I don't need experience to know that I don't believe the government should have any say in such matters. If you use that argument, then quite frankly you shouldn't speak about drugs at all since you're so against them. Don't speak to what you don't have experience on, right?
Actually the government should focus on governing from the constitution and not on imposing the opinions of idiots on the whole of America when it obviously doesn't work in the first place. I realize those of us who actually take responsibility for our actions are a smaller group than the rest of you and you find that difficult to understand, but there are those of us who do believe in society's right to live as they wish.
I don't believe that choosing to drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes, or any other drug use for that matter, indicates a lack of morality. And even if I did, I certainly wouldn't feel the need to impose my choice of lifestyle on anyone else.
We can't enforce our current drug laws and not all drugs are illegal. Why should the government get to decide when the ones that actually are legal are more damaging to your health than the ones that aren't? They've obviously proven they are completely incapable of legislating something like this. So, it all boils down to people actually being responsible for their own actions, and enforcing safety in a more reasonable manner, like making sure those who drive under the influence are punished accordingly.
You can't prove anyone right or wrong. It's simply a matter of a difference of opinion, and yours matters no more than anyone else's, as much as you'd like to think otherwise. You're certainly welcome to think you're superior, though it really just proves you're not.
I don't need experience to know that I don't believe the government should have any say in such matters.
However, my previous argument proves you wrong.
If you use that argument, then quite frankly you shouldn't speak about drugs at all since you're so against them.
I suggest you reread the argument.....it's about living in a society with drug abuse issues.
Again, I prove you wrong.
Don't speak to what you don't have experience on, right?
I suggest you read the thread....I address the impact upon society from drug abuse.
Again, I prove you wrong.
Actually the government should focus on governing from the constitution and not on imposing the opinions of idiots on the whole of America when it obviously doesn't work in the first place.
The you should make yourself knowledgeable of the Constitution.
All drug laws are Constitutional.
Prohibition was constitutional.
Prohibition was not repealed on Constitutional issues.
Look it up if you don't believe it.
Even the Ohio laws , the state we both live in, on drugs are constitutional.
You just don't like laws that pertain to you
So I prove you wrong again.
I don't believe that choosing to drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes, or any other drug use for that matter, indicates a lack of morality.
Non sequitur......the morality angle is about teaching there is no harn associated with those activities.
Again, in the context of this thread, I prove you wrong
I realize those of us who actually take responsibility for our actions are a smaller group than the rest of you and you find that difficult to understand,
Teaching children there is no harm to abusing drugs is not acting responsibly.
To this issue....you must be insane.
but there are those of us who do believe in society's right to live as they wish.
That makes no sense.
Libertarians , of which you appear to be , don't believe in group right's.
I bothered to read Liberty Defined.
Look it up if you don't believe me.
Anyway, as you stated it, if society has rights, it also has the right for self defense.
You proved yourself wrong.
We can't enforce our current drug laws
How does that negate the concept of decriminalization?
Why should the government get to decide when the ones that actually are legal are more damaging to your health than the ones that aren't?
I answered that before.
You are still wrong.
So, it all boils down to people actually being responsible for their own actions, and enforcing safety in a more reasonable manner, like making sure those who drive under the influence are punished accordingly.
In a perfect world.
But drug abuse expands beyond personal contact.
From safety to productivity to social support.....society in general, degrades at some point from this disruption.
Society chooses the limits whether you like it or not.
Of course, if Libertarians were to take control as you seem to wish, about all that results is social chaos and elements of anarchy. Like the Old West. Imposition is the rule and those with the most imposition effectively, rule
Governing a society on the merits of 'responsibility' is an incredibly subjective format.
It is a position of individual bias.
You can't prove anyone right or wrong.
I just have