McCain and Palin for President!

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Minor Axis

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You know that McCain has always prided himself on being Mr DEREGULATOR. In fact, I just dug this up from the RNC last month-

Mitt Romney:
The right course is to rein in government spending, lower taxes, take a Weedwacker to excessive regulation and mandates, put a stop to tort windfalls, and to stand up to the Tyrannosaurus appetite of government unions.

Get rid of all those regulations!!! McCain the deregulator. And McCain has sat on the Commerce Committee forever and guess what- no higher gas milage standards for cars, no regulations on items from China. You know he is MR. DEREGULATOR!!

But what did I hear today? McCain is now Mr. REGULATOR? He's going to clean up that bad bad Wall Street. Here's your Kool Aid. Have a drink. :)
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Minor Axis

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Here's a good reference The 1999 Gramm Deregulation act (as in "America is having a mental recession" Phil Gramm, a McCain advisor) revealing that Senator Deregulation McCain voted to remove firewalls intended to shield banks from risky investments. The act passed 54-44, mostly a party line vote.

Now why exactly did banks need to be shielded from making bad investments in the first place? Oh, I remember, THE GREAT DEPRESSION... So who do you trust with your money?

In 1999 Phil Gramm, McCain’s economic adviser, started legislation that would deregulate America. The theory would be that without regulation, the free-market would take over and everyone would be happy. The sad reality is, with deregulation, we’ve seen greed, corporate bailouts, and loss of jobs at the expense of the American taxpayer. No wonder John McCain is out of touch. He thinks the economy is doing well. Well, if you’re one of these CEOs that get $12 million for running your company into the ground and letting the tax payer bail you out, then I guess life is good for you. If you’re the average American, it’s not. We see now that deregulation is a terrible idea. Joe Biden, VP candidate for the Democrats, knew that and that’s why he voted against the Gramm Deregulation Act. McCain voted for it. Do you really think that McCain gets the economy?

Minor Axis

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"The Economy, From Strong to Total Crisis in 36 Hours" from the International Herald Tribune (global edition of NY Times).

Disclaimer: Don't believe any quote you see in this post as truthful as they may be...

From the mind of McCain:
"The fundamentals of the U.S. economy are strong, besides what's a measly $700 BILLION to tax payers, our patriotic war cost that much, besides we don't want you pay taxes anyway".

OK, so it's a total financial crisis, but our hard workers can be proud!

Translation: Our workers are our pride even as we kick the shit out of them. We deserve your vote.

Leather N Lace

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For me its the air of a used car salesman--a slick talking person that's going to tell you what you want to hear.

I have to tell you I didn't like McCain much either nor did I like the Palin pick, but after watching her speech the other night, this woman re-energized me. She did not sound at all like a politician. This is a woman that is a real person--she's got a real family, she's got a son she's shipping off to Iraq in a week, she's got a special needs child, she's got a working class blue collar husband, she took on he oil companies in Alaska and she fought the Ole Boy politics to first become Mayor and then Governor and she's got an 80% approval rating.

I don't like everything about her--I think she's too conservative socially but on balance she's the real deal.

Just curious -- do you still feel that way -- after the debacle of the interviews with various news people?

Fox Mulder

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Just curious -- do you still feel that way -- after the debacle of the interviews with various news people?

Yes--absolutely. If you haven't figured it out by now, the liberal press twists everything -- you see sound bites taken out of context and that's all most people see--bombarded with it. Second, the woman is not a lawyer/politician so she doesn't know how to "spin." Obama is certainly going to answer questions better--lawyers answer questions better than most people do (I'm a lawyer so I know)--you learn to spin and deflect.

And remember she is the VP candidate and none of her answers were as bad as Obama's "That's above my pay grade" answer to the abortion question. What I find amazing is how people respect a person's ability to avoid answers to questions (as skilled politicians do).

This election is the same as the last--the liberal media trying their best to slant the polls and the opinions. Suckers are duped. Are you a sucker?

Leather N Lace

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Yes--absolutely. If you haven't figured it out by now, the liberal press twists everything -- you see sound bites taken out of context and that's all most people see--bombarded with it. Second, the woman is not a lawyer/politician so she doesn't know how to "spin." Obama is certainly going to answer questions better--lawyers answer questions better than most people do (I'm a lawyer so I know)--you learn to spin and deflect.

And remember she is the VP candidate and none of her answers were as bad as Obama's "That's above my pay grade" answer to the abortion question. What I find amazing is how people respect a person's ability to avoid answers to questions (as skilled politicians do).

This election is the same as the last--the liberal media trying their best to slant the polls and the opinions. Suckers are duped. Are you a sucker?

First of all, why are you automatically assuming that I support Obama? I asked you about how Sarah Palin comported herself during her interviews with the media -- I said nothing about Obama.

Secondly, how is she not a politician? She's been on the city council, she was mayor, and she's been governor of Alaska for a couple of years. She managed to obtain hundreds of millions of dollars in earmarks for her state, but she's not a politician? What world are you living in?

Yes, I am aware that politicians -- and lawyers -- are good at spinning and deflecting. You did quite a good job of it yourself when you replied to me.

And I just love the last two lines "Suckers are duped. Are you a sucker?" :clap

Very good. Deflect the fact that Sarah Palin is clearly out of her league by implying that anyone who believes that is an easily duped sucker. Show me an interview -- show me anything -- where Sarah Palin hasn't resorted to sound bites, and I might rethink this. But the fact that you seriously think that she's capable of being a good VP just shows what a sucker you are, IMO. And why do I have this nagging suspicion that if she weren't an attractive woman, your thoughts would be entirely different. Better be careful there -- don't let the little brain do the thinking for the big one. Get's you into trouble every time.


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Let's just overlook the discretions of the conservative press, ok? Then some readers can all most pretend that yours is a fair and balanced view of the situation.
Considering liberals dominate mainstream media, it's good to see a different perspective in what little conservative press there is.

Minor Axis

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Considering liberals dominate mainstream media, it's good to see a different perspective in what little conservative press there is.

The conservative press has a habit of lying, and not little white lies, but huge ones. So how does that help your perspective? :p

Sept 29- The Mark of Real Presidential Material- McCain takes credit for the bailout bill before it fails. Then after the Republicans vote it down, he blames Obama! See how flexible he is? :)

This comment is criticism of McCain, not the validity of the bailout bill.


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The conservative press has a habit of lying, and not little white lies, but huge ones. So how does that help your perspective? :p

Sept 29- The Mark of Real Presidential Material- McCain takes credit for the bailout bill before it fails. Then after the Republicans vote it down, he blames Obama! See how flexible he is? :)

This comment is criticism of McCain, not the validity of the bailout bill.
Almost as big as the propaganda that CNN was pumping out in the 90s about saddam and Iraq just so they can stay in the country. :p
CNN admits that knowledge of murder, torture, and planned assassinations were suppressed in order to maintain CNN's Baghdad bureau.

CNN Reporter Admits He was Propaganda Tool for Hezbollah

Minor Axis

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Minor Axis

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This was before the war.

I stand corrected. A poor choice on someone's part. However the stated reason was "awful things that could not be reported because doing so would have jeopardized the lives of Iraqis, particularly those on our Baghdad staff." The article focus seems to be on events that were not reported versus pumping out propaganda?

Minor Axis

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I remember a time when I thought McCain was an honorable man, a time when I thought he could run an honorable campaign. Now I hear his attack dog, Palin ;) out on the campaign trail accusing Obama of paling around with terrorists, mainly Bill Ayers, former Weatherman. I predict the wider the Obama-McCain poll gap spreads, the lower the McCain campaign will go.

To put some perspective on the Obama-Ayers connection, when Bill Ayers was getting into trouble in the 60's, Obama was 8 years old. See this Over Two Dozen Lies Refuted about Ayers and Obama at the Huffington Post (a liberal news source).

When you throw away your principles to win at any cost, when you sell your honor to win the prize, you just became George Bush. We are in the biggest economic crisis of our lifetimes, since the Great Depression, and the McCain campaign thinks they will get traction by tearing down Obama's character, a well established tactic for the Republican party. And although I realize that the economy is a losing subject for Senator Deregulation, it is the number one topic on everyone's mind. McCain has to somehow convince the electorate that he is equipped to deal with a problem he is partially responsible for.


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To put some perspective on the Obama-Ayers connection, when Bill Ayers was getting into trouble in the 60's, Obama was 8 years old.
Ya know, that's the dumbest defense I keep hearing put out by the media. Who gives a damn how old he was? I wasn't born when Hitler was "getting into trouble", but I certainly wouldn't want any association with him. Let me guess, Hitler isn't a fair comparison to what Bill Ayers did? Ok, how about this: I was 8 when Ramzi Yousef bombed the WTC in 1993. I wouldn't accept an invitation to his house under any circumstances.


DT3's Twinkie
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He's not the 2000 McCain, that's for certain.

Still I think with all of his backsliding, he's the best pick for the military situation we are facing, and essentially the economy isn't something that any of our presidents have specialized in, I just wish they would advise him a little better.

And stopping the mudslinging would be nice too. I want to hear about issues.