Gun News Talk

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Joe the meek

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"his speech was interrupted by DOZENS of audience members"

My first thought was anyone who would interrupt that father would be a total butthole, so I decided to actually look for information on the subject. You decide if he was heckled.

About par for news reports pertaining to guns. A lot like "high capacity ammunition" or "semi auto revolver" LMFAO
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I watched the clip

Could hardly make out the heckling

Crap reporting

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This radio PSA from the Milwaukee County Sheriff raised some eyebrows:


Joe the meek

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I watched the clip

Could hardly make out the heckling

Crap reporting

Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk 2

Glad I wasn't the only one.

The fact is, gun control must be discussed, but no one is willing to actually discuss it, and then you have the news which doesn't help when they don't know what they're reporting about.


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Glad I wasn't the only one.

The fact is, gun control must be discussed, but no one is willing to actually discuss it, and then you have the news which doesn't help when they don't know what they're reporting about.
not that i can imagine what that parent is going through i have to say bringing a photo their kid to a hearing is not a good idea

the subject needs to be discussed rationally by both sides

Minor Axis

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Man 69 Accused of Killing an Individual Who Turned Into His Driveway By Accident

Just keep chanting "Guns Are Good". ;) It's possible that someone like this could be suffering from prejudice, a crazy old coot, or could be suffering from PTSD as in Vietnam Vet. Something they should look into. Just a guess.

Two strikingly different portraits emerged Tuesday of the Lilburn resident charged with fatally shooting a 22-year-old who mistakenly pulled into his driveway.
According to his lawyer, Phillip Sailors was a frightened retiree who fired his .22 revolver at Rodrigo Diaz because he feared for his life.
But Diaz’s girlfriend painted a more menacing imagine of Sailors as a elderly vigilante who shot without asking questions. According to Angie Rebolledo, after he shot Diaz, the 69-year-old Vietnam vet pointed the gun at her.
The couple, accompanied by two other friends, had pulled into Sailors’ driveway by mistake, thinking it was the home of another friend. The group had planned to go ice skating.
Rebolledo, 17, was sitting next to her boyfriend in the front seat when he was struck in the side of the head. As she tended to Diaz, she said Sailors showed no remorse and offered no assistance.
“I want him to spend all his life in prison,” she said. “He is a crazy man.”


But the police report indicates that the vehicle was leaving Sailors’ property when Diaz was shot. Lilburn police said they found his red Mitsubishi at the end of the driveway. Diaz was slumped over the steering wheel, blood covering his face and, the incident report states, struggling to breathe.


"his speech was interrupted by DOZENS of audience members"

My first thought was anyone who would interrupt that father would be a total butthole, so I decided to actually look for information on the subject. You decide if he was heckled.

About par for news reports pertaining to guns. A lot like "high capacity ammunition" or "semi auto revolver" LMFAO

Heckled: Interrupt (a public speaker) with derisive or aggressive comments or abuse. They were interrupting his statement with comments indicating they disagreed with him. This is meets the definition.
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Who is chanting "Guns are good"? You're as hysterical as the girlfriend in your story. Hey look! I can cherry pick from the article, too:

According to Puglise, Sailors grabbed his gun as he headed outside, firing a warning shot into the air. He said he fired at Diaz only after Diaz accelerated his car toward him.
Guns are tools.

Joe the meek

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Heckled: Interrupt (a public speaker) with derisive or aggressive comments or abuse. They were interrupting his statement with comments indicating they disagreed with him. This is meets the definition.

Dude, the man asked a question and paused, and people responded. Perhaps the comments were aggressive, but he asked a question and he got an answer.

Come on, you think that he was heckled? Dang.

Interesting how some news organizations present their information lol

Joe the meek

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Just keep chanting "Guns Are Good". ;)

I consider myself somewhat of a gun enthusiast, and I think of guns being good just as much as I think of them as being bad.

Guns are inatimate objects and are nothing more than a tool. A tool designed to kill, that should be treated with the utmost respect.

Jackass master

Old and worn out
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I consider myself somewhat of a gun enthusiast, and I think of guns being good just as much as I think of them as being bad.

Guns are inatimate objects and are nothing more than a tool. A tool designed to kill, that should be treated with the utmost respect.
You got it! The gun sitting there loaded and ready does not kill. Only a person who pulls the trigger can cause the action.

Joe the meek

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You got it! The gun sitting there loaded and ready does not kill. Only a person who pulls the trigger can cause the action.

Thing is, it is much easier to kill with a gun than most other tools.

Personally, part of what I wrestle with is the question that if you haven't broken any laws and can breathe, is it your right to automatically own a tool which can kill? The simple answer is yes. However, I'm under the opinion that the more people you have in the world, the more nut jobs you have. Put more nut jobs in the world and don't regulate a tool designed to kill in everyones hand's, hey, I'm not that dumb to realize that you're going to have problems.

Just go to You Tube and see how many fine, intelligent people there are who video themselves for proof that idiots have guns.

For myself, there is nothing worse than someone who buys a gun speciffically for the intent of self protection, and never practices with the gun and NEVER secures the gun to keep it away from others. That's an accident waiting to happen.

Heck, I have a family (in law in this case, but have them on my side as well lol) who is the loudest procalimer of the second amendment, particularly on social media sites. That said, this is the same guy who travels in a car with his young children and leaves his gun under the car seat. %&*%$% idiot.

EVERY time I read of an accident dealing with stupidity of a childs death due to their parents ignorance of either not training their children or not securing their firearm, I read that story to my boys and try to convey to them what a firearm is and what you should and should not do with one. My boys couldn't believe that a grown adult would leave a pistol under a pillow in a bedroom and then have those parents let their children play in that bedroom unsupervised. It's not surprising that a child who is never instructed and taught on proper safety gun handling practices end up killing each other or themselves.

Another part of my problem is we give toy guns to kids and let them run around like chickens with their heads cut off never instructing them on safety practices with those toy guns. Problem is, those same kids pick up a real gun and they think it's a toy. My SIL doesn't like guns, but she'll let her kids run around playing with toy guns all day long without even instructing those kids what they're doing wrong per gun safety.

I made one mistake with a gun as a child, and my uncle made sure I NEVER forgot that mistake and what I did wrong. Never made that mistake again.


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I think a far more effective way to go would be to be realistic about the police's ability to protect us in an emergency. Not to put too fine a point on it, but they can't because they can't get there fast enough. If people would take responsibility for their own protection (until the police arrive), and if such an attitude became the norm, then a crazy person would have far less chance to wreak the havoc that has been in the news lately. The more I think about it. The more I'm convinced that gun safety and marksmanship should be added to the elementary or middle school curriculum.

This fear of guns that the gov't promotes only helps those who would take advantage of the weak, whether as a criminal action or through government tyranny.


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Thing is, it is much easier to kill with a gun than most other tools.

Personally, part of what I wrestle with is the question that if you haven't broken any laws and can breathe, is it your right to automatically own a tool which can kill? The simple answer is yes.

Everyone agree ? Simple YES or NO..

Minor Axis

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Everyone agree ? Simple YES or NO..

The simple answer is "NO", but it's not a simple question. Mentally impaired people have the right by virtue of breathing and not breaking the law? I don't think so. While our Constitution says the right to bear arms shall not be infringed, you have to ask what did they mean by not be infringed? Does this equate to no regulation, no stipulations of any kind? I don't think so, and if it was their intent, then it is time to update the 2nd Amendment to reflect modern social conditions and thinking.

I prefer the entirety of this quote:
Thing is, it is much easier to kill with a gun than most other tools.

Personally, part of what I wrestle with is the question that if you haven't broken any laws and can breathe, is it your right to automatically own a tool which can kill? The simple answer is yes. However, I'm under the opinion that the more people you have in the world, the more nut jobs you have. Put more nut jobs in the world and don't regulate a tool designed to kill in everyones hand's, hey, I'm not that dumb to realize that you're going to have problems.

The subject can't tolerate a simple yes or no answer. By the rest of your answer it does not sound like what you are promoting the idea either.


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The simple answer is "NO", but it's not a simple question. Mentally impaired people have the right by virtue of breathing and not breaking the law? I don't think so. While our Constitution says the right to bear arms shall not be infringed, you have to ask what did they mean by not be infringed? Does this equate to no regulation, no stipulations of any kind? I don't think so, and if it was their intent, then it is time to update the 2nd Amendment to reflect modern social conditions and thinking.
"Infringe" is an emphatic term without wiggle room.

I would love to see someone in Washington actually face the issue instead of circumventing it. When you say 'update' do you mean to change it to personal self-defense and hunting, or do you intend to stay with the guard-against-tyranny role?

Joe the meek

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The subject can't tolerate a simple yes or no answer. By the rest of your answer it does not sound like what you are promoting the idea either.

If the answer somehow becomes "yes" in the furture, we better be having people to qualify and licensing to screw and have children, because their's a crapload of people who shouldn't have them (children).