Occupy Oakland Raids

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The Man

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Thats a far stretch
Am not a right winger
You toss in the race card..in pure desperation.
Race wasnt mentioned....see above.
The fact remains..these ows bums need a fire hose on their filthy asses.
Camp out for weeks at a time....piss.shit,dirty laundry, as well as garbage everywhere.
Yep..firehose time
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Active Member
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Thats a far stretch
Am not a right winger
You toss in the race card..in pure desperation.
Race wasnt mentioned....see above.
The fact remains..these ows bums need a fire hose on their filthy asses.
Camp out for weeks at a time....piss.shit,dirty laundry, as well as garbage everywhere.
Yep..firehose time

You made an asinine statement just like the bigots and racists who watched the civil rights movement from their easy chairs. How many Occupy rallies have you been to?

The Man

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You made an asinine statement just like the bigots and racists who watched the civil rights movement from their easy chairs. How many Occupy rallies have you been to?
Very lame and weak John.
I say they need a hose taken to their filthy OWS asses...you label me a racist.
You want to show the board how you reached the association?
Or is this just typical liberal puke you spew?
I am disappointed Johnny....very weak play

The Man

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Come on Johnny....I take offense to you labeling me a racist...back that liberal puke up there tough guy.
Show the association Johnny


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Come on Johnny....I take offense to you labeling me a racist...back that liberal puke up there tough guy.
Show the association Johnny

Looky here fucktard, you can address me by my screenname and I'll address you by yours - otherwise you will be addressed as the fucktard because that is how you are acting right now.

And I don't give a fuck if I offended an asinine individual who makes dipshit statements like you just did.

Now fucktard - answer the question - How many OWS rallies have you attended?

And while you are at it, tell me why you let the right wing radio asshats do your thinking for you instead of thinking for yourself?

The Man

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Very lame and weak John.
I say they need a hose taken to their filthy OWS asses...you label me a racist.
You want to show the board how you reached the association?
Or is this just typical liberal puke you spew?
I am disappointed Johnny....very weak play

Come on Johnny....I take offense to you labeling me a racist...back that liberal puke up there tough guy.
Show the association Johnny

Looky here fucktard........

Still waiting.
Back up the association

The Man

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I repeat..they need to take a fire hose to their nasty asses....toss em some clean clothes why they are at it


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Still waiting.
Back up the association

You make a completely asshole statement as if you are an expert on OWS - so tell us wise guy - how many OWS rallies have you been to and witnessed the shit you just posted?

Or did you just parrot what you read from the latest anti-OWS blog? We know the answer to that.

So - why do you let the Wall Street propaganda machine form your opinions?

The Man

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Very lame and weak John.
I say they need a hose taken to their filthy OWS asses...you label me a racist.
You want to show the board how you reached the association?
Or is this just typical liberal puke you spew?
I am disappointed Johnny....very weak play

Come on Johnny....I take offense to you labeling me a racist...back that liberal puke up there tough guy.
Show the association Johnny

Looky here fucktard, you can address me by my screenname and I'll address you by yours - otherwise you will be addressed as the fucktard because that is how you are acting right now.

And I don't give a fuck if I offended an asinine individual who makes dipshit statements like you just did.

Now fucktard - answer the question - How many OWS rallies have you attended?

And while you are at it, tell me why you let the right wing radio asshats do your thinking for you instead of thinking for yourself?

Still waiting.
Back up the association

You make..............

Still waiting
Show the association.
You cant...as it doesnt exist


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Still waiting
Show the association.
You cant...as it doesnt exist

Yeah, ok, you win. There's clearly no "association" with actually knowing what the fuck you are talking about. You've never been to an OWS rally, don't actually know anything about the movement except what some anti-OWS blog or FOX told you - but hey - you win. Pour yourself another drink and celebrate. :)

The Man

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Not so fast....I got some errands to run...will bring back a bottle though ...then maybe I can follow your logic:tooth

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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What does race have to do with OWS? Why do liberals always have to reduce shit to race when criticism comes calling. Pretty lame John.

Keep on denying what started this movement and its backers. They are counting on it.


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What does race have to do with OWS? Why do liberals always have to reduce shit to race when criticism comes calling. Pretty lame John.

Why do right wingers make statements like this:

Fucking dumbass OWS protesters need the fire hose...filthy ass bums.

Do you approve of blanket statements like that Allen?

Keep on denying what started this movement and its backers. They are counting on it.

Really? You keep attempting to latch onto one supporter of OWS - Adbusters - and attempting to label Adbusters as Anarchist, anti-capitalist and the sole insitgator and creator - which is laughable on all counts.

CityGirl has already posted the detailed evolution of OWS from its beginnings until now. Had you bothered to read it, you would not make these blanket claims - that is if you actually desire to learn the truth about the movement and do not have some other ulterior motive in ignoring it and persisting with the misinformation.

Tell me Allen - what is your point in being so anti-OWS? What is your answer to the problem of the big banks and corporations controlling our federal and state governments?

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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My answer to corps and big banks is for congress to do something. Protesting illegally in urban settings remote from DC is just a waste of time.

Until our elected officials are held accountable nothing is going to change.

I still stand by my view of Adbusters. You must have ignored what Stone has posted. It is clear as day what there agenda is and they are stated anti capitalists.

Changing to a socialist society is IMO not the answer. It would do nothing to correct the current problems. Capitalism works but we have morphed into something that is not that anymore. Govt first allowed banks to become too big to fail and then as a result would not let them fail as would happen if we were truly capitalistic. BOTH parties are to blame.


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My answer to corps and big banks is for congress to do something. Protesting illegally in urban settings remote from DC is just a waste of time.

Until our elected officials are held accountable nothing is going to change.

The incumbency rate for our federal legislator stands at a steady 90%. Where is their incentive to do anything other than what their monied masters tell them to do?

They will not respond until we the people become a big enough and persistent enough thorn in their sides to force them to.

I still stand by my view of Adbusters. You must have ignored what Stone has posted. It is clear as day what there agenda is and they are stated anti capitalists.

Stone posted the same old anti-OWS rhetoric as all the other anti-OWS propaganda media outlets. All I see is that both you and stone, along with the rest of the anti-ows crowd all repeat the same talking points and do not want to discuss the actual issues that affect us all. All you guys want to do is tear down OWS. You don't want to discuss solutions.

Changing to a socialist society is IMO not the answer. It would do nothing to correct the current problems. Capitalism works but we have morphed into something that is not that anymore. Govt first allowed banks to become too big to fail and then as a result would not let them fail as would happen if we were truly capitalistic. BOTH parties are to blame.

Socialism, Communism, Anarchism - more propaganda buzzwords from the anti-OWS camp.

The Occupy movement is not against Capitalism despite the occaisional socialist supporters sign the anti-OWS people like to point out while ignoring the 99% of mainstream protesters who are working people just like you and me who only want a level playing field to work from.

The Occupy Movement is against corporate socialism and bailouts.

The Occupy movement is against the monied interests controlling our legislators.

The Occupy movement knows both parties are to blame.

It sounds like there is a lot of common ground - why then do you keep fighting against the very movement that could force our elected legislators to stand up and pay attention?


Having way too much fun
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Thats a far stretch
Am not a right winger
You toss in the race card..in pure desperation.
Race wasnt mentioned....see above.
The fact remains..these ows bums need a fire hose on their filthy asses.
Camp out for weeks at a time....piss.shit,dirty laundry, as well as garbage everywhere.
Yep..firehose time

What does race have to do with OWS? Why do liberals always have to reduce shit to race when criticism comes calling. Pretty lame John.

Keep on denying what started this movement and its backers. They are counting on it.

Why did either of you automatically assume the race card was played? Why did you even go there?
The Man said these filthy protesters needed a fire hose on their filthy bums and John compared it to other protesters that had a fire hose set on them for standing up for their rights. Do you think the race card was being played simply because they were standing up for their rights as well? Because if you knew ANYTHING about the protests back then you would know that fire hoses and dogs were released on whites and blacks who were protesting.

And it's a pretty fucking ignorant comment to say they are dirty filthy bums when you know absolutely nothing about them. The vast majority of these protesters are people who have jobs, go home each night (and shower) who rejoin the protests each day. These people are constantly rotating in and out of the camps with a very small core group that occupy full time. And even these full time protesters have so much support that they have access to these part time protesters homes to wash and do laundry.
Like I said, the vast majority of these protesters have jobs and support the movement part time, spending their free time at the encampments. You might know this if you have spent anytime looking into it.

Something you guys fail to realize is the fact that those who are camping out are just the tip of the iceberg. For every 1 person out their occupying, there are hundreds or thousands at home giving full support. You don't have to be there in person to make a difference and give support.
This protest is different than any other in history because it's not fueled by the media. This protest is instant and happens in real time through social media. That's why this movement is worldwide and so successful, it doesn't need the media to keep it moving and to spread the word. Just look at any of the associated Facebook pages or twitter accounts and you will see millions of people following and contributing. Not to mention the hundreds of websites dedicated to the movement.

This new way to coordinate and inform through social media is why Egypt and Libya fell. And it's what is fueling and driving the demonstrations in Syria.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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we need publicly funded elections

we need for people to be more active locally

by the time somebody gets to congress they are owned by the machine

You keep denying OWS is now an owned movement. Very similar to early denial by those about the Tea Party being owned


Having way too much fun
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My answer to corps and big banks is for congress to do something. Protesting illegally in urban settings remote from DC is just a waste of time.

Until our elected officials are held accountable nothing is going to change.

I still stand by my view of Adbusters. You must have ignored what Stone has posted. It is clear as day what there agenda is and they are stated anti capitalists.

Changing to a socialist society is IMO not the answer. It would do nothing to correct the current problems. Capitalism works but we have morphed into something that is not that anymore. Govt first allowed banks to become too big to fail and then as a result would not let them fail as would happen if we were truly capitalistic. BOTH parties are to blame.

I'll make you a deal Alien. I'll stop supporting OWS because they are supported by AdBusters when you promise to stop supporting Ron Paul since he is endorsed by Storm Front, the biggest white supremacy group around. And if you are going to label me a socialist/Marxist etc. for supporting OWS then we'll need to label you a white supremacist for supporting Ron Paul. OK?