showing you are often wrong in your arguments for support of the OWS.

Parroting the right wings anti-OWS talking points has proven nothing.

I've posted interviews with Lasn, interviews with street people, and even pointed to the Communist party web site to show what you continually deny.....exists.
Like I keep posting, you are in a state of denial.

I never said that certain groups didn't support OWS - lots of groups would like to ride OWS's coattails.

There's a white supremist group or three that support Ron Paul, the Republicans and other right wingers as Tim pointed out earlier.

So - is the Republican party a white supremist or neo nazi group? Is Ron Paul a white supremeist?

Further - most of those articles you posted actually supported OWS and disproved what you claimed. You really should read the articles before you post them.

That, john....is one difficult task and not one single issue.
Our society has backslid to the point that corruption has become acceptable.
And it's not just in our economic system.
The issue is rampant corruption and it's also in the left as public unions buy influence with legislators.

OWS is against corporate control of our government - and that corporate control of our government is the problem.

I had asked you earlier to look up for yourself the income of all American unions combined and compare that income with the profits of just one Fortune 500 Corporation like Wal-Mart. You were too lazy or intellectually dishonest to do so, so I'll do it for you.

All American unions, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics was approximately $5 Billion -thats gross income before expenses and taxes. Wal-Mart's profit from it's own shareholder report for 2010 was $15.4 BILLION.

So tell me Stone - who logically has the greatest influence over our state and federal governments? Wal-Mart with its $15.5 BILLION net profit, or all American unions combined with the money they have left over from their $5 Billion in gross dues. Oh - and there's that little federal law that prohibits union dues from being used for political lobbying. The unions have to establish PACS for that and beg for donations above and beyond dues from their members for that money.

You argue for political change that merely enhances the already corrupt of the left.

Lets see here - OWS opposes the corporate and Wall Street control of our government. Explain how that enhances any of the current political corruption.

Is there a movement that is addressing all the factors I imply?
There isn't and realistically there isn't going to be one until society, in general, demands all elements be reformed.

OWS is that movement Stone, but for some reason rather than learning that fact for yourself, you are intent on parroting the propaganda of those who wish to see it torn down.

But you don't want to hear that.
You have a political agenda to promote......and it's socialism through the OWS movement.

My political agenda is to get the lobby money out of our legislators pockets and to force them to do what is right by the American citizen instead of our politicians doing what Wall Street and Corporate America tells them to do.

How is that Socialism Stone? Socialism is what we have now, when a $TRILLION of our tax dollars is used to compensate for poor business practices that led to this financial crisis we are currently experiencing. Socialism is the payment of $Billions in bonuses to the same Wall Street brokers that sold those high risk mortgages into our 401K's, IRA's and SEP IRA's and other retirement plans.

Hell, I wish I could start a business and regardless of poor risk taking and poor management, know that my government will make me profitable when I fail.

Learn about the movement Stone. We want what is right for rank and file Americans. Our goals are the same as most Americans. Stop fighting against your own best interests and stand with us.


Well-Known Member
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No stone, all you have posted is propaganda from anti-OWS sites. There has been zero proof of anything you post except for the fact that you are anti-OWS because the blogs you read are anti-OWS. You have no clue what OWS stands for.

And I have no clue what you stand for, other than being a parrot for the anti-OWS camp.

It says she takes the time to research and study and come up with reason, logic and fact that supports her suppositions.

I too used to be a right winger until I could no longer reconcile the rhetoric coming from the right wing propaganda machine with reality. You should try it.

Contrast that with the credibility of someone like you - devoid of original thought and completely reliant on right wing media to form your opinion for you.

More evidence you have not investigated the Occupy Movement for yourself and rely on other anti-OWS propaganda because you are either too lazy or intelectually dishonest to research for yourself.

Further - wealth envy? That always gives me a chuckle. My houshold income is in the top 5% and I've started, made profitable and sold for profit 3 small businesses so far. I've learned enough in my lifetime to know that the current political system in the United States is not conducive to the interests of small business or the working class.

I'd love to see your resume and financial statement.

Other than the fact that you, like all the other anti-OWS parrots, pick one person out of thousands to quote in an anemic attempt to support your misinformed position - do you have any clue as to the intent of the statement that protester made?

And I'm still waiting to hear what exactly you would do to correct the political and social issues we face in the United States today. You are intent on attempting to tear down OWS with misinformation and propaganda rather than learning what the movement is all about and finding common ground.

Whether you agree with it or not, the Occupy Movement will continue to grow, even as the uninformed right wing propaganda bots like you continue their misinformation campaign. It's called persistence stone - persistence in a cause as opposed to the parroting of rhetoric you are engaged in.

No stone, all you have posted is propaganda from anti-OWS sites.
The Communist Party of the US is very supportive of the OWS movement and I have linked to it.
The Washington Post is not anti OWS and i linked to an interview there with Lasn.
I even linked to police reports on the mental health of these protesters.....:D
I've linked to interviews with organizers like Schultz.
And more.
You apparently either aren't reading my posts, or more likely the later, not understanding the words.

And I have no clue what you stand for
Of course you don't.
You are polarized and have no understanding a centrist position.
You seem to only know how to respond to right wingers.
Essentially, you lack vision.
At another forum, some of my fiercest debates have been against The Man and I believe the member here called Fox Mulder.... There I was viewed as a liberal :D
But when I see their arguments have merit, and agree.....you will likely confuse their political ideology with mine.
And with the OWS......it's obvious it's a tool to promote socialism.

It says she takes the time to research and study and come up with reason, logic and fact that supports her suppositions.
I'd say it's representative of a lack of critical thinking.

I too used to be a right winger until I could no longer reconcile the rhetoric coming from the right wing propaganda machine with reality. You should try it.
I have no desire to be a right winger or a left winger.
Maybe you should study up on critical thinking?

More evidence you have not investigated the Occupy Movement for yourself and rely on other anti-OWS propaganda because you are either too lazy or intelectually dishonest to research for yourself.
You just don't like what has been posted and have nothing to refute it :D

Further - wealth envy? That always gives me a chuckle. My houshold income is in the top 5% and I've started, made profitable and sold for profit 3 small businesses so far. I've learned enough in my lifetime to know that the current political system in the United States is not conducive to the interests of small business or the working class.
Brag, brag, brag.......all irrelevant.....Sorus is #7 on the Forbes 400 the last I looked and pushes the same crap you do.
But you do exhibit elements of wealth envy in your posts when you rant off topic, which I've been noticing more and more since I joined.

I'd love to see your resume and financial statement.
I'll let my words speak for me, ;)

Other than the fact that you, like all the other anti-OWS parrots, pick one person out of thousands to quote in an anemic attempt to support your misinformed position - do you have any clue as to the intent of the statement that protester made?
Seriously, Communist involvement in OWS has absolutely no affect on your opinion of the movement?
That OWS accepts support from unions that buy influence in the government has absolutely no impact upon you?
If you answer that you support them anyway, you are either supportive of those goals, or you are ignorant of them.
Would you like that to be another of my simple yes/no questions for you?

And I'm still waiting to hear what exactly you would do to correct the political and social issues we face in the United States today.
A good start is to enforce the laws and regulations already in existence.
But I see that you don't.
You back a movement to tear up the Constitution for a series of entitlements and one sided 'reform'.

You are intent on attempting to tear down OWS with misinformation and propaganda rather than learning what the movement is all about and finding common ground.
You're only posting repetitive bullshit and denial.

Whether you agree with it or not, the Occupy Movement will continue to grow
That doesn't make the OWS movement any more ethical because of popularity than when Bush convinced 70% of the nation to invade Iraq.
I've already posted the OWS is a propaganda machine and it's getting traction with the public.
Denying that would be a fool's game...senseless.
It is becoming more popular, but then I don't choose sides because of popularity.

It's called persistence stone - persistence in a cause
I call it an appeal to the weak of mind :D


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The Washington Post is not anti OWS and i linked to an interview there with Lasn.
I even linked to police reports on the mental health of these protesters.....:D
I've linked to interviews with organizers like Schultz.
And more.
You apparently either aren't reading my posts, or more likely the later, not understanding the words.

Of course you don't.
You are polarized and have no understanding a centrist position.
You seem to only know how to respond to right wingers.
Essentially, you lack vision.
At another forum, some of my fiercest debates have been against The Man and I believe the member here called Fox Mulder.... There I was viewed as a liberal :D
But when I see their arguments have merit, and agree.....you will likely confuse their political ideology with mine.
And with the OWS......it's obvious it's a tool to promote socialism.

I'd say it's representative of a lack of critical thinking.

I have no desire to be a right winger or a left winger.
Maybe you should study up on critical thinking?

You just don't like what has been posted and have nothing to refute it :D

Brag, brag, brag.......all irrelevant.....Sorus is #7 on the Forbes 400 the last I looked and pushes the same crap you do.
But you do exhibit elements of wealth envy in your posts when you rant off topic, which I've been noticing more and more since I joined.

I'll let my words speak for me, ;)

Seriously, Communist involvement in OWS has absolutely no affect on your opinion of the movement?
That OWS accepts support from unions that buy influence in the government has absolutely no impact upon you?
If you answer that you support them anyway, you are either supportive of those goals, or you are ignorant of them.
Would you like that to be another of my simple yes/no questions for you?

A good start is to enforce the laws and regulations already in existence.
But I see that you don't.
You back a movement to tear up the Constitution for a series of entitlements and one sided 'reform'.

You're only posting repetitive bullshit and denial.

That doesn't make the OWS movement any more ethical because of popularity than when Bush convinced 70% of the nation to invade Iraq.
I've already posted the OWS is a propaganda machine and it's getting traction with the public.
Denying that would be a fool's game...senseless.
It is becoming more popular, but then I don't choose sides because of popularity.

I call it an appeal to the weak of mind :D

You repeat yourself over and over and over Stone.

You post the same propaganda repeatedly.

You post articles that do not support your positions because you are too lazy to read them.

You claim you are not left or right but you manage to parrot the right wing talking points against OWS.

No one has a clue what you stand for, other than you are against OWS.

Are you trying to overwhelm people with the sheer volume of propaganda you repeat?

What do you stand for Stone? What do you believe in?

The Man

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I still say they need to take a hose to those filthy asses....Geez..its becoming a nuisance for the public and a health factor as well.
Perhaps throw in a job application and watch them all run....as that wouldnt be the entitlements they are looking for.
Lets face it...Demands are high...What could have been simple and realistic is now a display of greed..the real liberalism is showing its colors.
The fuckers dont know the first thing about finance ...other than check comes on the first and is spent on crack by the fourth.


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Parroting the right wings anti-OWS talking points has proven nothing.

I never said that certain groups didn't support OWS - lots of groups would like to ride OWS's coattails.

There's a white supremist group or three that support Ron Paul, the Republicans and other right wingers as Tim pointed out earlier.

So - is the Republican party a white supremist or neo nazi group? Is Ron Paul a white supremeist?

Further - most of those articles you posted actually supported OWS and disproved what you claimed. You really should read the articles before you post them.

OWS is against corporate control of our government - and that corporate control of our government is the problem.

I had asked you earlier to look up for yourself the income of all American unions combined and compare that income with the profits of just one Fortune 500 Corporation like Wal-Mart. You were too lazy or intellectually dishonest to do so, so I'll do it for you.

All American unions, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics was approximately $5 Billion -thats gross income before expenses and taxes. Wal-Mart's profit from it's own shareholder report for 2010 was $15.4 BILLION.

So tell me Stone - who logically has the greatest influence over our state and federal governments? Wal-Mart with its $15.5 BILLION net profit, or all American unions combined with the money they have left over from their $5 Billion in gross dues. Oh - and there's that little federal law that prohibits union dues from being used for political lobbying. The unions have to establish PACS for that and beg for donations above and beyond dues from their members for that money.

Lets see here - OWS opposes the corporate and Wall Street control of our government. Explain how that enhances any of the current political corruption.

OWS is that movement Stone, but for some reason rather than learning that fact for yourself, you are intent on parroting the propaganda of those who wish to see it torn down.

My political agenda is to get the lobby money out of our legislators pockets and to force them to do what is right by the American citizen instead of our politicians doing what Wall Street and Corporate America tells them to do.

How is that Socialism Stone? Socialism is what we have now, when a $TRILLION of our tax dollars is used to compensate for poor business practices that led to this financial crisis we are currently experiencing. Socialism is the payment of $Billions in bonuses to the same Wall Street brokers that sold those high risk mortgages into our 401K's, IRA's and SEP IRA's and other retirement plans.

Hell, I wish I could start a business and regardless of poor risk taking and poor management, know that my government will make me profitable when I fail.

Learn about the movement Stone. We want what is right for rank and file Americans. Our goals are the same as most Americans. Stop fighting against your own best interests and stand with us.

Denial is the cornerstone of your support for socialism, john.

Like this:
Parroting the right wings anti-OWS talking points has proven nothing.
Reality seems to be driving you mad.

I never said that certain groups didn't support OWS - lots of groups would like to ride OWS's coattails.
You just won't admit the influence is there and draws like minds.

There's a white supremist group or three that support Ron Paul, the Republicans and other right wingers as Tim pointed out earlier.
So - is the Republican party a white supremist or neo nazi group? Is Ron Paul a white supremeist?
I don't keep up with Paul, but it's been my understanding Paul doesn't entertain their support......nor the Republican Party....bad PR :D
I'm not a libertarian or Republican, anyway.

Further - most of those articles you posted actually supported OWS and disproved what you claimed. You really should read the articles before you post them.
You do realize you're contradicting your own claims?
Attention issues, too?

OWS is against corporate control of our government - and that corporate control of our government is the problem.
And they are backed by socialists, communists , anarchists...... and some weak minds that haven't more than 3 brain cells among them to realize the focus is to enhance leftist politics.

I had asked you earlier to look up for yourself the income of all American unions combined and compare that income with the profits of just one Fortune 500 Corporation like Wal-Mart. You were too lazy or intellectually dishonest to do so, so I'll do it for you.
And I pointed out that it was irrelevant to the issues of unions buying influence in the government on behalf of their members.
Cripes, can't you at least try to follow a train of thought rather than constant diversions when you have no point to make on the topic?

Lets see here - OWS opposes the corporate and Wall Street control of our government. Explain how that enhances any of the current political corruption.
It's self evident in their lists of demands and entitlements.
It enhances the left by not holding unions to the same standards of reform.
That's how and I've posted to that effect many times.
Are you so short on attention span you don't remember?

OWS is that movement Stone, but for some reason rather than learning that fact for yourself, you are intent on parroting the propaganda of those who wish to see it torn down.
You just claimed I was quoting from articles and links that supported the OWS.
Make up your mind :D

My political agenda is to get the lobby money out of our legislators pockets and to force them to do what is right by the American citizen instead of our politicians doing what Wall Street and Corporate America tells them to do.
And you back a movement that doesn't apply the same standards to it's own supporters.
That is incredibly hipocritical.
And it's because it's a leftist movement.
Which you keep denying.

How is that Socialism Stone? Socialism is what we have now, when a $TRILLION of our tax dollars is used to compensate for poor business practices that led to this financial crisis we are currently experiencing.
That is corporate socialism.
You've already been told I'm a centrist.
I don't support corporate socialism.
This is what's bugging you the most, imo.......you have a lousy position but I don't fall for your attempt to polarize me in right wing imagery.
You are supportive of left wing causes when you back the OWS.
I'm not supportive of the right wing to act as a balance of your socialistic tendancies.
I'm critical of your position, directly.

Hell, I wish I could start a business and regardless of poor risk taking and poor management, know that my government will make me profitable when I fail.
See how easy it is to bring that out?
You would engage in corruption if you thought you could get away with it.

Learn about the movement Stone.
Your denial is only based upon a few selected street people and op/ed pieces obviously written to exclude negative commentary.
The OWS is a movement used as a tool to enhance left wing politics.
Denial has been your only avenue of rebuttal.
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The Man

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Here is one of those nasty asses here at another protest
See any toilet paper?
Defiant shit uses a cop car for toilet...and they want respect?



  • occupy-wall-street.jpg
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The Man

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Tell me John.Whats wrong with businesses making money.
You referenced Wall Mart earlier for an example.
Ok so they made a few billion
Do you know how many stores they have..how many employees on payroll?
I suppose you feel the same for any large business that is sucessful?
How about we shut em down...let K Mart take back over? ROFL


Well-Known Member
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You repeat yourself over and over and over Stone.

You post the same propaganda repeatedly.

You post articles that do not support your positions because you are too lazy to read them.

You claim you are not left or right but you manage to parrot the right wing talking points against OWS.

No one has a clue what you stand for, other than you are against OWS.

Are you trying to overwhelm people with the sheer volume of propaganda you repeat?

What do you stand for Stone? What do you believe in?

You repeat yourself endlessly.

You post the same propaganda repeatedly.
But never post what it is or evidence .
That's merely bullshit trying to shout down an argument.

You post articles that do not support your positions because you are too lazy to read them.
And yet you have been unable to present proofs in an argument to that effect.
Just more verbal diarrhea....:rolleyes:

You claim you are not left or right but you manage to parrot the right wing talking points against OWS.
Again, you present no proof of that, merely more verbal diarrhea.

No one has a clue what you stand for, other than you are against OWS.
Give it time , I just got here recently.
I've also learned not to be distracted away from a topic.

Are you trying to overwhelm people with the sheer volume of propaganda you repeat?
I can see it pains you to be beaten by logic :D

What do you stand for Stone? What do you believe in?
Another time, I'm having too much fun booting your ass all over the forum concerning your support of the OWS and socialism... :D

Serious question:

Why do you so vehemently deny you tilt to the left?


Active Member
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Here is one of those nasty asses here at another protest
See any toilet paper?
Defiant shit uses a cop car for toilet...and they want respect?

Seems like everyone but you knows that photo is several years old and has nothing to do with OWS. I'm trying real hard to be nice and not call you out as a dumbfuck that is too lazy to investigate things for yourself.

Look at the police car. See the precinct number 81 on the car? Well, with a quick Google search, you would have found this information in about 2 seconds:

The 81st Precinct is located in the north central area of the borough of Brooklyn. This neighborhood is known as "Bedford Stuyvesant." A small section along the southern border is referred to Stuyvesant Heights. The area is both residential and commercial consisting of mostly three story brownstone homes. There are four commercial strips in the command, Broadway between Saratoga Ave. and Marcus Garvey Blvd., Malcolm X Blvd. between Fulton St. and Monroe St., Ralph Ave. between Fulton St. and Broadway, and Fulton St. Between Ralph Ave. and Utica Ave.


You have thus far proven yourself unworthy of debating. A cure for your type of self inflicted Cranial Rectumitus is called exercising due dilligence before you post moronic shit like that photo.

So what kind of liquor are you swilling tonight?


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Tell me John.Whats wrong with businesses making money.
You referenced Wall Mart earlier for an example.
Ok so they made a few billion
Do you know how many stores they have..how many employees on payroll?
I suppose you feel the same for any large business that is sucessful?
How about we shut em down...let K Mart take back over? ROFL

And further, the purpose of a union isn't to make a profit, it's supposed to represent the members in wage, benefits and working conditions in regards to contractual agreements with businesses.