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Limiting magazine size is pointless. Why are so many people buying into these political lipstick-on-a-pig gestures???
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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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tell me how a gun show background check would have changed anything with regard to the Columbine shootings. The girl was of legal age. How do you prevent a person from legally obtaining a gun and then selling it to somebody else?

By the way that was the first I had heard about a girl supplying the weapons. If true why was she not indicted??? Would that not be like a guy driving a car who drops off a friend to go to the bank and then finds out the friend was robbing the bank. I think that would make one a co conspirator. I could be wrong though

Minor Axis

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Limiting magazine size is pointless.

Depends on what point you want to ignore.


tell me how a gun show background check would have changed anything with regard to the Columbine shootings. The girl was of legal age. How do you prevent a person from legally obtaining a gun and then selling it to somebody else?

I have no idea if she would have passed a background check. As far as the latter, if the goal is to reduce deaths, then the gun show loop hole must be addressed. It's a no brainer, or do you disagree?

Jackass master

Old and worn out
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The only goal of the background checks is to create a database for confiscation down the road. Unlike our Aussie and Brit friends most Americans are not going to lay down and give up. You will see a bloody resistance and shitloads of weapons stashed all over the hills.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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saw an interesting comment in todays oped of the Detroit News

It was part of an op ed from another paper

Anyway the writer states that homicides have dropped in half since the 1990's and that mass murders using guns peaked in the 1920's

Don't shoot the messenger. I am too tire to fact check it but maybe one of the anti gun folks her might want to try.

Gun control is about power

Peter Ferrara in the American Spectator: Aside from a few brave truth-tellers, all of the discussion in Washington boils down to one theme — why more power and money should be transferred from you to me.

Of course, the sophists never say that directly. They always say it is for the children, or the poor, or the middle class, or the elderly, or the sick. But watch what they do, not what they say. In the end, every Washington establishment initiative, proposal, or campaign is always aimed at the same result — power and money taken from you, to be given to them.

The money doesn't have to go to them to be spent by them. It enhances their power if the money goes to them to distribute, and so determine who spends it. They will siphon off money enough for themselves in the process. But all the talk in Washington is really about who gets the power.
And so it is with President Barack Obama's traveling gun control salvation tour.

Obama referenced recently an "epidemic of gun violence." But that is a delusion. Gun violence is in long-term decline, with the homicide rate cut in half since the early 1990s. That is due to the explosion of conceal and carry permits, increased prison terms for violent offenders, and the aging of the population, as the more mature commit far fewer crimes than the young. Moreover, mass shootings as in Newtown, having peaked in 1929, are in even longer term decline.

Kakapo Dundee

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Limiting magazine size is pointless. Why are so many people buying into these political lipstick-on-a-pig gestures???

It's about sending a message. Since America proved unwilling to use the Second Amendment for its intended purpose when Bush started herding political prisoners into Guantanamo Bay without trial or legal representation, the era when guns were a credible part of American culture is over.Those who hide behind the Second but were too cowardly to use it cling to their firearms for their own selfish purposes. The Obama government is pushing over the straw men and trying to dispel a few myths about guns. There's no way that modern America will ever return to the principles of 'government kept honest by a well organised militia', therefore there's no need or purpose for military style weapons to be available for misuse in the community.

Joe the meek

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I bow to your superior knowledge. I only know what I've read lately.

It's not superior knowledge, only experience. Generally speaking, on semi auto rifles, its usually something in the gas operation that causes an issue per "jamming". There are however some mags that were made cheap and were nortorious for giving any semi auto rifle (as well as handguns) issues. Most, if not all GI issued mags you'd never have a problem with as long as the gun is operating properly.

Funny, I checked your link, they're out of stock as well lol


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It's not superior knowledge, only experience. Generally speaking, on semi auto rifles, its usually something in the gas operation that causes an issue per "jamming". There are however some mags that were made cheap and were nortorious for giving any semi auto rifle (as well as handguns) issues. Most, if not all GI issued mags you'd never have a problem with as long as the gun is operating properly.

Funny, I checked your link, they're out of stock as well lol
Experience begets superior knowledge. I wasn't being sarcastic. :D

The Man

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It's about sending a message. Since America proved unwilling to use the Second Amendment for its intended purpose when Bush started herding political prisoners into Guantanamo Bay without trial or legal representation, the era when guns were a credible part of American culture is over.Those who hide behind the Second but were too cowardly to use it cling to their firearms for their own selfish purposes. The Obama government is pushing over the straw men and trying to dispel a few myths about guns. There's no way that modern America will ever return to the principles of 'government kept honest by a well organised militia', therefore there's no need or purpose for military style weapons to be available for misuse in the community.

You are speaking of war and POWs....has nothing to do with the second amendment.
The recent shootings by police at pickup trucks is a much better example.
Wrong trucks wrong truck wasnt even the correct color...the other was the wrong kind.
The people in these trucks were not threatening officers.
They fired and asked questions later.

Kakapo Dundee

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You are speaking of war and POWs....has nothing to do with the second amendment.
Do by all means tell me who America declared war on. I'd like a good laugh.

And you've just proved that you don't even understand what the Second Amendment was intended for.Well done.The only thing that prevented Bush from being tried as a war criminal was that he came out on the winning side.If contemporary Americans were half as serious about the values enshrined in their Constitution as the people that wrote it, Bush's crimes and lies would never have been tolerated.


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The only thing that prevented Bush from being tried as a war criminal was that he came out on the winning side.If contemporary Americans were half as serious about the values enshrined in their Constitution as the people that wrote it, Bush's crimes and lies would never have been tolerated.
Well looky there. Even a broke clock is right twice a day.

The Man

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Do by all means tell me who America declared war on. I'd like a good laugh.

And you've just proved that you don't even understand what the Second Amendment was intended for.Well done.The only thing that prevented Bush from being tried as a war criminal was that he came out on the winning side.If contemporary Americans were half as serious about the values enshrined in their Constitution as the people that wrote it, Bush's crimes and lies would never have been tolerated.

Has nothing to do with the second amendment ...... a far reach for reason to scrap it....but since you insist...more reason for the second amendment as it would have been difficult to overthrow our government without weapons......not that I am suggesting such after all they rounded up those nasty terrorists from abroad...and locked them up on non USA soil.
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The Man

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It's about sending a message. Since America proved unwilling to use the Second Amendment for its intended purpose when Bush started herding political prisoners into Guantanamo Bay without trial or legal representation, the era when guns were a credible part of American culture is over.Those who hide behind the Second but were too cowardly to use it cling to their firearms for their own selfish purposes. The Obama government is pushing over the straw men and trying to dispel a few myths about guns. There's no way that modern America will ever return to the principles of 'government kept honest by a well organised militia', therefore there's no need or purpose for military style weapons to be available for misuse in the community.

Since America proved unwilling to use the Second Amendment for its intended purpose when Bush started herding political prisoners into Guantanamo Bay without trial or legal representation

So you wanted us to go to the local sporting goods shop/ buy rifles...get on a plane with the rifle and ammo...head to the Mideast..and start capping American soldiers who were taking prisoners?

The Man

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.................... There's no way that modern America will ever return to the principles of 'government kept honest by a well organised militia', therefore there's no need or purpose for military style weapons to be available for misuse in the community.


You do realize there are millions of 22 rifles out there{semi auto} that hold over a dozen rounds...hardly military rifles.

The gun is just a tool...with out the has to use other tools...could be 5 gallons of gas and a match..semi truck through a crowd..the ways are to find the root cause of killing rather than eliminate abused tools...what next take knives? cars?