God cannot love or be Love.

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Minor Axis

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I don't see how this can even be proven. So your statements are really a matter of opinion.

No more of an opinion than asserting all Christians are moral and I'm not speaking of professed values, but values that are acted on.

What proof do I need? I'm not making claims like GIA is. He is the one making claims without showing proof. I have been over this and explained it.

You are using a double standard when you demand proof of others regarding their opinions, but you treat your views as ultimate proof, but have provided none of your own. Deny it, that's what your are best at.

Where did I ignore any bible quotes? I acknowledged what was quoted but you simply didn't like my response because it didn't agree with you. Saying I ignored them is a false statement. Why do you want to stoop to such dishonest tactics.

Ok so you have a very short memory, how convenient for you. Dishonest tactics? Lol.

If I lived in your fantasy world I would probably see it as amusing. Where have I claimed to be a Theist?

Do you know what a theist is? If you don't want to be called a theist, you'd better look it up and stop making the consistent arguments you've made since appearing in this forum. Either that or you are a troll which would not surprise me.

Matthew 7:23 "And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.''

The theist speaks... what exactly does this quote mean to you?

Easy, the Ten Commandments, etc...
Where have I claimed to be Christian? I am only going by what is written in the bible like GIA. One exception though, I don't twist the meaning of scripture like he does. You see, this is why he relies on YouTube and not the bible. You can find just about any point of view on tne internet but that doesn't mean it is the truth. The reason GIA refuses to quote scripture to show his premise is because that would reveal how he uses dishonesty to support his ideas.

The Ten Commandment is your proof? CASE CLOSED, Lol. Thanks for this mornings chuckles. :)

Here this is for you:

Theism, in the broadest sense, is the belief that at least one deity exists.[SUP][1][/SUP] The term theism may be used within context for monotheism, a doctrine concerning the nature of a monotheistic God and God's relationship to the universe.[SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP] Theism, in this specific sense, conceives of God as personal, present and active in the governance and organization of the world and the universe. The use of the word theism as indicating a particular doctrine of monotheism arose in the wake of the scientific revolution of the seventeenth century to contrast with the then emerging deism that contended that God, though transcendent and supreme, did not intervene in the natural world and could be known rationally but not via revelation.[SUP][4][/SUP]
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No more of an opinion than asserting all Christians are moral and I'm not speaking of professed values, but values that are acted on.

So what? Have I stated that as fact?

You are using a double standard when you demand proof of others regarding their opinions, but you treat your views as ultimate proof, but have provided none of your own. Deny it, that's what your are best at.

Oh really? It is no more a double standard than asking atheists to prove that no god exists. If I am not making the premise I don't need to prove anything. Such hypocrisy....

Ok so you have a very short memory, how convenient for you. Dishonest tactics? Lol.

Make a claim with no proof....same as usual.

Do you know what a theist is? If you don't want to be called a theist, you'd better look it up and stop making the consistent arguments you've made since appearing in this forum. Either that or you are a troll which would not surprise me.

What else am I suppose to argue? This forum is pretty much a Christian bashing. I find the kind of Anti-Christian bigotry here ridiculous. That doesn't make me a Theist.

The Ten Commandment is your proof? CASE CLOSED, Lol. Thanks for this mornings chuckles. :)

No rebuttal. The Ten Commandments, etc...You left out part of my answer. That seems dishonest.

Here this is for you:


So what? That still doesn't define me as you would like to. Like I stated earlier maybe I just don't care for the bigotry here.

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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Well, while the old idea of atheism isn't an ideology in and of itself it has become one. Much like Theism is a part of Christianity. Atheism has became a part of social ideas as well.

Like I said, explain why what I said is bullshit. Some hard facts would be a huge bonus here. :thumbup

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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And the signature! Ah too funny. Trolls can provide as much humor as annoyance, no doubt.

What if I add: but none of the facts consumed get digested... :p

Least I made someone laugh today... now off to do some chores, like taking down Christmas lights. That should provoke hysterical laughter, but they are just pink flamingos in the front yard celebrating the Season. :):)
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Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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Pink flamingos are evil and you will burn in hell for it if you take a completely unrelated verse from the bible and twist it the right way.:24:

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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Pink flamingos are evil and you will burn in hell for it if you take a completely unrelated verse from the bible and twist it the right way.:24:

Not me. My flamingos have lights and wear Santa hats. I looked up in the sky after putting them up and saw a cloud shaped like a thumbs up. Can't be any clearer than that dude.

So provide some facts then....
Ladies and gentlemen, and the others of the jury, I rest my case...:3gears
...the bug demands not supplies...
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I looked up in the sky after putting them up and saw a cloud shaped like a thumbs up. Can't be any clearer than that dude.

You sure that "thumbs" wasn't up your ass....

now off to do some chores, like taking down Christmas lights.

Now you have dedicated your signature to me. Dude, your admiration has turned into a full on "man crush". That is quite creepy. Do you think when you are finished taking down your Christmas lights you could also take down all the doombug posters that I'm sure plaster your bedroom walls.... :24: :24:


Active Member
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And the signature! Ah too funny. Trolls can provide as much humor as annoyance, no doubt.

Name calling? Funny stuff. Too bad you have to use such tactics because you are too afraid to debate. Yah, can't have anyone here with different views and the ability to see through the status quo. That would upset the apple cart and you can't have that can you? Better to hang a label on such a person.....