Is it time to legalize pot and reduce the death rate of tobacco and alcohol?

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Insisting on doctors' prescribing the drugs puts the price out of reach of most addicts. The black market would continue, thefts to get the money to buy the drugs would continue. Result: no improvement.

While you and I disagree on issues.....I think that's a reality.
The concept of prescriptions for recreational drug abuse does seem to violate the Hippocratic Oath, anyway.

I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone.
Looks like a deal breaker, imo. :D
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No. It is just one of the many reasons for legalization.


I thought you were distraught over debating me?
I'm glad to see you're still up to it :p

many reasons
So far, I haven't seen anything you've posted stand up to any more besides the argument that a failing society is just cause to speed up it's failure..... or setting up a medical society whose motto would be interpreted as:
"We are allowed under Law to fuck you up""
( :24: )


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BTW....alcohol isn't legal in all of the US. The Feds merely gave up trying to impose a national ban.



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Not to go off topic but if that is a criterion for competence, then you have just condemned all persons of religion who are led by faith and not facts.

In fact, they are proud that they have ignored logic and reason for faith.


I forgot to reply to this post.

That certainly seems to fit the description of a lot of fundamentalists of the young earth philosophy..
They do seem to make incredibly incompetent geologists :D


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No need to till they get of age where they are given access.
Were you thinking that I was advocating drug use of any kind for children? How droll. No wonder your phobia bone came to life.

If part of the logic oflegalization is the protection of children then just legalizing pot will not doit. All drugs need to be legalized and put under the same medical system ofcontrols.
Like it or not, multi drug use iswith us.

We presently cannot preventcriminal access to our children due to the black market.
Legalization of all drugs undermedical control is the only thing that we can do to help us protect ourchildren.


In regard to your morality you think that the concept of prescription recreation is a wise concept to teach children that it's acceptable behavior?

your reply:
No need to till they get of age where they are given access.
No need to teach them till they are of age?
You are teaching them at all ages that can read or communicate that drug abuse is 'OK' by making laws that say so.
You are putting an incredible lack of thought into your position.

Were you thinking that I was advocating drug use of any kind for children?
Surely by now you've realized you can't pull that kind of shit on me :D
It's called avoidance.
You are advocating the abuse of drugs for recreational purposes and legislation of such a nature will teach anyone reading of it a lesson that drug abuse is permissible conduct.
That includes children with the ability to read and communicate.

If part of the logic oflegalization is the protection of children then just legalizing pot will not doit.
What do you mean 'if'.
There is no 'if' nor logic to the argument of your position. You advocate teaching children that drug abuse is permissible conduct. It doesn't matter if you put an age limit on the prescription as far as teaching the acceptance of drug abuse other than creating anticipation for the experience of abusing drugs.

Like it or not, multi drug use iswith us.
What the hell has that got to do with teaching children that there is nothing wrong with abusing drugs?

We presently cannot preventcriminal access to our children due to the black market. damn fallacy after another.....your argument makes access to drugs for the purpose of abuse more accessible to a greater number of people whom you intend to teach by example and legislation....that drug abuse is 'OK'.

Legalization of all drugs undermedical control is the only thing that we can do to help us protect ourchildren.



you funny.

Greatest I am

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Your distorting of my position is having me keep children devoid of knowledge while I advocate intelligent use of freedom of choice that demand the most information possible.

You also have me advocating drug abuse while all I am doing is recognizing drug use.

I will not correct every foolishness you assign to me so if you want to discuss this issue, do not distort as I do not take the time to correct those who do not discuss honestly. I do not have that kind of time.

Seems to you that all drug use is abuse and you will not recognize the usefulness of some drug use.

Your constant baiting is boring and a poor discussion tactic. Either grow up or get lost.



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Your distorting of my position is having me keep children devoid of knowledge while I advocate intelligent use of freedom of choice that demand the most information possible.

You also have me advocating drug abuse while all I am doing is recognizing drug use.

I will not correct every foolishness you assign to me so if you want to discuss this issue, do not distort as I do not take the time to correct those who do not discuss honestly. I do not have that kind of time.

Seems to you that all drug use is abuse and you will not recognize the usefulness of some drug use.

Your constant baiting is boring and a poor discussion tactic. Either grow up or get lost.


Your distorting of my position is having me keep children devoid of knowledge while I advocate intelligent use of freedom of choice that demand the most information possible.

Let's review our conversation:

In regard to your morality you think that the concept of prescription recreation is a wise concept to teach children that it's acceptable behavior?


No need to till they get of age where they are given access.

YOU posted that.
I certainly did not put words into your mouth.
I suspect your attention span is so short, you don't remember the line of your argument :cool

You also have me advocating drug abuse while all I am doing is recognizing drug use.
Reread your posts.
You advocate legalizing the abuse of drugs through some screwball contrived medical plan of legalizing the writing of prescriptions for the abuse of recreational drugs.

Now you're back pedaling because I've exposed the seriousness of your incredibly flawed argument.

I will not correct every foolishness you assign to me
Of course the hell are you going to logically defend your foolish position?
This thread is incredible :D

if you want to discuss this issue, do not distort as I do not take the time to correct those who do not discuss honestly. I do not have that kind of time.
Excuse me...are you a moderator?
Obviously not.
Your time is only of your concern, not mine.
If you choose to remove your self from the discussion and concede your position, that's up to you. It's your choice to make.

I choose to stay at this time and challenge what I disagree with and you have certainly provided an abundance and medical prescriptions for the purpose of abusing drugs has certainly been an interesting new avenue of discussion for me.......but now you've entered into a state of repetition and even denial.
That can get boring.....but I'm here for the duration :D

Seems to you that all drug use is abuse and you will not recognize the usefulness of some drug use.

You are either full of shit or it's an issue of reading comprehension.
I have posted this comment earlier:
When it comes to the medical usage of marijuana.....imo....there are logical and reasonable arguments for it to be used by prescription.

What part of that didn't you understand?

All of it or are you simply fishing for an attack vector with out bothering to read my position?
Do you think I forget what I've been posting as you seem to repeatedly do?

Your constant baiting is boring and a poor discussion tactic. Either grow up or get lost.


You don't seem comfortable with 'logic' in a debate setting :D

Your thoughts as posted do seem muddled.....I can't help you there.

The Man

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Lining out the "pro dopers" Stone ?

I havent read the thread..but I suspect its the same arguments they have been trying for years.


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Lining out the "pro dopers" Stone ?

I havent read the thread..but I suspect its the same arguments they have been trying for years.

Hi Man :D's worth the read for the humor. :D

The thread starter has actually argued to promote legal drug abuse through a means of medical prescriptions for drug recreation.....for solving the drug abuse problem in the US.
He totally rejected any concept of decriminalization that I presented.
And it gets better......don't teach children about drug abuse until they become of age to get if they wouldn't realize from friends and adults that such legislation would be a green light to abuse drugs when they're old enough.

No's an interesting read.
I've never seen anything like it before.
Probably never again, either :D

The Man

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Hi Man :D's worth the read for the humor. :D

The thread starter has actually argued to promote legal drug abuse through a means of medical prescriptions for drug recreation.....for solving the drug abuse problem in the US.
He totally rejected any concept of decriminalization that I presented.
And it gets better......don't teach children about drug abuse until they become of age to get if they wouldn't realize from friends and adults that such legislation would be a green light to abuse drugs when they're old enough.

No's an interesting read.
I've never seen anything like it before.
Probably never again, either :D

I read it...the arguments while slightly different are just as lame as ever
Dont teach the children about drug abuse until they are age....isnt that like teaching sex education after having a baby ROFL

How to beat the drug problem ....make it legal ..therefore it wont be identified as a problem...brilliant..Liberal logic at work :24:


Glorified Maniac
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Miss Piggy
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Many individuals do seem to abuse children in that manner.

Or are you speaking of yourself?


I don't have children so I can't speak from experience. However, I don't think the government should have anything to do with choosing what drugs are legal/illegal. Let the parents teach their children as they wish. And besides... there is plenty of things you can be addicted to that aren't even considered 'drugs'.

I'm just saying, your argument is completely illogical and irrational.


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I don't have children so I can't speak from experience. However, I don't think the government should have anything to do with choosing what drugs are legal/illegal. Let the parents teach their children as they wish. And besides... there is plenty of things you can be addicted to that aren't even considered 'drugs'.

I'm just saying, your argument is completely illogical and irrational.

I don't have children so I can't speak from experience.
And yet, here you are speaking of something you claim to know with out any experience.

However, I don't think the government should have anything to do with choosing what drugs are legal/illegal.
That's your opinion, but I see no argument for the basis of it.
Governments are the representatives of a society and our form in the US is one of being a republic.
The legislators have been expressing the will of the society, not the minority opinion.
There....does that clear it up for you?

Let the parents teach their children as they wish.
They currently do.
And you'll find the thread starter actually comments on that kind of lack of morality .... in another thread.

And besides... there is plenty of things you can be addicted to that aren't even considered 'drugs'.
Now you are into the arena of sophistry.
Indeed, but this thread is about specific chemical abuse and not necessarily the addictive issues.

The issue is about an association of people having the right to safeguard it's own health and safety as a civilized society.
And that includes more than just drug even goes to such common issues as traffic control. Speed and behavior or even traffic lanes are controlled for safety reasons.
So is drug abuse because wide scale abuse is a social problem, not just for the abuser, also for those the abuser is in contact with. As drug abuse spreads, so do social problems increase.

I'm just saying, your argument is completely illogical and irrational.
You can say what ever you please, but I've obviously proven you wrong.