Gun control is about power
Peter Ferrara in the American Spectator: Aside from a few brave truth-tellers, all of the discussion in Washington boils down to one theme — why more power and money should be transferred from you to me.
Of course, the sophists never say that directly. They always say it is for the children, or the poor, or the middle class, or the elderly, or the sick. But watch what they do, not what they say. In the end, every Washington establishment initiative, proposal, or campaign is always aimed at the same result — power and money taken from you, to be given to them.
The money doesn't have to go to them to be spent by them. It enhances their power if the money goes to them to distribute, and so determine who spends it. They will siphon off money enough for themselves in the process. But all the talk in Washington is really about who gets the power.
And so it is with President Barack Obama's traveling gun control salvation tour.
Obama referenced recently an "epidemic of gun violence." But that is a delusion. Gun violence is in long-term decline, with the homicide rate cut in half since the early 1990s. That is due to the explosion of conceal and carry permits, increased prison terms for violent offenders, and the aging of the population, as the more mature commit far fewer crimes than the young. Moreover, mass shootings as in Newtown, having peaked in 1929, are in even longer term decline.