The Washington Post is not anti OWS and i linked to an interview there with Lasn.
I even linked to police reports on the mental health of these protesters.....

I've linked to interviews with organizers like Schultz.
And more.
You apparently either aren't reading my posts, or more likely the later, not understanding the words.
Of course you don't.
You are polarized and have no understanding a centrist position.
You seem to only know how to respond to right wingers.
Essentially, you lack vision.
At another forum, some of my fiercest debates have been against The Man and I believe the member here called Fox Mulder.... There I was viewed as a liberal

But when I see their arguments have merit, and will likely confuse their political ideology with mine.
And with the's obvious it's a tool to promote socialism.
I'd say it's representative of a lack of critical thinking.
I have no desire to be a right winger or a left winger.
Maybe you should study up on critical thinking?

You just don't like what has been posted and have nothing to refute it
Brag, brag, brag.......all irrelevant.....Sorus is #7 on the Forbes 400 the last I looked and pushes the same crap you do.
But you do exhibit elements of wealth envy in your posts when you rant off topic, which I've been noticing more and more since I joined.
I'll let my words speak for me,
Seriously, Communist involvement in OWS has absolutely no affect on your opinion of the movement?
That OWS accepts support from unions that buy influence in the government has absolutely no impact upon you?
If you answer that you support them anyway, you are either supportive of those goals, or you are ignorant of them.
Would you like that to be another of my simple yes/no questions for you?
A good start is to enforce the laws and regulations already in existence.
But I see that you don't.
You back a movement to tear up the Constitution for a series of entitlements and one sided 'reform'.
You're only posting repetitive bullshit and denial.
That doesn't make the OWS movement any more ethical because of popularity than when Bush convinced 70% of the nation to invade Iraq.
I've already posted the OWS is a propaganda machine and it's getting traction with the public.
Denying that would be a fool's game...senseless.
It is becoming more popular, but then I don't choose sides because of popularity.
I call it an appeal to the weak of mind