McCain and Palin for President!

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No--she won't shy away---I don't see how Biden attacks her--on what? I just don't see what he can use on her. He can't talk about her pregnant daugther like the media--what the hell does he attack her on?

Hello Mulder... long time no type.... so this is where you're at now. ;)

This will be hard for you to understand... but here goes. Biden doesn't have to attack her. That's a republican thing. What we do is... state our positions on the issues, and our plans for the future. I know, I know, that whole attack and smear thing has worked well for a couple of elections now, and I have just one thing to say about that...

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He was stupid to use that phrase. He should have known it would stir up shit. Thought his was the new politics which is the bullshit we hear every 4 years from one side or the other.

Stupid?? He should have known??? Seriously, would it matter what Obama says?? He could say "the sky is blue" , and you would accuse him of insulting the intelligence of those folks who happened to have cloud cover that day.

The "lipstick" comment was great.... is was appropo. Palin brought up lipstick at the RNC, and Obama turned it right back at them. Perfect.

This is just another example of the republicans' desperate attempt to continue to talk about ANYTHING except their platform.

(Hi wacor, who else is here??) :waving:

Minor Axis

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You are absolutely unbelievable in your hypocrisy. If you want to talk about lies, the last 7 years of Democrat assaults on Bush have been laced with lies and stupid people believe them. You for example have been told over and over about Bush's "illegal wire taps" and you believe it simply because you're told that by the Democratic operatives--you don't give a damn whether its true or not (it isn't). That's just one example--there are a ton more of the misleading garbage coming out of the DNC--that's politcs. But you are so blind you can't see it from you own side.

Oh--I fogot you're not a Democrat! :rolleyes

Bush is the king of lies, the Dems don't have to make up anything about him. Oh yeah, you're a Republican and the end justifies the means or is it anything goes? In other words your ok with running a completely dishonest campaign, it's just part of politics...

This is just another example of the republicans' desperate attempt to continue to talk about ANYTHING except their platform.

Trekguy, welcome to the forums!
This is the kind of campaign you run when you don't want to talk about issues.

And the following example is one of the slimest disgusting ads that has aired to date. The McCain campaign is now running an ad on Obama and children sex education where the ad shows Obama with a kind of a lear expression looking down as if looking at a kid and it states that Obama sponsored a bill (which he did not) that promotes childrens sex education before teaching them to read, like he want's children to be sex educated young, wink wink, as in pervert! When in actuality the bills intent was to teach children how to recognize inappropriate behavior and sexual predators.

What happened to McCain's vow to run a respectful, clean campaign?? This is today's swift boat. And I heard that Obama just turned the 3rd party groups loose to have at it at McCain. Seems like when you are in a food fight, eventually the choice is throw food back or leave the room.

Reported on CBS, MSNBC, and at the Huffington Post.

“It is shameful and downright perverse for the McCain campaign to use a bill that was written to protect young children from sexual predators as a recycled and discredited political attack against a father of two young girls – a position that his friend Mitt Romney also holds," Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton said in a statement. "Last week, John McCain told Time magazine he couldn’t define what honor was. Now we know why."

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Stupid?? He should have known??? Seriously, would it matter what Obama says?? He could say "the sky is blue" , and you would accuse him of insulting the intelligence of those folks who happened to have cloud cover that day.
you are right. it does not matter what he says. he is an empty suit :24:

The "lipstick" comment was great.... is was appropo. Palin brought up lipstick at the RNC, and Obama turned it right back at them. Perfect.
if Hillary was veep and McCain came back with a comment like that you would be pissing your fucking pants in anger.

This is just another example of the Democrats desperate attempt to continue to talk about ANYTHING except their platform.
fixed it for ya ;)

(Hi wacor, who else is here??) :waving:
welcome dickhead. :jk
you are on your own here to figure that out :p

Minor Axis

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if Hillary was veep and McCain came back with a comment like that you would be pissing your fucking pants in anger.

You can get real or keep telling yourself that. McCain could run the most vile disgusting lie of an ad and you guys would be here telling us why it's ok.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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You can get real or keep telling yourself that. McCain could run the most vile disgusting lie of an ad and you guys would be here telling us why it's ok.
not true

give me some examples

his ad with Paris and Brittany was moronic

and you would not know the truth if it slapped you in the face when it comes to your blind devotion to the democrats.

Minor Axis

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BTW, speaking of Republican slime, Keith Oberman, the Right Wing's favorite, on MSNBC was kind enough to point out last night that at the RNC, when they ran a tribute to 9-11, they showed the most violent images of the event. Oberman asked, "was it their intent to memorialize the event or to scare viewers?"

I missed the RNC memorial, but my take- An equivalent would be to sponsor a memorial to President Kennedy and to honor him, show the Zapruter assassination film. Scare tactics, right out of the Republican play book.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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BTW, speaking of Republican slime, Keith Oberman, the Right Wing's favorite, on MSNBC was kind enough to point out last night that at the RNC, when they ran a tribute to 9-11, they showed the most violent images of the event. Oberman asked, "was it their intent to memorialize the event or to scare viewers?"

I missed the RNC memorial, but my take- An equivalent would be to sponsor a memorial to President Kennedy and to honor him, show the Zapruter assassination film. Scare tactics, right out of the Republican play book.
did not watch hardly any of either convention as that stuff makes me ill. viewing blind loyalist panting in awe at somebody on stage is not my cup o tea. but if what is stated was true then I would agree that it was inappropriate and tasteless.

Fox Mulder

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Hello Mulder... long time no type.... so this is where you're at now. ;)

This will be hard for you to understand... but here goes.Biden doesn't have to attack her. That's a republican thing. What we do is... state our positions on the issues, and our plans for the future. I know, I know, that whole attack and smear thing has worked well for a couple of elections now, and I have just one thing to say about that...


Oh Geez--this place is getting invested with liberals! ;)

Look--all the Democrats have been stating that Biden was named as VP to be the "attack dog" for Obama.

And "That's a Republican things" is pretty hilarious. You Dems are really in denial if you believe your party doesn't attack the opponent. Bush has been attacked now for 8 years.


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"was it their intent to memorialize the event or to scare viewers?".

Yeah people jumping out the 50 story windows rather than be burned alive is just a scare tactic. Oberman is a dickhead and if you give any credence to what he says well guess that makes you.................clueless.


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Oh Geez--this place is getting invested with liberals! ;)

Look--all the Democrats have been stating that Biden was named as VP to be the "attack dog" for Obama.

And "That's a Republican things" is pretty hilarious. You Dems are really in denial if you believe your party doesn't attack the opponent. Bush has been attacked now for 8 years.

No, not ALL democrats are saying that. He was picked for experience. Wouldn't have been my choice, btw, I would have liked to have seen Sebelius get the nod.

Democrats don't attack the same way that the republicans do. That's partially why we've gotten our butts kicked in the two elections. The other being we didn't have a candidate that was worth anything.

And, this place is gettiing "invested" with liberals??? Does that mean the value is going up??? Freudian slip???


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Democrats don't attack the same way that the republicans do. That's partially why we've gotten our butts kicked in the two elections. The other being we didn't have a candidate that was worth anything.

Exclusive of the mid-term elections, liberals generally get beat because they flow with the tide. They can't pick a stance and stick with it even against the then prevailing public sentiment. Its why liberals are seen as soft on defense. As soon as public opinion turns the liberals attempt to ride the public makes liberals seem untrustworthy.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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No, not ALL democrats are saying that. He was picked for experience. Wouldn't have been my choice, btw, I would have liked to have seen Sebelius get the nod.

Democrats don't attack the same way that the republicans do.
That's partially why we've gotten our butts kicked in the two elections. The other being we didn't have a candidate that was worth anything.

And, this place is gettiing "invested" with liberals??? Does that mean the value is going up??? Freudian slip???

Both parties do it.

Take the fucking blinders off.


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Exclusive of the mid-term elections, liberals generally get beat because they flow with the tide. They can't pick a stance and stick with it even against the then prevailing public sentiment. Its why liberals are seen as soft on defense. As soon as public opinion turns the liberals attempt to ride the public makes liberals seem untrustworthy.

Hi GB. :waving:

Isn't that what representatives are supposed to do... ride (represent) the public opinion??

Is sticking with a stance always a good thing... even if it turns out to be wrong??


Active Member
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Hi GB. :waving:

Isn't that what representatives are supposed to do... ride (represent) the public opinion??

Is sticking with a stance always a good thing... even if it turns out to be wrong??

No, see you have the liberal attitude. Public opinion flows and ebbs with the hot button item of the moment. Our elected leaders need to plan long term and do what is in the best interests of their constituency not what is expedient or popular at the time. Churchill is a perfect example of the right kind of thinking. Reagan had the same trait. Judging wrong takes generations removed from the event.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Hi GB. :waving:

Isn't that what representatives are supposed to do... ride (represent) the public opinion??

Is sticking with a stance always a good thing... even if it turns out to be wrong??
good question

but that is not how a REPUBLIC is supposed to operate.

I know silly me. We abandoned being a republic long ago.

My recollection is you elect somebody based on their wisdom and judgment. They are then supposed to make the tough choices. They did that back in the mid 1800's and slavery was ended. Using the public opinion concept then who knows when slavery would have ended.

Also the idea was to kick their ass out if they did not do what the public wanted. A remarkable concept. Who would of thunk it. People actually voting and politicians being responsible. Instead we have devolved into the garbage heap we now have the re elects political corpses like Kennedy and Byrd time and time again.