Well-Known Member
Maria, in YOUR case, you won't "make" your child go to Church, you won't "force" them to believe. That's fine for you. Why is it wrong for any other religious person to teach their child about their beliefs. Don't parents typically impart politics and manners and love of education and artistic desires and musical abilities to their children? Religion is just one more in that list. It's called giving your children opportunities. A parent who values religion is going to certainly want their child to be knowledgeable about it, just as much as they'd want their child to pursue any other opportunity they are able to provide. Children are typically lazy, are they not? In my opinion, forcing them (or encouraging them as a loving parent would do) to participate in a religion is no different than getting their ass up early to take swimming lessons.
I don't see anything wrong with teaching them about it, but that's where it should end.
A parent should teach and encourage their children to take a role into their spirituality and to help them become a responsible adult, my point is when a child takes no interest in it at all and the parent forces them to go is when I take issue with it.
Education is key, but forcing your beliefs on someone else and church every sunday isn't mandatory to raising a child with values and beliefs.