Minor Axis
Well-Known Member
You know that McCain has always prided himself on being Mr DEREGULATOR. In fact, I just dug this up from the RNC last month-
Mitt Romney:
Get rid of all those regulations!!! McCain the deregulator. And McCain has sat on the Commerce Committee forever and guess what- no higher gas milage standards for cars, no regulations on items from China. You know he is MR. DEREGULATOR!!
But what did I hear today? McCain is now Mr. REGULATOR? He's going to clean up that bad bad Wall Street. Here's your Kool Aid. Have a drink.
Mitt Romney:
The right course is to rein in government spending, lower taxes, take a Weedwacker to excessive regulation and mandates, put a stop to tort windfalls, and to stand up to the Tyrannosaurus appetite of government unions.
Get rid of all those regulations!!! McCain the deregulator. And McCain has sat on the Commerce Committee forever and guess what- no higher gas milage standards for cars, no regulations on items from China. You know he is MR. DEREGULATOR!!
But what did I hear today? McCain is now Mr. REGULATOR? He's going to clean up that bad bad Wall Street. Here's your Kool Aid. Have a drink.