Yes, you can go through life not killing or harming anyone, and perhaps give a buck here and there, and perhaps that's doing good, but that's not actually trying to make a difference IMO.
No, what I find funny was even when I was self centered son of a bitch, I did "good deeds" just as you listed. For the most part, they are quick and easy and don't require a lot of time, not that there is anything wrong with that.
Charity walks are nice, but they are quick and easy.
People for the most part take the easy way from my own personal experiences.
Joe, I can't help but notice you seem to be saying that good deeds aren't really worth doing unless you're giving up significant amounts of time and money to help others.
As nice as it would be for everyone to be able to take off to a third world country and feed orphans for three months or whatever, most of us have our own lives that we have to focus on. The fact that people do charity walks or sponsored events, or give what little they can, shouldn't be demeaned as 'quick and easy'. Surely doing a little is better than doing nothing at all?
Some of us have enough to worry about with paying our own bills and putting food on the table, never mind helping others. I give to charity when I can, but I can't afford a monthly contribution because I'm flat broke. I think it's unfair to suggest that people aren't really doing anything worthwhile if it's not to a certain scale.