How far is too far?

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DT3's Twinkie
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Don't waste your time. I used to go to church, and apparently so did you. You're just using this as some sort of pathetic attempt to get in my pants, and there's just no way that's gonna fuckin happen.

Til you come to Florida. ;)


Way to kill this debate.....LOL
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Well-Known Member
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Don't waste your time. I used to go to church, and apparently so did you. You're just using this as some sort of pathetic attempt to get in my pants, and there's just no way that's gonna fuckin happen.

Til you come to Florida. ;)


Will Amber tape?!? :p


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AEF is great, I love to volley with him. I admire the fact that he is true enough in his beliefs to back them with personal experience and fervor.

I have nothing but admiration for folks like that, regardless of wether or not I agree.

Friendly back and forth to me:)

I just love the guy's tenacity. :D


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Well imagine that: I leave for one afternoon, and when I get back the debate has gone off topicz to the point of AEF rubbing baby oil all over dt3 who's waiting for a fluff because he thinks James is coming over!! :24::24::24:

What the hell is going on in here?!! Lord Vader says Ya'll need Jesus. :D



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Okay, this is going to be a little long, but if you pick through for your name, you can save some time. I missed a lot in one day aparently.

Erm..the Bible teaches hatred of homosexuality which Christians profess their beliefs on.
If a person gets hurt by consensual buggery then thats his look out and it dosen't hurt anyone else.
As for the other people it hurts, it only hurts them because of their own prejudice which is their problem. If they didn't have a problem with homosexuality, it wouldn't hurt them in the slightest.

Oh, and a hot temper is something which could hurt others because if you lose control with it you are likely to physically hurt someone so thats a completely different matter.

The other people I was talking about it hurting were the friends, family, and people surrounding the person that will be injured by their loss. If my Uncle dies tomorrow because of something he picked up in his lifestyle, myself and my family will be terribly injured. The world will be a lesser place without him. That's all I was saying.

I'm not sure where you're going with the temper thing. I don't fly off the handle and beat people at random. :p

This is what the Bible says about homosexuality

Lev. 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."

Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them"

1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."

Rom. 1:26-28, "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."

As you see, the Bible clearly condones the death penalty for homosexuals.

I feel like I'm beating a dead horse here, but the examples you posted about the killing of gays were Old Testament. This sucked, but Christianity tells us the Jesus died to get us out of that mess. Old Testament Bible is not the way of Christianity. It is a backdrop and a history of the good story.

It is really an undeniable fact though that certain Christians pick out these kind of passages from the Bible to justify their hatred of homosexuals.
I have no problem with people thinking homosexuality is wrong, even though I disagree with them. I do however have a problem with people harrasing or even viewing homosexuals as somehow inferior.

I agree.

Total contradiction!

Either you take the Bible only figuratively, or you take it completely literally.....which one??

Hold on, let me edit this....

What I mean is, you cannot take certain parts literally and certain parts just doesn't work that way. It has to be one way or the other.

I think you guys have already hashed this out, but your view on this isn't accurate. The Bible has many different types of teaching. Some of it is story, some of it is history, some of it is open to interpretation. The Bible dosn't really keep you guessing if you read it in context.

BUT, you can condition them to the point where they really do believe in what you teach them. Society can do that too.
It's called education. It is unavoidable. You cannot raise successful children and have them figure everything out by themselves. You said you plan on raising little atheists. That is your right as a parent. It's raising kids. What else can I say?

Plus, homosexuality is no more dangerous a lifestyle than heterosexuality.

It scares me a little that you believe this.

Jesus didn't though. Just note that :)

Word up. Maritxu for the win. Jesus is the leader of the Christian religion. Everything else is backdrop.

Not his birth Donnie...

It was his death on the cross... that's why we no longer need to sacrifice animals on an alter anymore.

Yep yep. Good point.

So, taking quotes from the OT and applying them to the Christian God, wouldn't be very fair right? To say that he hates homosexuals today would be inaccurate. He basically "changed" for lack of a better word when Jesus died on the cross.

Now it's dt3 FTW. Well said sir.

I don't know why you guys are saying the bible can be taken "any way you like". If its the word of god you have to accept it the way its written or you're nothing but a heretic for subjectively/half way following god's commands. IF you believe in that thing.

I'm not saying the Bible can be taken "any way you like." I actually don't stand anywhere close to that viewpoint. :confused


Back By Unpopular Demand
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So the Old Testament is irrelevant then and the laws God gave people in that was a mistake? Guess he isn't perfect then!
No, it wasn't a mistake. Times changed. According to the Bible, his son died for our sins. At that point, the old law no longer applied.


Well-Known Member
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Well imagine that: I leave for one afternoon, and when I get back the debate has gone off topicz to the point of AEF rubbing baby oil all over dt3 who's waiting for a fluff because he thinks James is coming over!! :24::24::24:

What the hell is going on in here?!! Lord Vader says Ya'll need Jesus. :D


LOL Intruder. The place has gone haywire. :24:


On permanent vacation... AKA, BANNED
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Intruder, you obviously failed to read on further....

My view of the Bible isn't accurate? According to whom? I clarified that statement that you quoted further down the conversation.....the laws and teachings in the Bible are meant to be take literally. Obviously the rivers clapping and the mountains singing is not meant to be taken literal. HOWEVER....God is VERY clear on his expectations from man, as well as what punishments man can expect for disobeying. For you to say that my view of the Bible is not accurate is the equivalent of saying that anyone's view of something that doesn't match yours is incorrect....

All Else Failed

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Okay, this is going to be a little long, but if you pick through for your name, you can save some time. I missed a lot in one day aparently.

The other people I was talking about it hurting were the friends, family, and people surrounding the person that will be injured by their loss. If my Uncle dies tomorrow because of something he picked up in his lifestyle, myself and my family will be terribly injured. The world will be a lesser place without him. That's all I was saying.

I'm not sure where you're going with the temper thing. I don't fly off the handle and beat people at random. :p

I feel like I'm beating a dead horse here, but the examples you posted about the killing of gays were Old Testament. This sucked, but Christianity tells us the Jesus died to get us out of that mess. Old Testament Bible is not the way of Christianity. It is a backdrop and a history of the good story.

I agree.

I think you guys have already hashed this out, but your view on this isn't accurate. The Bible has many different types of teaching. Some of it is story, some of it is history, some of it is open to interpretation. The Bible dosn't really keep you guessing if you read it in context.

It's called education. It is unavoidable. You cannot raise successful children and have them figure everything out by themselves. You said you plan on raising little atheists. That is your right as a parent. It's raising kids. What else can I say?

It scares me a little that you believe this.

Word up. Maritxu for the win. Jesus is the leader of the Christian religion. Everything else is backdrop.

Yep yep. Good point.

Now it's dt3 FTW. Well said sir.

I'm not saying the Bible can be taken "any way you like." I actually don't stand anywhere close to that viewpoint. :confused
Justify what you said then.

All Else Failed

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No, it wasn't a mistake. Times changed. According to the Bible, his son died for our sins. At that point, the old law no longer applied.
Perfect plans do not change.

Plus, it doesn't matter if it changed. What matters is, apparently god thought at one time that killing homosexuals was OK.


On permanent vacation... AKA, BANNED
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Perfect plans do not change.

Plus, it doesn't matter if it changed. What matters is, apparently god thought at one time that killing homosexuals was OK.

Exactly my point! The only thing that changed as far as that goes is the fact that homosexuals are not punished right away by God, he gives them a chance to repent....


On permanent vacation... AKA, BANNED
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The whole "oops! sorry about all of that genocide and hate earlier, he's my son to save the day!" excuse is weak.

I don't understand what you're saying.....

.....are you trying to say that it would have been better for Him to have things continue the way that they were instead of trying to be forgiving?

.....Although, I have to say, it may have been a better idea if He'd left things as they were.....the world would be a very different place.