He needs a fair shot..I am not defending him...I agree getting out of the car was stupid but he doesnt need to be charged with murder.
You seem to have no issues to the murder charge....You are defending martin through your actions however with unjust prejudice.{to the case} not racial prejudice
It's not my place to determine whether or not Zimmerman committed murder... that's up to the prosecution to prove and for the jury to convict or exonerate him of. That being said, I believe the fact that a firearm was used in the commission of the death automatically elevates it to a murder charge in the State of Florida due to their gun laws. At least that is the way I heard it explained... so manslaughter becomes murder in the second degree. If that's the case, then yes... he should be charged with that crime under the laws of the State of Florida. At the very least, he should be charged with manslaughter. He has the opportunity to defend himself of those charges... so I believe this is a fine example of our judicial system working the way that it was intended.
The only prejudice I have is against stupid people... and Zimmerman proved himself to be one dumbass motherfucker by following the kid instead of letting the police do their job. IT was poor judgement on his part, and as a direct result of his actions, a kid is dead and he's facing time in prison if he's found guilty.