Thats a far stretch
Am not a right winger
You toss in the race pure desperation.
Race wasnt mentioned....see above.
The fact remains..these ows bums need a fire hose on their filthy asses.
Camp out for weeks at a time....piss.shit,dirty laundry, as well as garbage everywhere.
Yep..firehose time
What does race have to do with OWS? Why do liberals always have to reduce shit to race when criticism comes calling. Pretty lame John.
Keep on denying what started this movement and its backers. They are counting on it.
Why did either of you automatically assume the race card was played? Why did you even go there?
The Man said these filthy protesters needed a fire hose on their filthy bums and John compared it to other protesters that had a fire hose set on them for standing up for their rights. Do you think the race card was being played simply because they were standing up for their rights as well? Because if you knew ANYTHING about the protests back then you would know that fire hoses and dogs were released on whites and blacks who were protesting.
And it's a pretty fucking ignorant comment to say they are dirty filthy bums when you know absolutely nothing about them. The vast majority of these protesters are people who have jobs, go home each night (and shower) who rejoin the protests each day. These people are constantly rotating in and out of the camps with a very small core group that occupy full time. And even these full time protesters have so much support that they have access to these part time protesters homes to wash and do laundry.
Like I said, the vast majority of these protesters have jobs and support the movement part time, spending their free time at the encampments. You might know this if you have spent anytime looking into it.
Something you guys fail to realize is the fact that those who are camping out are just the tip of the iceberg. For every 1 person out their occupying, there are hundreds or thousands at home giving full support. You don't have to be there in person to make a difference and give support.
This protest is different than any other in history because it's not fueled by the media. This protest is instant and happens in real time through social media. That's why this movement is worldwide and so successful, it doesn't need the media to keep it moving and to spread the word. Just look at any of the associated Facebook pages or twitter accounts and you will see millions of people following and contributing. Not to mention the hundreds of websites dedicated to the movement.
This new way to coordinate and inform through social media is why Egypt and Libya fell. And it's what is fueling and driving the demonstrations in Syria.