Gay Adoption

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Not really. I'd count it more as self-discovery.

Matt, for instance, was married to a woman for a few years. Aside from a few college escapades, he went out exclusively with girls. And now he's married to me. He considers himself pansexual (he still finds girls attractive), but it's more of a self-discovery thing than a complete change.
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Well All I can say is this.

You have your Views and your Beliefs, And thats cool.. But you still have a lot of years ahead of you, And maybe ( and maybe not) something will come along and change those Views. I Mean you were raised to see and believe things. Thats cool.

And maybe someday you will step out of that mold and Question those things. But you have your opinions right now and Be it I agree with them or not. they are yours to have.

But I do have thought for you, Your saying that your Trying to be more Religious and go to Church and everything.. Which I think is also Cool. But it seems the Most important thing to me is God sais its not our place to Judge others. Yet it seems bye saying you would not talk to Gay people is Judging them based on Just a Small information about them, And really knowing nothing About them.
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Well All I can say is this.

You have your Views and your Beliefs, And thats cool.. But you still have a lot of years ahead of you, And maybe ( and maybe not) something will come along and change those Views. I Mean you were raised to see and believe things. Thats cool.

And maybe someday you will step out of that mold and Question those things. But you have your opinions right now and Be it I agree with them or not. they are yours to have.

But I do have thought for you, Your saying that your Trying to be more Religious and go to Church and everything.. Which I think is also Cool. But it seems the Most important thing to me is God sais its not our place to Judge others. Yet it seems bye saying you would not talk to Gay people is Judging them based on Just a Small information about them, And really knowing nothing About them.

Its natural, you dont want your kids teacher to be a 3 times convicted pedofile. You dont want your Gynocologist to be a serial rapist. We all judge, its natural.

Its not 'small' information. God gave males a penis, and it was meant to be inserted into a vagina. Not into a man's ass. Thats my view on it. Its betraying god's will.


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Not really. I'd count it more as self-discovery.

Matt, for instance, was married to a woman for a few years. Aside from a few college escapades, he went out exclusively with girls. And now he's married to me. He considers himself pansexual (he still finds girls attractive), but it's more of a self-discovery thing than a complete change.

That's a good point. Never thought of if that way :D Here's a terrible example, haha, but sometimes I'll find a new movie like Zodiac and become obsessed with it, but the truth is I'm still loyally obsessed with SAW xD

Its natural, you dont want your kids teacher to be a 3 times convicted pedofile. You dont want your Gynocologist to be a serial rapist. We all judge, its natural.

Its not 'small' information. God gave males a penis, and it was meant to be inserted into a vagina. Not into a man's ass. Thats my view on it. Its betraying god's will.

But Lel did point out something I didn't know before. If God didn't intend for men to have a penis in their ass, then why can you stimulate a man's prostate, whereas a woman doesn't even have one? :) Think about that.
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That's a good point. Never thought of if that way :D Here's a terrible example, haha, but sometimes I'll find a new movie like Zodiac and become obsessed with it, but the truth is I'm still loyally obsessed with SAW xD

But Lel did point out something I didn't know before. If God didn't intend for men to have a penis in their ass, then why can you stimulate a man's prostate, whereas a woman doesn't even have one? :) Think about that.
Well, vodka tastes great, but its still bad for you. Use the same logic.


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Well, not to play the devil's advocate, because I'm all for gay marriage, adoption, sex, that whole bit. The prostate has something to do with semen production, which is why women don't have one. I couldn't tell you why it feels good to stimulate it, though.

On topic: Matt and Leland are going to make fucking awesome parents. I can't imagine two better people to raise a child (or children) together.


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Religiously, owning slaves is okay, too.

And that would be one of many reasons I hate religion.

Ok, here's another prime example.


I would bet every member on this forum(All 4, 653 and only the active ones) $20 that CM loves lesbians.

So, why is it ok for girls to be gay, but not men? Because, men view women as objects for our pleasure. That's why women are a superior gender, they don't give a shit really. Women don't care if another girl is a lesbian, yet men get shocked and shaken when a man is gay.

And with that, I leave you this image-



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I think the problem with debating a topic such as this with the age bracket of most on this forum is kind of pointless. I don't think most on here have enough life experiences to make a rational argument. If you haven't adopted yet, don't do it. It is wrong for you to raise a child without a mother. You are depriving that child. There is a reason it takes a man and a woman to make pro-create and it has nothing to do with sexual organs. Each sex brings something unique to a new child. Two women or two men cannot provide that. No one is questioning whether or not you would provide enough love for that child, for that I have no doubt. But you just cannot provide the means that the child needs. If I hurt your feelings, I am sorry, but that is my opinion. Please don't debate with me that kids grow up today with one parent, I see that as an epidemic as well. If women would learn to properly use birth control, then that would stop.

Before I read through the rest of this thread, which has expanded somewhat since I was last online, I would just like to comment on the above quote, as I have just read it and leave you some examples as to why you should re-consider your theories on lone parents:

Gay couples, single parents (male or female) can raise their children, with as much loving and good guidance just as well, or even better in certain cases, as couples who live together/married that are Hetresexual.

You cannot, irrationally quote that "If women would learn to properly use birth control, then that would stop.[/quote], because hang on, for a woman to get pregnant, the man would not have been using contraception either - it goes both ways.

What you have not allowed yourself to think rationally about is that in fact, many couples actually do decide they want to have a baby - more proof that your theory is unsubstantiated.

Another thing you have not thought about, is why some women (and men in certain cases) end up being single parents - many a time too often. This is due to the fact that they have endured cruel, painful treatment from their male partners and the only way out is to become single. For those who manage to get out of these situations alive though and carry on bringing their children up, despite their ordeal, have had to do so on their own and do a fantastic job.

What about the men that have affairs too? They clear off, leaving the women yet again, to fend for their children alone - do you see the pattern here? That women actually have the love, stamina, backbone etc, to do what they need to do, regardless - the man clears off with all the irresponsibility of a five year old child. The woman left on her own to carry on - but the key thing here, is that she does do just that - she carries on, often with no maintenance or any other support from the so-called father for either her or their child/children.

Other times, many times again, men just walk away as they cannot handle and will not provide, the upbringing of their own children - yet again, women are left on their own.

There are too many circumstances which lead to the single parenting scenario - you cannot blame women for being the true parent to their children.

I am single as are a number of other women on here - my son was planned, his father did the complete opposite and barely bothers - no support school-wise, financially, emotionally etc. I am a single parent, because of the cruel behaviour toward me etc, etc, etc. I am and other mothers on here too, all kinds to my son - Mother, nurse, teacher, counsellor when times are hard, minder, adviser, comforter, food and clothes provider and so on and so on......


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Iev stolen myself, iev had premarital sex, iev sinned in many ways but im in the process of bettering myself. Im out of gang banging and out of the 'hood'. Iev moved on to a better life you know. Im trying to move up in life. I break the law all the time, but i try not to break god's rules. God put me on this planet, i owe god my life.

Im trying to start going to church now, iev gone 3 week's in a row.

Thought so - hardly been to church, new at that hazard and is a noobie wannabe - that is how it is.

Also, another thing I did have to read in that made up book - Thou shalt not steal! = you have broken 'god's' rules many a time with that and other things you mention above. Again, i rest my case!


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hmm so do you talk to people that don't go to church on sundays... or people that have stolen stuff..or people that have had affairs..well if your gonna be like that about non-heteros you might as well not talk to anybody that has commited a sin for fear of "association".

it will help you build up plenty of things to discuss with jesus when you get to heaven...

Exactly - Bagel, my thoughts precisely!


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What a very confused and closed mind you are...

There's an edit button :ninja

But yes, I agree. Stealing is breaking one of God's rules, so you can't say stupid shit like, "I'm just following God's rules" and then only follow one. Follow all of them, and if you don't, then don't bitch at others for breaking them.


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Hi Dodge and Boomer.

No, it's OK - I meant to put what I did above - "What a very confused and closed mind you are" - rather than, "What a very confused and closed mind you have". no need for me to edit, wanted it that way.


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Before I read through the rest of this thread, which has expanded somewhat since I was last online, I would just like to comment on the above quote, as I have just read it and leave you some examples as to why you should re-consider your theories on lone parents:

Gay couples, single parents (male or female) can raise their children, with as much loving and good guidance just as well, or even better in certain cases, as couples who live together/married that are Hetresexual.

You cannot, irrationally quote that "If women would learn to properly use birth control, then that would stop, because hang on, for a woman to get pregnant, the man would not have been using contraception either - it goes both ways.

What you have not allowed yourself to think rationally about is that in fact, many couples actually do decide they want to have a baby - more proof that your theory is unsubstantiated.

Another thing you have not thought about, is why some women (and men in certain cases) end up being single parents - many a time too often. This is due to the fact that they have endured cruel, painful treatment from their male partners and the only way out is to become single. For those who manage to get out of these situations alive though and carry on bringing their children up, despite their ordeal, have had to do so on their own and do a fantastic job.

What about the men that have affairs too? They clear off, leaving the women yet again, to fend for their children alone - do you see the pattern here? That women actually have the love, stamina, backbone etc, to do what they need to do, regardless - the man clears off with all the irresponsibility of a five year old child. The woman left on her own to carry on - but the key thing here, is that she does do just that - she carries on, often with no maintenance or any other support from the so-called father for either her or their child/children.

Other times, many times again, men just walk away as they cannot handle and will not provide, the upbringing of their own children - yet again, women are left on their own.

There are too many circumstances which lead to the single parenting scenario - you cannot blame women for being the true parent to their children.

I am single as are a number of other women on here - my son was planned, his father did the complete opposite and barely bothers - no support school-wise, financially, emotionally etc. I am a single parent, because of the cruel behaviour toward me etc, etc, etc. I am and other mothers on here too, all kinds to my son - Mother, nurse, teacher, counsellor when times are hard, minder, adviser, comforter, food and clothes provider and so on and so on......

You're normally so cool girl. Don't let this stuff ruffle your feathers too much. There will ALWAYS be more than one opinion to any question.

It's very clear that you've been through a lot, and I'm sure you're a great mother (my mother was in a similar situation as yours FWIW), but like you're telling him, you too have to be careful about being too jaded on one side of the discussion. Men are not the root cause of every broken family, and I doubt violence is the leading cause for divorce anymore. The problem is that people are just too lazy and impatient to work through relationships these days.

To the Christians in this argument, I have a word of caution. Arguing with a non-believer based on the Bible has the equivalent effect of a Buddhist or Muslim arguing with you based on their holy books. Basically, the only response you can expect is frustration or anger. Live your life in a way that reflects your beliefs, and look for opportunity to share when people ask you why you and your family have it so together.

Also, be careful when arguing about Biblical law. Remember that the law was fulfilled 2007 years ago. We don't live under it anymore, and the New Testament is very clear that no man can complete the law as written. Arguing the 10 commandments will only get you into trouble. What is the Way?

My hat is really off to the guys for looking for advice on this subject. There have been no scientific studies on it that I've been able to uncover, but the strongest argument I've heard thus far is the idea that men and women are vastly different creatures, and bring a much needed variety into the home. Society today is so focused on cramming everybody into one mold, but the strength of diversity is only strength when we use our individual strengths and weaknesses. Is the mold we're forcing everybody into a perfect person? .... I doubt it.