McCain and Palin for President!

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Minor Axis

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Has the Daily Show ever been critical of a Democrat? Just wondering.

I don't know. When Clinton was under the gun for Monica, late night comics had a great time. My impression is that comics go where they suspect they'll find a laugh.


Accidental Bastard
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At least they are just out for laughs and Stewart admits (on other shows) that he is a liberal and hates Republicans. Olbermann is a whole other story. Being on MSNBC and being such an obvious GOP hater makes me wonder why people hate the same bias on Fox News.


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this all depends how Bush leaves office, I am sure that he will confer whoever wins the election. I don't think the new president will go in there blind as a bat. if we are on the verge of war/peace whatever....

Minor Axis

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At least they are just out for laughs and Stewart admits (on other shows) that he is a liberal and hates Republicans. Olbermann is a whole other story. Being on MSNBC and being such an obvious GOP hater makes me wonder why people hate the same bias on Fox News.

I think you're simplifying the situation a bit. As people we all form opinions about what is what. We all lean one way or the other. Some are zealots. I can't say Oberman on MSNBC hates Republicans. Obviously he dislikes Bush and thinks McCain is the wrong way to go for this election. Does that mean he's a non-thinking liberal believer?

With the press there is a definite balance to be maintained. You really do want to have a "questioning" media. It's not good if they are in bed with the current powers in charge of the country. With Fox News you see an overwhelming conservative bias. MSNBC has Morning Joe, with a former Republican Representative leading the talk. He's more moderate, but he leans right. CNN strikes me as mostly balanced. If you listen to Mulder, then Larry King should not be having Michael Moore on his show, but then of course, by that reasoning, he can't have any conservatives on his show either. It's just Mulder's fractured conservative thinking.

BTW, I love Oberman because if any time the Republican party needs to be spanked, it's right now. :)

Speaking of Oberman, here is a Crooks and Liars blurb on historical revisionism at the RNC.

There’s nothing like some exploitive and fact free propaganda to bring Republicans together in mindless cheering against a phantom and revisionist enemy. On Thursday’s final night of the Republican National Convention, the RNC broadcast what was billed as a tribute to 9/11 victims, but by tying in the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis and the Iraq invasion and occupation, resembled more a propaganda news reel that exploited horribly the memories of the victims and heroes of 9/11. Jeffrey Feldman:

No doubt, showing a 9/11 video at a political convention was emotional exploitation. But it was also something much worse: it was blatant historical revisionism. It was a cynical attempt to claim attacks on Americans–1979 and 2001–were carried out by the same ‘enemy.’

What Olbermann should have apologized for was MSNBC accidental transformation of their network into a mechanism of the most cynical kind of Orwellian propaganda.

John McCain did not make the link between 9/11 and Iran in his RNC speech, but we can be certain that the video ‘tribute’ is a sign of what is to come on the campaign trail between now and November.

The media’s responsibility from this point forward is clear: either they can sit back and let McCain’s historical revisionism stand or they can move quickly to debunk it.

Either way, it seems apparent that major broadcast outlets need to take a more proactive role in pre-screening for blatant historical inaccuracies any video a political party plans to show during a national broadcast–or at least preparing to immediately debunk politically motivated inaccuracies.


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I watched tv speech, wanting to actually hear what he had to say. It was really horrible.

The camera men caught my interest more, trying to find a black guy in the crowd and zooming in on all the white people holding up signs that says mcain loves Hispanics LOL

Fox Mulder

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I'll tell you what was really hilarious was that dog on Conan O'Brien at the RNC. Did anyone catch that? I was in stitches over that routine--both nights althoug the first night was better!!! :D


New Member
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At least they are just out for laughs and Stewart admits (on other shows) that he is a liberal and hates Republicans. Olbermann is a whole other story. Being on MSNBC and being such an obvious GOP hater makes me wonder why people hate the same bias on Fox News.

At least Stewart admits his bias unlike Colbert. :p

Minor Axis

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Fire her tutor! ;) Palin's economic expertise shines: Huffington Post.

Speaking before voters in Colorado Springs, the Republican vice presidential nominee claimed that lending giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had "gotten too big and too expensive to the taxpayers." The companies, as McClatchy reported, "aren't taxpayer funded but operate as private companies. The takeover may result in a taxpayer bailout during reorganization."

We're on a mission from God; God also like Alaskan pipelines ;): Swamp Politics.

At the Pentecostal church, Palin painted the war in Iraq as a messianic affair in which the United States could act out the will of the Lord: "Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [soldiers] out on a task that is from God. That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan."

She also sought prayer on another matter: A $30 billion national gas pipeline project that she wants built in Alaska "I think God's will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built, so pray for that.''


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If you believe that:
1. Creationsim should be taught in public schools;
2. Book banning (in public libraries) is a good thing;
3. The war in Iraq is "a task that is from God's will" (direct quote from Pallin); and
4. Abortion should be outlawed even in the case of rape or incest

Then the McCain/Pallin ticket is perfect for you.


DT3's Twinkie
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If you believe that:
1. Creationsim should be taught in public schools;
2. Book banning (in public libraries) is a good thing;
3. The war in Iraq is "a task that is from God's will" (direct quote from Pallin); and
4. Abortion should be outlawed even in the case of rape or incest

Then the McCain/Pallin ticket is perfect for you.

1. It will never happen, that isn't controlled by the federal government, do a little research
2. When did that happen? Oh and by the way books have been banned since way back, remember Catcher In The Rye?
3. So:unsure:
4. Should and will be are two very different things.

If you want to be frightened to death, research Jeremiah Wrights church, Since it's obvious you have no new material..


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I don't see anywhere in my post where I said any of these things would happen.

My point is that there are some beliefs held by these candidates that some may or may not agree with.

1. Teaching creationism in schools goes against the separation of church and state. Whether or not this could actually happen is irrelevant. But if you feel someone who believes that the church should have a say in matters of the state, then cast your vote as such.

2. Time Magazine 9/2/08. Yes, there have been many attempts at getting various books banned from libraries in the past. Is this a good thing to continue? Do you agree with this practice? If not, why would you cast your vote for someone who does?

3. Again, citing "God's will" in the matters of the state. If you want your pres/v.p. to make their decisions based on what God told them to do, then vote for them.

4. Again, again, this isn't about what would/could happen. This is about platform and beliefs about how this country should be run.

I'm not slamming any candidates here. Like I said, if you agree with this stuff, then vote for them. But if you don't agree with the above, why would you vote for them? I don't know how great the chances are that any of these things could happen. I don't know if anyone really does. Regardless, there is a clear belief system present with these candidates that hopefully will drive your vote.


DT3's Twinkie
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I don't see anywhere in my post where I said any of these things would happen.

My point is that there are some beliefs held by these candidates that some may or may not agree with.

1. Teaching creationism in schools goes against the separation of church and state. Whether or not this could actually happen is irrelevant. But if you feel someone who believes that the church should have a say in matters of the state, then cast your vote as such.

2. Time Magazine 9/2/08. Yes, there have been many attempts at getting various books banned from libraries in the past. Is this a good thing to continue? Do you agree with this practice? If not, why would you cast your vote for someone who does?

3. Again, citing "God's will" in the matters of the state. If you want your pres/v.p. to make their decisions based on what God told them to do, then vote for them.

4. Again, again, this isn't about what would/could happen. This is about platform and beliefs about how this country should be run.

I'm not slamming any candidates here. Like I said, if you agree with this stuff, then vote for them. But if you don't agree with the above, why would you vote for them? I don't know how great the chances are that any of these things could happen. I don't know if anyone really does. Regardless, there is a clear belief system present with these candidates that hopefully will drive your vote.

I understand what your saying, but if you want to talk belief systems/religious hysterics etc.

Google: Black Liberation Theology and read a little on what Obama has been getting taught for the last twenty years, the foundation of Jeremiah Wrights church is built on this philosophy, or at least so his website says.

Religious fanatacism frightens me too, but let's look at both sides.

Minor Axis

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Lipstick Politics MSNBC.

I am so disgusted with John McCain. This is the type of hypocritical shit that is going to sink this country in the long run. Every Republican in the country uses the term "putting lipstick on a pig", a Republican pundit wrote a book on how to use the term, McCain has used this term multiple times, but when Obama uses it in a speech against McCain, attacking McCain policies, the McCain campaign runs a political ad saying he called Palin a pig???? Bull shit, ass holes.

You know what scares me to death? Every time they run an ad like this, you've got a huge group of non-thinking idiots thinking, "confirmation, Obama is bad."

They don't bother to watch Hardball on MSNBC where Chris Matthews shreds a Republican strategist trying to make the same accusation and when pressed, when asked if he thought McCain thought Obama was calling Palin a pig, he said, "well no".

McCain might have not said anything, but he approved this lie of an ad. These guys are relentless, lying bastards. The end justifies the means... If you think Obama is bad, fine if your judgement is based on facts, but your stupid if you base the decision on made up BULL SHIT. :mad

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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He was stupid to use that phrase. He should have known it would stir up shit. Thought his was the new politics which is the bullshit we hear every 4 years from one side or the other.

Minor Axis

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He was stupid to use that phrase. He should have known it would stir up shit. Thought his was the new politics which is the bullshit we hear every 4 years from one side or the other.

It only stirs up shit when your a Democrat and say it because you dealing with hypocritical slime balls who believe that anything goes. "If we say it, the morons will believe."

Fox Mulder

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It only stirs up shit when your a Democrat and say it because you dealing with hypocritical slime balls who believe that anything goes. "If we say it, the morons will believe."

You are absolutely unbelievable in your hypocrisy. If you want to talk about lies, the last 7 years of Democrat assaults on Bush have been laced with lies and stupid people believe them. You for example have been told over and over about Bush's "illegal wire taps" and you believe it simply because you're told that by the Democratic operatives--you don't give a damn whether its true or not (it isn't). That's just one example--there are a ton more of the misleading garbage coming out of the DNC--that's politcs. But you are so blind you can't see it from you own side.

Oh--I fogot you're not a Democrat! :rolleyes