Your distorting of my position is having me keep children devoid of knowledge while I advocate intelligent use of freedom of choice that demand the most information possible.
You also have me advocating drug abuse while all I am doing is recognizing drug use.
I will not correct every foolishness you assign to me so if you want to discuss this issue, do not distort as I do not take the time to correct those who do not discuss honestly. I do not have that kind of time.
Seems to you that all drug use is abuse and you will not recognize the usefulness of some drug use.
Your constant baiting is boring and a poor discussion tactic. Either grow up or get lost.
Your distorting of my position is having me keep children devoid of knowledge while I advocate intelligent use of freedom of choice that demand the most information possible.
Let's review our conversation:
In regard to your morality you think that the concept of prescription recreation is a wise concept to teach children that it's acceptable behavior?
No need to till they get of age where they are given access.
YOU posted that.
I certainly did not put words into your mouth.
I suspect your attention span is so short, you don't remember the line of your argument :cool
You also have me advocating drug abuse while all I am doing is recognizing drug use.
Reread your posts.
You advocate legalizing the abuse of drugs through some screwball contrived medical plan of legalizing the writing of prescriptions for the abuse of recreational drugs.
Now you're back pedaling because I've exposed the seriousness of your incredibly flawed argument.
I will not correct every foolishness you assign to me
Of course the hell are you going to logically defend your foolish position?
This thread is incredible
if you want to discuss this issue, do not distort as I do not take the time to correct those who do not discuss honestly. I do not have that kind of time.
Excuse me...are you a moderator?
Obviously not.
Your time is only of your concern, not mine.
If you choose to remove your self from the discussion and concede your position, that's up to you. It's your choice to make.
I choose to stay at this time and challenge what I disagree with and you have certainly provided an abundance and medical prescriptions for the purpose of abusing drugs has certainly been an interesting new avenue of discussion for me.......but now you've entered into a state of repetition and even denial.
That can get boring.....but I'm here for the duration
Seems to you that all drug use is abuse and you will not recognize the usefulness of some drug use.
You are either full of shit or it's an issue of reading comprehension.
I have posted this comment earlier:
When it comes to the medical usage of marijuana.....imo....there are logical and reasonable arguments for it to be used by prescription.
What part of that didn't you understand?
All of it or are you simply fishing for an attack vector with out bothering to read my position?
Do you think I forget what I've been posting as you seem to repeatedly do?
Your constant baiting is boring and a poor discussion tactic. Either grow up or get lost.
You don't seem comfortable with 'logic' in a debate setting
Your thoughts as posted do seem muddled.....I can't help you there.