You got it! The gun sitting there loaded and ready does not kill. Only a person who pulls the trigger can cause the action.
Thing is, it is much easier to kill with a gun than most other tools.
Personally, part of what I wrestle with is the question that if you haven't broken any laws and can breathe, is it your right to automatically own a tool which can kill? The simple answer is yes. However, I'm under the opinion that the more people you have in the world, the more nut jobs you have. Put more nut jobs in the world and don't regulate a tool designed to kill in everyones hand's, hey, I'm not that dumb to realize that you're going to have problems.
Just go to You Tube and see how many fine, intelligent people there are who video themselves for proof that idiots have guns.
For myself, there is nothing worse than someone who buys a gun speciffically for the intent of self protection, and never practices with the gun and NEVER secures the gun to keep it away from others. That's an accident waiting to happen.
Heck, I have a family (in law in this case, but have them on my side as well lol) who is the loudest procalimer of the second amendment, particularly on social media sites. That said, this is the same guy who travels in a car with his young children and leaves his gun under the car seat. %&*%$% idiot.
EVERY time I read of an accident dealing with stupidity of a childs death due to their parents ignorance of either not training their children or not securing their firearm, I read that story to my boys and try to convey to them what a firearm is and what you should and should not do with one. My boys couldn't believe that a grown adult would leave a pistol under a pillow in a bedroom and then have those parents let their children play in that bedroom unsupervised. It's not surprising that a child who is never instructed and taught on proper safety gun handling practices end up killing each other or themselves.
Another part of my problem is we give toy guns to kids and let them run around like chickens with their heads cut off never instructing them on safety practices with those toy guns. Problem is, those same kids pick up a real gun and they think it's a toy. My SIL doesn't like guns, but she'll let her kids run around playing with toy guns all day long without even instructing those kids what they're doing wrong per gun safety.
I made one mistake with a gun as a child, and my uncle made sure I NEVER forgot that mistake and what I did wrong. Never made that mistake again.