Ya rly.
Obama: No Health Care For Illegal Immigrants - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
You have to draw a distinction between insuring illegal immigrants, and insuring their children. You don't get many votes with a 'Fuck the children' policy platform.
Obama didn't write the House bill, and the verbiage to cover illegal immigrants is there... whether you chose to admit it or not.
It is logical and normal, in many places of the world, there are government programs that help educate parents practices regarding the raising of children. This kind of stuff isn't mandatory either, it's voluntay, which is explicitly stated.
Not logical and normal to me for the government to send people to tell me how to raise my children. Do you have any kids? I'm doubting it, because if you did, I seriously doubt you'd be okay with someone else coming into your home and telling you how you should raise your children.
And your quote is pulled from a blog from Chuck Norris.
Are you daft, dumb, or just plain stupid? Honestly. I pulled it from the Chuck Norris blog because it was where I could readily grab it... I'm so glad that you paid attention to the fact that there was no opinion by Norris in what I quoted, there was merely quotes straight
from the House bill itself.
Dude. Are you serious? Okay, he's kind-of a good actor, but he's not a Political Scientist or anything. He goes on to say this later in the article:
Chuck Norris : Dirty Secret No. 1 in Obamacare - Townhall.com
It's so absurd that it rebuts itself.
again, if you paid attention at all, you would've noticed that I didn't quote anything having to do with Norris' personal opinions.
And, speaking from experience, in parental planning, Social Workers are prohibited from advocating abortions.
I said nothing about abortions, and if you're referring to Norris again, I'll say once more that I didn't quote Norris' opinions merely the text from the House bill that was conveniently in his blog.
And another gem from Mr. Norris
- Let me just say, i'm a Socialist, and I have no fucking idea on what he's on about.
See above. I love how you're incapable of arguing against my points, so you rant and rave about Chuck Norris instead.
I know you didn't. I'm just repeating bunch of other scare-mongering tactics that certain people are using in the healthcare debate. Matching it up to what you said earlier, it fits in quite well.
If you're telling me that I'm using scaremongering tactics, you really don't read well do you. Everything that I've said I've backed up with hard evidence. The same cannot be said about you. Except for quoting an Obama interview with Katie Couric saying that illegal immigrants wouldn't be covered... which directly contradicts the text of the House bill. Obama is not the bill author, he doesn't write legislation anymore (like he ever did), and he's said in previous interview that he doesn't know all of the facets of the bill.
Oh right. But their attempt to do something is, in your words 'not perfect' and 'flawed'. So why should we support this bill as opposed to what the Democrats are offering?
Again, I'm not saying to support it... I'm saying that things are being done on the other side to try and bring about reform in a different manner than more government programs, more money spent, and more government intrusions into people's lives. I'm saying that neither one should be supported... but that the Republican's version is a whole helluva lot more agreeable than the democrats UHC that they're trying to pass off as "reform"
Apart from the usual 'Government tyranny' viewpoint, beneath the surface, your arguments don't hold much water. Especially when you agree with Chuck Norris.
Arguments that don't hold water? Go look at your own if you want to make that judgment. I've backed up what I've said with facts... like I said, the same can't be said about your "arguments".
Oh, and like I said before... give it a rest on Chuck Norris. I used his blog to quote the portions of the bill I was referring to... nothing in what I quoted was a direct opinion from him. Learn to read before you make assumptions that make you look like a complete fool.