Exactly. And the anti-OWS parrots are achieving nothing other than parroting the TEA Party and other right wing talking points.
The anti-OWS crowd has no answers for our current economic crisis. All I see is the samer old garbage regurgitated.
It is complete fucktardery to attempt to call yoruself a centrist, libertarian, or whatever right wing denial flavor of the day - yet keep repeating the same shit about Communism et al from the Mccarthy era.
Keep doing the same old shit you've been doing, and you'll keep getting the same results. None of these anti-OWS parroting fuckwits offer up a solution of their own - they just try to tear down the people who have the courage of their convictions to get up off their asses and work to make something happen.
I notice even your whining is repetitious.